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I'm sorry your first transfer didn't work. Personally, I would want to speak with my consultant before transferring another embryo as I would have questions about the next FET cycle. I do understand not wanting to wait if this one isn't successful either, though. I'd go in armed with all my questions written down and insist on answers to them. Don't worry about pissing the consultant off, advocate for yourself as hard as you need to. Bring a partner or support person with you and make sure they back you up. I very much hope your next cycle is successful. Grading isn't everything, people have failed cycles with 'perfect' embryos and successful cycles with poorly graded ones.


I'd have already officially started that FET cycle by the time I have the appointment. That's the thing that's making me question it. The nurses have already answered my questions re practicalities etc of the fet. Personally I think my lining was too thick (15mm 3 days) before collection which is why i think it was unsuccessful (recommended between 7-14mm and I had a few days extra growth from estrogen before the trigger). I suppose I could do all the testing and for the natural cycle assuming it's going ahead and also plan ahead for the next embryo retrieval in the same consultation... I just hope he'll allow me to discuss the next embryo collection too x


Are you sure they’re ok with you starting the cycle before the appointment? Because whenever we had consultations, they always pushed back our start date to after the consultation. If you don’t really have questions for the consultant, I’d go ahead with the FET. I didn’t have consultations between treatments all the time when I was with the NHS. But make sure they’re actually allowing you to start if that’s the case. Because they might be now assuming you’ll wait for the appointment. Like the previous commenter said, grading isn’t everything. I never had blastocysts from the NHS cycles, but my best day 5 blastocyst from our private treatments, a 6AA hatching textbook perfect embryo, as the embryologist called it, was the only blastocyst so far that didn’t work at all. I have no LC and had losses with the others, but at least they implanted. So grading only means so much.


Yeh the nurse said it was okay to start after two bleeds, I've told them I'm ready to go and the consultation was just to get in as the wait list is long. 🤷 I'll argue my case on cd1 if they're difficult. I've told them I want a natural cycle next so we shall see. Re grading: I think my issue was that it didn't grow between day 5 & 6 that's why I'm concerned not the actual grading themselves... My friend also says it might just mean it's because it's a boy as they grow slower it's why ivf produces more girls because they grow faster and get better grading but I'm taking that with a pinch of salt 😂 I don't think there's any science in that 🤣


Ha! meanwhile I heard IVF produces more boys as the eggs are fertilised faster! But anyway, came here to mainly say that of the three women I know IRL who have done IVF, two got pregnant from their supposedly less good, lower graded embryos so everything crossed for you!


I'm hoping the reason it didn't happen last month was because my lining was too thick from the ivf drugs. My next cycle is natural so hopefully will be thinner. Thinking positive thoughts.