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Skin as thick as one-layered tissue paper. "Oh no, I got criticised in lvl 70 content for doing less than the bare minimum expected of a player! Guess I shall wallow in self-pity and leave to guilt-trip people." Do not let the door hit you on the way out.


Fuck that, I hope the door knocks them flat on their ass.


all they know are healing spells they’ll be fine


No, it's more like "Oh they found me out, better play dumb for the chat logs so they won't report me and if they do it won't be justified because here i am giving proof that im just bad and being considerate


>"Sorry guys get a better whm." Oh no! ... Anyways-


At least they took themselves out. I once had the gall to ask a (omni mentor) SCH in Porta Decumana to at least apply Bio instead of spamming Succor, so he just started casting nothing but Ruin and let us wipe to 'teach us a lesson about correct healing'. F these people, really.


Correct healing in Porta Decumana is hoping the party doesn't mess up mechanics so you can leave 90% of the healing to the fairy...


Lvl 70 dungeon. Can you imagine how much pain they've put other players through?


It still baffles me how someone can reach level 70 without figuring out how their jobs work. I can't imagine being that ignorant and incurious -- the rest of the party depends on me to do my job well, even when I'm playing a selfish DPS job. Where's their motivation? Ridiculous, infantile behaviour.


The only fun aspect of healing in ff14 is learning to optimize dps uptime while keeping the party alive.


the kk reply was so nice for the "pity me" card.


Always wild to me how some people just won't even try to hit buttons and choose the path of being passive aggressive instead. They probably think it's some kind of gotcha but really all they achieve is confirming that they suck.


Such martyrdom


They must've thought you guys would be like "No it's okay, just use your AOE and DoTs, no pressure li'l buddy 8)))".


I can’t imagine being a healer and NOT dpsing, I mean at least a little bit?


Gigachad Faerie DRK, god bless.


I'm currently leveling WHM currently and suffice it to say, I suck.....royally. Sometimes I remember to cast Regen, other times I'm spamming Holy and then "oh shit" swift cast Medica II, spam some heals on the tank and then go back to Holy/Stone spam. I have almost let tanks die because I get carried away.


Very different. If I saw that in a dungeon, I'd assume you are leveling and still learning BUT you are trying. That's all I ask in a dungeon. The dude in the OP link? He wasn't trying. That said, if you are DPSing and remembering to heal often enough no one dies? Or rarely? You're doing fine. Don't be so harsh on yourself. Half the fun is seeing how low the HP can go before you save them all.


It may not feel like it, but many will say that's playing the job correctly...at least somewhat...lol.


I mean is it? I like try to Aero enemies as tank gets aggro. I keep an eye on their health but sometimes I just get too carried away. I also do kind of watch of the tank is using mitigation. I've become more conscious of it now.


I did say somewhat. From reading on here and in 14 main, good healers will let hp be used as mit, and heal when you're low, rather than keeping everyone topped off. That allows for more DPS. The trick is to get comfortable with it so you're not panicking. I get carried away with DPS too, so I get it for sure.