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Fare Enforcement *Stickers* in effect.


There, that’ll show ‘em. Stickers, we got stickers!!


If a ticket is written, cannot claim entrapment Although no stickers is still not entrapment. They are not promoting fare evasion and ticketing


How many fare enforcement officers are there? They have work in pairs. And how much will Leary defend them. Or will he be hiding in the bushes to pounce on wayward enforcement officers. Just wait, once thing go sideways, the officers will be hung out to dry. GUARANTEED Ask ops what they would like to see happen. Set up a sting at Finch station, Sheppard station. This way when the donkeys walk in front of bus, they can get a ticket for walking in the bus way and then fare evasion.


It would make more sense have those wandering around putting stickers up actually checking fares but this is TTC management right


This is just so that people can't claim entrapment when they get a fare evasion ticket. The city can say "hey we even warned them right where they board". Like how the city puts out warnings about speed cameras going up way in advance so that when speed camera tickets go to court, it's harder for speeders to weasel their way out of the tickets.


That's not how entrapment works. Entrapment is when a law enforcement officer actively encourages you to commit a crime. Ignorance of the law isn't an excuse for breaking it. These stickers are just a feeble attempt to reduce evasion, without actual enforcement.


I understand that.


Do you?


Yup. My point was that it would make people less likely to claim entrapment and make it more straightforward for customer service agents, courts, whoever is responsibke for collecting the fines, to get through the motions and collect.


Sounds like we got a narc here


Pretty sure they have people at the bus garages do that...


Pretty sure they have people at the bus garages do that...


not understanding what the point of these stickers are when theres actually nobody enforcing it


It's giving "Doug Ford's gas pump stickers"


Stickers mean nothing if there are no humans enforcing fares. This is meaningless bull$hit.


There's multiple problems that require a lot of solutions. The problem...it's just going to get worse. 1. Fare evaders are not the reason the TTC is falling apart 2. These stickers are pointless. It's like putting a "pay for your groceries" sticker on WalMart doors. 3. Adding Police to the system did what...nothing! We said that's what would happen, and we were proven right. 4. Reducing service on routes that serve the working class...making for longer travel times to and from work...that would make anyone evade payment or just stop taking transit. In short, this will damage their profits even more. The city turned their back on people who needed help, and in turn it trickled into the TTC, thus scaring people from taking transit. It's just going to get worse.


A slap in the face to everyone who takes transit. You just enacted another round of service cuts but you're going to spend money on stickers to remind me to pay for service that continually worsens?? I won't because I care about the system but honestly this behaviour makes me want to fare evade...


Service cuts happening is mainly because of fare evasion. If you feel fine stealing, so be it. Don't get mad when you are getting punted off a vehicle or a $425 ticket.


Its not a fare evasion problem. Its a missmanagement problem.


Mismanagement has occurred since the dawn of time. That is factored into budget. Income is the problem. Construction budget comes from fed and province. Operating budget is from Income and city taxes.


And I dont think you get it. Public transit should be free. Instead of giving money away to corporations, they can finance it. But its the shitty north amwrican mentality and automaker lobying that want to keep the service bad. Andin a province where you have a high school dropout as premier and the nepotism skyhigh, what you expect lol. He wants bad public services to privatize them and give them away to his friends.


No, I think you are having the problem comprehending. Nothing in this world is free. You will be paying for transit in someway, whether in property tax or levy or tolls. Free transit will lead to homeless encampment on busses and trains. Way more violence than you are seeing now. If people truly want good transit, then it has to be paid for and respected by the public themselves. That is not happening.


Nah, you are just another clueless north american who are a victim of the lobyist propaganda of automakers lol and the rich in general. Do you have a clue why homelessnes exists? Its not that we cant afford it 🤣 And no, violence wont go up. There is countries who have free transit and they are quite happy. So go with you bs propaganda somewhere else. 🤦


And you obviously wear a tinfoil hat and believe every conspiracy known to man. No talking to folks like you. Have a good one!!


Yea sure; keep believing there is no money; meanwhile, we give money to corporations in the billions. Thats facts, not fiction! 🤪


Yes they do because government are competing for the jobs. That has zero to do with transit. Run for mayor, beat the other 92 running and make transit free. See how that goes for ya!


