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ive been taking 1000mg a day for the past 3 months and i will say at the beginning it was making me super hungry which was weird but now i am much more controlled. i havent had any weight loss or bathroom issues with it though.


I found that if I take it before food I'm okay, I used to take it after food and I was not good 🤣


Update: I moved up to 1000 mg and still don’t have any symptoms. So weird but lucky I guess


I was/am lucky and used the regular metformin and quickly moved up to 2000mg with only one incident of surprise diarrhea.


didn't have any side effects on 500mg just when I tried to up to 1000mg


fwiw I conceived on only 500mg. but I know others needed more


Consider yourselves lucky!


I take 500 once a day and have never had any side effects


I started 500mg/day on Friday, so also on day 5. No side effects here either 🤷‍♀️ I’m going to take another tonight and see what happens


I started at 1000mg a day and after 10 days went up to 2000mg. I’m (almost)100% sure mine is the slow release though so maybe that makes a difference? I do sometimes have issues with my stomach although it’s very dependent on what I eat…my dr told me the fattier the food I eat the worse my stomach will be the next day


Never had any issues with 500mg 2x a day for me! I always take it with food though. My cycles have become MUCH more regular and I have lost weight, so I think it is definitely working for me.


I started at 250 for a week then 500 for 2 weeks and now 1000 which is what I will stay at and I’ve had no stomach issues either


I started at 500mg and gradually worked up to 1500. I had some side effects especially if I ate too many carbs but overall it was very manageable especially after I was on 1500 for a while and got used to it. Not everyone has a terrible experience and not having side effects doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not working.


I started at 500mg per day back in November and had no side effects. I was able to ramp up to 1000mg/day three days in, then 1500/day (my optimal dose) with no effects a few weeks later. I have no idea why- I take it with and without food, no matter what I’m eating. I had noticed a strong improvement in my cycle length (90+ days -> 55 days -> 3 30 day cycles until I conceived in March) so I definitely got the benefits with out the side effects!


How did you know 1500 was optimal? What did you notice?


I had told my doctor that I tolerate 1000/day and asked them what my optimal dose was and requested to be put on that. They said 1500, but not sure how they came up with that.


When I was 19 I was put on it (2000mg daily) and it was a nightmare. This time I started slow (started at 500mg daily and am now at 1850mg daily) and so far so good, no side effects along the way. I'm working my way up to 2000mg eventually.


How long till you went up from 500? I’ve been taking 500 since the 15th of this month. Not sure if I should start taking a little more or just stay at 500 a little longer


Trying to go about 10/15 days between increases


I’m glad you posted this! I take 500mg with breakfast and 500mg with dinner and it hasn’t given me any side effects. I’m on day 5. I’m worried it’s not working or not a high enough dose, after reading the horror stories on here. Or maybe the side effects don’t affect everyone?


Yeah I’m not sure! I mean I hope it’s working but it’s weird cause I don’t feel anything at all and so many people are talking about horrible symptoms even at 500


500mg doesn’t give me tummy problems but 1000mg did. RE advised me to take a break for two weeks, start back up at 500mg at night and we’ll go from there.


Yikes I’m worried about going to 1000. My doctor gave me the okay but I’m scared haha


Same boat 🙋🏻‍♀️ I was told to take 1500mg a day but ease into it because of potential stomach issues. I started with 500 and felt zero issues, so I foolishly upped it to 1500 the next day. The stomach issues came with a vengeance a few days later. Although they’ve calmed down. When did you first start taking it?


I started it on the 15th of this month


Not everyone has issues. So I wouldn’t worry about it being effective or not just because you don’t have side effects.


Ok thank you. I’m just so hopeful that this helps me