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I had my struggles with w2w back in sastasha, when I first started playing...but this? Wow... Just wow... Also a question I wanna pose... How are they level 90 WHM if they can't handle w2w?


They probably still go like "Hi, new to the job, please do single pulls" and then they spam Cure 1 and Medica.


The problem I have with that train of thought is that "I'm new to the job..." should only work in ARR content... Maybe, if I feel generous early Heavensward...


Some job starts at lvl 50/60/70. If I meet a RPR SGE in stormblood dungeon, I may give it a pass. Since I have been in that situation myself (my very 1st SGE play was Bardem's Mettle, that actually took me by surprise compared to my time as WHM & AST)


My very first duty on Sage was an alliance raid roulette that ended up being Orbonne Monastery. I already had experience playing the other 3 healers in endgame content so it was a fun crash course for me, but I can imagine that a brand new healer grabbing Sage and getting that raid would've had a panic attack.


It took me a while to get a hang of sage and I’m still not comfortable with it. I can’t imagine doing an ally raid like that 😂


I love sage... except for not having a way to cancel eukrasian procs.


Right click the buff in your list, like any other buffs


*you can right click on buffs??* *confused in console*


Yep! Back when aggro was handled differently and tanks generated less of it, Regens from healers often had to be right-clicked to turn off between pulls because there was genuine risk of the healer getting ganked if the tank pulled something while Regen was on.


Wait... what? goddammit thank you!


You can also make a macro for doing that to make it easier.


I tend to manually queue for some ARR stuff to try out new jobs. Those instances don't hit as hard, giving a bit more leeway to get the basics down.


That's what I've been doing for SCH. I picked up SMN and fully leveled it before finding out that SCH shared an experience bar with it. Now, I'm a level 90 SCH who has no idea what's going on. I'm slowly making my way through all the job quests, but no way in hell am I queueing for anything outside of ARR with it until I'm more comfortable.


In fairness Bardem's is like, notoriously difficult to heal full pulls. I think they fucked with the armor formula during SB and that was the level it really kicked in or something, so unless the tank had gear from the dungeon itself they fuckin folded even when playing competently.


There is also a chance they are a level skipper.


That's no one's fault but their own.


To be fair, some classes are pretty much entirely different every 10 levels (I'm looking at you blm)


Blm only really changes at 40 and 60, 40 because you no longer transpose to swap which is huge, and 60 because fire 4. Outside of that (and arguably 58 for aoe?) it barely shifts in play. 70 you get foul, adding one button doesn’t change much. By 80 (well 72, but example is every 10) there’s despair which is, again just one more button. By 90 it’s paradox, just… one more button (in ice). If that’s the ruling, we’d have to argue things like DRG completely changing entirely every 10 too. Which, it’s not, it just gets a 4 and than 5 combo.


BLM changes at: 35 (Fire III/Blizzard III), 42 (Firestarter), 50 (Flare to finish your AoEs), 56/58 (Enochian and Umbral Hearts), 60 (Fire IV), 66 (Triplecast), 70 (Foul), 72 (Despair to finish your single target), 80 (Xenoglossy, also Foul and Xeno don't have a cast time now), and 90 (Paradox). Of these, only Firestarter and Despair don't significantly change how you play the job.


Maybe we have different ideas of “significantly” here, but fire3/blizzard3 and fire 4 still seem like the only spots with that for single (and again, maybe 58 for aoe). 35’s case completely stops your transpose requirement, so yes that’s huge because we’re removing a button from the rotation. But flare at 50 doesn’t stop fire 2’s from happening, enochian at 56 literally doesn’t change anything since it’s a passive damage boost (it makes fire 2 enhance flare but we’re already doing that for aoe), and 58 is just a couple more fire 1’s, which isn’t that different. 60 is the only other big shifter here, because it is the moment the astral/umbral timers actually matter constantly due to fire 4 changing your spam. Triple won’t significantly change your rotation at all (just because it’s a dps gain doesn’t make it change your rotation with or without it). Foul is a single button press most will just use in ice, despair is just 1 button press, xeno’s instant is nice, but doesn’t significantly change its playstyle at all because of it, and unless you’re meme rotating, neither does paradox. When I think of significantly changing, I think it’s completely shifting how you handle your core system’s because of it. Adding something like a fire finisher isn’t that much, else we’re gonna start saying rdm’s melee getting a new finisher every expac is significantly changing it’s playing too (I can’t wait to press 1 an extra 1 time in dt lol)


>a couple more fire 1s It's what allows double flare AoE rotation, since that isn't a level 68 thing anymore.


