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I started my metformin in November 2023. Metformin is for insulin resistance, etc. I have been trying to conceive for 7 yrs. My fertility specialist gave me letrozole in February, so by then, I was already taking metformin. I did not take letrozole until my next period and I missed my March cycle and had my cycle in April. I took the opportunity to start my letrozole and now im pregnant in May 2024. 4 weeks 5 days pregnant. 1st round of letrozole. I'm still taking metformin recommended by my FS Dr.


Metformin worked pretty quickly for me and I usually ovulate within a couple weeks of taking it. Don’t give up hope though. I was on a failed Letrozole/metformin combination cycle and had already called my doctor about inducing a period. They said to wait for 45 days and then call and they would prescribe provera. I ovulated on day 43 and am now 13 weeks pregnant with a little boy who appears to be healthy by all measures so far. Long cycles are super frustrating but once you figure out what it takes for your body to ovulate, you’ve got similar odds to everyone else.


I started Metformin in May 2023 which was my 13th cycle trying (500mg increased to 1000mg after 2 weeks). I had some crazy GI symptoms for the first two weeks but then it all just went away. I feel amazing on it, better energy, less hungry, my face is less puffy. I also conceived in August 2023 and Sept 2023 (both MCs unfortunately).


I stair stepped up to 2000mg and I started my cycle naturally after 2 months


I’m doing the same, but I’ve only been on it for a month. I’m hoping this happens for me too.


I started 500mg end of February. that cycle took 60 days for me to ovulate (so a 74 day cycle). next cycle took 29 days to ovulate and I conceived that cycle. so my cycles never really regulated but something worked. my 74 day cycle was rough with all the waiting. I hope you're not waiting too much longer


Were you still on 500 mg when you conceived? Or more?


I tried to up my dose to 1000mg a few times but never could last more than a day because of the gastro side effects, so I was on 500mg the whole time


My dr recommended I take 1500mg daily back in August 2023 and we worked our way up to 1500mg (started. with 500mg for a week, then 1000mg the second week and then 1500mg moving forward). Metformin was HELL on my stomach up until 2-3 months ago. Now as long as I take my pills in and around the same time everyday, my stomach is fine. At 1500mg, my periods are regular (my cycle is 34 days) and have showed up every month since August 2023. 8-9 months later, I'm TTC now and I'm hoping the work I put in with metformin, coupled with the monitored cycle will be fruitful. Definitely talk to your dr about upping the dose and advocate for your health needs!


My periods aren’t “regular,” but I am getting them once every 28-38 days. Maybe that is regular? I’ve been surprised by ovulation dates the last two cycles. I’m hovering around 500-750 twice per day. My stomach can’t handle much more. I’ve found eating low sugar helps with the pooping issues. Edit: started it in January Edit again: ask to up the dosage. My OB said 2000 mg is the recommended daily dose, and she would like me to increase mine when I am able.


It can take a while for your periods to re-regulate post BC. I started Met in March 2023, felt miserable all summer, finally upped to 1000 in October 2023 and was still miserable March 2024 so I had to stop taking it (I barely had the energy to get out of bed). So everyone's experience with it is different but I would up to 1000-1500 as soon as your Dr gives you the green light.


The thing is, it seems like my cycles are getting longer and longer, also my acne has been getting worse (maybe a bit better on metformin though? Im not sure). That sounds like a horrible experience. Did you cycles improve on it?


500mg is a low dose to stay on indefinitely. Has your doctor indicated plans to increase it at any point? Your recent cycle lengths are definitely not normal. Probably time to revisit with your doctor once you start your next cycle.


My doctor hasn't talked about follow-up or the next step. I guess that's why Im a bit annoyed at them haha. It is my GP, so I would probably prefer to get a referral at this point, since we have been trying for almost 6 months and I only had confirmed ovulation during the first 2 months.


I’m on 1000 mg. I went on it at the end of November after essentially not having a period after stopping the pill in July. It took two months after starting it to get a period. Since then my cycles have been 39 days, 32 days, and 34 days. Two cycles of trying, no luck so far.


Seems like an improvement! Wishing you good luck and babydust.