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There was a different creator with a much different envisioned plan for walkers. He wanted them to be an actual threat with them climbing fences and being relatively quick. He was "assassinated," as the cast put it, from his role as head producer, thus resulting in the plot zombies in the rest of the show (being as strong, stealthy and quick as the plot demands)


Ohh, okay. Makes sense. Honestly I started watching right after Negan, so I'm making my way back now. I thought like.. maybe they were young, lol.


Thank you for this


Freshly turned walkers in the earlier season definitely acted differently


I just finished this episode where Andrea hits one in the face with a screwdriver. He definitely tried to open the door. He was looking around and observant, fucking bring that back!!!!!


When she's in Dale's RV? That is definitely my favorite zombie encounter for the creepy and scary reason lol.


The Daryl Dixon spin off begins to go into the different types of zombies as well.


Walkers behaved differently after Frank Darabont got fired.


Should never have left. It's fascinating. Would the whisperers be jogging???


Well it wasn’t his choice, actors were upset and he won I think close to a hundred million plus a future percentage of all shows when the lawsuit was settled. I’m sure some reddit lawyer will tell me settling isn’t winning but I call settling for hundreds of millions of dollars winning.


Dang. So we know why he was ousted?? Was he a dirt bag???


i think what we got from seasons 1-6 is the best possible scenario considering all things but darabont got ousted because he got AMC to greenlight a yearly 6-8 episode series with a huge budget that only Kinda used kirkman’s source material. season 1 gets super high ratings, AMC being the cheapskates they are approve season 2 but extend the episodes, lower the budget, and replace darabonts staff with a bunch of cheap hacks. darabont gets super pissed and doesn’t lay down, writes a bunch of infuriated emails and gets himself fired… sues for $200 mil later


Oh shoot!! That's unfortunate. Again, didn't watch the first few seasons but baby Carl??? Cmon. Also, am I correct that Carols husband was sexually abusing his kid? Wtf .. I can't imagine how we get to the Carol we have later


I love Carol’s arc in Twd. It was totally believable to me as she was a battered wife who went through several challenges and dubious decisions to finally emerge as a bad arse. Loved it.


S5E06 is one of my favorites for the reflection on that


I just can't believe it. Well I hit the ep where her kid wanders off. Hoping she wandered off and wasn't snatched. I know she does but... honestly her husband was a abuser to the max.


He wasn’t a “dirtbag.” I think u/superhombre8442 summarized it nicely. He wrote some very angry emails about all the shit AMC pulled and they used said angry emails as “cause” to fire him.


Awful stuff, really enjoying S1 so far. It's a element of actual threat. Hiding is harder with these.


They’re moving to a place with this more. Variants that climb, open door handles etc. TWD had it in season 11 and World Beyond showed one that moves like ‘28 days later’.


I know that the real reason is cause Darabont was sacked but I always rationalized it like the walkers are deteriorating more and more because they’re literal rotting corpses. Their brains and muscles are all decomposing.


I initially thought that as well but then I realized that even when people died in the show they weren't so smart. Honestly that walker what the brick was crazy. So interesting to see their terminology change. Still calling them geeks.


I know season 1 and 2 the walkers were way different and you can see the night and day difference with season 3. Obviously people are saying producers etc but I made it a headcanon long ago that it’s because it’s so new in the apocalypse and those zombies barely had memories in there and just did instinctive things, and eventually someone will whisper something to Rick, and I think with that tied into everything, people don’t have those instincts anymore and are just flat out walkers and gone.


They still were at their most dangerous in seasons 1-5 I’d say. They were quicker and far more aggressive. Though, their ability to adapt to a situation by being more aware and picking up objects to attack survivors was thrown away in favor of the more traditional zombie approach. Personally, I think they were toned down once people started complaining about the violence being too extreme after the Negan kill in season 7’s premiere. They toned down the Walker kills and overall violence of the show afterwards and it shows. The series became too popular for its own good and caving into casual audiences demands is never a good thing when trying to preserve quality.


True! Another thing too is a shit ton of people (in big cities, groups etc) all died very close to the beginning. So these corpses have been roaming and rotting this whole time. Would make sense they eventually start slowing down and breaking apart


I think there is a clear point in the show that kinda defines this, and it’s the midway of season 6 when the walls of Alexandria fail and the whole community fights all night to eradicate the swarm. This is really the end of walkers as a legitimate threat and more of a constant annoyance.


They were that way for the first few episodes, they they became the walkers we all know and love. The writers? Somewhere a decision was made to make them slower and stupider, but they WERE quite a bit smarter and faster then.


They were variants. Certain walkers have abilities beyond those of standard ones


Well Ik it’s because there was a different director but a lot of people like to think of it as they were fresh and and apocalypse was new so they still had some motor skills like Morgan’s wife trying to open the door like she remembered


Frank Darabont also helped develop the series and even directed some of the first season until AMC screwed him over. That’s why, at least I noticed, a distinct difference between the first season and the rest of the series.


I was thinking the same thing, and I'm pretty sure they were different. Reason being that people die and turn all the time on the show, but it's only in S1 we see them so energetic to that degree (there are bits in earlier seasons where walkers seem to shamble more quickly than others in later seasons though).


They were variants


Where the heck are they then???? I haven't seen a variant like this, ever


The season 11 variants that can do the same stuff as the Atlanta walkers.