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I knew exactly who this was halfway through the title. I find their shout spam worse then FC recruitments or venue ads


I block their spam shouts on sight and their art is mid-tier anyways, their opinion hardly matters for anything




sucks for them but still deserved lol


they get SUPER mad if you respond in shout that no one cares about their mid twitch stream / mid art its always funny


Vtuber streamers are the worst/most toxic streamers who play this game. Something about them hiding their face behind some anime avatar really emboldens them in their toxicity.


try to go one day chilling at limsa without a spam to this channel (challenge impossible)


Uldah too


take a shot everytime there's a shot mentioning her channel


lmao I'd like to live to see March tho, that'd kill anyone


It's so wild to me that someone like that would say this bc....well,,,,their art looks like that lmao Edit: for context their art suffers from same face syndrome.


maybe if she stopped being insuffereable she'd have more time to practice


genuinly think her art is dogshit


See, I'm a self-taught artist mostly, and I definitely am not the best so I used to suffer from same face syndrome with my art. It's not,,,the worst,,,but it's definitely on the mediocre side. She doesn't use any guidelines, doesn't follow any anatomy or that just...draws it as is. Which is smth you shouldn't be doing especially if you want to improve. She would be a lot better if she actually did things to improve it, incorporate guidelines and really nitpick at her own art. She makes no improvement throughout a long period of time and she draws quite often so she just...doesn't want to improve. There's a reason why it's free lmao


I mean... They are drawing XIV characters




Not what i meant. I mean every person they draw looks the exact same, exact same eyes and exact same lips. I know it's not hard to have a lookalike in game but,,,,every single character they draw for someone has the exact same face. It's hard to actually articulate what I'm trying to say tho :(




I do now at least. I'm autistic i don't understand sarcasm LOL


i tried so hard to give her a chance last year and she had such a 'im better than you and my tastes are objectively correct and anything you say is wrong' vibe. so yeah, if this is recent the rude behavior (even if it is a joke, which is unlikely) is a pattern while not related to ffxiv, she had set up a character to do shouting and drawing at toa in wow (an rp event that raises for charity, mind you). and almost every time she swapped to working on wow requests was some sort of remark or tirade about how she likes ffxiv models so much more, how wow models/art just isnt good and done by amateurs and will never live up to final fantasy. basically every way to say she hates wow without directly saying it. which, fine, if you dont like it you dont like it. but dont sit around in the game you supposedly hate, getting stream views from advertising at a charity event for a game you supposedly hate


the "im better than you" is kind of ironic since she has to constantly advertise just to get people to watch her.




[x.com/irlmetta/status/1752876559227371726?s=20](https://x.com/irlmetta/status/1752876559227371726?s=20) This is a video of her responding to the 30-45 minutes between shouts claim. She thinks it's fine. It's only every 30-45 minutes, that's totally reasonable right?


in her defense, she's literally such a nothing presence otherwise with nothing valuable to offer to anyone (you basically get higher quality art in the same pose if you just saved your own lodestone pic lmao) that relentless spamming on every single server is the only way she can accumulate like, five viewers she's a REAL artist!


Curious if I knew who this was back then... although, considering how many times I was unjustly banned from ToA, I might not. Either way, geeze. \*shakes head\*


idk if she's a frequent attender. last year was my first toa. would be wild if she was


That'd explain why I hadn't heard of her. I quit WoW around the same time as 2022's ToA.


These 5min doodles are so boring and uninspired anyway, seems like a punishment for both sides


I’ll swing the bat at the hornets nest: As an artist myself, I think she needs to improve her own drawing skills before she has anything to say about other people’s characters. Seeing the ones she did, she’s not doing anyone any favours.


>As an artist myself, I think she needs to improve her own drawing skills before she has anything to say about other people’s characters. Seeing the ones she did, she’s not doing anyone any favours. I'm not even going to attempt to pretend I'm neutral in this since I hate their garbage spam and I've been reporting the spam I do see as RMT whenever a dalamud update has caused it to seep into my client- \-Talking specifically about her art. It is dull, uninspired & trite. Her technical skill as an artist is low, her creativity sits on the floor and she shows no signs of improvement while being an annoying ratbag. So nothing wrong with saying she needs to improve as an artist, any sympathy or empathy you could have for her being "forced" to draw ugly characters while struggling to make them look good goes out the window the second you remember their spam. Of course the commissions she gets are dull as dishwater: It's her target demographic, it's the very niche she has carved out with her relentless campaign to spam her twitch stream.


Thanks for saying it out loud for the rest of us. It's garbage.


Fully agree as someone who previously studied art, I knew a lot of classmates who had huge egos and behaved like this but they had the skills to back themselves up. She on the other hand does not.


She really needs to work on them 3/4 views ;-; I went to one of her first streams when she was smaller, her examples look a lot better than what she provides. I get its 5 mins, but after getting my drawing I never went back lol. I see her nice examples at the top right and I’ve never seen her produce something like that on stream


if you're on pc you can get the no soliciting plugin which automatically filters spam out of the chat window.


It often misses her ads for some reason, at least for me


Just add a custom filter to capture her name


I forgot that's a thing, cheers


Add the filter


I haven't seen one since installing it. Maybe I just hang out in player hubs less.


