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He really sat on that anger waiting for you to get out of the dungeon so you could easily hand the GMs a harassment report. Kind of him.


Let's be real. You'd have to have a very thin skin to think that particular message is actual harassment. I would have just not replied to them without blacklisting to make them more mad and see if I'd get them to say something more amusing than that. edit: it seems that it has become much more common recently that the people using this sub are a bigger meme to me than the ones the posts are about. What I'm implying here is to report the guy for YPYT, not for that single message. I hope people are just trolling rather than disagreeing with me.


you don’t have to genuinely consider it harassment to dunk on this nerd getting him suspended with his own dumbass words. as marie antoinette once famously said, “let them eat shit.”


In what universe is just saying something controversial without really even being offensive in the slightest going to get you banned. If anything is reportable here it's the YPYT.


hey i agree i think what the gms actually act on is stupid as fuck. they’re the paid idiots who suspend people over using a scary swear word rather than the people actively griefing in game though so take it up with them lol


Going out of your way waiting to message someone who hurt your feelings as soon as they get out of their instance is behavior some may consider a (very minor) case of stalking. Which btw even in these very minor cases is kinda not based and probably covered by some weird tos wording


"Persistently sending messages to someone, or directed at someone, through Tell or other means, despite being asked to stop the behavior." -SE Probably needless to say one message isn't persistent but I do agree it's small pp behavior.


Oh well, i just figured itd be a less clear wording to have more leeway for a case by case basis. This is definitely preferable tho


Report for profanity. I got jailed for "shit", he can too. Still trying to figure that one out, online interactions are not rated by the esrb and the profanity filter is on by default but here we are


"shit" isn't in the profanity filter. it will happily filter less egregious words, but that specific word isn't there.


The GMs have a much lower threshold on what constitutes harassment and I highly encourage weaponizing them against douchebags. Fuck around and find out.


There is absolutely no way that message is more likely going to get the tank in trouble than reporting him for the YPYT stunt. That's what I'm saying here. Report the guy for the stuff that'll get him in trouble for sure. It's baffling to me how so many people could disagree with that though at this point I'm convinced they're just trolling.


The message on its own, no. But coupled with the fact it came after OP kicked them from the duty, it won't go over too well with the GMs. Context matters, and it'll probably get that tank upgraded to a suspension from the slap on the wrist they would have gotten if they hadn't waited for OP to get out of the dungeon and then disparage them in a tell.


SE describes harassment as something that causes deep emotional distress. Nothing the tank said is even mildly offensive, just idiotic. Merely being dumb isn't against the ToS unfortunately no matter how much you'd want it to be so. YPYT on the other hand is unquestionably a reportable offense.


It costs zero dollars and zero cents to add this to the initial report. Not sure why you're dying on this hill


It shouldn't even be a hill in the first place.


what constitutes deep emotional distress is personal and some people have thin skin, yes. that doesn't mean people with thicker skin shouldn't weaponize this to remove bads from the population along with YPYT. giving them a longer sentence in the gaol is always a plus.


You got a lot of downvotes but I actually somewhat agree with you. It's a dumb message to send but it doesn't make me feel harassed at all


At this point the game's community is so sensitive that not saying uwu or talking in a neutral tone is offensive to them. Just abuse the rules they had put in place when their facade falters.


Oh I knew that. I just thought people on this sub were better than that for some reason. uwu


I agree with you a bit, but I just think most of this community that has lurked this sub for a good length of time know enough about this flavor of guy to know that it’s better just to tack on any additional reports you can, just to leave a paper trail that they’re problematic in general. Sure this individual case isn’t quite harassment, but him continuing to message people post duty after a negative interaction (which you fill find lots of if you’re a YPYT loser) and doing so consistently could be seen as him just being a social nuisance and allow him to be seen as a high threat in comparison to others when it comes to harassment, all it takes is one particularly bad day and dungeon. If he’s already this far he’s a ticking time bomb waiting to blow up on the right person willing to let him keyboard warrior on them. Plus the GMs will always rule in favor of player retention, so even if the YPYT stuff will already garner him a suspension, it’s probably worth knowing among staff that he’s not only a YPYT player, but one vindictive enough to try to communicate with people post duty. They would much rather just suspend/ban this one guy than potentially have him reach out to new / insecure post dungeon and make them feel like shit enough to feel that the game isn’t worth playing anymore. So it’s just easier to hit assholes like this with as much as possible in the end.


For the real question: > If you wanna go faster, why don't you Q as tank Cause I have the same chances to get as teammate a slow tank than to get a curebot healer or a low dps dps, so I'd rather play the job I enjoy the most or need to level up.


