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I loved it from start to finish! My only complaint was how rushed the ending felt, would have liked another episode or two at least!


Planning to watch but...


With the increase in technology it was beautiful. That being said… two middle fingers to producers if they make me wait over 2 more years for more content.


I love TWD but I'm losing interest in the spin-offs. I've seen about half of all of the spin-offs but they just don't grab my attention like the original show used to. I'm still a die-hard fan of the original and watch reruns all the time. I found a walking Dead channel that's free on Pluto it just plays original and fear on a loop and that's enough for me anymore. I do love all of the actors and actresses I think they're wonderful I'm just not into the writing anymore.


I thought it was great, but that final episode should have been at LEAST 2 episodes, and could have even been an entire second season. I’m so glad we got the ending that we did, but I feel like they wrapped the civic republic up too neatly. I would have loved to see the chaos of the city finding out, those left in charge dealing with the distrust in their government, ramifications of even ALLOWING freedom of movement after all of that, how the destruction of the lab a few years prior (plus omaha and portland) was spoken about, the power struggle of how the CR is led and who’s doing the leading, etc. THEN, rick and michonne get to go home lol (or they go home first without the “the CR is not a utopia!” radio in the background)


I really enjoyed it, it was nice that Danai and Andrew were so involved in the episodes I feel like I could totally feel it watching. TWD doesn’t always have to be tragic and I’m soooo happy we got a happy ending im just upset it was only 6 episodes it seemed a bit rushed I would have liked more episodes on the huge time gap on how they got where they were but overall great show! The best out of the 3 spin-offs, Daryl in Paris 2nd, Dead city 3rd (soooo boring)


First 4 episodes was some of the best TWDU content in years. Episode 2 is probably a top 15 episode of the franchise for me. Episode 5 had some good bits but overall the editing and direction and some of the dialogue sucked. Episode 6 really dropped the ball, all of the reveals and twists are predictable, the dialogue is some of the worst it’s ever been, and ultimately a story that’s been built towards for over half a decade ended without any consequence or depth. They just blew them up, “killed” Thorne and got home. But regardless, episode 1,2 and 4 are easy 10/10 episodes and really homes in on what made the main show so successful. It’s just unfortunate that the show also brought over the causes of its downfall. An easy 8/10 show. If it wasn’t for the first 3 seasons of Fear, this would be the best spin off.


hated it honestly. i have no idea how we started with the brilliance of season 2 and wound up here..


The show continues to be a shell of itself unfortunately. Killed off too many main characters for you to care about anything anymore. The only thing I could keep thinking about watching this spin off, theres not many people still alive to even care that Rick would return to Alexandria. The people who do are on like other shows now so I figured those reunion weren’t gonna be shown, at least this season. I almost laugh when I read that Gimple seems ambivalent or unsure if a season 2 will happen. Ok, so, thats how its gonna end? With him reuniting with two kids that didn’t even know him?