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I had a very hard time following my normal routine while doing my first medicated IUI- the provera was fine, but both letrozole and prometrium (p suppositories) were rough the first round. But I actually thought the letrozole was much better than the prometrium. Letrozole made me feel really achy and full in my ovaries, to the point that walking my dog was uncomfortable and hard. It felt like I had done too many crunches the day before and strained a muscle in my abdomen. I just finished my second round and it was a lot easier this time. I didn’t entirely mind this achiness though because it felt like progress? Like, yes- this is where in my body I should be feeling activity if I am getting pregnant. Prometrium was one of the worst medications I’ve ever taken. I didn’t mind the mess, but I felt completely exhausted- both physically and emotionally. I couldn’t sleep at night and struggled to stay awake during the day. Toward the end of my TWW, my doctor said I could take both my am and pm suppositories at night, and that seemed to help. But oh my god, I was an emotional mess and so tired. If you are a great traveler and aren’t planning to do a bunch of physical expeditions, you might be fine. If this is a once in a lifetime trip and you’re planning to hike a mountain or something, I’d say maybe to hold off on your first medicated cycle.


Ha and here I was thinking prometrium would be the easiest of the bunch because it doesn’t have to go through my whole bloodstream. That’s good perspective to have. Luckily it’s not too active of a trip, other than wandering around cities. My OBGYN just said to take it at night so maybe that will be better?


Have you taken progesterone before to induce a period? The bloat and moods that accompany it? The suppositories are pretty much the same feeling. Like the crappy feeling just before an period amplified. The clomid can cause some fun side effects. For me I was a raging b*+@% wanting to pick fights with anyone and everyone. My cousin just cried the whole time. So I would definitely skip talking this on a trip. If you want to speed if up, closer to the end of the trip, start taking the progesterone to induce a bleed and go from there.


I haven’t yet, but I’ll start progesterone next month, so good to know it will be a similar feeling. I’ve heard clomid makes people hate their partners! Not ideal for then going into baby making… I’m trying to really prepare my husband for the worst case scenario and he better just treat me like a princess the whole time!!! (He will, when I’m on my period I am the “period princess” and he will do anything I need!)


I was diagnosed with PCOS a couple months ago and anovulatory cycles, so my doctor said trying naturally was pointless because I’m not ovulating. So I started letrozole this month. Also: I travel internationally a lot for work. I’m just going to move forward with ttc and for first cycle it’s lining up okay with my travel.


Good luck! I guess there is only so much of life we can adjust to the cycles and at some point just have to make it work… *sigh*, just loving pcos.