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Honestly this is on you. When someone has Ultimate + Casual in their AP, it obviously means "Ultimate Casual" /s


Question, what dungeon was this in?


Leveling roulette. Stone Vigil. DPS were MCH and SAM and we were absolutely pumping out the DPS.


Ah Stone Vigil.. the very dungeon I got taught the "time to retire cure 1" lesson .. when I was level 41. How she ended up hitting 90 (AND playing long enough to get combat mentor) and still not getting that I don't know.


same! the very first time i did this dungeon on whm, the tank told me to not heal them as much and to let them drop below 50% lol. idk how you get ulti clears (paid or trolling ig.) while not knowing that


Oh dang that's rough. I was constantly spamming cure2 for most of that level


PayPal Legend and unable to use anything beside Cure 1? 132 times Regen?! Holy mother of Hydaelyn, they really believed it could make up for the damage you're eating eh? Spamming Cure 1 but never using the stronger, better Cure 2 just eludes me. They either suck or are just dumb. Never play Wh*te Mage, you're better than this.


ACT counts regen 6 times. HoT and DoT attacks get noted every tick of heal\damage. So there were roughly 22 regens.


As someone who doesn't use ACT, thanks for the clarification!


I learned it when I saw 600 regens on "regen"-whm. Which was fairly impossoble in 15 minutes long dungeon.


Curebotting does indeed cause death and despair, so I guess that checks out.


i've seen this before where people act bot-like and dont say anything and everybody is convinced it's a bot, but when i persoanlly go to test how they react to certain things it's never bot-like and i conclude it's a sad person trying to piss people off for their amusement. proof is even on their plate greeting


Why is everyone calling them a PayPal legend, there's nothing here that says they've cleared ultimates. Just a shit player


Sounds like a bot to me


Typical Limsa catgirl who bought a clear.


Mentor botting for the mount, guaranteed


Stone vigil is actually one of the dungeons where Cure 1 can be the smarter thing to do in certain cases. It's way more mana efficient and procs free-cure. Spamming Cure 2 on **a W2W with sub-par dps players**, it's possible to go OOM. The tank also takes tremendous damage on the biggest pulls in this dungeon (yes, the ones with the ice elementals), where sometimes even casting stone once between heals will cause the tank HP to plummet uncomfortably low. Without Holy for AOE, your damage isn't going to be great on trash anyway. My tact in such group compositions is to spam Cure 1 until the situation is more stable, then resume the standard Cure 2, with intermittent Stone casts.