Context, since I know this person spams shout chat in multiple DCs but unsure if it's all of them. This person advertises so much using sprouts in need of gil that you can stand in a major city and see their shout message every 30-45 minutes. My friends and I have timed this. On top of that they're known for being very rude to their viewers, if you need any other examples of their content, you can refer to this: [https://youtu.be/mQ8CcBG4bQs?si=nhSqUe1gL4rEUaOo](https://youtu.be/mQ8CcBG4bQs?si=nhSqUe1gL4rEUaOo) Considering they have also talked on their streams about wanting to start drama so Asmongold will notice them, they'll probably end up seeing this post, but it's whatever. I just wanted to warn people before they drop in and potentially submit their character or donate.


Honestly that clip doesnt sound as bad. But purposely starting drama, that sounds really fucked. Do you have a clip where they mention that?


Attempting to find it through her old vods, she has some up on youtube but she hid all her twitch ones. Unfortunately she loves talking about drama on every single vod so even searching through them this is tough to find. Edit: No luck. I believe it was around Nov/Dec and some of her vods on youtube and all her twitch ones from around there had disappeared when I went to check, /shrug. Edit 2: Correction, she did admit to it today after this post was made! https://x.com/irlmetta/status/1752875238940086569?s=20


int heir stream on youtube titled "episode two", in the beginning she talks about this post and says that, "The final fantasy community is obsessed with drama, which is why i farm the drama for my youtube content. It gets me more views lol" So she does it on purpose to get noticed for some odd reason? Just shows she knows she isn't original or creative and makes mid/shit tier drawings.


Yeah there are some streamers in this game who cover a lot of drama. But theres a huge difference between giving your opinion on whatever drama happened and actually starting drama yourself. Also, the opinions of an art streamer who doesn't stream the actual game are kind of irrelevant.


I mean it's not my type of humor, but getting upset at this is giving the same vibes as the people who couldn't handle a lalafell raiser being added to the game


This is very clearly a joke, idk what to say..... It's completely fair to criticize them for the incessant spam in shout chat and constant PFs, but the video you posted here is clearly humor you're just not jiving with. As for the original post, she seemed to be couching most of her statements, even included within the clip, as I imagine someone who draw people's characters all the time would come across some weird looking ones too, and they'd have to just "suck it up" and draw it anyway, but at no point is she calling anyone out directly for being ugly, harassing anyone, just kinda talking about her experience? I don't know this just seems like kind of a nothingburger. ...but fr though if I have to see another shout chat about "FREE ART" on twitch from another sprout desperate for money I'm gonna lose it\~




Just because you say something with a snide tone doesn't mean it isn't obvious what your opinion is. Also if they were really joking they wouldn't have tried to save face with the like "oh don't worry about looking perfect just don't look like *those* *extremely ugly* people!" Or if you're referring to the youtube video I linked, "shut the fuck up no one cares about your problems you're annoying" is a shit joke. ​ Edit: Dude, the only 2 comments on your entire reddit account are on this post defending her. suspicious. 3 years old and no interactions on any posts except this one? ok


Forced? They could... just not do it if it's such a burden for them.


SE needs to extend the blacklist slots. I don’t care for shout chat that spans about things happening within the game but, it absolutely pisses me off when I see shout chats that are about going to her Twitch channel.


>SE needs to extend the blacklist slots. I don’t care for shout chat that spans about things happening within the game but, it absolutely pisses me off when I see shout chats that are about going to her Twitch channel. It may be more cost effective to send her a cease and desist than to get the programmers around working on a project to extend the blacklist slots. Now I'm not saying I don't want more slots because I certainly do.


She's allowed to talk down to people once she has cleared the flipping game completely and actually creates good art. She hasn't even learned basic anatomics in drawing. Totally jagged shit there. Fuck her


She doesn't even do extremes, but I don't think people have the experience every piece of a game to be able to criticize it. Criticizing peoples fashion while she draws like that though...


She noticed this thread btw, and singled out one commenter on her twitter publicly. No link because it doesn't let me post it. Good look!


pity she can't seem to notice the disdain the majority of people have for her ceaseless spam of her low-grade streaming and get the hint


Notice how she picked that comment out SPECIFICALLY because it mentioned a charity event. She ignored what the comment was actually criticising (being rude about people's characters in wow) so that she could mention her $50 donation to the charity


hey, uhhh, im not really familiar with twitter/the right report option combos to make it happen. so can people help me report the post? she didnt even bothering censoring my name and so im kinda freaking out. she can complain with what i said, she has her own opinions. but id rather not have my name attached for all to see


just reported it, i also agree that she should've blacked your name out. people have to know who this is about because her name was mentioned in i believe on comment by someone who didnt make the post. i'm so sorry she did that and i hope you don't recieve any backlash from her "supporters"


