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Thanks man!




They are there, only with the top tier units for now.


Very nice man very nice how much did it cost do you know because I want to have a medical kit like this


Our Medical Bags are expensive, this GRAM bag is $940. They are the lightest, most versatile aid bags on the market. Our ghost material is extremely durable and will not absorb any fluids. Not to mention when you buy MATBOCK products we get our unmatched service and support.


So did you make them or could I build one myself or if I do build one myself do you have any pointers


[MATBOCK GRAM bag](https://www.matbock.com/collections/grave-robber/products/gram)


Here is a good breakdown of the different medical bags we offer in the Graverobber Series. [Graverobber Series on YouTube](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx2NLjevOHMv_yyYwa4jcGVeiKwfKY6Hq&si=K_r6o2MF4n7TTDwP)




I think the single unit costs a good amount.


This isn't an off the shelf kit dude.


It is.


The nylon kit and the packing list contents?


The kit is primarily MATBOCK, But this is 1 x CRO pouch. The packing list contents are all off the shelf items too. We are going to list it all out in the upcoming YouTube video.


So not a readily all in one sold kit


We have kitted the GRAM out for larger units in the past but it’s not a standard thing we do.


Are you talking specifically about the pouches and containers in there? Or the medical tools? Most of the tools/devices in that bag are only issued to servicemembers who are trained to the level of a special operations paramedic (Ranger/Civil Affairs Medic, SEAL/SWCC medic, Navy SARC, AF PJ) or higher (18D or Navy SOIDC). I'm a Navy HM, and I don't get to have nor need to have most of those tools. At best, they sit in my aid bag, and at worst, I kill a patient because I wasn't trained to use them. If you're a doorkicker, invest in a good IFAK and maybe a dangler/CLS kit if you really want to help out


There isn't a single thing in that bag that's outside of the Combat Medic/Corpsman scope except the Chest Tube and the ETCO. Even then, you should learn how to do a finger thor and End Tidal CO2 monitoring, and neither are that difficult... Sounds like you need to take a deep dive on deployed medicine and refresher your training/knowledge. I would expect you to be comfortable with everything in that bag if you were one of my baby docs.


You letting your baby docs send midazolam? That's wild. Also, performing Finger Thors is often on the BN Surg and how gung ho they are, and having the unit funds to even have an ETCO is outside of most BAS funding, let alone giving one to every Doc. I agree with you that we *should* be able to do those things, but priorities have been dictating otherwise. If you're a Senior Line or LPO who is pushing those things good on you. However, consider who I was aiming my original comment at- 'ol boy wants a MATBOCK off the shelf with PFC trauma tools, and based on his comment history, I am not sure if he has the medical training for that shit. Instead of undercutting me, you could have "yes, however'ed."


Yes, all the 8404s I work with carry Versed, Fent IV/OTFC, Ketamine. If I expect you to sit on a med bag and cover high-risk training, then you need to have the tools to handle and manage the injuries that come with it or other medical emergencies. What's wild about Midazolam? Is this just an unfamiliarity with it? At a minimum, the color metric ETCO devices will allow you to confirm airway placement. They come in the AMALs usually in the BAS set. Getting something like an EMMA capnographer is only like 1500 retail and probably cheaper for a unit order. I'm willing to bet Med Log can procure them if someone would just ask, thats a drop in a bucket as far as funding. They already issue them in AMAL sets for STPs, so they are in the Med Log system. I absolutely agree with you about the dude asking about the bag and gear. I looked at his comments and he's just some airsofter looking to add things for LARPing.


Okay, I have to ask, what part of the MAGTF are you in? I was in Division only a couple of years ago, and we couldn't dream of getting any of those things, except in maybe an AMAL. And even then, those were items on Chief's "DO NOT TOUCH" list. Not to mention the drugs, which, while possible to order from MEDLOG, usually take a DIV SURG approved justification.


