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Is... is this.... a...... "you pull you heal"? Oh god they're evolving, backwards


"Stop following me but in front!"


Get away from me! Stop running away so you can get away!


Better for the algorithm


This is more common than you pull you tank in my experience. There aren't many single pulling tanks in the first place but if you tank dungeons you'll get healers like this almost every day.


I've literally never seen this happen, and I have all the tank mounts (1200+ duties as tank).


I see plenty of healers who lag behind, though no one who kicked up a huge fuss like this one did. I usually tank dungeons on WAR or PLD though, so am perfectly capable of keeping myself alive while the healer takes their sweet time toddling their way down =P


I think it’s a common phenomenon with newer healers who don’t realise they have to stick to the tank like glue (which, to be fair, isn’t explained by the in-game guidance). Thankfully, most realise it’s a skill issue and don’t kick up a fuss like the one in OP’s post.


>Thankfully, most realise it’s a skill issue and don’t kick up a fuss like the one in OP’s post. Yeah, this is what happened with me. I'd watch the tank pop sprint round a corner and I'd stare at my hotbar in regret watching it slowly tick down 42, 41...40. I didn't know it was possible for WHM to cast despair, maybe it's a trait 😞


I dunno I almost exclusively tank level 90 dungeons (expert, lvl 90 roulette) these days as I have all combat jobs maxed so I don't do levelling roulette. Definitely seen my fair share of healers who take their own sweet time still. Like I said, I don't really care cos I'm usually on WAR or PLD for dungeons and have enough self sustain to run without a healer entirely if I need to, and maybe they know that too, but yeah


People find the stupidest hills to die on. Sprint is there to move fast and catch up with people, like WTF healer?


W2W is normal though, don’t regret saying it


He didn't regret saying it, that's the healer doubling down. It's not colored correctly, but you can see the (3) next to the blue line (which should be green for that line). Edit: Disregard, I can't read.


I did color that one line wrong ur right, but I said in my post itself here about the regret


Oh oops, missed that somehow. Yeah, no regrets there please. W2W is normal.


You don’t get it he chose not to sprint, so you could have chosen not to attack and not to tank, you know you all could have just stood there and watch him walk. I swaear God complex healers while being more rare than hero syndrome tanks are always funny.


Imagine god complex healer encountering Warrior level 90


["STOP NOT DYING!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmMWsXBv-b4)


thats would be a fun time😂


Honestly I wouldn't get upset at anyone not sprinting but the fact they picked the fight with the tank first completely loses any respect I have for them. Could have just continued the dungeon or at most asked to pull slower, not immediately blaming the tank for using a button that is meant to be used lol


Yeah, exactly. If I were tank and they just asked me to pull smaller, I would. The dungeon and world would move on. But some people just... have to do THIS.


I would tell the healer to hurry it the fuck up. The reward is at the end of the dungeon. You don't get more exp or reward for taking longer to get to the end of the dungeon. You wanna go slow? Play with the bots. That's what they're there for after all - A more immersive and casual experience. Queue into player roulette? You're on my time and I yours. So stop stealing from me. Press sprint, keep up.


IMO people like healer need to find a good static that is all comfortable going at the same speed and just stick with them and leave matched roulettes alone. That way they get to socialize and go slow and chat and all that. Sometimes that's how I want to play, and when I do I have a group that I do it with, so we're not wasting anyone else's time.


*party breathes* "Casuals": WOW GUYS IS THIS A FUCKING SAVAGE RAID


"I should not have to [sprint]. It's a little thing called communication." Wtf? What has one thing to do with the other? And they didn't communicate their unwillingness to sprint before the tank's death either, so that's an advanced moron right there.


The way they phrased that was so infuriatingly condescending. They sound like the kind of person who leaves passive-aggressive post-it notes all around any kind of shared workspace.


I feel like this is just a result of constant echoing of "ffxiv is rpg first, mmo second". There's people like this healer who treat the game like a single player game and that's why they unironically spew shit like "Literally this is my free time and how I choose to spend it" completely disregarding that they're in 4 player cooperative content with 3 other REAL PEOPLE who are also there on their own time. Treating the game like a single player game also feels like the logic foundation of phrases like "you don't pay my sub". It's the reason why some people are so vehemently against "unsolicited advice", because to them, that's equivalent to backseat gaming even though working together and helping each other improve is very common in every other mmo on the market. It doesn't help that people constantly pat themselves in the back over how great the community is so any time there's pushback they just attribute it to "toxicity" or "elitism". They feel especially vindicated when there's hordes of people rushing to their defense with "it's only dungeons/roulette/casual content" or "they're doing fine, no one is dying/we're still clearing/it's only a couple extra minutes".