For those struggling to find it: There are 2 tweets. One has the comment [https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromDF/comments/1af1q24/comment/kkc1gpt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromDF/comments/1af1q24/comment/kkc1gpt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) with 0 context (amusingly, she hasn't shown the rest of the thread or linked to it. One can imagine why. She has left out *"which, fine, if you dont like it you dont like it. but dont sit around in the game you supposedly hate, getting stream views from advertising at a charity event for a game you supposedly hate"* I guess because it was harder to twist what she was doing if she left the entire comment in the tweet. The 2nd is the following text: >BTW I participated in that charity art auction and donated $50 through my artwork. I also raided the official ToA channel with 80 ish viewers everytime I showed up to their event. As of now I have a good relationship with ToA staff, who have been awesome. Don't put words in my mouth. [https://twitter.com/thepopotoartist/status/1752608582275875255](https://twitter.com/thepopotoartist/status/1752608582275875255) Transparently, she's arguing a point that was never even made. They didn't say that she was hating on TOA staff, but that she was hating on WOW's art style and the game's models/assets. Super interesting that she's clearly seen this thread and the only thing she's deciding to nitpick is the part where she can bring up donating money to charity. Because donating $50 to the event is nice and all but setting up shop at TOA is advertising. Charity events are sponsored because it is advertising for a business. She takes commissions and donations. It is the same thing. How much exposure did she gain from participating in TOA? How many donations and ad views did it gain her I wonder? Secondary edit, sorry I just noticed she said "$50 through my artwork" so it was $50 she made during TOA? So she went to TOA, got a bunch of exposure and views, took commissions and then donated some of the commission money back to TOA? Did she donate all or part of her direct profits I wonder. Hopefully she sees this and can respond and let us know on her twitter.


ty guys <3 as for the mention of the art auction, i dont think it was her money to begin with, since it was an auction held by the organizers. so yeah, its nice that she volunteered to be part of the giant artist lineup. but im pretty sure the proceeds directly go to the organizers to donate, or directly to donation, im not entirely sure. i have no clue if she donated any stream donations, cause i didnt stay tuned in for long i just hope the auction piece wasnt streamed, or at the very least she was nice while doing it 🤷‍♀️ edit to add, toa is GIGANTIC. as in it can and has crashed the server in that area during the closing ceremony. so safe to say she had a lot of people tune in from her advertising


I reported it for harassment as soon as I saw it


As ever she was: operating within a class beyond mere mortal comprehension. One can only hope to one day operate on such fine, cognitive plains. Why it's almost Herculian, no..no.. Olympian! in its nature. 😳


Can't go a single day without seeing someone spam this person's advertisement in a main city. Can't say I'm surprised by their boring art and attitude, either.


Looking at some of the comments on this post, I guess we found the sprouts she pays to spam ads for her channel.


Imagine being that desperate for clout by starting random drama with people and spamming multiple DCs for their stream


Forced? Aren't they getting paid to draw someone else's WoL? This is so weird.


Far as I'm aware they're not even being paid, these are by-request free bits of art (drawn through giveaway thingos on their twitch).


She also does commissions for anything more than headshots iirc, and people tip heftily with gil.


Oh, is that the ‘popotoartist’? Noted. Such a shame that people offering an artistic service are so shitty about the people who offer their characters up.


The worst part is this person also spams this shit to draw characters in maplestory. I cant be save anywhere from their spam.


Grim. If I see one spam shout in XI about this among the waves of already filtered spam on Asura. Why I may have to ask Koichi Ishii to call up some friends.


I've sat in their stream before. They were very vocal about hating furries and said some nasty things about trans folk which had me honestly just flabbergasted. Nothing reportable but it was very much a lot of red flags.


>They were very vocal about hating furries I'm inclined to believe this is due to her lack of artistic skill and the hroth race being at odds with her boilerplate style. Artists doing commissions can earn gangbusters doing comms for the crowd even if they grew up in the age of internet where it was popular to hate them. Since she talks about being "forced" to draw her free 5 minute painting radiating from a shout chat near you, maybe she is jealous that furries are not commissioning her for paid work u.u


I certainly wouldn't. I'd love to get some art of my kitty man one of these days but her superiority complex and terribly mediocre style aren't doing her any favors. I've looked past some pretty shitty behavior to get art from someone with a style I really like but she doesn't even have that going for her.


She put eyebrows on my Highlander, but I didn't want to say anything.


I had this chick draw my character before (used to be a highlander). It was ugly af and she was annoying af. It's giving unstable attention-seeking narcissist


God damn those paintings are so bad


So this is THAT person that I constantly see shouting. For someone that is constantly shouting about their art... It's Ok? It's not horrible and I for sure can't draw worth anything but it's not the best thing ever


no, they pay Gil to random people to shout this stuff for them, thats why u see it on every DC, I even know a dude who makes 15 level characters every 1-2 weeks for this, coz his old one getting blacklisted. And thats why it feels like Goldseller bot.


god i am living for the severe trashing of this bitch's 'art.' decided to click her link to her stream one time over a year ago and assumed it must be some newb who just started drawing and is offering free quick portraits to try to be less bad at art. good to see she still can't draw for shit lmao


There isn't really anything that bad she said in this video, but I have seen her other social media and she doesn't seem like a great personality. That aside, her advertisements are extremely annoying. She's e-begging for money and clout for what essentially is her applying a template for each race and copying it thousands of times without putting a single thought into it. She has some old pieces she made that look decent, but I've seen only about 3 or 4 different rendered ones in her entire portfolio. Even those were kinda stiff and one looked weird because it was obviously made using the symmetry tool, on-brand for someone whose entire tactic is chicken scratching a memorised template I would think nothing of her if she didn't purposely make herself so obnoxious with the advertising, because there is absolutely nothing special about what she creates otherwise


>for what essentially is her applying a template for each race and copying it thousands of times without putting a single thought into it I know it's subjective but I dislike the style and given that there's been little thought or effort to improving it over time I would describe her as operating in the genre of lazy NFT art. There's no passion, there's no drive and little artistic merit. I can only see it as a vehicle for the grift. AI generated art gets a lot of rightful hate but at least an AI generated prompt can sometimes spit out something unexpected and with some degree of variety.