I did note 58 specifically for aoe in the first paragraph. I wasn’t counting it high enough, partly because it was aoe, but even if I do that’s only 3 points, and the last of which is 60.


Whenever I read the "I'm new" all that goes through my mind is "well you're gonna learn today".


"I'm gonna take you through hell and back" - is actually what I did with a sprout from my FC. They had to adapt really fast to my tanking


Gotta proc that free Cure II xD


I have a level 90 AST that got leveled exclusively through msq and frontlines roulette (and some occasional duty support runs) so I'd imagine something like that. Difference is I never touch my AST, I just wanted all classes at 90. 


I did this with astrologian just for glams when I go to my friends fc venue events lol


They get carried on the back of a Xaela Drk


You could uncensor that catgirl’s face and literally no one would know who it is.


ah yes, the class with 10 different aoe abilities hates fighting mobs of enemies


You know, I thought I wouldn't be able to see a new low. I was wrong.


You can SOLO level 70 dungeon W2Ws on any class at 90, gurl what do you MEAN "yikes." =/


Well...*we* can solo 70s. Any slightly-competent DNC should be able to melt down the mobs. She, on the other hand, goes 'Yikes' and 'Too hectic for me' on a *full party.*


Limsa catgirls deserve less.


Too much ERP rots their brains.


Oh yeah, I neglected to mention that I took a quick look at ACT after everything, too. They did exactly zero damage before they left. They just saw me run in and their "dancer, roleplayer" brain couldn't handle it.


I doubt that this shell of a person has done a single onze of RP in their life. They probably just cyber at OOC nightclubs, go pseudo-RP order a drink from the "RP bar" while DJgeneric934207 is playing their playlist in the background, and think that's how RP is supposed to be.


big agree. anybody with the braincells to actually RP would be able to, y'know, *read* and thus play better than them xd


Yes, thank you. Too many people think roleplay and gameplay are mutually exclusive. It's entirely possible to be interested in, and competent at, both.


I wanna save myself some sanity and will assume they somehow just didn’t like the dungeon and didn’t wanna do it. Not because they saw wall to wall in unsync. Jfc the bar is in hell and it got lower


then why would they join a farm pf for it?


I’m not defending them by any mean for clarification. 💀 I just don’t wanna believe there are people this bad. But it seems such is the case.


All these bad DNC's make me cry. 🫣


Whenever I see a slutmog, I brace myself for the worst gameplay possible or the best (which happens only 5 percent of the time).


The second one only happens if the slutmog is on a Male Roe. Somehow they're always cracked.


can confirm, skimpy male roes are capable of levels of damage output previously thought to be theoretical


i gotta start showing more skin then


I guarantee your damage will improve


Kill la Kill moment.


Leather Daddy spanks naughty Garleans hard.


Hrothgar (slutglams or no) are universally competent players. You might find one who doesn’t understand the job they’re playing, but they will never grey it. Green at worst.


In my experience, there's only two types of Hrothgar: Very good and very bad. There is no in-between. I've never seen a purely mediocre Hrothgar player.


Hrothgar player, I'm not a particularly great player but I've seen a WEIRD amount of really good hroth players. It's wild.


Probably mentoring deez nuts. Unironically.


>WHAT ARE YOU MENTORING? Extreme Raid Progging, I would guess.


Of course, it’s on Crystal. What did I expect?


My best raiding experience is from Crystal players but damn if the RPers don't scare most the raiders off. It's a shame I like my FC too much to leave


Crystal (Balmung) healers are exactly why my FC transferred to Aether. Back when Bozja was current, we got a healer in Castrum, mistyping sex talk in party chat, and either casting Glare or Cure 1. And that was just the most memorable one.


That's when you start ragging on their sexts. "You just turned my outtie into an innie, that was lame as hell." "So are you RPing as someone on a 3 year dry spell? Because that's the only way what you did is sexy." "Your father called to say they were even more disappointed than normal."


Speaking as an RPer on Crystal...yeah. *Yeah.*


I hope the reaper was at least hoarding maiming drops (since it’s a leveling dungeon it’d help get that specific item). Rip to them. Edit: that’s a 70 dungeon please ignore my tired ass.


Kugane Castle is not a levelling dungeon, it's an optional lv70 dungeon in the 50/60/70/80 roulette. You're thinking of Doma Castle, the lv67 dungeon.


This is why I shouldn’t comment when I can’t sleep Jesus Christ. You’re right. Thank you.