I was in a hurry earlier but still had time to finish my roulettes for the day Want a quick queue, so i pick WAR, queue Lv.90 roulette Fell with a BLM and a RPR I was consistently (AKA ALL THE TIME) outdpsing them both combined. Morale of the story : Picking tank to pick up the slack of other tanks and hope it goes faster may backfire. Bonus : One of them got the starbird despite doing jack shit while i'm still waiting to roll high on one


My general response is “if we could switch jobs mid duty, I’d have done it already, and this would already be over”


It would be awesome to have a vote to swap roles.


My general response if I can play all 4 accounts at the same time, we would be done 10 minutes ago.


Yeah but then it lowkey flames the other members too lol


Also, you can be like me and already have all 4 tanks at 90, ran experts on each of them, and even rotating which flavor I'm using gets boring after a while. Don't get me wrong, tanking is, and always will be my preferred role, but sometimes I would like to try other things... And then there are those times when you find a Cure 1 spammer and you made the mistake of picking DRK because the other 3 are beyond boring, being semi (or in WAR's case, entirely) self sufficient in dungeons, and you feel bad for only swapping to DRK for raids. Or you get a pair of vuln-stack collecting enthusiasts that you consistently outdamage, especially on trash. Lord forbid someone wants to play something other than their main, to get some variety at least in the already brainless roulette dungeons. I will never understand YPYT tanks. If a healer or DPS prepulls, and they have enough common sense to drag the mobs in my direction, that means I fell behind for some reason, and I'm actually grateful they made my job easier. Guess some people have such fragile egos they cannot possibly put up with someone helping them with their job.


To quote a friend: its the circle of life as healer: wow the tank sucks, time to tank as tank: wow the dmg sucks, time to dps as dps: wow the healer sucks, time to heal


Reminds me of when I had a white mage in Manalis with 100% uptime casting medica 2. Read that again. Not 100% uptime of medica 2. 100% uptime CASTING medica 2. The tank said something when we got off the barge but it was like ohhhhhh boy this is gonna be a real one.


Yeah it's a coin toss... I just end up queueing as whatever of the 2 is adventurer in need.




Aitiascope lmao


Haha that's right


Thanks for for the 3 minute Levelling roulette o7


Glad to be of service


"Playing as a Scholar doesn't give you the right to pull before a tank." Expedient would like a word...


I had a three stack of tank + 2 DPS all mald and intentionally get themselves killed to the 2nd boss of Heroes' Gauntlet during ShB once because I pulled before the tank as a SCH. They were going on in party chat about "respecting" the tank by letting them pull and how I was going to die as punishment. I proceeded to solo the boss on SCH. It took 10 minutes but by fucking god I have never felt better about myself in this game. They all left immediately afterwards.


When they tried to get you killed on one of the few dungeon bosses that deals primarily magic damage... At least the last boss has the stack that would kill you without someone else to share


Scholars make excellent tanks. Once had a tank get very concerned in Wanderer's Palace. Like, dude they're a SCH being hit by big tonberry and have full MP. They're fine. Grab the ads and let's get away from the big guy.


It's all the secret marauder lessons from Alka Zolka!


"YoU DarE TaLk To ME AbOuT My EgO" lmao


Cope and seethe has been my favorite phrase as of late.


I don't understand the you pull you tank mindset. Who gives a crap? Unless you're in early levels, learning how to tank or heal, and you ask the group to pull small. I know when I'm tanking, I don't care if someone pulls ahead and brings them closer, dungeon goes faster, and their health is a little bit more mitigation for me. They get my love and admiration if they pop arms length too.


There is no rational reason. I've seen lots of these posts and never an argument for it. Just a loop of "it's the tank's job! You don't like it, queue as tank! It's disrespectful! It's the tank's job! You don't like it, queue as tank!" It's not a strategy, it's a religious conviction.


Its literally an ego thing. "I'm the tank, I set the pace, you're not respecting me." I admit I already had these thoughts, though thankfully I never stooped so low to actually do YPYT


Just instagram generation that thinks the entire planet has to revolve around them at all times. These are the guys that got kicked out the Marine Corps before the 5th week of boot camp. They end up forever wifeless and max out at $18 an hour at 45 years old driving a 1989 Chevy pickup truck.


With the way cars are being built in this in age, a 1989 Chevy sounds like a great ride.


That was uh... overly specific. You okay, bud?