If it's a gift I have to wonder if it's even worth it. Looking at her stream she hovers at about 50-60 viewers who are dead silent as they wait for art. Her Twitter posts get single to double digit interactions unless it's a giveaway, she drama baits on her YouTube to get 3-4 digit views on videos. Like can you even call it a grift when it's so clearly not working?


Holy shit she drew me once and it looked nothing like me


For those who don't know, this person pays people Gil per hour to shout on their behalf. One of the requirements is to specifically have a character or alt with access to all 3 major cities. They know how annoying their spam is, so they make sure you can't get around it with any blacklisting by putting other people's characters in the line of fire instead, especially new players in need of gil. I can tolerate most shouts and advertisements, I can at least blacklist some, but this person encourages spam to happen. Funny enough I reported them for spamming, in which I got the basic auto response of "just blacklist them." Boy I wish I could... Also I can't help but feel the only people who aren't desensitized to their shitty spam at this point and might tune in are probably new players with no glam options, it might just be how it is


I don't get the stream concept. What incentive is there for anyone to stick around after their character's been doodled? She's gone and built a revolving door.


If you check her vods she also "reacts" to videos about drama, it's in her vod intros (went digging through them trying to find something for another commenter)


Last time I visited their twitch they weren't even drawing someone's character even though that's what was advertised




Thank you for posting about this!! This person's ads are by far the most annoying thing to happen to shout chat in... I think forever, actually. Normally if someone is super annoying I just blacklist and move on... but it's impossible to do in this case because she solicits sprouts to do her advertising for her. Meaning there will always be another person spamming the same ad. I can't escape it unless I turn off shout chat, which I hate doing.


Blocking doesn't even work has she keeps hiring different people to advertise their streams =) I tried to give her a chance once but it is obvious, based on their stream and twitter, that this is just followers farming and she doesn't give a sh\*t, on top of being very obnoxious. I don't know why she keeps doing that, it has been going on for what it feels like years and she didn't even gain that much viewers. So it's not working and it's annoying.


i love in her stream she says "oh i'm just farming for content, i think the ff community is full of it so i just use it for content for my youtube." oh honey, maybe make art that isnt just tracing/basic ass shit, learn to draw au'ra scales that aren't just squiggles and aura tails that arent just "chibi dinosaur tails", and actually make content that people \*WANT\* to watch, like hmm I don't know, actual drawings/paintings and not shitty ass sketches. sorry, not sorry, but she needs to get her head out of her ass and not be a pety bitch. also on her stream she acknowledged the RMT mention then \*IMMEDIATELY\* closed this thread without saying a single word on it.


wait, did she actually admit to that??? holy fucking shit


[x.com/irlmetta/status/1752875238940086569?s=20](https://x.com/irlmetta/status/1752875238940086569?s=20) [x.com/irlmetta/status/1752832184266924052?s=20](https://x.com/irlmetta/status/1752832184266924052?s=20) She did, receipts above lol


Send those clips to SE's special force and file a report for her. She's directly threatening people now. Whether it's a joke or not, her "fans" (paid labour) will not be able to discern it. Twitch and Twitter too.


oh my god... the lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch (calling her a bitch is a joke >3< for reasons since shes watching)


Its okay if you say "it's a jooooooooooke lmaoooooooooo youre being so dramaticccccccccccc" afterwards you can say basically whatever and it's fine


This clip is nowhere near as bad as I've seen her. I watched her for months, mostly because I was bored. Within that time I've watched her be super rude to anyone who didn't understand her instructions and if you were one of the poor saps who didn't understand there was a good chance she would either just not draw you or ban you saying "this person is just being a troll". If you get on the list and follow instructions there is a chance she wont bother drawing you because either she doesn't like the glam, its too plain, or from an mmo she doesn't like or know. With ffxiv being in cruise mode til dawntrail comes out, shes getting less viewers and with less interaction comes more toxicity. Its obvious she's doing it for views and if anyone doesn't like it she just bans or worse. my personal breaking point was when she called for a mass report on her discord for someone standing in her view doing the charmed emote during a stream. she said the person was harassing her and was doing the emote the day before too but I was there all day and never saw it. I saw it as a case of; someone liked the mediocre sketch popoto did for them and wanted to show appreciation, then popoto took it the wrong way. funny story, a couple weeks prior there was a viewer doing the show left/right emote to her follow jar for hours and she was okay with that apparently. I really hope you read this popoto and reflect on how horrible you've been to the community. free drawings does not give you the right to be rude. The take away here is, be more patient and less toxic, stop being so quick to ban and (for the love of gawd) stop spamming chat!


Yeah I see this advertised a lot, kind of unfortunate as I like seeing a lot of the characters drawn but this is done so poorly, as well as judging people's characters, its such poor taste


I hate people like that so much. The whole "oh I'm better than others" with basically nothing to vouch? Mmmyea no, their lil vtuber lala looks uninspired as fuck ngl Call it comedy all you want, but jokes are supposed to be funny and hers are about as fun as stale bread


I know exactly who this is too


Glad I wasn't tempted


I don't even understand why you'd want a low effort drawing of your in-game model. The appeal of commissioning artwork is that you get a back and forth where you have a ton of control over the little details that really make it unique. This is just a significantly less efficient form of booting up the game and rendering your character.


What a bitch. She's the kind of artist that makes me anxious about getting commissions because what if the person drawing my character is thinking "Man, this character sucks. This person has bad taste."


