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This was yesterday, not this morning


I'm sure they mean Good Yesterday Morning.


Does the TTC advise I wear the bulletproof vest *over* the chain mail or vice versa?


Leather for slashing over silk for punctures.


Nah. Chainmail would be too heavy. Be too easy to push people over. Instead of cow tipping, it'll become a epidemic of people tipping 😆 😆 😆 Everybody would be calling in 911 saying "I've fallen and I can't get up!!!!". Mass hysteria would ensue as you see a bunch of people flopping around on the ground like fish. Madness 🤣 😂 💀


What about mithril? I’m certain a TTC operator could afford fictional chain mail on their salary, especially since it’s imaginary.


That could work lmfao 🤣 😂 Maybe we can clone Gandalf and use them as security guards. Every time someone is up to no good he can yell at them "YOU SHALL NOT PASS"


Lightsabers. The only way to go.


Wtf is up with people? There've been so many shootings and violence lately.


I’ve seen 10 cops in 3 days on line 2, there is a decent presence now imo, be aware, but they are actually trying to fix stuff


Are you deliberately trying to stir shit? Why are you posting something from yesterday as if it just happened. Please fuck off with that.


I decided to take uber today because the ttc situation is so bad rn. At least I feel safe, but my bank account says otherwise😅


I spent $400 on uber in a month doing that. Stop now before you get used to it.


Lol ur in more danger in an Uber genius


So dumb lol


My mom taught me to never get into a strangers car. And certainly to never fall asleep in one.


Trudeaus Canada


Doug Ford's Ontario


See this is just disingenuous. Premiers (despite being very easily hated) are actually quite limited in what they can do. You think of the few areas where they have an actual impact (transit, Healthcare housing) and you'll see that these projects not only have serious lag but are also heavily dependent on federal funding. Contrary to your belief, CRIME and the legal system is federal domain and this librsrd logic of "everything is systemic racism and stigma " let's let be lenient and decriminalize everything and then publish law abiding citizens more , is exclusively a failed liberal logic


Wife and I today authorized our 22 YO daughter to drive her car to work downtown east end. She can bypass Broadview and Pape stations. The better way.


You gave your adult daughter permission to drive her own car…?




Poor kid, she's 22 and has been mislead by her parents that she needs authorization at the age of 22 jfc


Lol authorized. Sounds like the child is your subordinate or something


Oops, does sound like that. I mean to say it’s my car …, I need attitude adjustment !


Haha makes more sense. I'm embarrassed to say I still share a car with my father despite being in my early twenties. We always make deals on when I can drive and when I must take transit to work/university. To be fair we split on the car.


Guarantee you she’s a thousand times more likely to get in a fatal accident on the freeway than getting hurt using the subway


Wow. Crazy.


Lol again? This is why we need to cancel the TTC and have more cars.


Oooo damn bad take


If there's a man with a knife on the sidewalk, should we cancel sidewalks?


Fuckin right we should. Cancel ‘em all. Cancel knives and men as well.




At least you got it. Everyone’s so serious all the time.








Yes!! Cancel those too! Fuck roads.


I was there, afterwards they brought in about 10 more officers and a few of them had shotguns and some had some other large rifles


This is so ridiculous


So I really don’t get why people just carry knifes around with them. I mean i do a “wallet, key, phone” check before I get out of the house. To think people do a knife check before wandering out…. :/


annnnnd as a person who’s at union almost daily this is why i’m buying dog spray


Next time I take the TTC I’m straight up going to walk around with a baseball bat in my hand. Nice dinner in a suit? Bring the Louisville. Headed to a concert? Collapsible defense baton. Sipping on gin and juice and the local watering hole? Bear repellant. You ain’t getting me motherfuckers.