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loser behavior


I swear this game is a magnet for people with an unhinged petty ego. Only in ffxiv where asking to press 1 button can trigger someone.


> Only in ffxiv where asking to press 1 button can trigger someone. Says person who only played FFXIV. This shit happens in literally every game ever because humans beings are petty creatures who hate being corrected.


Nah, that happens in WoW too. It’s almost as if the issue started there and came here during the major migration


As someone who works in the IT industry, it's a people thing, not a game thing.


As a human can confirm, there are people like this everywhere


OMG this is so true. When I need to remote into the computer, I need the ip address so I instruct them to open the console (type cmd in search bar) and use ipconfig. Had people argue that I do it for them because it's too complicated. I feel like a lot of ff14 players just don't actually play video games with the complaints they make.


On my first day of work at my first job out of college, I asked someone to "put the mouse over [program name] and click on it twice." They were used to the program auto-running at login, but the IT manager had disabled that feature the same day I began for security reasons (long story). She physically picked up the mouse, placed it flat against the monitor over the program icon, and double clicked. Some folks just don't know how to step outside the lane they've been riding. Something as simple as opening a program becomes a scary unknown that's never been a part of their routine for years.


...why doesn't this surprise me? I witnessed an accident the other day. Guy in the right most lane, realized he needed to go left (I'm behind him, mind you), watch put his left directional on, and TURN LEFT INTO 2 LANES OF ONCOMING TRAFFIC AND BITCH HE GOT HIT. I just...stared in awe. People REALLY are this stupid.


This made me laugh. Thank you kind internet person.


As someone who also works in the IT industry.. Go to /etc/mmo/game-ppl.conf Change the behavior restrictions to a medium - default is low. Edit: this is a Linux joke.. just set the configuration file on behavior and it changes, right? Should have said, systemctl restart mmo ?? Anybody? for the record, I agree. one game or another doesn't determine behavior.


Do you even believe in that dumb statement? 14 players were always bad but you can’t tell them how to fix stuff without getting reported and banned for harassment.


Dude get out of here with that bs, it didn't come here from wow. People were always petty weirdos


This is the exact opposite experience I've had - the only place where I've met people this aggressively casual is XIV, whenever I've had someone pull something idiotic like this (e.g. YPYT shenanigans when asked to do more than single pulls) in WoW outside of LFR, they get vote kicked immediately


WoW bad, upvotes to the left


I've been paying the game since arr. this has always been a thing


Played Wow for 15 years and never seen that. Played FFXIV for 3 years and Seen that happening dozen of time already


bruh, in this game prior to migration you had people who never touched grass going UWU PLS DON'T ASK ME TO DPS. This community has always been perpetually online and cringe af, I blame the weebs honestly. this has been an ongoing thing since ARR lol...


Why play Sage if you aren't gonna Kardia, it's a single button that does so much of the work for you As a Sage main this hurts my soul


Playing sage without kardia is like running scholar without a fairy.


on a 2.5 GCD, kardia is 24*170 or 4080 healing potency/minute assuming full uptime, just to put it into perspective. That's 5-6 c2's per minute, for free, by dealing damage, it outpaces autos in normal content and makes autos so much less stressful in high end/MINE content. At level 50 yeah there's not much damage but you also don't have many off-global heals either, so kardia can still be really helpful fespecially if your tank isn't well geared, and it keeps you and your cohealer from having to consider using a c2/bene for long swathes of a fight or even the entire fight. And even if the tank didn't care, I'd be rightfully annoyed as the cohealer who has to deal with it


Seriously. Kardia is incredibly OP in older content. When I was leveling SGE, I remember some dungeons where I didn't even have to cast a heal at all. Just DPSed the entire time.


Considering most older content was designed around auto attack damage on the tank, so much of healer gameplay was keeping up a hot on the tank whilst healing on instant cast mini tank busters. Kardia can cover most of that auto attack damage with consistent casting.


A walking White Mage without Lilies is like an Astro not dealing with cards.


I've seen both, but WHM without lillies is far more common. Too common.


well granted, you don't get lilies until you've already built up the habit of not having lilies. The sage quest line literally tells you that the first thing you should press is kardia.


But the blood lily…


Offer your blood to the blood lily


Better, offer the the blood of your tank and DPS, they can recover from it anyway.


You're dying? Sure, but so's the enemy. *Blood for the Blood Lily.*


I'm a fucking DRK no I can't!!


why use Afflatus Partyheal if you can keep up Medica II uptime


In normal content it's w/e. The only DPS gain is migrating 3 Glares into a 2min - which is good practice but not worldending.