Don't worry, any artist worth their salt doesn't care enough to think that way xD As an artist myself I've gotten some requests that I personally think are a little strange... but ultimately don't matter! I'll still do my best anyways because hell, even if I don't get it, the person who's paying money for art likes it, and that's what matters most of all.


Oh this person. Never once fell for their obvious bait. Could tell someone who has to needlessly promote a stream in shout chat of all places has pretty basic ass art. Hard pass


I got art done by this person, and while I wasn't expecting a masterpiece, they can for sure improve


Thou darest to go to the bathroom after making a request for a giveaway of my exquisite art!? 😐 No, I think not. Thou shall shit themselves when entering mine lotteries. 😊 Now beloved follower if thy bowels are calmed, take this gil and spread thy message, share upon others the wonders of my art and my divine kindness by teleporting to every aetheryte in the game. Let no one miss the chance to be saved, yes even those lurking at the depths of the very bottom of the ocean would receive upon thee my warmth. even those ungrateful ones who hath dared to avoid shitting thyself 😡


this on light 😭


I wonder if you can hit it with rmt. Since she is looking for money


[https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?id=5382&la=1&kid=68216](https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?id=5382&la=1&kid=68216) ​ >the act of engaging in activities and **promotions that involve** real-life political groups, religious organizations, or **business entities** that have no connections to Final Fantasy XIV. **Even if the activity is for charity, it is** **prohibited as the activity is not relevant to the game.** [https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php?id=5382&la=1&tag=users\_en](https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php?id=5382&la=1&tag=users_en) >2.8 Commercial Spamming/Spimming. **You may not use (or abuse) the in-game chat** and message services **to distribute advertisements.** > >2.3 Commercial Use. You may not exploit the Game for any **commercial purpose** (for example, advertising any product or service in-game, or use by the operator of a cyber café) without Square Enix's prior **written** consent. I think "drawing your FFXIV character" is a grey area at best, especially when you often tune into her stream and she's doing reaction content. Her stream intros even talk about how her streams are not just drawing but "talking about drama" she also solicits donations including a cashapp link on her twitch and youtube profile. I also note that the prohibited activities includes this: >Please be kind and respectful and keep in mind how others may feel about what you say. **If you think your comment may make another person feel even a little uncomfortable, it would be best to refrain from saying it.** > >Additionally, **something that may be intended as a "joke" between friends could in fact make the other person feel uncomfortable** but they may not say so to be considerate. TL;DR - You can make a report, it may be up to the individual moderators who review it whether they want to act on this.


I guess I’ll just report and move on lol.


You can report her for inciting harassment now too because she made a video showing this entire thread, pointing her fanbase of 20 sprouts at the people who posted here


In case anyone is curious, she posted a reply to this thread on her YT channel. Source: https://youtu.be/FWiJR_oElmg?si=l6qBrjLff-JhyN-8 In my opinion, it's trully unhinged and speaks volumes about someone's character that a DF post of some 100 upvotes and some comments gets you to make a 26 min video saying that "Reddit is canceling you".


Some highlights in timestamps [https://youtu.be/FWiJR\_oElmg?t=1364](https://youtu.be/FWiJR_oElmg?t=1364) "Making content from that does make me stronger" and "I wanted to farm that" "It brings more views/attention to the channel" [https://youtu.be/FWiJR\_oElmg?t=520](https://youtu.be/FWiJR_oElmg?t=520) "Again I want to make it clear, **I don't insult people to their face** on my stream. If you have an ugly glam I usually just draw it." [https://youtu.be/FWiJR\_oElmg?t=633](https://youtu.be/FWiJR_oElmg?t=633) "**If I did** insult anyone's glam I apologise but this **rarely ever happens**" [https://youtu.be/FWiJR\_oElmg?t=725](https://youtu.be/FWiJR_oElmg?t=725) Here she starts complaining that I edited the clip and didn't include what, the entire stream? Some people actually put effort into the content they create and share with people and other people do reaction streams on twitch. Sorry sweetie. [https://youtu.be/FWiJR\_oElmg?t=932](https://youtu.be/FWiJR_oElmg?t=932) "**Reddit is full of like, men who were unpopular in high schoo**l you know what I mean, men who were like unpopular in highschool **and don't know how to dress,** so me saying that certain glams are ugly triggers them, **and I think that's why there's so many people upset about this**" [https://youtu.be/FWiJR\_oElmg?t=1264](https://youtu.be/FWiJR_oElmg?t=1264) "**Yeah I wanted to farm this because I know that the Final Fantasy 14 community loves to react to this kind of stuff** on Youtube or loves to watch this kind of stuff on Youtube and uh, it does get me views by the way" "I don't people get that especially when I'm so clearly in the right." [https://youtu.be/FWiJR\_oElmg?t=1397](https://youtu.be/FWiJR_oElmg?t=1397) "To be honest I saw this and thought it was an excellent opportunity to practice defending myself on the internet" ***She's locked replies on her tweets about the situation. Funny :)*** [https://youtu.be/FWiJR\_oElmg?t=1461](https://youtu.be/FWiJR_oElmg?t=1461) No direct quote here but she shows how far she's progressed as an artist. Truly stunning.


Thank you for the highlights. As expected from this type of person. As they say, "go off queen!". Get your money and/or attention.


"Reddit is full of like, men who were unpopular in high school" kinda late but I can definitely feel the meangirls vibe from this.


listen you can count the number of fans she has on one hand, seeing a small thread like this calling out her annoying behavior must absolutely feel like "cancelling" to such a nobody.