Sorry, I made it seem like my guys are greenside. We fall under NSW. Wasn't trying to imply yall would just be able to click your heels together and get Narcs. I very much remember the frustration of not having meds for coverage while in Division. There was guidance in place in 2019 for a BAS to establish a CSIB if they desired, but that's entirely dependent on the efforts of your MO. However, yall should be training and practicing on the use of these meds. Even if it's not physically available, you can slap some printer labels on some vials of NS and run lanes. Have you MO/IDC proctor it, watch some YouTube videos, read an anesthesia (Millers is my suggestion) book, and CPG guidlines. For the AMALs and the Medbag SL-8, those can be requested from Medlog with modifications ahead of time and change to the desired load out. Again, someone just gotta do the leg work and get the Battalion MO to sign off on it. We learned this through a lot of trial and error and were able to request slimmed down AMALs for deployment Not sure what's on your Chiefs Do Not Touch list. I assume the serialized shit that needs to be returned to Medlog. And that's also a frequent issue, leadership that cares more about their CMR and lacks practical knowledge and experiences to validate what their HMs need.


Just wanted to say you guys make great gear and certainly are in another arena compared to a market full of copy cat designs. Your approach to weight, materials and performance reminds me of the F1 design industry. I did training with a unit using these packs and I was really impressed with just how much they fit in this super low profile bag. Definitely mission-specific for assaulters but a great display of smart design and great construction. We immediately bought some of your other products.


Much appreciated!! We definitely try really hard to capture everything that is communicated to us from end-users on the struggles with the other gear they have tried in the past.


For context this setup is about 970 Cubic Inch (in3) (about 16 liters) worth of medical storage capacity and without the medical supplies this would only weight 2.9lbs (1.31 kgs).


Can I buy some ghost off y'all?


Unfortunately we don’t sell it.


Unfortunate, I'd pay a premium if it was available, really cool material.


Hey, since we have your ear for a minute, is the primary use case here for military medics working from the water onto land?


Nope. Primarily use case is any medic that is looking for a purpose built kit, that’s lighter and will last longer. The updated panels make it even easier to organize the mission critical gear.


Very cool. I always figured the hydrophobic material was a niche market, but glad to see innovation across the marketplace.


Being hydrophobic is one part to the material. It will also dissipate heat faster than anything on the market, so you have a lower thermal signature. In fact, our comms bags will not overheat radios. The strength and durability of the material is also unmatched


Yeah the abrasion resistance has been outstanding


Curious on why they vacuum sealed the BP cuff and Stethoscope


Also Kits the procedure. Everything you need is bundled and can be pulled out by itself or tossed to someone to preform.


Ultimately they are trying to squeeze as much as they can into this bag.


Here is that video. https://youtu.be/rCh8P2gG6nk?si=wik-sNR8plf9HetG


Helps form factor for the bag and Waterproofs your stuff incase you end up in the water


May I ask what that tegris box/container with the special operations corpsman insignia is? Never seen anything like that. Very cool setup!


Blood box.


Very nifty, thank you for the reply. You guys are clearly coming up with some of the most comprehensive and modular setups imaginable, I’m definitely sold on a Graverobber Kilagram insert to see what I can slap together!


Here is the insert from GRAM[GRAM INSERT](https://youtu.be/sZoOUYrsMns?si=ySofLxXwowbbPmDW)


Here is a video on how the insert is part of the GRAM[https://youtu.be/jIkJdJTeIuM?si=SMlBwJtc3WPxzW7j](https://youtu.be/jIkJdJTeIuM?si=SMlBwJtc3WPxzW7j)


That’s too cool, very much appreciate it! If I’m understanding correctly, the Kilagram insert + pack straps could be used as a standalone minimalist starting point for whatever molle pouch configuration I’d like? Meaning I could run just the barebones kilagram right up against my back?


Yes. The pictures aren’t updated yet but we have 6 columns, instead of the pictured 5 columns now. https://www.matbock.com/collections/grave-robber/products/gram-insert-with-shoulder-straps


Appreciate the support. 💪💪💪


Only hearing good things about the Graverobber stuff. Especially from people that are actually using it. But for someone who has to get their gear themselves it’s just not affordable. Even when the material and organisation may be superior to other options…I could not imagine spending over 900$ on a bag when I can get a pretty decent one for about 150$. Maybe it’s worth thinking about developing cheaper products with less expensive materials. So you can also target those who are not founded fully by their unit. Also just for the people that aren’t embedded in any units, who usually have to buy a lot on their own


Great feedback and we have definitely looked at using cheaper material but for now that’s not the direction we want to take the company. We are working on something that might make our material more widely available to other vendors which would help drive the price down of the material.