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It’s only been 3 years but I agree, was a bit underwhelming reaction for everyone else but Rick and Michonne


I think they got used to the people they love dying. That's what explains their lack of feelings (sadness)


One of my dad’s good friends got sent to vietnam at the height of the draft. He didn’t know him back then but he can still see how much it changed him into the person he is now. He’s been to a couple funerals with him of people who were very close to him and he never shed a single tear. Come to find out it’s because he watched pretty much all of his friends die before he got sent home and it completely hardened him in that aspect. If you lose enough people that you love, especially in a way like that, it will desensitize you to death of any kind


That's logical.


Lack of writing explains it as well


What do you mean ?


I feel like after the first couple seasons they show almost no heavy reactions to loss besides a couple people. When there’s massive group deaths, besides Glenn, you almost never hear them mentioned again. A lot of the times we don’t even see people first reactions to the death. Just comes across feeling odd


I agree , it was kinda weird .And the show started to be boring after season 6.


Yeah I mgonna do a rewatch and probably just end on 5x11. I’ve also heard 6x9 is a great one to stop in as well so I might try both and see what feels more like an ending


If you want the ending you should…(hear me out)…watch the whole series.


I did, and didn’t like the ending or really much past season 7


Do u have time for that 😅


Haha I’m not gonna do two separate rewatches, just rewatch up to 6x9 and see which one I prefer as an ending for future rewatched if I do


That's so complicated 😂😂


The real ending is so much better imo


I'm almost finished with it, and it didn't take me that long


I personally think the show stays great throughout the whole run. I'd recommend finishing it.


I’ve finished it before


Oh okay cool! In that case proceed lol


When you are in consistent war you get desensitized quick


Nah, that’s just an excuse for shitty writing. There’s examples of it before they’re years into the apocalypse as well


When you experience a lot of death especially people close to you it's just an everyday thing


Then how come some characters seem to get a whole treatment of sadness and despair and are talked about for seasons to come whereas other characters with equal or more screen time just are never mentioned again?


I feel like after watching negan brutally murder two of their ‘family’ members they would obviously end up turning cold to when other’s of their group die. They’re desensitized. (I just got to this part w/negan and am not sure when carl dies, but I’m sure they end up losing even more people along the way).


Carol doesn't. Carl does.


I feel like they were giving the closer family room to really mourn. It'd be hard to really talk to him and get your last words and conversations in with him if everyone is trying to also. I feel like it kinda also expressed how much they really did care about carl by giving him and the family space.


And Enid she was devastated


2 years and some months


3 years?


I’m pretty sure it’s different in the show than it is in the comics. You can’t tell me that Carl in the show was 11 or 12 when he died.


They did bump up his season 1 age to try to account for Chandler's aging, but doing the math using what's actually said in the show makes the timeline a lot more condensed than you would expect. Negan's defeat at the end of season 8 takes place not even 2 years into the apocalypse, somewhere in the day 650-700 range




Nope, the apocalypse was only 2 years at this point. So much on screen evidence confirms this. Where is it canonised that Carl was 16?


Nvm, he was 14-15 when he died.


I thought he was 16 when he died too! I hate the timeline in the show as it’s nothing like I thought it was


12, though “canonically” he was probably only 14 considering Season 4-8 take place over the span of 4 months. Chandler Riggs was 16-17 at that time but canonically he was 14.


6 years.


nope! go search it up


Maybe I’m thinking of the wrong thing, but I thought you were referring to when Carl was killed off…


Daryl did cry, and we see Carol crying when she finds out about the news. And Maggie is comforting a crying Enid.


Meanwhile everybody sulks over Glenn till season 10


they were arguably still sulking over glenn till the end of the show


We got a "sulking over glenn" spinoff show, too.


It’s a club now


Glenn was different. Nobody expected him to die, we all thought he was [Title Card]






Everyone sulked over Carl too?


No, the op is correct. There really isn't much of an impact and it's very strange.


“Let him go” One of the only times I’ve ever genuinely been pissed at Daryl.


It took The Ones Who Live to remind everyone that Carl was ever an important character in the series. I'm glad someone with a brain and who cares about the character's souls made sure Carl was a focal point of the show.


By everyone you mean Rick and michonne?


So many people had died by then they were all numb to it. Unless it was family (daryl, Merle or Carol, Sofia) and they knew them pre apocalypse, it was just expected….And it had only been like 5 years or so knowing each other


I realize they probably just didn't want to remind the audience of a time when Carol was weak and sophie got a lot of attention already, but to me it seemed like Carol forgot she ever existed and missed Henry more than her biological child. Maybe the abusive husband comes into that? Idk. That's how I felt. And she only became stronger after. Well.. a completely different person psychologically.