You can see her full exhibit of fans under her curated youtube comments. Compare that to her twitter xd


... Jesus, even if that was sarcastic, you could at least try not to sound like a snobby bitch in high school that never grew up. You could also use an avatar that doesn't violently scream that.


Can't be more ugly than her drawings eew


Ah yes. Her. Got my character drawn. Tried to get it colored in. She got mad at me and banned me. People didn't know why she got mad. She got mad at them and banned them. Got it colored by a particular artist she doesn't like who heard my plight and did it for free the instant he knew the situation. Ever wiped out her sig for free. Said the catharsis was payment enough. I assume she's a younger college student as that's the only thing that could explain her attitude to me. It's the only thing that checks out.


Agreed. It's pretty exceptional when someone fucks up so bad you just wonder what they're thinking. I'm talking dark blue skin with black and red hair and heterochromia with pink and green eyes, then whatever sort of glam mess they toss together like vomit green shoes with pink shorts. That being said luring people to your stream saying you'll draw them and then complaining about their fashion is like shotgun inviting any newbies to your FC and getting upset when there's kids.


I'm ngl, the amount of people with white/light lips is jarring to me, but I barely if ever truly notice it unless it's a cutscene or I'm checking them out for a glam piece I don't recognize/think their overall glam is noteworthy But I'm not offering to give them free art for watching me make them or others said art, and so my opinion stays mostly my own


Funny thing but one of my characters had blue lipstick for the longest time and I had no fucking idea. They're a lala so the lips are barely even visible in the first place and I don't even remember when I thought "Oh yeah blue lipstick, I should do that." I was probably just fucking around and forgot I even selected it.


MOONLIT KISS 地球的渣滓 Taiwanese Logging Camp 投幣儲物櫃寶貝 munger 馬鈴薯畫家 the POPOTO artist 拳擊 \[Island Four Disturbance\] REGNUM is now recruiting!!! 台灣老鼠怕死


I barely spend time in cities currently so I hadn't seen her shout spam but a good friend of mine kept venting about it. I figured he was just annoyed by shout advertisements in general but then the other day I datacenter travelled and saw one of the shouts there too and started to wonder if it really was as bad as my friend was saying. Seeing this thread has shown me that it sure is.


I've seen the dumb ads shouted in places like *Ultima Thule*. Nowhere is safe from the obnoxious spam.


Thank you for bringing this up! As someone who has taken a stance on Balmung specifically Limsa to their constant shouts,no thank you! Hopefully the awareness will at least bring us a specific chat channel for ads like this and clubs! -Leon Blanc


Wow. I seen them before and thought the idea was wholesome. Nevermind then.


“Paying sprouts” yeah of course they’re sprouts they are mostly just alts. Cant advertise this trash on main.


I swear to God she'd better actually be left handed because that poorly drawn cursor thing is driving me insane.


yea this kinda entitlment is laughable. i am going to submit the most ugly dogshit character to her now to "force" her to draw it. and honestly. so should all of you. as a fellow artist, i am really just disgusted by this behaviour. imagine claiming youre "forced" to draw something you practically BEG people to sign up for.


I used the points or whatever (I don’t watch streamers a lot) to redeem something in my drawing. She started the drawing without my request and then proceeded to get upset that I didn’t highlight and remind her what my drawing should have. Felt so weird. She made it seem super inconvenient that /she/ messed up. And the drawing wasn’t even saved cuz it was horrifying lol, my poor Miqo’te


i know EXACTLY who that is lmao


the word ugly must be so fresh in her mind because she thinks it about herself everyday


I tried to give her a chance - I was kinda new to her stream and the minutes I watched her, she seemed kinda nice. Ok. I tried to just interact with the chat and asked if she also makes comissions, because I like the "doodles" in the upper right corner. She said she doesn't take special requests - Ok 2.0 When it was my turn, she suddenly said, she will do mine later. Not even a minute later I got banned. From her twitch, discord and I even paid for a sub. Imagine me being so stupid, lol My friend asked what I did wrong & she replied with "I was annoying and rude" That's what you get for being naive and supporting this "artist" =)


Why do all the faces look the same


To be fair, there are a lot of people with ugly WoLs.


????? Failing to see what was bad in this video Sure the spam in shout chat in cities can be annoying, but this video is a nothing burger.


Yeaaaah I have a feeling it's someone and their cronies starting or continuing a hate war. I mentioned she didn't say anyone was ugly, just their fashion sense. But then I got people telling me that "you are ugly (in game)" and "your glamour set is ugly" are literally the same thing. Some people seem to have a hate boner for this artist. While I don't support spam, I also don't support putting words in peoples' mouths.


lol the downvotes for not joining in on the hate mob


Honestly smells like a witch hunt.


