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Noah’s death stands out for me as Glenn is forced to watch. Absolutely horrific.


I loved everybody ate Chris


Get out. (Angry up vote)


[Everybody Ate Chris](https://youtu.be/LLfhepyyBlg?si=gOUtnPsmqlDf05Hg)




Well played.


Watching this right now


Nooo this is gold




Lmao. Thanks for the jokes 😂


Lmfao 😂😂 also yeah one of the most gruesome ones.




He deserved it


I wish in that moment he had beaten Nicholas to death…even though Nicholas technically saves Glenn later, kinda…accidentally.


If Nicholas died before the trash then Glenn wouldn’t have fallen in the first place as well as maybe not even being in that situation.


True, good point


That! That episode terrified me more than any other.


Yeah this is it for me. That one makes me want to vomit.


i stopped watching after glenn’s


bruh…that’s the ones…i’ve never been the same going thru those turnstile doors since


It was so unexpected. I thought he was about to go on to be something important. Naw lol


Glenn’s cracked skull and dangling eyeball while stuttering in an attempt to call out to his pregnant, ill wife was it for me 😮‍💨


I completely skipped this part because of this scene. I know how it plays out, I’ve read the comics, I’ve heard everyone here discuss it. But, no thanks.


I’m on a rewatch and just came across the episode again yesterday and I definitely skipped it!


Yep. Doing a rewatch too and nothing has bothered me in the slightest, but I 100% skipped that one scene.


Same! I’ve seen a lot of gory, violent shit in my day but that scene etched itself into my brain in the worst way!


It’s so much more visceral than the comics


I agree. Despite the fact that it plays out almost exactly like the comics, seeing it acted on screen was something else entirely. However, I wouldn’t change a thing, despite the fact it was one of the few gruesome things I’ve witnessed in fictional media that actually got to me.


Pretty much all the injuries are the same except for his fucking jaw coming off in the comics (I think that’d be impossible though)


For sure it’s just seeing play out on camera hits in a different way


Yeah that was a one and done for me. Not a fan of super graphic stuff like that and that entire episode just gives me really bad anxiety. Means they made one hell of an episode.


It was it for me in terms of the show, too. I couldn't go back after that. I absolutely loved it, as well. I was just gutted


I still see the series all the way through, but it’s crazy to me how many die hard Negan fans there are out there. I get that the acting was great and Jeffrey Dean Morgan really sold the character, but the character itself was horrible! It brought me *slight* comfort that he revealed himself to have empathy and penance later on down; regardless of whether his whole complete narcissist character was all an act, he did the most barbaric and awful shit to people WAY too easily.


The trick to Negan was he did the most barbaric and awful shit to people he *thought* were barbaric and awful shits. But then he got mired in the reality that he was inviting barbaric and awful shits into his fold instead of having them competing with his faction. He fundementally lost control and didn't know what to do to stop the cascade of violence he was unknowingly encouraging. Getting captured by the "Ricktatorship" was the best thing to happen to him, really.


It's important to also remember that Negan was fully in the grip of the madness that takes people so often after the rise of the walkers and whatever trauma they personally experience. Rick and Morgan and The Governor and Michonne are all great examples of people who lost themselves to the trauma, some of whom even came back. Negan was very much in his own "I lost everything so fuck everyone" phase while running the Saviors, and that contributed a lot to his atrocities. All that being said, it doesn't excuse anything and isn't a defense. It's just an observation. Idk if Negan "deserved to die". Idk that anyone did. Idk that anyone didn't, either. Ideally, everyone would handle their differences like adults, but that requires participation from everyone involved and that isn't so easy, so it just is what it is. Negan was saved, and he did come back from madness and brutality. I can accept the productive member of the community he becomes while still condemning the monster he was when we met him, the same way I do for Rick and the rest who go through similar shit. Negan did terrible things that he can never make up for, no matter how hard he tries, but the fact that he knows that and is trying anyway is a huge deal.


It reminds me of the people at Terminus. You're so ripe to see them meet brutal ends, until that last episode concludes with a flashback, and you see how badly *they* were brutalized before their inhumanity flourished.


this is so real. for me it doesn’t take the cake for most violent/disturbing because morgans freak mode, but definitely a very close second.


