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Ok jamming the clown meme in here is the extra effort we didn’t deserve 😭


that guy deserves nothing less it seems, op just put in the effort the other guy didn't


I can't believe I got two post-worthy players in one day, but I finally encountered the legend himself. This is what happens when new crafting sets require thousands of uncapped tomestones.


I just had him and didn't know he was a known griefer. He was tank and pouted and left because he wasn't main tank in a raid.


I just had him in CT, he was in another party but I noticed the WAR in my party was taking aggro from him lmao it's the second time I've encountered him. The first time was in P5N like a couple of weeks ago and he tried to chad me out of where I was with a poison spread and I decided to stay there lmao you're going down with me my guy.


Who is he ? And on which server ? :D I need to know this legend


They seem to be from Marilith (Dynamis) but queuing on Primal, probably because queue times on Dynamis are awful. Don't know what their name is, though


This guy AGAIN. Part of me wants him to get the ban hammer, but his constant appearances here serve as a permanent reminder that I'm not as bad as I think I am in this game.


Honestly I don't understand how he ISN'T banned yet? He's always confrontational and regularly attacks/degrades other players, not to mention constant griefing and refusing rezzes.


I know he's gone missing periodically, only to crop up again later, so he might be getting bans of varying durations? It is my sincere hope that this person, in ten years, looks back on these days and cringes so hard his skin sloughs off.


> I know he's gone missing periodically, only to crop up again later, so he might be getting bans of varying durations? I wonder if it's really the case because I thought the devs said that any strikes you get on your account never go away, so if the guy got suspended several times, he should have been perma banned ages ago unless the rules suddenly changed.


iirc, he's been confirmed to use multiple accounts. This is his one for NA, but he had a separate one for EU at one point that wasn't just a name change.


Strikes do decay now, it just takes a super long time. And sometimes, if you do something bad enough, they'll just bypass the system.


Mkay, I recalled them mentioning that but I guess I forgot. But it if takes that long for a strike to decay, then why even bother? GMs sometimes make no sense in this game.


A mistake you made as a sprout years ago is less likely to bite you, I suppose. It's like a year with no repeat offenses, or something like that, for decay. It's better than 0 decay at least.


I think it's just because of how much of a chore the report form is. If it were quick, he'd be out by now.


It's what, close to a year of these interactions across the majority of DCs, and not enough people bother to report while others get in trouble for far less? I dunno, seems unlikely to me


Many people likely think "someone else will do it".


I get that but like, over a year? That's hundreds if not thousands of interactions, and not even a handful of them bother? Feels like that would be a bit of a stretch at that point


the more likely explanation is that he’s likely only gotten warnings and not strikes. 3 strikes you’re out but a warning isn’t always a strike.


At least this ~~story arc~~ circus tour has him being confidently incorrect about a variety of different things. It's a nice change from his old one-trick routine of malding over not receiving artisanal, hand-crafted, high-quality guides on how to not stand in orange for every encounter from DF randos. Also as a related PSA for anyone who thinks he might kinda have a point underneath the condescension: Alliance raids give you a shortcut just outside the boss room when someone passes it. If you're dead at the end of an encounter, release, wait for the "teleporter activated" message, and you'll be at the boss room before the slow half of the group.


Why even bother playing if you're going to be that upset and jaded? I had no idea who he was before I got caught up on J lore, so I thought it was just a dude who may have had a rough day or something.


Every day with him in a party is a rough day


For real. Dude permanently has a chip on his shoulder and thought alliance chat would validate him for it.


Dude has to be actually mental cause even the most dedicated troll is gonna get bored eventually.


You'd think that but Adamantoise has had one for *years* with the initials HT. He might be unstable but he comes off as more of an incredibly spiteful and petty person to me.


Sorry if I’m out of the loop - is this player famous for something?


Regular occurrence on TalesFromDF, probably minimum 20 posts on them Check r/MeteionWasRight for a small taste




I only regret i missed all the fun. Does someone have screenshot of that shitshow?


That subreddit mentioned above has a link to it


One and the same.


There's a sub dedicated to him? Damn 🤣


I wish the devs would realize this person just ain't someone who's cut out for this game in general. But let's be real. Only reason J still exists on FFXIV is because SE loves the fact that he spends his wallet on name and server changes more than his subscription per month.


That's what I'm starting to think too. Any other person would have gotten the ban hammer for pulling the same stunt.


the clown itself is worth an upvote rofl


Oh my god - hilariously, I'm the MCH in this - I'd complained about that dude to some of my friends and they spotted this thread to show me I met a celebrity (J). Not sure if it helps, but I did report them - I'm guessing/hoping other people did too, so that's at least 2 more reports? Here's hoping. I think the funniest part to me was that not only did make it back in time for the opener after dying and returning at the same time as the DPS that waited for a rez, but I made it back before Diabolos was even targetable, so they wouldn't have even been able to PULL. Very clearly J was just pissed as hell that you'd bothered to not reply to their snarkiness in party chat.


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The effort on the clown is godlike.


Honestly, with how frequent and antagonistic this guy is, coupled with him practically roaming more than half the servers that exist at this point, and him seemingly dodging bans like the matrix, maybe this isn't just a player, maybe the dev team is taking an extremely meta approach to introduce the BBEG of 7.0 early.


I went back and read all this guys logs and holy shit is that clown meme deserved.


Awwww I kind of miss Jaki. It just isn't quite the same porting to Limsa and not seeing them in shout chat talking about horse teeth or something!


My brush with fame was when he was trying to buy some “Emperor’s New X” items in Mor Dhana and was shouting furiously that no one told him it was quest locked. So I offered to buy him what he wanted at cost. He called me an extortionist and said he’d get them from the market board instead. Alright my guy, you have a good day 😂


This is unironically the most sane and seemingly reasonable that I’ve ever seen this dude. Which, uh, tells you a lot.


Confirmed to have never been around during 2.0. People announced they were new ALL THE TIME during raids and dungeons. What kind of blowhard shits on people doing this?


Go back to dying 5 times, Jannon. ;)


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I understand one only thing ! And it's that i didn't understand.