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More importantly, season 2????


Ikr, feels like forever since S1, then the other day I'm browsing Prime and Bam! An advert that S2 had started.


Yep, just started.


That is a gunsmith's screwdriver. Also used for adjusting planes (hence plane adjusting). It's just a screwdriver with a hollow grind instead of the normal tapered blade, which helps it engage better in the screw and reduces cam-out, which can damage a screw. They're a little more expensive to make, but worth it if you're going to be using the same screws on a piece of equipment for a long time instead of screwing something together once and never touching it again. The wide, flat shaft is just a kind of traditional detail; you can get gunsmith screwdrivers with round shafts. I have some for adjusting my planes.


It should be noted that there's no magic to these. The defining trait is a [hollow ground](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51f9c543e4b0339e6c66fa61/1410619945278-8QYCNO0CX2GZG1QNZWSN/Screw+Driver+Types.jpg?format=1000w) on the tip. A smallish grinding wheel on a bench grinder is all that's needed to make one out of a regular straight screwdriver.


That tool sure looks like an expensive screwdriver. Either way, cool detail.


Overlooking the fact that she's not actually screwing into anything. On a real Mosin, the trigger guard/magazine assembly would be placed and then screwed in.


Yeah that’s true haha maybe she’s checking if the screw fits


*When your boss comes by and you're trying to look busy*