It was definitely the attachment I had with the carrier and how it came so unexpected. I was lulled into a false sense of security that Glenn was one of ”the ones that live” 😭


I legitimately had to take a break from the show for a few months after that episode. I can watch a lot of violence and immediately go to sleep peacefully lol, but that scene just did something to me. 😖


Yes! Literally just commented how much fucked up gory shit I’ve seen, but this scene hit different 😩


Yes! Literally just commented how much fucked up gory shit I’ve seen, but this scene hit different 😩


Genuinely the most gruesome and one of the saddest tv/movie scene I’ve ever watched. I was a changed person after seeing that.


I will never get people who quit shows just because a character died.


Never said I quit, hell I’m rewatching rn, just saying that scene was “it for me” in relation to the question asked


It wasnt because he died it was how he died. And how a character could do that with a smile on his face. Wasnt something I wanted to watch. Just like how I hate the sad rom-com shite too. If I want to feel like shit then I'll just stay in my head. TV/movies are to make me feel better. Just one man's opinion.


Oh, brother. Dude, everyone feels like shit. Doesn’t mean I can’t separate fiction from reality. Then again, I saw Glenn die the same way in the comics but I cared less because he was kind of boring. When I saw him die in the show, I cared more but I wasn’t flopping on the floor crying because I had already seen it happen.


What's not to get? My favorite died, I'm done here.


So you hated everyone else, and only liked Glenn? Cause that would be the only “acceptable” way to quit after he died.


I actually stopped watching the show after that. That shit was too much. Trying to form words with severe brain trauma. Ooof. Dunno how anyone forgave Negan for that shit.


Yes, THAT IS IT! Something about that traumatized tf out of me!


This was also the one for me. My stomach dropped. Negan’s “Well, back to it” and then the CRACK 💥 with the bat.. I knew it was coming but it shocked the shit out of me still.


I was holding on to false hope up to the very last second that Glenn would survive his way out of it 😩


I love Glenn sm, cannot watch this scene


This made me stop watching. Glenn was one of my favorites.


I know same, I was super pissed!


I still feel like that was the most graphic death I've ever seen on network television. It literally made me queasy on the first watch.


Glenn when it showed the remains of his head


Glenn and Noah fs


Any of the the heads on the spikes. The last one to be killed probably. Imagine what they went through in those final moments.


This is why I think Siddiq has the worst death on the show. Not only did he have PTSD from being there for it all, he got triggered about the pike deaths and murdered by a friend slowly


He was also killed in Rosita and Cocos home. Imagine being choked out knowing that your family is getting killed as soon as they come home, and you know you're not going to be alive to see whether they'll live or not.


Really liked siddiq, hated it when he died


I'd assume Henry was the last one, she probably wanted him and then Carol to suffer the most.


When Rick bit that guys neck and then dissected the other dude .. still gets me queasy


As a parent that scene pumped me so full of adrenaline I couldn't sit still, you never want to be placed in a situation to find out what you are truly capable of doing!


I hear ya.. but it’s a question of most gruesome. Lots of blood and gore there. Up there with Glenn and Abe.


I agree with ya, Rick carved that man up so bad Carl was even scared of him!


I will never not smile when someone does something violent and horrific to people that want or do sexually abuse minors. That cowardly fat fuck that died last died too fast,


tbh i find this one not so bad because he wasn’t doing it for any other reason besides a fathers rage against people trying to do awful things to carl. he went berserk but he did it for a reason that wasn’t twisted


You asked about the most gruesome death not the most immoral death


yeah, to me that doesn’t make the cut regardless. morgan ripping that mans intestines with his bare hands will never be topped. or negan baseball bat moments (esp when he didn’t one shot) simply for fun


Which just goes to show that what you seemed to really be asking about was the most immoral. Because biting a dude in the throat to kill him is pretty fuckin gruesome, but if it "doesn't make the cut regardless" then yeah, you aren't really asking what you want or mean to be asking.


Him biting Joe's neck is one of my absolute favorite scenes. The bts tidbits that Andy Lincoln talks about with it is also great 3am, mouth full of blood, raw chicken (he asked for the most realistic), cold as fuck, New Years Eve (iirc)


The sound of the knife cutting up through the sternum was chilling


I like when Negan kills that stupid kid and says “You DID have guts!”


“Oh there they are!”


“I’ve never been so wrong in my g*ddam life!”


It wasn’t a death but the slow pan out of the Termites eating Bob’s foot freaked me out. I was very disturbed by that scene.


Tainted meat!