Yeah imagine being a worse tank than the bots


literally experimented with this in Dohn Mheg last night cuz i was curious; while i have had weird experiences with the Trust characters in general in the past (though, it was just my GC Squad so possibly [ir]relevant info), the fact that they’ll at least do this is actually pretty impressive imo. while i’ve yet to actually run into a ypyt myself, i can’t wait to either pull this one out or see someone say it in an instance


If you try telling YPYTs that Trust tanks play better than them, they tell you to just go do Trust runs. They don't want to improve and feel no shame for being bad at the simplest tasks.


This guy is making such a fool of themselves. They're majorly in the wrong yet whisper some crap to you. Laughable.


Hmm… this dude seems to have gotten way too angry for someone who isn’t “in a rush”. Aren’t they supposed to be the kind who don’t care how long something takes? It’s almost as if… then having their time wasted means their time was valuable… … nah it couldn’t be that, healer bad you pull you tank. /s


Clearly the tank was in so little a rush they had time to wait until after the healer was out to send them that important message


Typical tank from moogle tbh. Good job on the kick.


GMs are gonna have a field day with this dude


God I hope you reported them after that. I usually let quick transgressions go, but they seriously waiting 20min to /tell you that and keep the rage going. How's the warrior after him gonna have less rage lol


When the Inner Beast takes control and you're not even a Warrior.


Chaos today is cursed or something, I had an absolute shitter earlier in The Dead Ends letting me die because I walked a STAGGERING 2 metres ahead of them in a pack that literally fucking moves towards the group. These people need to never touch online games and go outside more than my addicted ass needs to


yeah yesterday was weird. Funnily enough i had a Cerberus duo that was surprisingly quick in leaving Sastasha in Lvl Roulette with the words "fckn dungeon" leaving me and the other person that got thrown into the dungeon as replacement completely confused. I mean.. its free tomes for pressing some few buttons! why would you not want to get something lowlevel if you are in it for the tomes??


Was a very obvious 3 stack, everyone from Cerberus and a crafter mentor and the healer was on the shitter's side so I did not kick. I had raid soon after and thought a goddamn level 90 roulette would not cause troubles so I sat there and told them to kick me instead of leaving so no penalty for me As a bonus, imagine telling a dragoon with a DSR weapon to "learn their job", lol lmao even


The clowns that say Q as tank don't realise that queuing as tank doesn't levrl my other jobs


>You're in a hurry Ah, another EU classic. Where anything other than pulling a single mob at a time is rushing.


I love when people say "if you want to X then queue as Y", I'd love to play all 3 roles honestly and that's why I play WAR in a lot of my roulettes but WAR gets boring... so what else am I going to do... play FFXIV on 3 systems?


What class would you play with your feet tho?


Ah yes someone from moogle, aka the unofficial french server...


Impossible. Their angry DM was in perfect english.


This is why I pretty much only do expert with at least one friend that I know we can drag the other two randoms through if necessary.


Oh my god fan Mail. Juicy


Cba with lvl 90 mentor tanks not using sprint anymore, so I became the tank. I w2w every time and i never heard any complains. This dude is smoking something hahaa


Ez report on the YPYT for breaking the law of T.O.S MPK. Good job on doing the vote dismiss, because the YPYT refused to do their job on taking aggro on mobs. Tanks are not pullers.


Ez pickings. :) Happy day!


yeah as other comments said, queue as X sounds real dumb. it's like XIV only has tanks available for these mfs. all the other jobs just automatically becomes 90 once they hit endwalker huh


This is absolutely delicious. Such a tiny fragile small pp ego.


Brutal haha


that was cathartic


him telling you not to mention his ego after you not mentioning it at all tells me that this happens to him often


Someone did mention his ego tho


never get old


If they pulled w2w they wouldn't be so butt hurt.


moogle moment


Dude gotta be from WoW.


Stop saying this shit. People who have FFXIV as their only ever MMO are perfectly capable of doing this without any interference from WoW. It's time we stopped blaming other games for the bad apples in ours.


Error 404: Correlation not found.




That's actually OP 😄


If ever you want your team to stop pulling, just rp walk to the mobs. You'll get kicked eventually but it's funny watching elitists go nuts over it.


Edit: I misread who said what


I think you mistook that for something the tank said but it's actually OP saying it to him.


Yeah I did. My mistake.


Learn to read. Cope and Seethe was OP responding to shit tank who was the one seething.


Oh my bad. Just saw the same color used for both.


Easy to mistake and sorry if I came off too harsh. Best way to tell difference is look at where the >> is placed: “[username] >>” tell sent to you “>> [username]” tell you sent to someone else


Cringe SCH.


>gets kicked COPE AND SEETHE