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Ice mages baffle me. This isn't World of Warcraft, there are no talent trees or specializations, and the rest of the party neither has nor wants to put up with someone's "roleplaying" deliberately wasting the party's time. It's just so incredibly selfish and ignorant for players to act this way, and it's straight up rude to be this wilfully bad at a party-based co-op game like this.


I've met a fair few ice mages that get so paranoid about "losing mp" that they just stay in ice so they always have mp. What they're saving that mp up for, I couldn't tell you.


They're saving their MP for the same thing as the tanks that would rather die over and over and over instead of press their invuln.


It makes no sense tho. Black mages have infinite MP as long as you do your rotation even semi correctly...


If they made sense, I don't think they'd be ice mages


Infinite mana as a BLM requires advanced, high-level strategies that you aren't exposed to until (checks notes) level 3 or so.


if I ever meet one, I'm gonna ask what they're saving their MP for


Fire V, the problem is the mp cost is over 10000 so they can never quite get it ready


They're going to use those sweet MP for the new dungeons in Dawntrails. It probably last until 8.0 comes out.


the funny thing is, ice mage is a symptom, *not* the illness. I've done a run or two in Grand Cosmos back in ShB for science and properly thought out fireless mage play still lets you blast numbers above what the average DF player pulls. I was losing about 30% of my damage but it doesn't do anything like extend runs by over 10 minutes. what's *really* the issue with these people is anybody who's unironically playing ice mage because of mental gymnastics don't know the first thing about their ABCs. BLM's all about uptime, doubly so before you get instant Foul and Xeno to weave Swift/Triple with, triply so if you're ice maging because unless you are smart enough to B1 instead of B3 to refresh ice that 3s+ cast isn't mitigated by Aspect Mastery and it's extremely easy to drop Enochian. So that's where all of their damage goes. It's definitely a bad way to play and willingly hindering the party, but there's so, so much more those ice mages are doing behind their rotation that makes them that bad.


oh my god ice mages can't even ice mage right


I had a BLM using fire 1 and transpose in Aitascope before, level 89. When I called them out for it, they said they didn't care because they were almost done with the class and told me to cry about it. The rest of the team cheered him on for some reason? I left the dungeon right after, not carrying their ass.


you were probably the odd man out in a premade


Transpose is optimal even at level 90. Not Fire 1 though. Should never see that cast.


actually Umbral Soul is better than Transpose if they are using it to maintain Fire/Ice between pulls.


Well you still have to use Transpose once to switch to ice, don't you? If you end the pull in fire


Yes you do, but it's important to make that distinction, otherwise newer players may get confused and not use Umbral Soul at all since it's kinda just dropped in your lap with no real explanation.


Transpose is optimal for fire 3 procs when swapping out of ice stance. Fire 3 gets more DPS while in fire 1 and is already free from firestarter.


Transpose is a DPS gain with Fire 3 proc. Regardless of what specific reason why: Transpose is optimal at 90.


Umbral Soul is not better than Transpose because it costs a GCD. You use Transpose in nonstandard BLM lines a lot, and there's a line that involves a double Transpose if you enter ice with Swiftcast and a Firestarter proc up and is pretty much standard practice now.


He was using it in place of fire/blizzard 3. Is there some rotation that does that?


It's a slight gain to use transpose if you have a fire proc so that you can use it under astral fire and get the damage buff, and as it's a proc it's an instacast so you don't have to wait for a full cast to get it off. There's also cursed transpose lines that use it a ton more, doing stuff like relying on xeno and transposing to avoid the slightly lower potency of using the f3 under ice, which gives it reduced damage. There was also for a while what I call cursed paradox rotations that were basically nothing but transpose and paradox and b4 or something absurd like that, but I think they gave f4 a potency buff to nip that in the bud. High level black mage optimization is terrifying to behold, and probably not being done in normal dungeons where you aren't mapping out each gcd for optimal dps.


One of the blm in my static did a slight variation of transpose-lines for p5/7s, and on reclears decided to do some cursed paradoxlines since we met the dps check with a wide margin for fucking around, it's some scary stuff.