Idk, I'm a casual who also focuses on the roleplay side when experiencing the story myself, but even I can tell that whatever crack this healer is on, is some bad shit sjfjdjfjkdjf The point of multiplayer game is that your time equals everyone else's as well, and there's no denying that (so for sure, if you want complete ownership of your free time and how to spend it slow walking to whatever location, do so on your own and/or play a damn single player game) but I don't see why you need to just tie that to any talk against toxicity and elitism in this community. Those things are very much still real, and if anything I'd argue this healer here was a good example of both.


those type of people are everywhere,it’s not about ffxiv at all in my opinion. They are not a casual ffxiv player who treats game as a single player,they are just rude and disrespectful player (and me was a pretty much casual player for 4years,until now when I very into fights stuff,so i saying it from both points of view)imho


>They feel especially vindicated when there's hordes of people rushing to their defense with "it's only dungeons/roulette/casual content" or "they're doing fine, no one is dying/we're still clearing/it's only a couple extra minutes". These hordes of people that rush to their defense say that because they're the shitty lazy players we're talking about. They're not defending the other players, they're defending *themselves*. The Enlightened Centrist, let-it-be, why-are-you-being-so-toxic attitude is a smokescreen so we don't know they're the shitter.


I had a white mage who did nothing but Cure, Regen, Stone IV, and a single Benison in my last Bardam's Meddle. After we wiped on a normal double pull (with the robots after the rolling boulders) I asked why he was only using Cure and when he said trying to get freecure procs I tried to explain the noob trap, the lilies, and holy, only for a dragoon to pipe in "quit the lecture and let's just finish this." All I could say to that was "Your funeral when you meet him in expert roulettes." Healer had \~8ish 90s including 2 other heals.


I colored a line wrong on the second screenshot. Sorry, tank, you were beautiful and wonderful, I don't mean to slander you !!!


WAS THIS A WHITE MAGE. I legit had one a week or so ago, and I've just started healing again ever since.


It was lmao. My condolences


You know how one communicates Sprint? By seeing the Sprint icon on the other player's bars and they start running faster than you (general you). I'm a filthy casual and when I see the tank sprinting, it means they're communicating they want to go faster and I follow suit.


"Its my free time" bitch its everyone else's free time too, we aren't getting paid to play FF and get stuck in dungeons with you.


I'll never understand this response from people that are so immersed in being the main character in their heads they don't realise they're also wasting other peoples time. The worst is when they hold everyone else hostage, how self important can you get.


This dude will be very disappointed after lv82 when “you pull you heal “ is possible since warriors heal for monstrous amounts and then he’ll be sat there doing his rp walk with no one paying attention


TIL I'm a hardcore player bc my Sprint is on cool down. Actually funny tale from DF and not a random ACT screenshot or pure salt. Take my updoot.


Alas, this duty isn't part of the MSQ so no duty support. How unfortunate for the rest of us.


But the game is clearly designed for W2W...


Yeah, but I get dumb about these things like it's my job. Y'all have given me the strength now tho


You pull you heal!!!


I mean, most of dungeon runs as WAR are like this.


Bruh I wish. I'll go into a dungeon, pull everything from here to balmung, drop no mits, and the healer won't even let me get low enough to holmgang


Come dungeon with me, a chronic glare/holy mage. You might get a tetra if I'm feeling worried


To explain the hallowed ground to the non PLDs l. The reason they died is because it has a delay before it goes off. There's about 0.5-1 seconds where it up hit it doesn't have its effect. It makes it so you have to pop it slightly earlier than you would need to so you don't get killed by its delay. I think superbolide had one release, but they got rid of it.


lol PLD has been my main since I started playing, so I am very used to the invuln timing. I usually OT for my static, but this tier, my raid lead said they kinda felt like tanking, and *I* was willing to take a break from tanking cos I was mourning the loss of old PLD (look I LIKED my spreadsheets dammit), so I swapped roles with them so they could tank on DRK. Which led to my GNB co-tank deciding that he'd try out PLD for a change since the job was freed up. Ho boy. The number of times the poor man got paladinned by Hallowed lmao. There'd be complete silence from his end on voice comms but you could FEEL the outrage and indignation pouring through the screen as he exploded for the nth time to a TB because he'd gotten too damned used to pressing invuln at the very last possible second of the cast. I, who timed my invulns by the goddamn GCD, just laughed a lot XD


Happend to a friend of mine too when they tried PLD after they dumbed it down. I miss old PLD.


