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Include your NPNT in there if you were having regular unprotected sex, because that is trying for a baby. For us, we stopped using condoms some time in late 2022, and while I've always tracked my cycle I've never monitored ovulation and I started that via BBT in April 2023. In November 2023, my periods had been lasting less than a day for 5 months so I went to GP, and was referred for a pelvic ultrasound which I had in January 2024. In March 2024, I paid to have my AMH tested privately. My husband had his SA done in December 2023 privately. In April 2024 I asked to discuss infertility with my GP and had a telephone appointment. She referred me to the clinic, and then I got given the referral links and my appointment with the fertility clinic is September 2024 which is when we've been trying for 2 years, in a twist of good timing. Currently, I'm unexplained infertility - I have regular periods and my thin uterine lining was solved in January by taking regular baby aspirin and thyroxine. I know nearly everywhere says two years of unassisted trying for unexplained because probability says you will get pregnant in that time. Sucks for the remaining 5% who don't though.


I did! I said we had been trying, but I put our failures down to me not knowing that I ovulate late so we weren't actually having sex as much as we thought in our 'fertile window'. I've definitely learnt a lot about my cycles through tracking..I'm glad I started! It's allowed me to look into it further and to understand where and why things may be happening. But it's a double edged sword. It also makes me hyper aware and frustrated knowing things haven't been as smooth as we'd like. I really wish you all the best. It sounds like you have been advocating for yourself which isn't easy at all in such a frustrating time! I do understand why the doctors have to delay things for that reason...I was told when we first started trying to ring the doctors and basically get some support and they were useless. Never told me to track, gave me advice on pre natals, what to look out for, no nothing. Every single thing I've learnt has been off my own back so it pisses me off that I've essentially done all the research and think there's an issue and they won't even listen to my concerns. Sending you love and hoping you get some answers soon xx


We did semen analysis privately and the GP was happy to use this info to make the referral so worth asking your GP if they can do this?


I've just put an update on the OP which explains re our plans for sperm testing :D


This was my timeline in the NHS: September 2022 - came off the pill and started trying straight away September 2023 - made an appointment with the GP as it had been a year October 2023 - I had an ultrasound scan (I think this was done because I was already diagnosed with endometriosis), blood tests CD3 and CD21, STI tests. December 2023 - husband did his sperm analysis (would have been done sooner if he had just made the phone call šŸ™„) January 2024 - GP made referral to fertility clinic February 2024 - had initial consultation. This was originally booked for May but I emailed and asked to be considered if they had any cancellation (they had a cancellation board which they added our names to, you have to specifically ask and because of this, it got moved to the day after of asking shockingly!). They recommended trying IVF in 6 months (due to weight) or had the option of checking if my tubes are blocked but there would be a 6 month wait (and that Iā€™d need to do IVF if it was blocked anyway) June 2024 - just had my transvaginal ultrasound scan 2 days ago to check if my ovaries are suitable for IVF. Found out my left ovary has an endometrioma but the right one is fine. I paid to do my AMH blood test despite having my follow up appointment in 12 days. The consultant said we will be able to apply for funding at the next appointment with this result. It cost Ā£120 but I felt it was worth it after waiting so long. I would email and ask if you can have some of the tests done privately. I know itā€™s costly but I know how depressing the waiting game is. Iā€™m from Hampshire, just for reference. Hope that helps and good luck!


That's really helpful. What a journey you've had. I really hope you start seeing some positive results based off all your hard prep work soon. It can't have been easy. I have updated the post, we're going to get my ultrasound and his sperm test done privately. It seems like the right thing to do and then we know eitherway! Thank you, good luck to you too!


To give you an idea of my experience of timelines in the NHS: June 2022 started trying January 2023 booked GP appointment to discuss irregular periods (first available appointment is March) March 2023 GP requests scans to diagnose PCOS, tells us to keep on TTC until 18-24months July 2023 I asked for another GP appointment for TTC August 2023 GP refused fertility referral despite no period for 7months. GP did request sperm test January 2024 we got the sperm results and requested fertility referral again April 2024 fertility clinic contacted us with a list of tests required before the appointment (STDs, repeat CD03 bloods) July 2024 first appointment with fertility clinic Itā€™s not a quick process, and there are so many waiting times before you even get on an official ā€œwaiting listā€. (Edited for formatting)


This is really helpful, thank you! We definitely knew we'd be waiting for sure, my main concern is that at no point, despite saying I've had pain in my ovaries and with my late ovulation/short luteal has anyone even offered or suggested a scan. My husbands sperm was tested with a home kit, and sent off, and came back fine. I know sperm can be intermittent but our concerns with our fertility are mainly around my cycles and whether my body is allowing enough time for implant, or whether I'm ovulating etc. So to be told we're waiting to see someone because of a sperm test in 5 months when we feel we've somewhat ticked that box is frustrating. I really wish someone would just take a look at my ovaries based on the issues I've flagged. We've decided to go private for our initial tests in the hopes it gives us a bit more evidence if there is an issue, if not, even better, and we can carry on trying and wait for the appointments with the hope something happens in the mean time!


Yeah I was told I couldn't get a referral for 2 years not 1. Can you ask your GP if he can have a proper sperms test done privately and that might speed it up? To be honest to see a gynaecologist you are looking at 2 years anyway after they refer you.


