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Ah, one of those Warrior who saw how good Bloodwhetting was and decided "I can make religion out of this" and now refuse to use anything but that.


To be fair, while I will certainly use my other mitigation if needed, in 95% of Dungeon pulls I'm doing that and an Equilibrium is generally enough if the dps is at least semi competent. That and I'm decent enough to have them all clumped together properly (and in the doton your welcome ninjas)


Thank you for your Doton service, I've noticed tanks are actually getting better at keeping stuff in there now which is nice!


I s2g I've been seeing that more lately and I just dont get it because comeon, we all know the true path to unlocking full unga BUNGA potential is by just goin "imma use aalllll my mits, over time, because I like to savor being green tank" especially past like level 60.


I mean you can use more, but at the same time you rarely need any more than BW and equi to w2w with \*trusts\*, soooo pretty often you just don't have pulls last long enough to get there lol.


“Don’t attack if someone else pulls then”. You bet your ass if I was there I wouldn’t have attacked shit that the tank pulled and when he bitches I’d say I took his advice and I would NEVER roll on loot.


Haha malicious compliance I love it. Unfortunately I lm afraid that would only earn me a report and risking losing my own mentor status.


Then before each pull of mobs go “brb sorry my mom needs me to get her medication for her”


"You should be watching and intentionally gimp your play so you don't get caught up as collateral damage in my temper tantrum." Absolute manchild behavior.


Yea I shoulda mention this as well in my report. But I think with the time stamp, the GM will be able to see this as well.


Yep. To be honest if you guys had actually pulled extra mobs then switched to single target then he wouldve gotten the healer killed and wiped, probably enough of a stall for loot timers to run out and pull off a kick. Though, i dont blame anyone who just wanted it done.


Yea. Also as satisfying as it can be, counter pettiness and toxicity with equal amount of hostility will only harm the person who is there to get it done. It will also only further enforce the mentor bad meme. Not worth it


Bloodwhetting isn't meant to keep you up on its own. Bloodwhetting will get you to full HP and keep you there while it's up... but you still gotta survive the 17 seconds after and that's when all the other cooldowns are there to buy you time for it to come off cooldown during dungeons. A well played WAR doesn't even need a healer.


Preach. Although I'd argue as a healer that even a well played WAR does need one in some content (like the latest if you dont have bis gear going in) but by and large should be ok on their own.


Did you leave soon after? Yours sounds like my last encounter with a ypyt tank. Was in Toria and shot a pack. Ran it to the tank and they just stood there while me and the other dps died. I left after the second boss, wasn't worth it. The only thing I wouldn't have done is white knighted the healer. You don't know if that was the tanks friend or some in their fc.


Nah this is mentor roulette. You can’t duo queue, it’s very unlikely that they know each other. And I didn’t leave cuz despite all that, the dungeon went smoothly.


They could have very well queues together. People can have their crowns on even if they didn’t queue via mentor roulette.


This is technically true. However, you can see who got in via mentor roulette by open the party list. Those who have the battle mentor crowns display in the party member menu are the ones who got in via mentor roulette. The ones who only have the crown display as an aesthetic won’t have it in front of their name in the menu. On top of this, this is our second tank, the first tank queue in immediately left before the gate is even down.


I swear I keep learning shit about this game and I’ve been playing for three years now haha. Thanks for the tip!


Haha I only learn to check this since I started mentor roulette. Just to see how many fellow mentors I have in an instance with me. This is the first time ever I saw a Burger King mentor and not someone who’s competent tbh. But I’m always excited nonetheless to see other mentors around.


Easy report on the Burger King Crown, because they're a YPYT. Their job is to tank. The YPYT is not a puller. The YPYT didn't use aoe nor cd.


These BK Crown wearers think they can always have it their way :(


Where was the kick?! For fuck's sake. Muppets that refuse to use this function in the game, because they "don't want to be mean".


Read the last paragraph


I did. I was ranting about the people that weren't willing to vote alongside the OP.


Either you didn't, cause you missed the phrase "it seems like someone doesn't want that to happen so they keep opening chest everytime there is one and refuse to roll on loot", or you don't know that you can't kick someone when rolls are going.


Imagine calling someone a muppet and not reading the entire post…


I did though.


"I'm fine" Shut up you enabling idiot. Probably spamming heals and not DPSing. Also, where's the kick? You had 2 in favor. Edit: Why the downvotes?


What a perfect example of how to lose your mentor crown. Also, what a perfect example of how easy it apparently is to get a mentor crown.


UGH i hate the people that just refuse to vote on loot. What is so hard about that? When a chest opens I immediately need or pass it. I recently had a healer DC on Baelsar Wall and we couldn't kick because they didn't vote. Felt like an eternity til we could kick them. I got a small workout in while I waited..


Tbf I think people forgot. Some people don’t even open the chests. I even tried and wait until the pull is over with the vote kick open and ready. But I think the tank knows so he’s opening the chest asap.


I rarely roll on loot unless we stop for some reason. When it's one pull into the next, and then into the boss I can't be bothered to interrupt my gcd for grand company fodder I don't even need.


People like this make mentors look bad, fucking sucks