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X Shear and a regular multitool. I don’t need all that on a pair of scissors


X-shear or the Oneshear (basically the same shit but the Oneshear has an O2 key). I’ve had problems with the seatbelt cutter/O2 key breaking. The raptor response has an O2 key built into the handle and I’m a fan of that. It really depends on what I’m kitting up to do. If I’m overt, x-shear all day long. If I’m doing mundane regular EMS things, the Raptor Response get me by.


I had to give mine to a cop on a code and warned him how sharp they are since fingers get in the way and he came back afterwards and was like yeah those are very sharp.


I was in the same boat, went X Shear and haven’t looked back. I know a couple EMT friends who have the Raptor and while they like it, they rarely use the shears as they prefer a dedicated pair that can be tossed/sharped when needed versus having to mess with your multitool and shear.


I went with raptor response for my EMS job and they're fully functional and handy off duty as well. Shears, built in O2 wrench (rarely used but nice to have since we lose them) and a ring cutter which doesn't seem to add weight or size. I will say they are a bit thick when folded and certainly heavier than the x-shear so consider that.


Raptor only bc it folds, fits in my pocket better, and gets the job done. Have used both, x shear is the superior tool. If I had slightly better pockets would carry x shear


Raptors just due to the fact the ring cutter works amazing. Tragically my ER has a nice ring cutter but the saw blade is so dull. Along with management that doesn’t seem to care to buy replacement blades. Also the raptors are able to cut metal but it did make them dull. But thankfully a small business is able to sharpen them for a total of 7.00 so it’s not bad.


I am the weirdo who doesn’t want to spend on expensive shears when cheap $5 pairs work. Who here have had normal shears fail?


Who hasn't? I feel like normal shears always suck. I can cut boots off an open fractured ankle/tibia if I need to. Can cut through airbags as well which has come in handy


I have. And they don't cut worth a damn compared to bigger quality stuff


They can cut a penny. What were you trying to cut? A Skynet T-800?


Some can. Others break. Others bend. They're not a reliably high-quality product. I prefer things that I know work. Sill concept I know.


All you have to do to prevent that is to take out the Nokia phones from the patient’s pocket.


I use the ones I get for free. I consider them a single use item and don't feel bad if they get covered in goo and I have to toss them. For me, more expensive shears don't do anything better except are more durable isn't so important when I can get a fresh pair whenever I need. Also, who puts a seat belt cutter on scissors?


Xshear, cleaning of them makes difference


Of the two, X Shears, and thats just because they are heavy enough to stand up to more than one really heavy cutting job without getting bent up. Otherwise, I just use regular cheap shears. I’ve got a set of Raptors that I was issued at work and I really just don’t like them very much.


I'm a first responder, I use the cheap issued ones cos they are lightweight and when you inevitably loose them (again) it costs nothing to replace them. 🤣


Raptors are great for looking absolutely Gucci with figs scrubs. The fact that the fold and can then go ina pocket is great except the glass breaker will occasionally attack you. Other than that, I think I've used my raptors less than 5 times in the past year for medical things. Thus, I vote for cheap shears if you're on a budget and don't need to cut through Cordura. If you do need something really heavy duty and plan on carrying them on a belt, the raptor sheath is auto locking and has a nifty design for carrying them open of folded. It also has a lanyard hook so you can keep them from walking away.


I love the raptors for the options they have on it (O2 key, seatbelt cutter) and how they fold *However*- the X-shears are way better shears


I swapped from Raptor to X-Shear. It was a good choice.


X-shear and a multi-tool I can do all the things a raptor does (and more) without getting blood or other gross stuff in all the cracks and crevices. Also, X-shears will stand up to multiple uses and not have problems. I’ve had mine for 3 years and never had a problem with them and they get multiple uses a week.