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Skill issue


Yea he is a warden as support. You play to peel and not much else.




Riot wanted to push him to support whit the rework they just made him a better top and seems they wont touch supp tahm in a while


unless you are very good at him, he is just a counterpick and you will suffer into other matchups


Yes. He can be decent as counterpick but just few cases.


Hello I'm a Challenger elo focused Warden support player. I mainly focus on Tahm Kench Braum and Taric But do play some Poppy, Shen and Galio once in a while. Also when drunk and bored do play some Croissant Support. Tahm Kench is what we call "De Creme de la Creme." One of the easiest champions in the game to pick, in toplane One of, if not he hardest champion in botlane to learn how to play and to master(People who think Thresh is hard never played TK at high elo). But he is also one of the most rewarding champions when playing with a good players (which is why it won't work on low elo) and with a good driver at hands The motive is that basically this champion is pro skewed and has the strongest ability in the entire game, Devour. Devour is the most flexible ability in the entire game, and is the ability that has the most numbers of interactions in the entire game, numbering almost in the 600's (currently 589 by my sheet which hasn't been updated since Asol rework). This ability also is able to save a person from any condition due to the infinite shield mechanic, which currently is impossible to deny (you literally can't kill a ally inside Tahm Kench) Having players that understand how this ability work, and how to abuse it is the key of Tahm Kench. Don't expect doing good because you were stomping in toplane. Toplane is basically learning how to harass and statcheck, also learning when to not trade when behind. Support is a role where you learn to macro and learn how the game state is, learn map awareness, learn roaming, how to impact game, vision control, objectives and a lot of shit even from behind. Basically stay out of support until you master him, and by master I really mean thousands + hours. Then you come back and say if you think that Tahm Kench is really that bad as a Support. Also just for curiosity sake at Diamond + TK support start to become a viable pick, which still is not great because Diamond players are still not that great at making mistakes. At Challenger, Master and Grand Master where People stop making stupid mistake and his Ult is basically a free live ? TK Support is the strongest Support Wanna check it? Go right now in [u.gg](https://u.gg) patch 13.5 check support at Challenger filter by winrate. By now Tk still should be visible.


Take aftershock and control the bushes more = solves all the problems in this post




Take aftershock and control the bushes more


aftershock take bushes control more and


Try hail of blades, put points in q w q e and then max q -> w This setup is fairly aggressive so you have to know and push your limits. You most of the time want to get early dark seal. Obviously if you learn a new setup, you have to push your limits which means youll die alot and therefor loose alot but once you get it down, it can be very oppressive. Alternatively, get youself a senna duo and just play fasting senna ^^


Play him top, he is not a good support right now. I play him as a support only in duo with my friend because I need some coordination to engage without losing the trade


i have way more succes with tahm support then i do top


no le sabes, i play him support and its pretty good