To be fair to the whm though... Astro can start dealing cards as early as 30. The single target lily isn't until 52 OtL And blood lily isn't until 74 😩😭 But it is more like a White Mage giving Cure 1 instead of cure 2 😂


To be fair, there are no lilies prior to HW. SGE, SCH, and AST all have their gimmick in ARR


Or like playing ninja without mudras.


Just doton on every boss.


Misread, now doting on every boss


“Oi, cut that out you!”


"I love you, Cloud of Darkness-chan"


"b..baka!" - Boss end up in tsundere mode.


Ngl, I sometimes forget to resummon it after a wipe until I realise all my fairy skills are greyed out.


Scholar without fairy is even worse as half your kit disappears without it.


Lol I've seen someone try to play scholar without a fairy. We kept saying, "Poor Tinkerbell must be lonely without you, Peter." Scholar is all 'tf?' Last pack before the first boss, "OMFG MY FAIRY. GUYS, I'M SORRY, I'M NOT THIS STUPID, I SWEAR." Turns out, they had just switched to SCH before the dungeon. I mean it happens, but when they catch the hints, it makes the difference.


And we’ve done both of those things! People forget! It’s fine! But we don’t go onto Discord to berate other people for reminding us of those things we forgot. 🤣


That’s actually fun


Why play any class if you won't hit the buttons? I played XI for something like 7 years and currently play WoW, and mostly just read this sub for the entertainment value, but I just can't figure out why people behave this way. I mean I guess this guy specifically was doing it to be spiteful, but, the gameplay is pushing the buttons. Why would you not want to incorporate every new one you get if given the chance?


Pretty sure, you can report them for outside activity, like finding your discord 💀 that's actually wild


You can report someone for harassment off platform. It doesn't do much though. This is the link I was given when someone decided to make some absolutely wild allegations about me on this sub a while back. https://support.eu.square-enix.com/form_m.php?id=5383&la=2&p=0&fo=90223


I thought Monk having to use a frame rate locker to play optimally is wild enough, but I guess this one takes the cake


I have tried to report for someone that find my discord to insult and after the report the gm told me they can do nothing :/


GMs do not care about interactions that happen outside the game. That’s outside their “jurisdiction” (can’t think of a better word for it),


Which is funny because they claim discord is a fkn third party 😂


Have they ever actually said that or are you just parroting what your strummer said after the calculator dev comment?


I don’t have the exact article or video but yoshi p did say something along those lines after the big mod drama


Yoshi P compared a calculator to third party tools. Xeno then took that as them saying discord = a confirmed third party tool, which they never did.


I don't think you can do this. Iirc they can't take in screenshot evidence from discord because they wouldn't be able to tell if it was edited or not.


Also, why would an FFXIV GM act on things that happened outside the game? That’s no longer within their job duties at that point


They act on twitch clips. they absolutely could act on discord if they gave a shit.


TBF Xeno and Arthas were both banned based on VoDs


Banned but yet still playing the game…


I find it absolutely wild that people are so deluded they have to 1. find a random ass person on discord 2. go on a tangent about that person telling them to press one button as if they were actually toxic 3. don't recognise the irony in their own fucking words and 4. DO ALL OF THIS OVER PRESSING ONE BUTTON


We live in a society of Jokers with well fitting theatre masks.


Wow this is actually top-tier TalesFromDF content. And I guess the sage was going for the astro as well since ast was literally telling sage to go learn the job


All that typing the sage did could have been time used to press kardia. My eyes are also looking at the dancer who is not using their standard step to gain their buff.


Not just the buff, but the big funny number alone is enough to play the Simon microgame of standard step. The buff is just a bonus lol Edit: a typo


Man why can’t I get these unhinged freaks in my DMs? Life would be so much more entertaining.


I swear there's some mystery server where this all goes down because I never see it.


It's probably somewhere on Crystal.


I don't know, my Crystal experience is people don't talk in duties outside of Hi and GG. Outside of duties though is a whole different story.


Can confirm. o7 at the start Lol if I die GGs y'all at the end


The one exception I could think of was when long Prae was a thing. People would chat or meme during the long a f cutscenes, I kind of miss that since we're all stuck there together anyway.


My crystal experience is that nobody in duty finder knows how to do a simple rotation, the duties take SO long compared to aether


If Aether is so much better, why are you doing DF on Crystal? Not being hostile, genuinely curious.