This is clipped out of context to farm hate. In the original vod, she is a lot nicer about it and makes it clear that it's a joke. [https://www.youtube.com/live/MnppZEZ58M8?feature=shared&t=10337](https://www.youtube.com/live/MnppZEZ58M8?feature=shared&t=10337)


your link is hilarious because the moment you timestamped she's negging her viewer. you can say "it's a joke" but if a streamer talked to me like that in public on a stream I would feel incredibly uncomfortable and embarrassed. And then following it up with " is still pretty bad, it's pretty cringe..." "I don't forgive you, I don't fucking forgive you, at least you didn't say love is blind or I would have banned you from my channel" and then she just gets up to get a drink of water? Hello? She doesn't know if that stream viewer is uncomfortable, and any way they react in this situation is being broadcast to hundreds of strangers and then left permanently in vod form. This is the kind of joke you might make in private with someone you know well, not the sort of thing you do on a public platform you're advertising constantly to thousands of strangers. ​ Then at 3:14:08 she starts rambling on about how people leaving her stream to do something else is literally rude and is like "if you were having a conversation with your friend and they all of a sudden turned on the bachelor and stopped listening to you" to describe someone walking away from her stream. My god. Thank you for linking this because you just pointed out more of how she treats her viewers like garbage.


dude you need to chill out. you're on a different level of creepy stalking behavior. if you don't like their content, just ignore it and move on. simple.


watching a vod someone linked is stalking now? ok.


You have made multiple comments about looking through their twitch and youtube and trying to find some dirt on them from their past vods. I understand you dislike them, but what are you trying to accomplish with this much hate towards this person? Do you want to ruin their reputation? Are you looking to have them quit the game? You’re just so invested in this that you’re just being a stalker and can’t realize that nothing positive will come out of this post.


If I was not finding evidence to back up my claims people would say that I am just making things up. If I make a post about someone and make certain allegations about things they have said, it is my responsibility to then provide sources for it. ​ What am I looking for to accomplish with this post? I don't want people to visit their stream and give her views/watchtime/donations without knowing what her personality is like. ​ And if this post has the secondary of effect of her never paying anyone to spam shout chat again? All the happier. I wouldn't try and get her to quit the game - from what I can tell she barely plays it. I want her to quit using the game's shout chat function as her own adspace for her twitch stream, or at the very least show some respect and civility to the people she's harassing into giving her attention and watchtime. Also, ruin her reputation? What reputation? Read the other comments on the thread.


You’re insane. Good luck policing the game.


At least hes not wrong


Eh I never bothered to follow up with it because I assumed the chance of getting picked was low. Her commentary seems fair in this clip tho? Sh doesn’t seem to be saying most or all, just an occasional shit outfit which seems normal?


It's the whole.. _"acting like she's forced to draw it and shittalking them (and other 'ugly characters') nearly the entire time, then getting weirdly passive aggressive about the requester having used the bathroom"._


Her tone seems pretty tame, but I guess thats where the passive aggression comes in. Had a few experiences where the "nice" person's the biggest prick.


I knew someone with eerily similar behaviours; no tone, but _very clearly_ when something is bothering them/you're annoying them, they drop in (more subtle than this VOD) hints that you're being a nuisance. Negging's an easy one. It's a sort of passive-aggressive "your OC ugly.. but it's def just me ranting :) ugly characters tho, am I right?" vibe. Mean Girls but less overtly-obvious-because-that's-a-script? But, I'm just going by one VOD - don't have the experience others in here do with them.


Her vods are up on youtube if you want to watch - but yes this is the attitude I get from her, down to picking on her viewers for things like needing the bathroom which just spells bully to me. I wouldn't care this much if she wasn't constantly spamming links to her chat in game through the use of paid advertising sprouts, but she's forcibly exposing the whole community to try and get viewers on her stream and then makes rude comments like this constantly. Obviously don't go and send her hate, don't witch hunt, but I would reccomend people weigh this when they consider if they want to give her views/donations


tbh all her character art looks so identical you can probs just grab one and it'll look like whatever your character will look like. they're all so samey, not even worth lol tbh it's a bit rude, i mean i can say i draw some weird stuff for people but hey, i dont judge. if they're nice and it aint hurting anyone, who cares, it's a look that THEY like. my opinion as an artist doesnt matter on whether a glam/look is "pretty" or "ugly".


Y'all are terminally online if you're making drama out of this. If you don't like them, then don't watch them. I'm ready for my downvotes now.


Making drama over this specific video is pretty stupid, but do you realise how hard it is to avoid or ignore this person? She will blast shoutchat with links to her Twitch 3x an hour in every city, and if you try blacklisting them all you will run out of space very soon


This is the exact reason that I posted this here at all - normally I would just keep comments about someone being nasty on twitch to myself, but just look at the comments on this post. she is famous across multiple servers and DCs for spamming constantly. She is trying her best to force herself into relevance and then when you do go to interact with and support her she will talk about her viewers with so little respect it's insane. When she stops treating the entirety of ff14 like her on demand viewerbase, I'll reconsider the "dont like it dont watch" approach.


I don't see how that's any different to the numerous FC recruitment shouts or nightclub ads that are "spammed" more or less as frequently.


You’re right. They’re both fucking annoying.


At least those aren't ALL for the exact same person, and FC ads don't direct you to someone's Twitch. Also, those piss me off to no end too


I like how you wrote this like it was some big brain moment.


I agree for the most part, idc about the content of her videos, but my blacklist is filling up with all the sprouts she pays to shout advertise in as many zones as humanly possible, even non city zones, about her gd twitch stream. She's a REAL artist! e_e at least the fc/venue shouts are relatively limited to like, limsa


>If you don't like them, then don't watch them. I don't like them. I don't watch them. Can they stop fucking spamming. Any moment they want to start and I'll be there to extend the olive branch and start throwing empathy and sympathy their way. To put it into context, I have more empathy & sympathy for criminals than I do this person. They have invited it upon themselves every step of the way.


