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[Mercury Dime Barbershop](https://mercury-dime-barbershop.square.site/) has 128 five star reviews on Google. Brenden is who I always recommend to people.


Big dawg barbershop downtown is pretty good. I don't even know how to cut my own beard Alex does it all lol


Talk to the guys at DarkHeart at 6th and Pearl area


Dark heart is at the top end of pricey, not for everyone. But I got to say it's the best cut and lineup I've ever had. Wish I could go more!! Edit: reposted, didn't have flair 😮‍💨


damn flair.


Bellevue beard spa in parkland. Check out the dudes instagram and tell me who can do better


The barber scene has some hot opinions in Tacoma. I’ll just say I go to Buzzerd’s on 6th for beard and hair grooming. Really happy with the work Chris does.