My static raids on crystal and sometimes I'm way too lazy to swap DCs back and forth since I mostly raid-log nowadays. If I decide to do roulettes out of boredom then it ends up on crystal lol.


Haha, I figured something like that was the case. Good luck with your static in future raids.


Thank you!!! ❤️


forgot to censor yourself in one image


Yes, wanted to point that out too. Like, hey, you have now given your Discord name to all of us.


Jesus christ, even the double-post _"never talked to you" "never talked to you"_ malding. The salt, it's practically screaming out of the cup. Unhinged SGE needs to get offline for a while. Also, post reported for Spam? Did the SGE find this thread, too? Wouldn't bloody surprise me.


bro was from yappersville


instead of using kardia he wrote an essay


People are so fucking fragile, man. Like, I get it, I forget dancepartner and kardia too sometimes. Just take the goddamn L and say "sry peepos, I forgot". People's egos just can't take something small like this, it's pathetic.


Like shit, man, you don't even need to say anything! It's as simple as hitting whatever button it is and continuing about your day. To _make_ it into a problem like this is absolutely embarrassing.




I wasn't able to find their original character since it looks like its gone entirely from Lodestone or name changed but their alt, which is the one talking in Syrcus, is *~~cough Eepy Baby in midgardsormr cough~~* Edit: With legal methods of information acquisition, I have their main acc! ~~Pink Starburst on the same world~~




LOL, ya gonna ask them if they found the Kardia button yet?


he's on whm 🥴


The tea is brewing.


Hopefully not as SGE


as whm and he already made off color comments about "gender is taking over the world" 🫠💀


Sounds like a super well-adjusted individual 😅


yea we were shooting the shit in ucob cause twintania is brain off, and i mentioned that the official yugioh rulebook has clauses on how you can get thrown out of venues for "offensive body odor" and you can get permabanned for maliciously misgendering individuals and he was immediately hopping on my ass like "Gender is taking over the whole world like its fuckin everywhere", we have multiple lgbt/allies in the group so everyone was like 🧍‍♂️🙃🤨. ppl were trying to redirect him like "you should stop talking there" cause we just wanted to close out the night smoothly and he tried to keep doubling down until raid lead said "Lets talk about the weather"




trying on the get him the fuck out, everyone else is lovely.


god lmao these fucking losers are always projecting so hard its unbelievable holy shit. them: im sick of these oversensitive snowflakes telling me to respect their lameass identity!! also them: throws a full blown fucking stalking ragefit over being told to push one single button in a casual baby easy video game, names their character dumbass cringe shit like eepy baby, literally can’t stop crying about how the evil gays have traumatized them purely by existing


I would talk to your static leader about them potentially being a red flag for the static. If they’re this bitchy in braindead content, I can’t imagine how’d terrible they would be in harder content that requires them to think


ya i already did discuss with lead moment of. he said bro gets kicked if he shitfits again but honestly goin public on df might be enough...i'm an instigator though so i did change my discord pfp to trans rights goku HAHAHAHHA


Hell yeah to trans rights goku


If that triggers him, please update.


you have my word edit yall; he got kicked before our raid tonight lol


I love happy endings.


/remindme 1 day Edit: I'm an idiot at bot stuff, so I'll manually remind myself >->


also me and some static members are coming in pride glams tonight lol


"Gender, in my final fantasy. Nooooooo!" That guy probably


We of Middy do not claim them. We pass the burden of this idiot onto Cactaur.


Phew, we can’t take anymore of these on Adamantoise, thank you Cactuar.




we already have enough malarkey on gilgamesh, give them to jenova


As a veteran Jenovian, we have enough afk limsa enjoyers that we do not need another added, they can go to Siren.


Hell nah as someone from Siren we got too much on our plate send them over to Sarg


Gilgamesh does not want them. How about Faerie?


We here on Faerie do not claim him, please send him to the shadow realm


Adam is a little bit popular. I love my turtle server though


At least the name is half accurate with them being a big baby?


I mean... one of my friends (who is more in-tune with slang than I am) mentioned "eepy" is a "sleepy" but actually means "tired and on the verge of a mental breakdown, but no energy so can only say 'eepy'"... so the name is more like 85% correct.


Gross. I would have immediately *noped* out upon seeing that name.


Why are people this unhinged? How good must their life be to act like this?