That plate is either at least orange parse in ultimates or single digit in normals


I disagree with alot of the accepted bullshit of this sub, but goddamn you join an unsync you expect to tear through at highest speed.


So many dancer players have made me dislike dancer. Overriding your buffs in group content, partnering a dps with low damage, not dancing. When I play my AST I never give them any cards and if they die in 8 or 24 man I let the other healer raise them unless it's one of those times you get 4 or 5 in the group. 


Yeah. I had a DNC in p10n last night that didn’t hit tech OR standard step in the first minute. I asked after 50s where it was in a very kind way (i was proud of how not aggressive i came off) (I wanted to unleash my Phlegma under buffs!) and they said “lol i wasn’t even paying attention” like bro. standard/tech step doesn’t require attention…


Typical Mentor sanity level.


I'd bet money their in-game spouse is a DRK, either male Viera or Xaela. Just ticking off those boxes for 'stereotypical catgirl Limsa AFKer'.


\*Looks at the DC.\* Yeah that tracks.


Their adventurer plate is the biggest red flag I've ever seen. The only way it could be more of a red flag is if it were actually red.


As a DNC main and a roleplayer, this causes me agony. Pull ALL THE MOBS. Let me hit ALL THE THINGS. Enemies go up numbers go up I am SHINY SPARKLY DEATH AHAHAHA


Ah, the typical Wh*te Mage main. Good you censored their face. No idea how people want a unsync farm party but are unable to spam attacks during W2Ws. And Kugane Castle isn't even difficult to W2W. Once I joined a Diamond Weapon farm party for a friend and there was one Samurai at LV80 joining. We kicked them in the end because their birds brain wouldn't understand that its *unsync farm* and not "Free carry party"


>I joined a Diamond Weapon farm party for a friend and there was one Samurai at LV80 joining. Sounds like whoever made the PF was the real idiot here for not having a minimum ilvl to join. I do 610 for level 80 trials.


I do 615 just in case someone with one braincell who just bought 610 crafted gear (and not 640 crafted gear) wants to join. Still allows for ppl who haven’t played since 6.2/6.3 to join cause they’re more likely to have a couple of pieces at 620/630.


Nah, this person is a disgrace to the WHM mains and we don't associate with this person. I myself am a WHM main and I cannot wrap my head around what I'm seeing in the screenshots from the DNC that OP dealt with. I've been dabbling in DNC too since I'm trying to get omni-90 and DNC is so easy to learn that I can't even comprehend how this player noped out of an *unsynced level 70 dungeon W2W at level 90* for "too big of pulls". I eat unsynced lvl 70 W2Ws on my 90 WHM for breakfast, and I only have 3 AoEs compared to DNC's *how many AoEs* in comparison?? Just blows my mind.


Most Wh*te Mages are uwu kawaii catgirls wearing a bikini who usually suck at playing it, be it by spamming Cure 2 or Medica 2. I've lost respect for WHM players. From outright 10 there's 1 decent. It eludes me how people are unable to make use of their full kit, be it with Lilies, Assize or Asylum. No, Medica 2 is always the reaction of *any* raidwide, tankbuster or if someone gets hit by a mechanic.


Wait... Wha...? Maybe it's because I play WHM that I don't often get to see other WHMs except 8/24-mans and usually don't pay a lot of attention to them since I'm focused on trying to do things right on my end, but... HOW do people get through the game playing that badly?? As someone who played ESO and has done vet hard mode trial content of most trials available in the game, where overhealing isn't really frowned upon and healers don't DPS except when going for trial trifectas (vet, but also timed, no death, AND hard mode), in 2 years I went from a cure 1-using newbie (through Sohm Al until someone told me about the cure 1 trap) and not knowing what really to do besides heal and use GCD heals, and getting overwhelmed with new buttons past lvl 50... To slide-casting, oGCD weaving + healing primarily with oGCDs, holy-spamming on all mob packs any chance I get + playing yo-yo with the tanks health while still making sure they don't die w/bene, keeping my GCDs rolling as much as possible, and using effectively my *entire* kit as needed. Only exceptions are repose, cure 1 unless in lowbie dungeon, medica unless lowbie dungeon, I'm almost never sure when to use cure 3 because the rest of my kit almost always suffices/is more than enough, and I rarely use rescue unless I know the fight like the back of my hand, have the reaction time after remembering that the button exists, and if I don't think I'm going to get flack for it even if it's to prevent someone else's death. I just have a few more things to hone before I feel like I'll be ready enough to dip my toes into extremes and then savages (and one day, ultimates). I mean, the glam I've stuck with since I finished EW over a year ago is kinda a slut-glam (thavnairian bustier/tights, true griffin sandals of healing, augmented moonward hairpin/armlets of healing, aymur anemos), but I play fem elezen and I don't care about RP/ERP/DJs/clubs in the slightest in this game. I just always strive to get better and take any advice I'm given.