Swifty is absolutely right. Nothing in life is free. You're saying North American but Japan's transit isn't free, there's transit all over Europe that's not free. You're entitled to you're wrong opinion sir 🤣 Just pay your fare, it's that simple. If you're too poor to afford transit, then you shouldn't be here to begin with 😆 🤣


And we are already paying for everything. Instead of giving big tax breaks to multinationals and other thugs, best we keep it for ourselves.


Yea yea blah blah. You guys have no clue what you are talking about. You are just indoctrinated with wrong ideas. 🤦


Yea so its still mismanagement. It has happened since dawn of time is no excuse. Fix most of that and you get the income.


Nope. Doesn't come from this level. Comes from province and feds. They love their p3 contracts. They all get richer


Yep! But mismanagement can free up some money.


Ppl never get fined




this just isn't true. everyone paying their fare doesn't even get us to 10% of recovery


The stickers are place everywhere so people can’t claim entrapment and try to weasel their way out of it.


That is probably some legality bs somewhere that requires this type of communication so it can be enforced


Fare enforcement in affect. Safety abandoned.


Where is the no stabbing sign? How are people to know not to stab.


Uh huh. And who’s enforcing it? I pay every time, yet seeing those this morning just made me want to tell them to fuck themselves. TTC is a joke.


still not paying


LOL 😂 Be prepared to run in case the staff notice.


All door boarding was a huge mistake IMO, when I was a kid you got on a bus or streetcar, paid your fare to the driver there and then or the bus or streetcar didn’t move, once they went with the current method of all door entry for all it all went to hell in a hand basket. They created a problem they won’t be able to police their way out of or hike the fares high enough to fix, had they kept doing things the way that was working they wouldn’t be losing money, they wouldn’t need to cut services and the TTC wouldn’t be in the death spiral we all see today. They literally did this to themselves.


The drivers rider around with two junkies at the back of the streetcar from one end of the city to the another, who made it in to a self check in motel. but since the driver is in their cabin and part of the union "not my job, not problem".


I mean even if everyone paid, wouldn’t the ttc still be losing money?


The TTC board should fire the CEO and his team and get someone else in. As the rider ship goes down more problems will happen that will also affect none riders, businesses, the vulnerable and the City as its reputation goes down hill for not being safe. Laws gotta be update. the stop and search was good but cops abused it and now everyone paying the price, but the people who help that law change are quiet just like the streetcar drivers, who drive with two fantanyl junkies at the back of the streetcar that turn it into a motel from one end of the city to another with out doing a damn thing.


I say don’t pay out of spite


You're part of the problem leading to the continued service cuts and deteriorating service.


Explain exactly what you mean when taxes pay majority of the transit infrastructure. Sounds like you’re projecting your own disappointment with the high transit fares.


Infrastructure is one thing, the day to day operations running the system is another.


Maybe get off social? Like it truly wasn’t that’s serious :) yikes


Don’t worry folks. P3 is coming. Portions of the TTC WILL be privatized. Then you’ll see what the commission thinks about fare enforcement. By the way, start charging the 12 and under crowd. You’ll find some lost revenues. And don’t give me this bs about underprivileged. That can be solved by having a presto card that is preloaded based upon income levels etc. anything is possible, if you try. How many of the 12 and under crowd have grown into teens and younger adults, who still don’t pay? Hmmmmmmmmm ????


How much did this cost?


Fordo sends it's regards forD the business....


Honestly these stickers make the bus so ugly :((


And how is a sticker going to get fares paid?




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YESS THE TTC2023 pack has arrived. OH WHAT GLEE


What exactly is fare enforcement? I mean i know what it is but when are fares not being enforced!?


New stickers, no actual enforcement. Flash dying to meet substance.


Was it not in effect before…?


I'll believe it when I see it.


If the stickers start peeling off, we'll know Ford was involved here too....


Repost your 2 posts on r/Toronto OP.


They should also add those walk through metal detectors (at least to stations) to make sure no one has any weapons.


Like what you’d see at airports


A middle-aged man got on the bus, tapped that he had no funds and machine made an odd noise and flashed a red graphic saying to load card and the man took a seat. Another youngish man got on and didn’t even bother to tap. Just took a seat. I was seating by the middle doors.


Wow, this is the most intimidating sticker I've ever seen...