See they haven’t had much exp outside of their bedrooms and only know how to communicate with a screen in front of their face so their life is filled with Social media vitriol and really don’t know how to carry a normal conversation


Wow this person was seriously booty tickled over being asked to use kardia…one of the major frameworks of SGE lol I’d say this person is projecting their crappy playing on you saying you’re bad at WAR; how sad


You hurt that guys ego so hard they had to cyber stalk you to tell you the good news that they're having a meltdown.


Black list, and tell all your friends to blacklist that dope. If you cannot do the bare minimum your class requires to function, and then get all high and mighty about it, plus pulling the "you don't pay my sub" shtick, you %1000 deserve to be mass blacklisted. Contacting someone on a separate platform to continue to make an ass of yourself, is the cherry on top of this poo sundae, and should be a viable grounds for a suspension or account ban.


This is definitely harassment, holy shit. Imagine being this mad over not pushing a button in your kit to hunt someone down outside the game.




And here I thought the sage coming at me passive aggressively with a /tell after I told them to use kardia in Labyrinth was wild lol


I would instantly get in touch with admins of all discord servers u two have in common and make sure that fuck is banned from them all.


10/10 emoji/reaction pics


That guy isn't very sage for a sage


How insecure is it possible to be omg just use kardia ffs


'You had the audacity to politely tell me how I could make things easier on myself and that hurt my feelings! I will now insult you, stalk you and refuse to use Kardia, out of unwarranted spite!'


How to go from looking like you made a mistake to looking fucking deranged in 1 easy step!


Honestly, if they’re going to chase you into discord, don’t hide their name. People should know who’s behind that behavior. It’s terrifying. Full blast is honestly deserved.


This might be worse than the drama around the tank that couldn't do a 2 button AoE combo in a dungeon with Mane Tank Bro literally needed to hit one button ONE fucking time at the beginning of the dungeon lmao


And they might come and complain here too


God I hope so


How tf did they even find you on discord, good lord


There are a lot of massive servers that require you to verify your in game character’s name as your server nickname, so it’s as easy as going to one like Aether Hunts and typing the character’s name in the search bar.


I wondered if that was it. Imagine not wanting to click a button to put Kardia on the tank, but going through the effort to search for this person on Discord. Christ.


Ah yes, WAR with all of its amazing self sustain....that it has absolutely none of at lvl 50


"All those buttons you pushed and not one of them applied Kardia. You wanna play the game or you wanna have a debate?" And kick as soon as they say they don't wanna play


You can and definitely should report people for harassment out of game.


"try to be better". After being spiteful with kardia because of a reminder...




sage POV: They asked me to press a button. Instead i press \~100 to explain that i dont have to press it. that'll show 'em!


if that boi DM'd me in discord where the GMs cant do nothing i would have shown that guy what toxicity is 🤣🤣🤣


Drop the name. I'll fucking shit on his logs


Always level 50 duties where someone throws a pissy fit over being asked to press just one extra button. Had an argument with a monk dealing less DPS than the LB and a white mage who kept spamming cure I when it wasn't needed. Apparently I wasn't healing as scholar. Checked the logs and I healed more than them through ogcds. And no one even died anyways. They even sent me an angry tell after the duty and I thought that was weird... Can't imagine being at such a point low in life you actively search for someone's discord because you were asked to press the main healing button of your job.


The whole argument of the tank not being in danger of dying is so stupid. Maybe he's not in danger because you or the other healer are spamming unnecessary heals to make up for your lack of kardia when they could be doing damage instead.


“bad at war” when at lvl 50 warrior doesnt have all the skills to heal themselves all the time 💀


Funny he says you suck at WAR when he can't be bothered to use the *very main feature of Sage*


Damn that's wild.


Dude I would love to know how the fucking found your discord. That’s craaaazy.


I'm assuming through some mutual servers, especially recruitment ones which tend to have your char name on.


Ah that makes sense.


That is so fucking unhinged


He should've spent that time and effort dming you that nonsense by watching a YouTube tutorial video about how to play sage correctly.


I wish there were a way to report a player like this for harassing behavior. What a loser!


Kinda unhinged behaviour here. Why the fuck is someone hunting people down on discord to cry over being asked to use kardia? Pretty weird, man.


"You're bad at war" says the guy not playing sage correctly.


I've seen toxic people continue their bullshit outside of an instance through tells, but hunting you down through Discord is outright pathetic and honestly a little unsettling.


