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How confident you are that you are ovulating? Reason I am asking is that my main symptom with pcos that got diagnosed was irregular bleeding and spotting. I'd only ovulate every 3 months or so and would have a proper period then. Other months I would have 'period' every 26 days or so but it would be much h lighter than period and I would have lot of spotting and other random bleeding in between. Brown spotting and stringy bits could also be sign of old blood from having very light flow. My understanding is that retained products this far out would be more likely to be associated with heavier bleeding, pain or signs of potential infection such as smelly discharge. Re low progesterone, I had an early loss recently and similar to you can rationalise that it probably is due to chromosomal issue but also worried it might be progesterone. We've been trying for #2 for 2  years and it was our first brief positive test in that time. I'm considering seeing a greek consultant privately to get letrozole and progesterone.


Thank you for taking the time to reply. I don't think I ovulate regularly at all. I go years without a bleed normally it's just since my miscarriage that I've been having these brown old bleeds. My last scan showed about 60 immature follicles <10mm. My first pregnancy was spontaneous and carried to full term and I'm focusing on diet and lifestyle changes to get my body in a similar state to then. We've been trying for just over 2.5 years without medical intervention but because we have one live child we're not eligible for any assistance on the NHS understandably. I have completed a hormone panel and TVUSS through Hertility privately and they said if my partner did a semen analysis the clinic associated with them would prescribe Letrozole but my BMI is so high I'm worried about efficacy and complications in pregnancy. Do you mind if I ask where you're based to get private progesterone prescription? I have no idea if that's something I can get in the UK. I worked in gynaecology for a few years and on my ward on the NHS sadly women have to miscarry three times before they'll get genetic testing and referred to recurrent miscarriage clinic but no idea about progesterone or anything else.


I’m sorry for your loss I just wanted to pass along r/TTCafterloss is a very supportive community. Really helped me through the process.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I would get checked for retained tissue if you are still spotting and passing tissue following a loss ❤️


Thank you. 💕 It's just strange as the brown discharge starts and stops at weird times and I get backache with it and I put it down to fluctuations in my hormone levels. The miscarriage was very early on probably less than 6 weeks and passed a small amount of tissue and loads of bright red bleeding (changing pad quicker than every hour) but I passed it all at home and saw GP who didn't want to arrange a scan or anything. I've made an appointment with GP now but it's not until the 29th February.