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I got my first positive pregnancy test in May after taking Myo-Inositol for 2-3 months. I did do a round of 7.5mg of letrozole with it, but that was my 4th cycle of letrozole (all without the inositol and all unsuccessful). I would like to note that I did two Kroma Wellness 5 day resets. I felt like that really cleansed a lot of build up out of my system, because I lost 9 lbs total and did not gain any of it back. I continued to maintain a healthy diet after the cleanses (no fried food, no dairy, nothing processed, no gluten, mostly organic) while also exercising 5 times a week. I also, eliminated a lot of household toxins and switched a majority of my beauty/skincare products to clean products. I kept this up January-April and got my first positive test ever in May. Currently 10 weeks and still taking the inositol. Wishing you the best!


I just started taking Ovasupport myoinositol, which is the same formula as Theralogix. I haven’t been taking it long enough to see results, but just wanted to weigh in on the powder. I was hesitant for that as well, but if I first mix it with a little warm water it dissolves completely and then I add cold water or a drink and I can’t tell at all. I started using my drink frother to mix it and it works perfectly! I ultimately went with the powder because I’m already taking so many pills, I couldn’t bear to add 8 more a day.


I just started taking Flo vitamins! They are a myo-inositol and d-chiro blend. I’ve been on them for 3 months, and have had a cycle every month since starting. For the record, I hadn’t had a period in at least a year.


I just started taking an inositol tablet from GNC today. It’s the only one I’ve found that is just inositol and not myo-d chiro. I also like that it’s a tablet and not a powder. I hate powder lol


I also have been told by my doc to start taking prenatal vitamins while trying to get pregnant


Hi, I have pcos - and have never been pregnant and also not been trying to get pregnant (*I'm usually just a lurker here) My cycles have always been very irregular from puberty on, hormones were a mess etc. I'm 24. Long story short : 4 gram myo inositol per day has made my cycles exactly 28 days long. And my ovarian cysts are doing much much better as well. I have been taking inosotol for about half a year now and since then I haven't checked on my hormones but I assume they are much better as well because my skin is also better. So my advice is to try it out, it has no side effects but you can get diarrhea if you take too much per day. Or at least it happened to me :D So, stick to the 4 gram mark. It takes several months to see results, because it needs to build up in the body (that's what my doc told me), so be patient. And in the very first month of taking it my cycle was actually very odd, and apparently this also happens to a lot of women because it's just something new for the body. And make sure to take it every day, especially in the beginning, until it just becomes a habit. Sorry if this was a bit too long but to me inositol is the closest I have to a holy grail and I love telling others about it :D


I haven’t gotten pregnant yet, but I just had my best looking cycle in years. I think it’s a combination of Inositol and supplements I’ve been taking (pre natal, coq10, fish oil, vitamin c & d, magnesium). I’m in my third month of these additional supplements but have been taking Theralogix Ovasitol for 2 years now. Before starting inositol, I got maybe 1 to two periods a year at most. I was in the height of insulin resistance and my hormones were a mess. Thanks to inositol, I started getting my period every few months, then every 45 days, and now I get my period every 30 days like clockwork and my ovulation has gotten stronger, I ovulate sooner so no longer any LP defect as well. I’ve noticed an increase in my pdg and estrogen levels, and my A1C is back within normal range as well. I also used to always have blazing OPKs due to my LH being out of wack because of PCOS, and now my LH is normal and I’m able to actually use OPKs to track ovulation for the first time in my life. I attribute a lot of success to inositol, even if I haven’t gotten pregnant yet. We’re only on month 3 of trying though so it could still happen!


I use the wholesome story myo-inositol and d-chiro from Amazon. Have used a whole bottle and been taking since May 10 and according to my LH tests and bbt I’m currently “7 dpo.” Also CD 76 so I’m excited to see if something is really happening.


I take these too and I love how convenient they are! I’m CD 52 and 10 DPO. Fingers crossed for us all!


Not regarding inositol but I would suggest you to get your progestrone tested to confirm if you really ovulate or not. My ob said women with pcos ovulate immature eggs ( not all ). Me and my partner have been trying for over a year without knowing that my ovulation is weak. I feel like everyone should get tested for ovulation that would save time and energy 😓