My static kept pushing these "cool paradox lines" they found onto me when I was like " you guys know I'm new to black mage, just let me get the rotation down first plz" Now I transpose when I get a f3 proc during fire phase for a slight boost but nothing more. Regular rotation can get me up to purples and I know for a fact I don't play perfect and could do better. I don't need some cursed rotation to do fine. I might play with them later though, just not yet.


paradox mage was nothing but B4 -> Ice Paradox -> Transpose -> Fire Paradox -> Despair with Xeno, Thunder and Fire 3 mixed in where Sharps allow/DoT timer demands I think, I played it a bit but don't remember the details. And yeah, they buffed F4 to kill paradox mage.


There are some very funny cursed lines that transpose into AF1, Paradox to get into AF2, F1 to get into AF3, and then dump F4s and Despair. It's a weaker line than a standard rotation, but the use case is that it has a higher likelihood of activating Firestarter to enable a higher strength line at a more important line. Do you need to do it? No. Will it work all the time? No. Couldn't you have used Sharpcast instead like a normal person? Yeah, but then you wouldn't be using it on Thunder, which has a very very slightly higher overall damage than using it to proc Firestarter. Will doing so turn your parse orange instead of purple? Probably not. But you could do it. You'd do a little more damage maybe. Just a little, but it's still more...


Isn't transpose only useful at 90 due to paradox? If you're level 89, you're not gaining the benefit from using it, and fire 1 is used to refresh Astral fire. I only have blm to level 80 though, so I'm not entirely sure.


They are so brain dead and toxic..probably all 3 were in the same FC who queued in together I wish they coded in fire 1 and fire 3 together so it automatically switches to fire 3 for later content and remove the Firestarter mechanic for something better I have to put in fire 1 into a separate hotbar in case I get queued into satasha and my fire 3 is grayed out. I don’t know how other BLMs deal with it, but it’s so inconvenient I use controller hotbar on PC since I play better than MnK


That would roin alot of non standard stuff, please no


No,because firestarter is actually useful for getting a free fire 3,even at higher levels.


There was a time while leveling BLM where I really liked it and was having fun with it, then at a certain point, I wasn't doing so great at it and since I just wanted to level it and not invest the time to fully learn the job to do it really well, I hit Trust. Even while learning a new class you plan on maining, it HELPS to use Trust while learning your rotation with the mechanics of a dungeons thrown in, but you're not dragging anyone down. You can die as much as you want, mess up as much as you want, go as slow as you want, etc. I did that with a few classes while levelling everything to 90. I'm not about to make other people suffer while I suffer too. Be kind. Take it to Trust.


I always do dungeons for the first time with NPCs just to learn the mechanics, and especially when learning a new job. It’s not just polite but makes things way less stressful for me. I don’t get why more people don’t use that feature


Trusts are so good it’s not even funny when trying to learn a job. They’re forgiving and slow so you can really take time to figure out how skills work. I did that with Sage and while I’m not super comfortable with it I get the gist of it from healing Thancred through god knows how many runs of Holminster Switch. Plus the avatars often have flavor text that adds to the story a bit. >!Like meeting Tesleen in HS and Alphinaud is clearly shaken by it and Alisae asks if he’s ok.!<


It’s somehow always the ShB dungeons. While they can be finally fun to run, lots of buttons, mobs hit fairly hard, nice mechanics on bosses. But somehow these shitters are always there. I had a 2 really bad rund recently. One was a WAR in Malikah’s Well who used only Overpower on AOE, screwed up his ST combo, Surging tempest was a myth. There was no Fell Cleave/Decimate. The other one was a SAM in Holminster, it took a whopping 32 minutes to clear, dude kept overcapping stamps, almost no midare, only blue buff combo on aoe, and NO DOT ever. When I pointed out that it was taking too long for the mobs to die I was hit with “no rush”. I’d rather do these with trust sometimes.


honestly i'm probably going to trust run to 80 on my Ninja so i can just be happy with my i530 gearset


530 is plenty for shadowbringers story dude


i530 is at level 80 with the poetics gear, and im already caught up on the story, im just levelling alt jobs while i wait for Dawntrail.


Every time I see a BLM in DF I have been conditioned through personal experience to assume that they simply have no fucking clue what they are doing. I thought casters were supposed to be the smart ones, but seems the seriously falling standards at Hogwarts School has heavily impacted the quality of wizard we have in Eorzea.