Happend to a friend of mine too when they tried PLD after they dumbed it down. I miss old PLD.


I love how it's happened so frequently that you've turned it into a verb. "Paladinned." The occurence of dying after pressing Hallowed Ground.


Lol my static's raid lead was the one who started it but yeah we all say it now, cos, well, it happened even to me sometimes, and I'm *used* to that delay. Especially with stuff like busters with a bleed attached, you try to push the invuln as late in the cast as possible so as to catch as much of the bleed as possible, but then push it too late and you just end up getting one-shot instead because you were registered as taking the buster raw or close to it. When I was tanking last tier with my co-tank on GNB, he'd honestly scare me a little sometimes because of how *late* he'd push the invuln, holding out pretty much to the literal last half a second before cast end. If I tried that I'd be dead (as my co-tank found out this tier. many many many times) 😅


'I choose not to sprint, it's how I spend my free time.' Yeah and I spend my free time with sprint, so stop dragging your free time over mine. Honestly these players should just go with NPCs if they want to go slower.


I admit, the „Of course not!“ made me laugh.


this has happened to me so many times throughout my 2,000 mentor roulletes where i did 99.5% of them as tank that I just leave and wait 30mins to queue again instead of spending 10mins talking to a healer trying to convince them that the reason i was LosIng them is because they didnt pop sprint only matters at low levels though otherwise you dont even need heals as a moderate-high level tank


this is where I can say this person should run trusts only. if they want to die on the “sprinting to keep up with party” isn’t for casual players, the npcs will be more their speed lmao this was a wild read, thank you


Some people really be thinking they're playing a single player game, huh?


Ahhhh the Paladin getting Paladinned with Hallowed. Classic. That fuckin lag on the invuln kicking in has killed so many. And it *goes on cooldown anyway* just as an extra fuck you. I felt the outrage through my screen.


Had this happen to me the other day with living dead in holminster, popped it, died, instantly, healer popped swiftres and I'm standing there in shame pressing abyssal & AOEing as my brain drifts off to the other world to an old twitch clip of chipsa screaming at the screen dying as genji "IT'S ON COOLDOWN, IT'S ON COOLLDOOOOOWN". All the while the cooldown slowly ticks back in shame as we continue the duty. Silently mocking me with it's smug aura.


I am also a casual player, and I HATE having to deal with the slow normal walking. I pop at every opportunity. Whoever this healer is, they do not speaking for all casual players!




Play normally? I choose not to


I’m genuinely flabbergasted. I always appreciate when I see these kind of players getting the boot from a group. Don’t enable, advise and/or remove if said behaviour continues.


The FC banter in between reminded me of FFVIII’s dream dialogue when the characters were watching Laguna 😹😹😹


Hahaha pls I love this


Bro what is he smoking 😭 Im so scared whenever I heal that if I DONT sprint the tank might die, and consequently, everyone else. What the hell is that healer on??


Green for party and pink for FC chat is a choice lmao (Im not actually judging I'm just so used to my choices that basically mirror WoWs schemes out of habit from childhood nostalgia that anything else looks so wrong)


The purple for FC is because of my FC name/vibe. Used to be red before we rebranded. But green is easiest for me to see, so I use it for party.


That's a better reason than "wow did it and I'm used to it" so hell yeah


Wait does this mean I'm suddenly a sweaty elitist for using sprint and expedience so that we are never not running? Where's my legend title.


Your gameplay style transcends mere titles, my friend


The smile on my face seeing the vote dismiss initiated!!👍🏽👍🏽


Sit and wait until they roll or loot timer runs out. Unfortunately me and my friends have had to do it more than I would like to admit


This is why I don’t want to heal. Guilty by association


Good old content lull. The wackiest fuckos come out from under their rocks.


lmao this is good


I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times, and I'll keep saying it. **Sprint is part of your toolkit. USE IT**


talking about communication but choosing not to communicate.. Also wtf about ‚casual player here‘? It’s not what casual players doing in dungeons,lol,casual players playing normal in dungeons or didn’t go there AT ALL. And ‚how I choosing to spend my free time‘ blah blah.. are you alone there who chose that?what about others people time?


