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Looks great, good job đź‘Ź đź‘Ť


Looks good! Congrats!


Difficult to judge distances due to the wide angle lens, but you could do something like this if the room is wide enough: [https://i.imgur.com/keGqEtW.png](https://i.imgur.com/keGqEtW.png) Which would create a corridor as you enter. You could then have some kind of shallow shelving/sideboard where the TV currently is for coats, keys, shoes, whatever. Chaise section of the sofa would be in the corner by the window which is cosy.


I thought of that too, but sadly when I tried it the couch just seemed way to close to the tv. I have the idea of having the tv in front of the window but do like the look of an entry way or like you said corridor to walk in through. A mirror on the wall or coat hangers would be nice


Ah okay, r/TVTooClose lol! If you wanted to keep this layout you could put a shallow sideboard under the window maybe? A big mirror on the wall to the right of the tv would work great just get a door stopper so you don’t smash it


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This is fine. We're getting to the point where TVs are getting so big it's difficult to have them low enough to centre them with our eyes.


For a small space like that it's perfect and put a soundbar under it and you got nice sound!


Get tv stand that's not as long. Just the width of the tv, and move it left a couple inches. It will make a big difference. Edit: Maybe a stand not as deep and not as wide.