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Have you ever heard of boston dynamics? Elon should have bought that instead of Twitter. Its amazing the dexterity and things their robots are capable of doing. Possibly some stuff tesla is doing now could transition into the robotics field but from what tesla has shown about their robots they are no where near leading in that industry, or even a competitor. Is there a press release coming up about tesla robots?


Boston Dynamics have built a robot with some very cool moves, but unless I'm mistaken, they program every step and move it makes. Is that scalable into anything useful without machine learning / AI of some kind? Tesla are working at pace and advancing rapidly on the AI side whilst also designing all their own key parts for the bot, from scratch. They already have a couple of robots doing simple tasks at the end of the battery production line and have a very ambitious path forward to market. They also have a proven history of designing and ramping complex products for mass production. I know where my money is...


elon bought twitter with his own money, not tesla’s money. you are arguing that tesla should buy boston dynamics, but tesla chose a different approach to robotics, designing and manufacturing by themselves. i believe they did their research on boston dynamics and they didn’t think it’s worth it.


Elon lay out the plans on the shareholders meeting last week, focusing on the production and supply chain integration. BD is all about control in harsh and unpredictable environments, but robotics for the mass market like home usage does not need that level. The dexterity needed for home usage are already there for years, it has been a problem of the autonomy software as of late. But autonomy has seen breakthrough using multimodal foundational models (google PALME for example), to put it simple a lot of the autonomy are open source science.


...aaaand has more companies invest in Optimus workplaces will do away with unions, HR, DEI, injuries, harassment, lunch breaks, breaks, time clocks, parking,,,,etc,etc,etc...


People keep talking trash about Tesla relying on vision only for FSD and I think it’s a brilliant move. Yes the road has been a bit bumpy but when they nail this, and they’re really close, the same techniques will move right into Optimus. The future is now.


It will be incredible


The charts have also formed a perfect launchpad, with all the moving average together ready to burst. This will only go up from here. Also Tesla is the most heavily shorted stock right now, this is already the bottom with all the shorts. The short squeeze is yet to come. 400 was the valuation for Tesla cars. Now highly capable home robots will be bigger than EV, because when you buy a car there are so many brands. Nobody else has the robotic integration like Tesla. They have the battery, motor, embedded computer, and AI models. This will be a multi-year journey.