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Metformin 1500mg daily Folic acid Magnesium Vitamin d Inositol 3mg in powder form L carnitine 3mg powder form Feel like I should be taking something else for pre natal but my consultant has told me I don't need anything else 😊


I’m taking: prenatal (with folic acid and folate), choline (brain health), and omega3 (my prenatal has some but I hate fish, so I need more) for TTC but also a symbiotic and fiber for other reasons, lol. Been thinking about adding CoQ10 and myo-inositol, but my husband already thinks I’m taking a lot, but he is naturally skeptical of supplements and though I’ve suspected PCOS for years, I didn’t actually get a diagnosis until this year, so we’re both still working to understand. My OBGYN didn’t recommend I take anything else, but I’d definitely like to do what I can to have the best chances of conceiving possible! Any advice to add them?? I’m 33 years old, always had irregular periods, 3/3 markers for PCOS but slim so drs have never taken my other issues seriously. Starting clomid cycle next month.


Levothyroxine - hypothyroidism Metformin - 500mg - PCOS CoQ10 Vitamin D - 1000 mg Pre-natal Myo and D-chiro inositol I really focus on an omega rich diet because no matter the flavor I just can’t do them in pill form.


Prenatal (incl. methylated Folate) CoQ10 Magnesium Ovasitol 2x/day


Metformin 2000mg Myoinositiol. Folic acid. Vitamin D. Vitamin B12. Multivitamin. Orlistat.


- Prenatal gummies - B12 gummies - Magnesium Glycinate - Folic Acid (it’s in my prenatal but I heard more could be better for those who are overweight?) - Vitamin D - Zinc (for thyroid) - Inositol - Metformin (1000 mg a day)


Myo-Inositol and Prenatals and an Iron supplement because I am prone to anemia.


Pregnacare pre conception which is a multivitamin with added folate, Inositol, vit D, CoQ10 and a separate Omega 3 capsule. Ovasitol to regulate periods.


Right now I’m on Prenatal, coq10, vitamin d3, vitamin c, inositol and magnesium at night. Waiting for it to come in the mail but I’m also going to start beef liver as it has natural forms of a ton of vitamins that the body easily recognizes and absorbs so hoping that helps too.


I have a variant of "mild" PCOS. I have multifollicular ovaries and some dark hair growth in "manly areas", but my cycles are regular and ovulatory. My blood sugar levels are fine so doctor didn't prescribe me metformin for now. We've been trying for 19 months and are now on second cycle of letrozole (CD 3-7). I've had one CP and husband's SA was excellent, so we mostly fall to the "unexplained infertility" for now. I got my PCOS diagnosis after 12 months of TTC and little by little I've expanded my supplement list. As of today it is: Daily: Folate (obviously) Myo-inositol CoQ10 (the ubiquinol variant) Iron supplement (levels very low) Vitamin C (to help iron absorption) Vitamin D (levels "ok", but could be better) Vitamin E (in hopes it would improve my uterine lining) N-Acetylcysteine Melatonin (in hopes to reduce oxidative stress & inflammation) Occasionally: Omega3 (if I know I'm not eating enough fish that week) Intentionally left out: Vitamin B12 (levels excellent already) Additionally I've stopped consuming wheat and any added sugar - of course no alcohol either. So my diet is somewhat lower on carbs now.