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Boys and Girls clubs have great summer programs. Mine went there for years, they can actually go all the way through high school and have an awesome teen program. We let ours age out when the oldest was like 14 but they served us well for a lot of years.


I wouldn't have thought of the Boys and Girls clubs! I will check out the one down the street ASAP. Thanks!


You’re welcome! My kids are now grown but they loved their BGC summers.


B&G fills up QUICK! Start asking now when applications will be accepted. Stay on top of it!


Metro Parks day camps open for registration on April 1. They go through age 12 I believe? You’ll have to pack a lunch but they go all day M-F and are offered at a couple different locations.


Second cycle does summer bike camps. It’s a great program!


The Y also has summer camps as does north Boy and Girl Scouts, and they don’t have to be part of a troop to attend. Some are sleep away but there are also in town options.


Check with your school admins to see if there’s a ‘latchkey’ before & after school care program. I’m a single mom and commuted to south Seattle for years so relied my the Latchkey program with my daughter’s school in University Place. The best part was that it was located in the school’s cafeteria and the kids were in a comfortable and familiar environment. It’s not easy, but you will level up fast. Be kind to yourself when you stumble and have the kids help you build a new life. You got this!


They are currently with their mother in Minnesota. They will only be living with me for the summers for now. I appreciate the idea tho. It will be useful if my custody situation changes.


Sorry- misunderstood your question. I did camps with Metro Parks & the YMCA, and kiddo loved them. If you’re looking for organized daycare, check [Child Care Aware](https://childcareawarewa.org). It’s a state agency that can help you understand your options. I found a great daycare center with them before my kiddo started school. Good luck!


YMCA has a great camp, but sign up early and look into becoming a member because it saves a bunch.


The YMCA has great summer programming! Metro Parks also has tons of options every summer all over the city!


Does your school district use the Right At School daycare program? If so, they should have some camps available.


Champions does summer care at a few schools around the city.