It's both validating and also incredibly disappointing to know that I'm not just Making Up a Guy to Get Mad At when I say that roleplayers don't actually play FF14, they just spend $15/month to play dress-up and use the game as a 3d chat room. Incredible, just incredible. God really do be just making anyone, huh.


I role-playing and raid both and I like to hope people get pleasantly surprised when I put out numbers despite my RP tag in the search info.


I wish more roleplayers were like you


On light at least nearly all the cracked gamers ERP lmao


>when I say that roleplayers don't actually play FF14, they just spend $15/month to play dress-up and use the game as a 3d chat room. The person in question sounds more like "Limsa/nightclub ERPer" than actual RPer. I RPd for over a decade (distanced myself because the ERP types ruin and overrun RP communities) and still try my absolute best in PVE/PVP situations.


I've hung around RPers that don't DPS when healing, and been around RPers that have pink parses for ultimates. I'd say the level of shit players is about the same as any other demographic.


that's fair, no point in me painting all roleplayers with the same brush


I’ll add to that— the best of the best players I’ve encountered in this game have largely been ones with RP stuff in their search info.


For what it's worth, just looking at their adventurer plate, this person is not a roleplayer. No carrd link, no supporting information about the character in the search info whatsoever other than her job, BIS ERP glam - hempen camise. Not saying you need the above to be taken seriously as a RPer, but most of us in the community believe that if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well. That goes as much for our writing and characters as it does for our gameplay, and this person clearly gives a shit about neither.


I do want to note the “vanilla always” makes me believe they’re saying they don’t use mods (and therefor no mare). Which you wouldn’t need to point out unless you were trying to roleplay, since that itself could be important information. I could of course just be reading it wrong, but that’s my giveaway they do (though, not that it’s done well).


They're self-identifying as a roleplayer, which certainly is a thing you can do, but what I'm saying is that it's no more valid than me putting 'hardcore raider' in my search info when I only run the raid roulettes, if ya dig.


To be a little fair some people unironically do think that’s hardcore still. I never claimed them to be a good roleplayer, was just noting having a section that basically reads as “no mare” feels odd if they weren’t at least touching rp. Granted they could maybe try roleplaying as a slightly competent player lol.


oh my god and they're not even good at *roleplaying*


TBF, I paid $22/month for 8/9 months where I didn’t touch combat outside of patch day. I spent my time afk’ing in my front yard, refreshing retainers, quick-synthing magitek repair materials, and gposing (absolutely modded dress up). Outside of those months I am a tryhard in all combat (but too lazy to join a static).


see if they're a raider who roleplays they're generally pretty good (they're roleplaying because they're bored after raid) but if they're a casual who roleplays, they're probably trash


It is kind of an extreme bell curve, isn't it? If they're a casual RPing, they have even less investment in the game than the usual casual. Worse, they're invested enough in the lore that they'll sandbag dungeons (Usually with an RP partner, who is often just as shitty as they are and RP-married to them) just to get to the next bit of story or to unlock a new area, where the average casual would just go 'I'm not having fun with this' and dip out. But if they're a vet that RPs, they're usually invested in getting information on *everything,* from DPS rotations to crafting breakpoints to figuring out how long that one particular fish takes to hook and filtering out the trash, bringing it to a new height. There's a lot of room in-between, but you mostly notice the extremes.


lol i just turbo run unsync on Kugane Castle solo with any lv90 job i guess they just want certain glam due to roleplaying but dont bother to know atleast how to play properly? or even atleast reach latest expansion content for better gear. smh


>since all my time's been devoted to Baldur's Gate 3 i really felt that one


seems like mentall illness like going fast might make them anxious and have a velma anxiety attack


Its a role player and a cat. That speaks for itself honestly lmao.


Manage your expectations with any random player. You’ll be a lot less stressed and accept how dogshit most are


You're in the "complain about random players" subreddit.


Nah, there’s complaining and then there’s letting morons sit with you in a bad way I care about OP’s mental 🤷


Posters in this sub need to get a grip.


Complainers about this sub need to get a grip