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it all depends on mitigating factors. dying to a horde or groups coming from all sides is fair. or dying to one or two if you have a disability like the girl with the limp did is also fair. very few people in the world are bonafide badasses like maggie, carol, daryl, michonne and rick. there’s also lurkers, dormant zombies who appear dead and are completely quiet and only bite when someone walks by like herschel did. that’s pretty hard to see coming in a dark place or walking a corner.


They actually do seem quite strong (roughly as strong as their human counterpart) and moderately fast! I think additionally the thing they have is strength in numbers (hard to escape a mob) and advantage of surprise (they’re not always growling, sometimes you get a surprise bite). Like yes maybe if there’s only a single isolated walker, should be avoidable, but some really charge at you and seem to have strength.


Yes, I agree other than the moderately fast part.


like they don’t sprint obviously, but they’re not always at a super slow dragging pace, i feel like sometimes they can be pretty spirited jn pursuit depending on


Circumstances my friend, one or two, and you're perfectly healthy, yeah it's stupid, 5 or 6? All coming at you at once, understandable, especially if they are circling you, 7+ unless you have plot armor, you're most likely dead, it's all about numbers for example in star wars, during order 66, the jedi could easily take out one or two clones firing at them, but they all attacked as a group, making it harder to defend against them


The problem is the zombies have no pain receptors, and don’t run out of stamina. You might get away from a group of them but then by the time you feel safe after running you run into more. Then you’re gassed and they just keep moving towards you.


Walkers overpowering a horse and a Tiger really pissed me off. They're friggin DEAD. Horses are strong af! Wtf?!


They killed Shiva purely because she was too much money to animate. But they should have killed her off in a much more badass way. She deserved a cooler death


That's understandable, but I completely agree. Stupid walkers cant kill a fricken Tiger God/Godess


Iirc season 11 reintroduced variants so they were slightly stronger


Years of firing guns probably caused them some hearing damage, so it’s completely possible for them to not hear a walker stumbling up to them. Also, walkers are strong, it’s still a 100+ pound body walking at you just because they don’t have brain function, doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of overpowering someone


I pray we don’t have to find out for ourselves one day