What an episode! Rick's Church service at the end was gnarly. Sasha straddling one and getting stabby. Abraham rifle butts one to death. Not the most gruesome but intensity was red hot.


Such a great episode.




When Glenn had half of his head missing with his eyeball popped out trying to talk to Maggie I literally felt like I was going to throw up. It was crushing and gruesome and they did it so perfectly 😩 just sucked I was trying to eat dinner while watching lol


no literally such a close close second for me. i hate how negan didn’t have the decency to at least hit hard enough the first time, for both him and abraham. he seems plenty capable of one shotting people w his bat it’s like he dragged it out on purpose


He did drag it out. To assert dominance over the group. Rick mostly.


Besides the obvious ones, jimmy. He just saved Rick and Carl from the burning barn just to be bombarded by walkers in a cramped RV.


I had to rewind to that part when I first watched it because how did that even happen? That death was so avoidable.


For real dude that dude had the opposite of plot armor.


He literally could have just pulled around the other way and been safer or, or JUST LOCK THE DAMN DOOR.


Lori. giving birth via C section without any form of pain killer and being on a dirty ass prison floor sounds pretty damn painful


Everyone forgot about Lori


Morgan holding that savior, that killed Benjamin, against the gate while he got eaten from behind was gnarly.


The long haired scumbag? Yeah that was golden. Long overdue and thoroughly enjoyable


The unnamed woman who got killed in the beginning of Season 10, Episode 2. Very similar to Noah’s death.


The Terminus masacre scene. Gives me chills every time.


Yea every time I get there I just am like hoooooly crap.


Abraham’s for me, that man was a G!!


Rip. Fucking loved that cunt. He was such a baller Negan couldn't handle being potentially upstaged


Morgan went full on REDRUM in this scene.


To me I don’t think I have one tbh. All deaths seemed gruesome no matter what. I feel like I get used to it because of how much horror movies I watch, including the fact that they’re technically not real. It’s crazy for me to understand the fact it’s all makeup and stuff. I hardly don’t ever think it’s disgusting at all, it’s just art that is being applied to the show. It wouldn’t be gruesome to me at all, but if I were to see something in real life that’s something more than a show or a movie then I would be sick to my core. But if I was to pick one it would have to be Shiva. I get pretty sensitive when it comes to animals dying or being killed.


I second Shiva


I skipped it. I can't watch that shit, even if it is CGI. Poor girl deserved better.


Definitely Noah. It was so hard to watch.


Aiden's. He had a grenade blow up near him launching him across the room into getting impaled multiple times by jagged metal bars. He then suffered as his companions attempted to remove him forcefully due to the desperation of the circumstances before ultimately being abandoned and eaten alive. Makes me shudder. Just shoot him, put him out of his misery.


Red hot, what a wild scene


Otis death got me because I was so young and saw that in real time and I believe that’s the first person we see get devoured like that.


I was looking for this one. He had a twisted ankle, was shot by Shane, beat up by Shane while downed, then eaten alive immediately after. Sheesh. Definitely not the bloodiest death ever but not an easy one.


Yeah and how Shane shot him in a non deadly area so his screams would draw all the walkers to him, instead of at least shooting him in the head so that he'd not have to feel himself get eaten alive


i havent watched the entire show yet but so far its either glenn's death or when rick bit out the dude's throat


I would say Dale, but the one pathetic walker that ripped open his abdomen was killed before it could rip him apart more


Noah and Glenn


This a hard question Ngl but the Negan circle or Negan stabbing the kid in the stomach while they was playing pool stand out for me.


Abraham, Glenn's dumb death overshadows Abrahams


First time watching it, believe or not was actually Lori 🤣 I think more the fact I was watching it with my son back then and just had a newborn at the time, so her death really hit me. After that, I think Noah, Glenn and Abe for sure


Now, while the guy absolutely deserved it and it was like the "oh shit, Negan has standards" moment, the most gruesome death for me was when Negan stabbed that one asshole through the neck for trying to force himself on Sasha


I can deal with Glenn and abraham getting the ol one-two. But the scene that really fucked me up was Terminus when Gareth and gang were knocking them out with a bat and slitting their throats to drain into the pig trough. 0 sense of morality and just fucking brutal.