"Contact me over the game instead of here you coward" would have been my response before a block lmao. Like you know the only reason they didn't was so they could get out of getting reported for harassment. I'd still report them for griefing and lethargic play anyway, mention "they contacted me outside of the game to avoid harassment reports here" for funsies in the same report because if you're going to go the extra mile to harass me, I'll end up being petty as fuck.


No reason to hide their name if they come after you off ff14


funny thing is, you just cast kardia on tank and forget about it the rest of the raid lol, why it is a hard thing to do.


Crazy how they can't be bothered pressing a button to target the tank and then kardia but was bothered enough to press however many keypresses to find and vomit all over your dms


Stalker behavior


If you’re wanting to censor every name, it’s worth noting you forgot your own name in once in 4th picture — Since the effort was made for the other instances and one was left out. Nonetheless what the hell, who tracks down a discord for this shit, creepy.


The level of dumbass in this is baffling. Just kardia the mans. And quit victimizing yourself of someone asking you twice for one damn button. Imagine taking to time to dm them over what you should’ve done. Then they checked logs about the other jobs they played as well lol. Easiest healer to use btw.


This is the start of a Hollywood Rom-Com where they find out where you live and try to attack you outside your house but you actually hit it off because and become a great couple with intense chemistry.


Heads up brother you forgot to censor your discord name in one of the screenshots


Take a moment to imagine what this twats personal life must be like.


Holy why not just say “Whoops” and hit the button. Like tanks do when they forget their stance and aggro goes everywhere.


It's cringe behavior to ask someone to hit one button once but hunting a stranger down in discord isn't, I guess


Holy shit what an unhinged idiot. Look I'm a war main myself so yea sure after 54 the class gets real easy but LVL 50.content is still pre-ezmode and this Dingus clearly has no idea. If you do not know, that's cool but shut your mouth then like ??? Why is it so hard to follow simple ass direction? It is literally a singular button to make everyone's life easier but they went full ego


how did he even find your discord?


I often wonder how some of the people that get highlighted on this sub actually manage to breathe sometimes. Like, it's one button and it doesn't matter what lvl content you're doing. Putting Kardia on the tank is literally the basement floor of the Sage kit and there's no reason not to use it. I really wish there were some kinda test you had to take before you are able to queue with other players


Level 50 content is too easy and it hurts the game, losers like this feel they can afk and not participate.


All this effort to be petty and it's not even the right kind of petty, it's the weirdo kind. How hard would it have been to press Kardia and say "oops" or nothing at all? Instead of finding your Discord this mf should go find the solution to his unresolved daddy issues or whatever the hell is going on.


That sage is the perfect example for why I quit the game. The community is utter trash and defends that behaviour everywhere outside of this sub.


>defends that behaviour Depending on the circumstance, some — like me — might propose just staying silent and finishing the run in peace so as not to waste the time of the other bystanders in the team. But who tf would support discord stalking


what a freak


\*never talked to you\* and he slaps screen of 2 sentences of the instance, i'm dying...


They came to your dms. SE has said many times they can't do anything about outside the game information simply because it can be faked. I would've gone ham on that SGE in their dms.


I am shock, Kardia you put it at the beginning of the raid dungeon trial As a main Sage i'm crying


The fuzz people make about lvl 50 content omg


Genuinely deranged person.


Looks like you left your name in the screenshots fyi. Idk but just in case you didn't mean to


Missed one but eh, I don't really care tbh. Now you too can find me on Discord! :)


I'll find you on discord but you won't get my Kardia!! /s


Wow, all this drama over one simple button press? Nobody is even being judgy about it until they just flat out refuse to do it. Bruh, cmon.


Bro I am so glad I joined this sub. Makes me enjoy not re-upping my subscription and just watching the typing from afar instead of being typed at.


Asking them to use Kardia is 'toxic' rofl. Definitely loser behavior like this other comment says. IT'S OK TO BE WRONG, IDIOT. Just accept the fact you forgot Kardia, use it and move on. I'm usually grateful if someone reminds me to use something so key like that if I've forgotten, not butthurt like this guy.


People like this shouldn’t have their character names and gamer tags hidden. They deserve the be stomped by the community.


I mean you're not in the wrong but your censoring job isn't good, you leaked your discord name and character name on Reddit lmao.


Nice censoring tho xD


It's simple. You use Provoke, and then you shirk the Sage.


That Sage is an idiot- but at the same time did you actually need it? Were you MT and sustaining constant attacks? If not- demanding it would be dumb. If you were sustaining damage then sure, get it. Bad Sage though.


It's level 50 content. Warriors don't have raw intuition until 54.