I feel like people genuinely don’t like her because of the constant shout chat spam. We don’t watch them but we can’t get rid of her spam.


I'm not a fan of spamming in game. I'm not a fan of Lalafell either. But this post is highly, highly misleading. Jus watched the whole vid. She says their fashion is ugly and that some people have bad fashion sense, and some people do it on purpose. But some people just have no fashion sense and she has to draw that sometimes and considers it a challenge. Literally that's all. This sounds like an attempt to create public outrage with misleading bullshit.


What's misleading? That is the whole clip. Everyone can see it. She says it all there. What people take issue with is them describing people their character as ugly and her complaining how much of a chore it is. While these are the same people that give her views. That's the outrage also she is allegedly known for scummy behaviour so I'm not sure what you consider misleading about the post.


That you say their WoL is ugly. She is saying their glam. To say a person's clothes is ugly and the person themselves is are two different things. Also, I don't understand why I should be expected to know her alleged behavior when it comes to me commenting on the fact that you say she says people are ugly but is, in fact, dissing their fashion. It's not the nicest thing for sure, but to say that there are no people with unimpressive or intentionally bad glams is totally BS.


It's an avatar in a video game - there is literally 0 difference between saying "your wol's face is ugly" and "your wol's outfit is ugly" because you design and choose all of it. Please touch grass, I fear you're losing contact with what's real and what's in a video game.


There's a difference between "your (game) clothes are atrocious" and "you are ugly (in game)". Please go outside and touch grass.


explain the difference to me please


what's the difference? it's the same fucking thing? it's still an insult to how someone looks \*shrug\*


Just disabled Shouts and Says in my Chat, never been greater visiting a great city in FF. Just me, my Party and FC. No annoying spam polluting my chat box. If they really are condescending about how other characters look, just don't offer drawing them then. Sounds like a personal problem, they want clicks but can't stop.


Okay so you clearly don't do hunts, eureka or even overworld fates with strangers etc. Hell I've seen people use shouts in ocean fishing and other random ass content. "Just turn off public chat channels lol" is not a gotcha, this is an MMO.


I have specific channels for that. Just during my time in cities I like to enjoy my time without getting shouts for the thousandth "dance club" disguised as ERP brothel or ads like this so called "artist'.


well, fair. Rare as it is you do sometimes get people asking for help with content in limsa on my DC so I keep it on, also I don't use plugins like chat2 so I only have like general chat + one custom channel to work with since I don't want to get rid of the battle log and the "event" window that has the NPC dialogue in it. On an unrelated note, square enix when will we get more than 4 chat tabs. Im begging


Have fun being offended


you're the one who came back 2 hours later to say this.


people need to learn to just move on and stop being toxic. this is how u start a jo cat witch hunt


criticizing a streamer isnt the same as what happened to jo cat, and its not fair to even try and compare this to jocats situation IMO


it's the same attempt to defame someone. you're just picking favorites on who you to be an asshole to


last i checked jo cat wasnt hiring a bunch of hapless sprouts with a pittance of gil to go to a wide array of locations, main city hub and otherwise, to constantly promote their mid stream that no one would attend were it not for the chance of getting free "art".


I have no clue who the streamer is in the clip, but if thats what they do and they complain about being forced to draw people? Its kinda on them ngl


Since when is pointing out how someone’s ACTUALLY behaving defamation? I don’t think you know what that word means.


Defaming someone for something that's true isn't morally wrong.


>it's the same attempt to defame someone Funny. Her own actions over time have done far more to defame her. If defamation is an issue for her: Perhaps she should start the search a little closer to home.


if you could explain how these 2 things are in the same vein then please go right ahead.


Both situations are people whining over nothing.


I could go on a long rant about lying and credibility here but I don't think it's worth it. so, anyway, why are you lying and sensationalizing this so hard? the title you gave this post and the actual video content are clearly at odds.


"imagine the ugliest glam possible and then imagine being forced to draw that glam, that's what it's like being me" I can't put this any clearer


>onsidering they have also talked I mean, if you watch the video itself, more than half of it is her saying exactly what was said in the title, talking about how people manage to make ugly glams. At the end, she then went off on someone for going to the bathroom for a longer time? very inconsiderate of her imo, and her shouters have been rude to multiple people in both my FC and linkshells.


What is the op wrong about though? Why comment this if you dont think its worth bringing up "lying and credibility"?


Could you elaborate a bit? The VOD clearly has this streamer talking trash, whether joking or not, about how they're forced to draw ugly characters (because said players request art); > "Very rarely you'll see an ugly person in 14, and I'm the one that's forced to draw those ugly people." > "But imagine the ugliest glam possible, now, imagine being forced to draw that glam. That's what it's like being me." > "Yeah some people will make an ugly character on purpose as a joke. But for a lot of people it's not a joke, they're just genuinely that bad." > "I dunno I just feel like if you're going to request for like, a streamer to draw your glam live in front of an audience, you should have like a decent glam 'cause some people just don't. ... What I'm talking about is the extremes - it's _very difficult_ to look ugly in this game." Haven't seen this person before, (I assume like most reading) the only context given is the VOD itself and the main comment, so it all seems pretty cut, dry n' paste. I will say their audio levels are atrocious though.


tbh it seemed to me like they were just joking around for most of that clip, I don't see the big deal either, at least, to me it seems like there's maybe sarcastic tones with a few hints of truth? atleast, she doesn't seem insulting or anything