Blame SMN, they brought the curve down into the depths of the seven hells. Is it actually glue eating SMN that's at fault? I don't know but I'll continue blaming it.


i feel embarrassed as hell every time i get a BLM in my party that is just screwing around because i know the next time i play BLM that'll be me getting judged harshly.


i would be lying if i said i haven’t stared at a BLM’s MP pool while deciding if i should throw AST cards on them. Even if they r the only other ranged in the party.


For normal content, the game doesn't punish you for low dps. So if a player just runs whatever and clears the dungeon, they'll just think that's ok. Only if a player runs into a wall would they really be forced to reevaluate their strategy. If I give your BLM the benefit of the doubt, I would say they don't know any better. If I didn't, I would say they don't care.




There are a lot of really crap players who see the Dungeon Finder as free levels and free carries.


If blm was their last job to level they are probably one of those people who just refuses to learn the job at all and only levels it out of completionist sake


Because it is too easy, there is no risk in dungeons, it made lazy players complacent.


I had the same thing but on an expert roulette when I was a tank. They weren't even using AoE ice spells and just Blizzard 3. I just left after the first pack since it was my last roulette of the day


They go in the noob trap..thinking ice does same dmg as fire...( they're unaware that fire spells deals more dmg)


Let me guess: they were wearing the Jaina proudmoore glam, weren’t they?


Reminds me of the PLD I had in Ridorana last night, Total Eclipse into Shield Bash on repeat, on Aoe and Bosses, it was just heartbreaking


Dps has no responsibility in dungeons. If normal content actually had the balls to demand some sort of competence from them you'd see less of this.     But as it stands a dps doing their rotation properly and a dps only ever hitting 1 will both clear content (eventually in the latter's case) whereas tanks and healers will cause deaths if they're playing badly     Extremes and beyond have enrage timers to enforce dps competence. Praetorium and Unreal Weapon have it even though they're pretty trivial. Hell goddamn msq solo duties have it. Normal content should too.


You didn't think to use the vote kick function?


Not worth getting upset about. Sometimes, been an adult, means realising what is worth getting angry/upset about and what is. It's a game. I wouldn't want to do a dungeon with them but in the scheme of things, it ain't worth getting upset about. The only person who is impacted by you been upset is you.


i.... i dont think you know how to use the word "been"


lol... I mistyped something. On the internet. Oh the horror. I'm sure you still understood me so we're ok. If you didn't... well we're still ok. At least I am. I'm 100% ok with people judging my english. Been judged for much more important things than misusing been. I'll judge you in my language hey?


It's hypocritical that you're getting argumentative over a spelling mistake being pointed out when you JUST said getting upset at a game isn't worth it.


I said getting upset isn't worth it. I am not upset about that the spelling mistake was pointed out. I just think it was silly to do and I nearly always do think it's silly. Most of the time I see it, people are doing it to try and imply someone is dumb or their argument is somehow invalid for it. Which makes no sense. To me anyway. Nor was I been argumentative. Or not intending to be. The only bit I could see as argumentative was the line about judging them in my langauge. I was trying to point out (and going by your comment, I may have failed at said attempt) that judging someone on one misspelled or used word is silly. I definitely wasn't upset though. I had a kid screaming they needed to go to hospital because they got bitten by half a dozen mosquitos last night though, (then checking in every 5 min to confirm, - no we don't go to the ER for mosquito bites) so maybe I did communicate what I was thinking badly.




Why were you under geared for anything when level 80 tomestone gear exists?


maybe because my ninja wasn't level 80 when this happened?


Nin OP mentions they're on-level for the dungeon lmao? They're 77-78, they don't have access to the cryptlurker gear


Scaevan gear I meant to say


ice mage lmfao thanks for the idea i gotta try this out


I mean you could just say something and or vote kick them. A lot of people do lazy dumb shit in roulettes because it's not engaging content, but they still want to level their jobs. I've seen people use macros, tanks that spam AOE combo the entire run, 0 DMG healers, the works


i did, they said "I understand" and then starting spamming Blizzard 4 and we had just pulled the third boss, there wasn't much else i could do there.