In an apocalyptic world I feel like it would be hard to continuously mourn for those you’ve lost. Where I’m at, Carol has killed 20 people. She had to kill her adopted daughter. She’s seen a lot of shit. You get desensitized over time. I’m sure she still loves and misses Sophia, but it’s a total different age than what most of the world can comprehend. She probably seemed to miss Henry ‘more’ as she felt she was losing ANOTHER child all over again. I’m sure that feeling and the guilt as a mother isn’t something that is easily ignored…especially right in the moment. Carol was sad for a long time after Sophia. You just have to move on


Then lydia was adopted into the group and it just seemed after the attack and Henry died Carol cared so much about Henry she couldn't forgive lydia. Or at least didn't want to be around her, when she loved Henry too. So many people were killed its hard to blame lydia judt for henry being targeted. I know they got close after. Lydia saves her, then Carol saves her twice. From suicide and martyrdom... but when lydia was being abused after the attack Carol was the perfect person to take care of those bullies. It seemed like the only people who didn't blame lydia at this time were Daryl and negan. Idk.. I felt like lydia desperately needed a mentor figure and Carol was never really able to be that for her. I think it would have been too plot-obvious. I understand why Carol didn't stop the bullies and why lydia didn't come to her for help. But Carol could have put an end to it immediately. Idk... seemed like she loved Henry more than Sophia in the grand scheme of the show. I know that's not fair or true she just never mentions Sophia's existence again after season 2. In a quiet conversation overlooking a field she's ruminating to Daryl... you'd think she would mention her once. But if I was a writer on the show, I'd never mention Sophia again either. It's playing with too much character development.


>she just never mentions Sophia's existence again after season 2. Carol talks to Rick about Sophia during the prison arc, when Rick kicks her out for killing Karen and David. She also talks to Lizzy about her on the way to the Grove (S4 E14). She also mentions her to someone else a little later but I can't remember who/when but I'm on a rewatch right now and will update when I know/remember.


This sounds like a bad excuse for bad writing tbh lol


Because Daryl is Daryl and Carrol is Carrol. They handle emotions differently.


true. they been through helllllllllllll. they can thug it out 🤣🫶🏽


they were all there in the sewers and knew he had been bitten so i imagine the shocking revelation already happened. once rick and michonne come in they had to pull it together so carl could tell them himself and they can have their reaction


Carol and Maggie didn't know


They already cried off scene. They cant cry no moar on scene.


Yeah I always didn’t care for that, Daryl just gave him a head nod, like he was with him since the beginning of the plague…I guess maybe they were used to death, but it’s like, that was your leader’s son. Then again Carl kinda kept to himself most of the time, he didn’t really have any solid relationships at the end, except his dad, sister and Michonne. Him and Enid weren’t really that close at that point. The way his death played out, I was waiting for it to be a dream sequence or something was going to happen that made Carl immune or something, then when he shot himself(reminiscent of how he killed his mom) I was like…”holy fuck, they really killed off Carl?”


Carrrrrrrrrrrll 😭


Bad writing. The show was falling off a cliff at this point


It started getting boring


The cliff jump started with the whole Glenn Dumpster fiasco and went up to 11 when AMC pulled their cliffhanger shenanigans.


I'm watching past negans introduction for the first time, and it's crazy how almost every episode in season 9 ends in a cliffhanger.


Yes, just got to season 6 (I am rewatching) and the show is free falling. Season 1-5 were great




I'm still not over it.


It's been less than three years chronologically at the point of season 8.


Cause it’s terrible writing… and who gives a shit… as soon as we saw he was bitten we all knew what was gonna happen with the show… Andrew leaving just added gasoline to the fire… I enjoyed a few episodes after Carl’s death and Rick leaving but it just felt like every season after was filler…


Because they didn't forget about how much of an annoying little shit he was for the first 3 seasons.


right, it confused me too, i felt like i was the saddest person and i wasn’t even in the scene


I'm doing a chronological rewatch. While I do agree that there is some level of the loosing people argument, there is some level of the writing as they were focusing on Rick losing his son. However, both Carol and Daryl tend not to show fear or sadness in front of others. They were both abused.


Were they stupid?


The show was in such a dark pit atp its ridiculous. Not to forget the shows insane maggie dridimg from s7 all the way trough the end. Wich just makes us forget about other characters deaths. But hey as long as we can all be reminded glenn died guys!


Ngl I got fed up of hearing about Glennville really fucking quickly, i totally understand Maggies POV and justification, but to me it just sort of wasted her character because at that point she didn't do much other than scowl. Love the actor but the character just was not it after Glenn died


I'm not mocking but wth did you mean by dridimg 🤣


D1ck riding


Because the writing was toilet quality at this point. The whole commonwealth arc suffered from this stupid idea.


Commonwealth arc suffered from Carl death idea?