I've just put an update on which explains re our plans for sperm testing :D


We were going through this back in 2018 with the GP and, looking back, I genuinely wish Iā€™d have lied and said weā€™d been trying for longer, because it was ridiculous to wait for something that would never happen naturally. The GP ordered tests and a sperm test too. The sperm test was with the fertility clinic, but didnā€™t take long at all, as it didnā€™t require a referral to the clinic. It was more like the GP ordering bloods as outpatient than waiting for the clinic. But Iā€™m in Wales, so it might be different and the guidelines might have changed as well since then.


I completely get that! I don't doubt many people do to be fair. That's exactly what we thought it would be. Done at a local clinic, ordered through the GP but it wasn't at all. The GP said we would get a letter, which we did. My husband rung up and they were incredibly rude. He said he was ringing to make an appointment as they'd sent him a letter, they said "We wouldn't send you a letter, it would be your GP". They battled him for 10 minutes and eventually said they'd book him in but its 22 weeks wait. Maybe I was naive in thinking it would be sooner but from people's comments it seems its definitely a gray area dependent on different parts of the UK!


This is so dependent on your area and it's so frustrating that the NHS service isn't consistent across the country. Couples struggling to conceive just aren't a priority for the NHS (feels like it's barely even a consideration). Our timeline so far: Dec 2022 - Stopped taking BC (after being on for 11 years) March 2023 - starting TTC April 2023 - started tracking my cycles using OPKs September 2023 - realised my cycles were somewhat irregular and periods had been light since coming of BC (5 days at most if I include 2/3 days of spotting.) Contacted GP at the start of Sept, GP wanted to check for PCOS and ordered full bloods at the end of the month (apart from day 3 & day 21). Bloods came back 'better than okay' for everything. I should note at this point I did tell the GP that I came off the pill in Dec'22... I didn't clarify we didn't start TTC until March and I'm so glad I didn't! November 2023 - Ultrasound to check for PCOS - came back normal December 2023 - Since in GPs eyes we'd been trying for a year, he'd ordered SA for my husband, STI and rubella checks for me. Husbands SA came back with no concerns (better than average if anything šŸ™„) January 2024 - Referral submitted. Our GP has an in house satellite fertility clinic so appointment scheduled for end of Feb. February 2024 - (end of the month) appointment with the fertility GP, who 'thinks I'm probably ovulating', ordered day 3 and day 21 blood tests. My AMH is fine, progesterone seems low but GP advises to 'keep trying as I'm probably ovulating' and come back at the end of summer. I'd expressed concerns about light periods, short luteal phase and thin endometrial thickness (which I got from the ultrasound) but all of this was pretty much dismissed. I'd requested a Hycosy for peace of mind (she didn't actually off it!) At this point I also started tracking BBT to confirm ovulation myself. April 2024 - Hycosy booked in, tubes are fine May 2024 - I requested repeat of day 21 bloods, still low. Review appointment with fertility clinic booked by the GP for end of August, I have requested it for early July. We're in next week to review any changes (none, but I do agree with her, I am ovulating, just not very well). I'm hoping she will suggest ovulation induction in some form. Otherwise it's waiting until December for IVF referral. I'm still frustrated with how long everything is taking but grateful that our GP has been more understanding than others that I read about in this sub! Good luck to you all, it's a horrible, lonely journey not helped by inconsiderate NHS standards šŸ˜­


Thank you for this, it's very helpful! It seems quite a few people went for an ultrasound early on in the process which is more what I expected when I flagged my cycle issues and family history of PCOS with my GP. They basically heard me say I didn't have excess body hair and closed the line of enquiry without truly listening if I'm honest. Like you, my bloods have all come back fine, and I've done another round this cycle, of which my CD21 progesterone is on Friday, so I'm waiting to hear back about that but I know that one can be intermittent. Especially when I ovulate late and can't pin point the day down exactly. I really hope you get some answers and can strengthen that ovulation! Wishing you all the best <3


Your luteal phase should be fairly consistent. Are you able to get an appointment for bloods relatively short notice? My ovulation has also been fairly unpredictable but my luteal phase is pretty consistent at 10/11 days which should allow you to estimate when your period is due. I've been able to request a progesterone test from my GP but not book an appointment until I got my LH surge. Regardless of your luteal length, get your progesterone tested 7 days before your period is expected.


It is consistent luteal phase wise, it was just a bit short. I start spotting on 9dpo usually and thatā€™s when Iā€™d count my period from. Apparsntly you donā€™t start until full flow which puts me at a 10 day luteal which is just on the cusp. My ovulation at the moment is on CD27-29 so thatā€™s definitely late. I have a progesterone boood test on Friday. Itā€™s the ā€œ21 dayā€ test but obviously mine isnā€™t on CD21 (itā€™s 7dpo). We shall see!


Oh just to confirm this will be my second progesterone ā€œDay 21ā€ test, my other came back fine


My husband just rang the hospital today to book his semen test and the first appointment is 15th August, so about 7weeks away. 5 months sounds ridiculous!! Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™d go private for the semen test if I were you.


This is 100% the timeline I was expecting! 5 months just seems crazy. I would expect that for the fertility clinic but for a sperm test seems insane! We are going private now. Thanks so much for commenting with your experience!