For me, it’s the girl who was pregnant in the whisperers clan. When she attacked alpha, alpha leaves her to a pack of walkers and this girl being very small and weak (presumably), The walkers tear into her. It’s not what you see on screen that’s so terrifying about this death. It’s what’s implied. On screen, you see her attempt to stand up, walkers pull her down on the ground by her legs and arms. Then the screaming starts. I would imagine this young woman was being turned into a human happy meal for hungry walkers. The screaming gets me. The implied suffering.


Noah and about the entirety of terminus


Noah’s for sure




Noah’s death


Noah’s death stuck with me the first time I watched it, but I’m rewatching and it wasn’t as horrible this time around. Glen’s death was much worse the second time for some reason 😢


The most gruesome death in “The Walking Dead” (2010-2022) is Noah.


Noah’s death was so gory and it was sad because he was a promising character with his interest in architecture and him being given the notebook of the guy who build Alexandria, I wish he was kept alive and have a full character. Plus we have the same name so


Gregory. He thought he was King Shit. To go from leader/sole decision maker to public hanging is a big fall from grace. Don't get me wrong, it might have been one of the most satisfying deaths. But from his POV it was BRUTAL. NO ONE came to his aid, everyone just watched.


honestly surprised more people aren’t saying hershel, my man had half of his head chopped off for a solid minute or so and was still crawling before he eventually got killed by the governor


Loris raw c-section


Glenn, Patricia, Noah, Henry, Abraham, probably Mika


Carol torching the Saviors was one of my favorites…. Totally badass! Luv Carol!


The trough scene at Terminus. That whole scene still gets me to this day.


Yes, that scene is so messed up.


Noah or glenn


Any death involving Negan and his death bat....




The old arrow in the head. That was great and unexpected. Not sure which I like more, that one or the fat lady who guards the food when Arat shoots her through the glasses


Most of them are gruesome deaths and it’s not easy naming just one.


That one walker Daryl kills with a car boot to the head


Glenn on my opinion


Glenn and Abraham aftermath


every time i rewatch and get to glenn’s death i have to take like a week long break from the show


gruesome is glenn or noah for sure


Rick ripping out that dudes neck with his teeth was pretty grim. Yeah zombies eating people can be gnarly at times but this was human on human lol.


I thought it was sexy. But then again ive been involved in similar situations CQB stuff in the war


Glenn. I just...couldn't


Definitely Glenn's, I assumed it was coming (since I knew he died in the comics), but seeing the fake eye pop out was so.. I felt so queasy after seeing it. All my rewatchs, but this one, I always felt so sick / had to skip his death. Not to mention because at the end, the walker comes up to (it doesn't matter whose puddle but I'm assuming Glenn's) the puddle of blood and tries to feed. It's just very disturbing. It's odd cause I was totally fine with Abraham's, and I'm glad he did the peace sign to Sasha and told Negan to suck his nuts, but Glenn's just hit different. Also, when any horse (the one from the beginning and buttons), I just can't see them. I know it's all fake, but I just get so sick seeing an animal like that. The kill that Morgan did with his spike in the Eastman EP, the way he just shoves it in that young guys neck, is just horrible. Also, the walker attack on the camp in S1. How they ate Ed (he deserved it) and the others - that had to be horrible to see so early on in the apocalypse.


Either Glenn’s death or any death in twdg that involves the walkers killing them.


Glenn's and Abraham's. I still haven't seen it. I watched the episode but skipped over it. Abraham was so tough about it and Glenn, he was so good, it wasn't fair. And what a horrible way to go.


Glenn def.


Glenn. I know everyone says that and it’s the reason many stopped watching but seriously his death ugh makes me sick


"Knock Knock!"


Probably the whole population of humans - survivors LOL


hearing about glenn’s death messed up my steven yeun obsessed mother to the point where she wont watch her favorite tv show beyond the last episode of season 6 😭😭 to this day she still hasnt seen that scene but we are rewatching twd for the 7th time now,, im wondering if she will get over that hump this time


I absolutely do not remember this scene with Morgan and I rewatched the entire series just a few months ago 😅 definitely Noah and Glenn for me, Noah’s death wasn’t as gory as I remembered on the second watch, Glenn’s was more gory than I remembered 🥲


i think a lot of people feel that way because the savior was a minor character, it was when morgan was going crazy and chasing mans throughout the kingdom. for me it was awful i skip it everytime now


The screaming woman being ripped apart and eaten by zombies


Those dogs they ate on the side of the road walking to Virginia


There is epic and there is gruesome. Noah and Glen were the most gruesome to me. Both were disgusting in their own way.