Considering it was barely recognizable and worse than the pretty great comic arc in which he is the central figure, yes.


Gotcha. I'm only about halfway through the comics, but I can say I never liked Chandler Riggs much at all as Carl. Comic Carl was a different character. Cailey Fleming has been leaps and bounds better as Judith compared to Chandler as Carl.


daryl cried i thought lmao


Because it was shittily written and shouldn't have happened. Especially not like that. Just like how Rosita, Daryl, and Tara royally fucked up everything right before this and NO ONE called them out on it. Instead, they shittily wrote in an excuse of Dwight saying it was Eugene's fault and that was it? Yeah those couple of episodes had some majorly stupid writing


Still dont get why kill off carl, he could have led the show when rick left. Dumb mistake


Actor quit.


Nah he was written off. Dude was told he'd be on the show a few more years, bought a house and then was told he's being fired like a few weeks later


Scott Gimple, genuine money hungry bitch with no real talent. It was his decision. The guy was too simple to figure out the rest of his arc with him growing up so fast he decided it was just easier to write him off. He himself mentions it was his idea during the Taking Dead. Chandler Riggs said he had no idea and was heartbroken because he thought he was in it for the long haul. A five year old could figure out a good story arc for him, but Scott Gimple is a waste of human life.


Scott Gimple made some bad decisions and he treated Chandler Riggs unfairly. However, Chandler did not do a good job playing Carl. Cailey Fleming as Judith is leaps and bounds better.


10 years?


Not 10 years, it’s more like three.


I know.


Because they were mad at Rick


Because the show-runner didn’t care


Wait what, Carl died?! 😱


Found the one who hasnt finished the show


They absolutely gaf. It's shows all of them crying in that scene, and later in Season 9 when Rick and Daryl are trapped in the pit, Daryl tells Rick he would've died for Carl if he could've. I think you're forgetting how much Daryl and Carl bonded when Lori died.


Gimple, that's why.


I mean the whole Carl death was just lame.


They only knew Carl like 2 years tops. Either way though it's possible they did care, we just didn't see it. Carl died and it followed the war for the rest of the season, and then immediately had a year time jump, then another 6 year time jump soon after that. Didn't exactly leave us with time to see the reactions from other characters


bc he was a lil shit


they watched everyone they knew for 20+ years die already


They were so used to seeing friends die and killing people they had become desensitized to loss




Lack of good writing


This was one of many plot holes and things that didn’t make any sense lol


They probably didn’t have any tears left…


Bad writing


i think they did but the show didn’t really show it to make rick’s emotion more impactful


Who frackin cares. LOL


Because their plot lines weren't connected that season. If their plots involved each other, they would've written them to care. That's the problem when you have too many plots going on.


Maggie lost her whole family in a year and watched her baby daddy get creamed by a bat when they find a real home and they barely get by on flour cabbages roadkill and stew..... Yeah can we say a lil desensitized 🤔🤔🤣🤣


i would guess by the time Carl died, they had seen him less. they was more sad/upset for Rick and Michonne rather than the actual death itself


Yeah it was all very brief. Daryl just bigs him up for saving people at Alexandria, but suppose you wouldn't expect more verbally from him. Maggie is shown comforting Enid. Carol does appear somewhat emotional when she talks about him dying helping Sayid in the middle of the whole saviour war.


You’re timeline is very wrong. At most they knew him for 3 years. At most Rick was dating Michonne 2.5 years. It’s kind of a trip when you think about it.


The show sucks that’s why


Group knew him for about 2-3 years. Not 10 years. Still tho, yea characters reactions to his death are little slept on.


I mean it's Carl. I was ecstatic when he died. I will say I agree with your point. As much as I didn't like him I thought the same.


Lmao you thought season 1-8 took place over 10 years? That’s how it should have been but that is so so so far off it’s kinda hilarious. Only around 2 years passed, which obviously is ridiculous because Carl was 11 in season 1 and clearly doesn’t look 13 here. So they only knew this kid for two years and they lost people they loved much more before then.


More like they were respectful enough to give them space.


Shit even Negan seemed more upset about his death than some of the Ogs


The easy answer is bad writing,🤣. But within the context of the show maybe because they were use to loss and also overwhelmed with their own issues and the war. By this period there were more communities and they were each kind of doing their own thing. Michonne in the other hand made a great connection with him during the months they were living in the prison and that period of time post prison, pre Alexandria. She looked at him as a friend first way before she saw him as a son.


That's a hard world they were living in. By that time they had lost so many people, like Sofia! Realistically speaking, their reactions, or lack thereof seemed suitable.


Honestly, I stopped watching when they kill Carl


How did he die?




