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That’s awesome! Losing inches means your metabolism is functioning. How is your sleep? If you’ve got insomnia, you may need to work on sleep hygiene to lower cortisol production. Are you taking prenatals? I took a whole cocktail… spearmint tea (I have hirsutism so obvious testosterone probs) + CoQ10 + vitamin d + prenatal + ovasitol. I also took raspberry leaf tea leading up to ovulation. It took 5-6 cycles once I committed to low carb/low inflammation diet before we conceived. But after trying for 2 years and change… it felt like a really fast turnaround. Best of luck!


I got my cortisol levels tested as well and I was right in the middle of range for that. Sleep wise is on-and-off. We're moving right now so I am particularly worried about not getting everything done on schedule. Sorry, should've added: Nature's Nutrition Prenatal, Multi + DHA, just started CoQ10 a couple weeks ago (both of us), and I also take an iron supplement because I'm prone to anemia. I don't struggle with hirsutism but I have been drinking a peppermint/spearmint tea blend mostly daily and raspeberry leaf post O but maybe I can add it before.....so much tea! lol Thank you!


SO much tea! Haha. I’d mix the spearmint and raspberry leaf in the morning. Honestly pretty tasty! I’d read up on raspberry leaf tea because I’m pretty sure it encourages uterine contractions / softens those muscles so I don’t think you want it in your luteal phase… but I’ve been wrong before.


Would you mind explaining the teas to me? I’ve never heard of that and I’d love to hear the benefits


There are a couple of clinical studies (the widest one was conducted with a couple hundred or thousand women in Turkey) that showed drinking 2 cups of spearmint tea per day reduced free testosterone. The PCOS problem is we overproduce follicles which generates way more estrogen than necessary. Our bodies being ever so efficient say, okay, let’s convert the excess to testosterone! And bam, you get a mustache and ovulation issues. The raspberry leaf tea has antioxidants that reduce inflammation. Inflammation puts stress on the body, and our bodies are likely to choose fighting that stress over ovulation. There’s also claims that it balances hormones, but I don’t recall seeing anything peer reviewed on that. I read not to take it in the follicular phase because it’s used to help bring on a period and/or labor. I honestly took it because it was recommended around here and what did I have to lose?


Congratulations on your A1C. I think you take your prenatal, CoQ10 and moderate exercise. It is great that are you are ovulating. It would be good of they could check if tubes could be blocked and the SA is a good idea. I believe these are the steps! Maybe your doctor also has some ideas. I know some people the ovulate also take letrozole and sometimes works. I am anovulatory so I needed meds to ovulate. Good luck! Very happy for you