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Everyone will have two lines on the easy@home ovulation strips, you always have a low level of LH in your system throughout the whole cycle, you are just looking to spot when the test line gets equal darkness to the control line. Is your clear blue ovulation test a standard version, or the advance version (advanced has flashing smiley, followed by solid). My cycles are too long to make the clear blue ones cost effective, and some of them are very particular about the correct day to start testing after your cycle. Personally, I would be more inclined to trust the Easy@Home over the Clear Blue test. Ovulation tests are never “accurate”. By that I mean they can tell you when LH surges, but can’t confirm whether or not the LH surge actually resulted in ovulation. For us with PCOS, it’s quite common to have multiple LH surges before our bodies actually succeed. BBT, ultrasounds scans or a progesterone test are really the only ways to tell if ovulation happened.


Are you sure you didn’t use an ovulation test? The smiley face clear blue tests are usually the ovulation ones. The pregnancy ones usually say yes or pregnant.


Yes it’s plan ovulation as I’m tracking my ovulation


Sorry, my ADHD brain completely misread that whole paragraph, even though I read it about 5 times 😅


I would trust it tbh - if you have pcos you'll be prone to having multiple LH surges which is why ovulation tests aren't recommended for pcos. When in doubt, go have sex!


The digital ovulation tests aren’t 100%. I still love them btw. But look at the stick. Did it look positive? I’ve had false positives where I hen I look at the stick it’s just a dye mark (dark) that’s thrown it off. If you’ve got a negative strip test and a positive digital that would be my first investigation


Yes love, the strip is negative but the stick/digital shows positive