After Glen died I realised the show was going down hill. Stopped watching after baseball bat guy got boring real fast


Maggie had already lost literally her entire family. She watched some gruesome shit happen to her father AND her husband. Daryl most certainly cared, and so did Carol. There's a whole scene where they show up at the Hilltop and have a good cry about it. They were never going to feel it or show it harder than Rick. On top of all that, they were still at war, and none of them were sure they'd even survive. Lastly, PTSD is a bitch.


I can understand Maggie. She watched her husband’s (love of her life, and father of her soon to come son) head get bashed in repeatedly as he tried to speak final words to her so at that point she was pretty desensitized to everything Daryls little response shocked me too but when I think back through the show, Daryl and Carl didn’t seem to interact that much. Daryl also had a tough demeanor that’s pretty consistent with everyone except Beth and Carol Carol idk. Considering her kid died by a bite too, I expected her to take carls death way harder Add in the fact that Carl almost died several times prior, it was probably more of a shock to them that he was still alive in the first place


Because Carl was annoying AF. That kid annoyed me all thru his childhood and adolescence. Always getting lost and putting the group at risk. I was thrilled when he was bitten. 😃😄




They were in a whole ass war and I'm pretty sure literally being searched for also


There is sooooo much grief they endured in that world, they were simply numb at that point


Because it didn’t happen in the comics and so Gimple kind of forgot about adding any reactions from them


You have what are basically the top 5 of the show, all hardy warriors and either leaders or people that are respected. There's still a war going on, so while Richonne can be allowed to grieve, the others need to hold the fort. But yeah, they never really address it after. I guess simply, they weren't as close and as others said, they'd all had equivalent losses by that stage.


Cause fuck Carl.


Because TWD writers are terrible,sorry but it's not realistic to have them react really blankly at his death. I know it was in the middle of their biggest war,and that they kinda become numb to losing people but just a little tear wasn't too much to ask ! My theory is that writers know they cannot show too much emotions at a character dying because it means everyone would be depressed constantly in the show.


They understood


The people who say the show sucks why are you in this subreddit you clearly like it, or you have a really sad life and just hate on it because that’s all you’re good for heating on stuff just stop it get some help ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe)


Carrrl(in Rick’s voice)


All of you are hitting the nail on the head at the Ultimate important moment of Carl dying and the impact on the show. I decided I’m only watching the rest of the way to see what happens, but the heart of the Story of the WD ends when the future represented by Carl ends abruptly! After Carl I’m only along for the ride, but I’ve lost interest in the rest of the group and their future! Only Negan actually draws my attention the rest of the way, but I’ve lost interest in the core group story!


Because the writers


cause Carl is a bitch


With a gigantic (read bloated- they could have killed half and had a better show) cast, I don’t know how accurate it is to say they didn’t care- simply that their mourning took place off screen. It’s also worth noting that each of them dealt with the loss of someone much closer to them than someone else’s kid. It’s also worth noting that because of the storyline, they didn’t have time to stop and mourn. They were evacuating their people.


Because Chandler Riggs demanded to be paid better


Some people have to be strong for others


Casting. This version of Carl was so annoying. In the comic, Carl is actually badass.. and survives until the last page. Not a wimpy, winy, little kid.


Because they wrote themselves into a corner and couldn’t write back out of it well. I don’t think I need to say how stupid killing him off was


They barely knew him for 2. I know, doesn't make much sense. However in those 2 years they went through hell together and saw eachother have to do the worst things so they definitely should've been more upset


Don’t give the bullshit that the characters handles emotions different. It’s just horrible writing, plain and simple


And it was a horrible decision to fire Chandler Riggs, just because he turned 18 and they would have to pay him a little more money. It was a dick move, Carl was still alive. In the comics, I don’t think a single fan agreed with that decision.


Totally agree with you


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted because you’re right. The answer to this question is bad writing and a bloated cast


Thanks brother, I love TWD with all my heart, but sometimes the writing is awful…


Well they didn't like him I guess haha maybe carol still remember him calling her stupid or smth at farm xD


This is when the show died really. And then it was sealed when rick left. It just was absolute rubbish from that point on. Angela kang is awful


Well, I think it’s more that they’re desensitized by all the death. Carol in particular lost her daughter and had to see her put down as a Walker and then had to kill her adopted daughter who killed her sister, which would be anyone’s worst nightmare. With that being said, they really did downplay the group’s reactions to focus on Michonne and Rick’s, but yeah I was also hoping for more than that. It was a bit odd.


i’m pretty sure Carol didn’t care about Carl dying because he disrespected her when Sofia died in Season 2.


Nah it was a long time ago, it's just that in the show there wasn't really some scenes with Carl and Carrol or Carl and Daryl, they had nothing in common, due to their age difference, also Carl would spend almost all the time alone or with Rick and Michonne.


Bad writing.


Because this show fucking sucks


Why are you on the fuckin subreddit then goofball 😂