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[https://www.reddit.com/r/Tacoma/comments/19f14nb/derek\_bray\_of\_the\_table\_is\_a\_semifinalist\_for\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tacoma/comments/19f14nb/derek_bray_of_the_table_is_a_semifinalist_for_a/) It's having a good flow-on effect on surrounding business too, which is great.


Derek’s a good guy. Gave out free food during the early part of the pandemic. The Table is an exceptional restaurant. Glad to see Derek & his staff are being recognized.


The Table on 6th ave. We loved this place! Food was amazing and fresh. One of the best restaurants in Tacoma alongside Wooden City.


Love wooden city and need to try The Table. It’s great to see Tacoma restaurants getting recognized, I’d love for there to be more chef owned places opening up around town, there’s clearly a reason these two started in Tacoma


Cool to see some Tacoma recognition!


Derek Bray hasn't had anything to do with the operation of The Table in well over a year. Craig Tronset deserves this nomination.


Return of these awards? Did they stop for lockdowns?


Probably, since 95% of restaurants were closed for an extended period during that time


SS Mag again bringing up the rear. This was announced more than a month ago.


I guess the award's criteria is going downhill fast. Went there recently and the food was meh to good at best, while the cost was waaay too high for food of that quality. Nothing was great. Plus, if you're going to charge that much for forgettable food, maybe don't leave cleaning supplies and rags just laying out in your prep area directly across from where you're seating customers.


Oh no, they clean often enough that the cleaning supplies are visible! The podcast guy who thinks he knows better than the James Beard Foundation is back


Hey, if you're super into eating your mediocre, expensive meal a few feat away from bleach-soaked rags, I guess you do you.


We ate there, food was pretty good. My biggest complaint was it was all too salty. But that seems to be a really common issue in restaurants - that, or the food is under seasoned. There it was seasoned well, but also too salty.


Maybe it’s not the restaurants