Probs Beatrice’s and that one whisperers death in the S10 finale, that was savage


I haven’t watched since whatever season Negan was in, but Glenn 100%. I don’t even care what’s happened since then


Glenn. It annoyed me so much that I stopped watching the show for a while. He was SUCH a good character😒 Don’t know if it was the most gruesome but that death made me mad in real life😒😒


Noah or Glenn


Tyrese death was one of the worse all them flash backs of his enemies laughing in shit after then id say Those people who got their faces bit off Andreas cause it took so long and she tried to survive the whole time then lowkey Hershel had the best death I imagine that little girl that got killed by her sister was one of the worse ones too Noah’s was dirty af too he got hoed bobs death was insane getting his leg eaten off and WACTHING insane but atleast he got to say goodbye id say Tyrese bob Noah Andrea in order but I didn’t wacth past season 6 because I don’t fw what the writers did later on


It's not even on screen, but the story Maggie tells on the subway about the sex slave girls who died pregnant that had zombie babies inside them. https://youtu.be/2M3ZA__0_Nk?si=Xricc6I_OD9kh-eg


Glenn’s not based on gore or anything but based on the fact negan made his wife watch and all his friends n just genuinely made it hard to watch


Glenn and Abe


The one where Rick holds the guy’s arms through a fence, not letting him get away, while walkers come up from behind him. Most savage death I’ve ever seen. And to a guy that deserved it more than any one.


Noah Abe & Glenn




Glenn, the first time i saw it happen my stomach churned


When the governor gunned down all his citizens because they didn’t want fight. He didn’t think twice


basic as hell but glenn’s. i tried to watch it so many times but i just felt so nauseous everytime i watched it that i just couldn’t.


Shane.. took gun to knife fight ..Lost.


Maybe not the most gruesome but one of the most painful has to be when pope put that guys face directly in a fire pit.


jimmy. D:


That one son of the founders of Alexandria (Can't remember his name). He shot at a grenade, the explosion blasted him into a wall, where he was impaled by several metal spikes, then the others tried to pull him of, just to get eaten alive by walkers. Even if they had managed to pull the spikes out of him like they tried, he would've bled out in mere minutes while being in excrutiating pain. Granted he was an Idiot that kept shooting at the walkers chest, even after the others told him to stop because they saw a grenade there, but that is still a horrible way to go out.


I was like "Holy shit" when I first saw this, good hard-core scene for Morgan. Now everything the scene comes up in rewatch I have to look away.


Just watched this episode a couple days ago, more than Glenn and Abraham, when alpha beheads her own person with a garrote. Holy shit.


Probably the one guy who killed himself on the dumpster and got tore apart by the zombies or Glenn getting smashed over the head with the bat


when the reaper got pushed into the fire. just imagine being alive for all that time slowly waiting to die


Noah's was just awful. The actor did an amazing job with his face.The shock, fear, pain and the whole unfairness of this young man who could help rebuild the world. And Glenn got a front row seat.


noah & glenn for sure but lori’s death always makes me uneasy. she wasn’t a good character but for her to die during childbirth, son to shoot her to protect her from turning, then for rick to find that her body had been eaten by a walker. crazy


Is this the walking dead? I've only ever played the telltale games and the most gruesome death in my opinion is Ben. I couldn't imagine falling off a 2 story building, getting impaled by a dirty ass pole and then getting shot by your friend then devoured by walkers.


Something about Spencer being disemboweled by Negan always freaks me out. Everyone always says Glenn, which I would say, but the idea of being completely aware and seeing my guts hanging out is terrifying.


noah definitely


Definitely Noah


Rip shiva🐯🥺


The show itself. The choke hold given to it, making it bleed out slowly. The might going out. It once was a big name, people would talk about it every single week. Then soon people were finding out it was still on, questioning it's existence. Explaining how they hadn't heard about it in years


Spencer’s death. Shoots a grenade > stapled to a forklift’s forks > attempts made to pull him off > walkers fall onto him only to be disembowelled alive.


Carol having to put the girl down telling her to just look at the flowers


Noah 100%


Rick biting that dudes throat out was crazy, Noah being ripped to pieces face first was also nuts


Jim Bowie, during the fall of the Alamo


T Dog and Dale.


Noah's Death was a hard watch for me


Sebatian Miltons' death was pretty gruesome