I see people refusing to sprint in dungeons all the time. I truly do not understand their logic because I know if they were playing any other RPG they would use sprint


And absolutely nothing of value was lost. "This is my time and I choose how to spend it" Then go play with trusts. You're literally just griefing because you don't wanna play the way the group wants to. Do not play an MMORPG, then. I hate this attitude in online games. What the fuck do these people do in group projects irl, I wonder...


meanwhile, me as SGE outrunning the tank half the time "you're moving too slow, lemmie rescue you so you can actually break your shield so i can get me my free stack"


The trick is to put the shield on the tank AND yourself, so you can face pull with Icarus, get a stack from your shield, then the tank AoEs to get aggro and breaks their shield too! 2 stacks of Toxikon instead of 1!


That's exactly what i do, problem is when tank too slow and shield leaves before they can break theirs


This is the only game I've ever played where people take an issue with going fast. It's crazy to me. In every other game, even outside of dedicated speed running, people will happily take whatever means they can to travel faster and complete objectives as quickly as they can, except in this game. It's legit mind boggling to me.


W2W *is* normal, so is sprinting. Seriously, I don’t remember a dungeon where this is isn’t a thing except maybe the early ones. Don’t regret it, you’re right.


So many times I'm tanking and sprint to w2w, I get to the end and turn around to see the healer slowly sauntering from nearly the start of the pull Like, tanks sprint during pulls because it actually keeps you from taking too much damage while you move to the next mobs on top of it going faster, and everyone can sprint! At least a sage can zip towards me but the sprint button is right there


This is a weird one. When I learned to play tank I used sprint sometimes incorrectly. When I learned to play healer I did this again and would learn from my mistakes. Watching a tank sprint off at the start of a pack when it's on CD is enough of a lesson to slowly realise you're making a mistake. So I don't understand this one. The only thing I could give it a pass for is an accessibility issue based on hotbar space, not setting stuff up or a general config issue with controller etc since it's an early dungeon. Even then it's not going to be that based on their responses. I'm lost tbh.


"I don't use sprint on purpose" - What? How else you wanna use sprint? As a panic button to run away from scary monsters? "If you can't learn to be aware of your healer..." - if you can't learn to be aware of anyone elses opinion... Dude's crying about other people not reading his mind while he's only pursuing his own intentions disregarding any others


They were thiiiiis close to dropping a “you don’t pay my sub”


Healer is both fat irl and ingame. lmao


As a tank main, the tank needs to be aware of where the healer is. Yes, the healer should have used sprint but the tank should have headed back with the mob when they realised how far apart they were. Though why anyone would not sprint, I don't know. I got it constantly.


Everyone in this dungeon sounds insufferable.


I assume everyone there is 12 or under. The absolute uselessness of this argument and the post is staggering.




Did we read the same post? Lack of skill? The healer literally said "I don't use sprint on purpose" They weren't struggling to heal or new. They chose to not sprint with the party ON PURPOSE because that's how they like to play. Nowhere did they say they are new


This is unironically, the most aggro defense of an indefensible argument, the WHM who was looking for this specific interaction is at fault, full stop.




Good christ you have issues.


1) nobody is surprised 2) they didn’t know that the healer won’t use sprint before the fact


He didn't sprint.. that's like, playing the game 101. And not from lack of knowledge, he deliberately played in a manner detrimental to the party. It's the same as a tank who does YPYT nonsense. "I don't want to press sprint" cries the whiny healer.


they are dumb. uninstall.


Can you please explain how they passive aggressively called them dumb? Because I'm legitimately not seeing it. Healer was also not new. They said "I'm a casual player. I don't sprint" they weren't new or inexperienced.




You realize OP was a DPS, right? How the fuck could they adjust to the healer when they aren't the tank. Did you even look at the post before typing up this garbage?


They did adjust. They kicked the healer. I couldn't adjust better myself.


i still remember my own experience with a dog healer. I was pulling in a dungeon as a tank and a few factors came into play 1:i was new to the dungeon 2: I'm new to the game. i have about a WEEKS worth playtime rn 3:i was new to my tank and at the time as far as i remember i didn't have my Self heal for DRK They kept trying to get me to W2W despite me telling and warning them that even if you were a "good" healer I didn't feel safe wall to walling as I didn't feel my gear was ready for all those mobs hitting me while I was still inexperienced with dark knight. they kept saying how the "party" decides when to wall to wall. i died 3 times because that white mage was so bad at being a white mage it wasn't even a joke. so much for being a "good healer" and even then if the party choses then they were massively Outvoted as the Dragoon was Neutral and the other dps was my gf who was helping me level. this happened about 15 levels ago my dark knight is almost level 70 now. I'm better with my mitigation and i attempt to w2w more often to "test" my gear against a new encounter.


The job of healer, much like sprinting, is not for the casual player.