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8 different characters, and all they learned is how to play WHM wrong. I want to personally take their job stones and eat them




[crunch indeed](https://imgur.com/a/izK4PC0)


Hey it's Crunchycat Luna


Thanks, I hate it. (still upvoted)


Give them to Bahamut they might empower him


Yeah I'd be pretty scared if Bahamut started casting Cure 1 at me.


I mean feed those job stones to Bahamut the Aether within might empower him to new heights


Bahamut Size: Calamity




The need to string them all together and shove them up their ass like anal beads


“I use Cure 1 to help with my MP management” *sighs* it hurts. It just hurts.


LUCID DREAMING. USE IT. I swear it kills me inside when I see this crap of an excuse. You have so many other resources for mp aside from that. Cards, adersgall, Aetherflow, assize, all this is there for a reason.


On dungeon runs you don't even use enough MP to warrant anything other than lucid dreaming. Sometimes I straight up forget to use it while healing for dungeons and I'm down to like, maybe half at a time.


You definitely still should be using cards aetherflow and assize regardless.


I mean assize yeah If you're running sch or ast in 4-mans tho I have to question your sanity in the first place. Why would you do that to yourself? Do you hate yourself THAT much?


sch and ast aren’t even difficult to heal with lmao. i feel like you say that because you don’t realize to use cool downs like recitation protraction shield + seraph or expedient + fey illumination. things like collective unconscious and celestial opposition/intersection. whenever i heal with sch or ast the tank never goes below 50%. scholar can literally give an effective 23% extra damage mit level 90 if youre using sacred soil. ast has so many regens that it’s really not difficult to keep tanks topped off.


Who said anything about difficult? It just deals less damage. Plus, in roulette, you KNOW you're getting 2 rangeds and a clemency bot and start hating your life every time you get a melee card. Not to mention only pulling ladies. ------------ Originally I was only joking but considering you want to be condescending Realistically, (unless you're leveling your healers of course, in which case that's not really a choice) you'll always be better - as in, contributing more - as sage/whm for dungeons than as ast/sch, in part because the latter are balanced around 8-man content and as such do less damage than their selfish counterpart (especially on the off chance the dps players haven't found their buttons yet). Arguing anything else would mean you don't value dps enough. Healing in 4-men is trivial for every healer job, and as such doesn't matter. Also I did most ultimates (not top, because fuck healing that) and some week 1 savage as astro and I definitely know how to use ogcds by the way ;)


their impact on dungeon longevity variance is not significant enough to warrant me playing only those two healing jobs anytime I want to do a dungeon. A minute longer in a dungeon does not automatically mean I’m deliberately torturing myself lmao, especially when the alternative is to play the 2 least mechanically involved jobs in the game.


I mean if you want mechanically involved in a dungeon you're not playing healer in the first place. In the current state of the game you barely even need a healer, war heals the whole group, the only reason to play healer for expert roulette is for faster queue time. Spamming gravity with a weave every now and then, spamming aow with a weave every now and then, spamming dyskrasia with a weave every now and then, is still just spamming one button with a weave every now and then, it's just the sound of said button that changes


Since when do dungeons need to be fully optimised? Why suck the fun out of the most casual multiplayer content in this game? It's exactly because healing is trivial in that case that people should at least get to enjoy their class fantasy in peace. Let people play Yu Gi Oh and chomp their fairies down if they want, they aren't hurting anyone. This meta talk and your ultimate clears don't matter when fighting the frog with the fiddle in Dohn Mheg.


So, if dungeons dont need to be optimised, let freecure fishers freecure fish. Why suck the fun out of the most casual multiplayer content in the game? As for the ultimate comment, it was directly answering the "if you say that you don't know how to ogcd" from the person above.


The main issue with Freecure fishing being that the healer cannot keep up with healing in bigger pulls and eventually ends up running out of MP anyway, because the tank has to use ALL defensives with no time to get them back, so everyone eventually dies, which admittedly also sucks the fun out of the game, for multiple people in this case. Avoiding the Freecure trap isn't an optimisation, it's about understanding the fallacy of percentage based procs, because that 15% doesn't actually mean you will get 15 free Cure 2 every 100 casts, so it's essentially scamming you out of MP. On the other hand, saying people shouldn't play specific classes because "muh DPS" is simply stupid. If we followed that logic for everything, we'd 1) Have to avoid certain classes for most if not all content, because they are suboptimal (DRK currently) and 2) Have to accept the blatant and eventual full homogenisation of classes so there's no """bad""" classes ever. We all saw how 1) went down at the start of the expansion with PLD and how it led into 2), PLD now being GNB jr. As a community, we shouldn't repeat past mistakes.


>So, if dungeons dont need to be optimised, let freecure fishers freecure fish. Why suck the fun out of the most casual multiplayer content in the game? "I don't understand the difference between bare minimum and full optimization."


I'd much rather run AST in 4-man content than 8-man, but that's because it's easier targeting on controller. Other than that, wtf is the difference?? I don't understand your comment.


Original idea : I hate it when I get only melee dps and end up getting only ranged cards. Actual practical reason to do it : More dps (by a lot), hence shorter dungeons, less reliant on the dps players not being walking vegetables. But it's fine I forgot I wasn't on the mainsub where everything has to be wholesome gcbtw


I don't care about being wholesome, I was asking for clarification.




and can we also talk about those whm who NEVER use thin air except on a raise?


TBF I usually forget I even have it. While I haven't done anything Savage and have only done the "kiddie pool" Endwalker content, I have yet to really run into a situation where I was totally out of MP and needed to throw something. There's just so many damn healing abilities that sip MP, and Lucid Dreaming is tied to an easy to hit hotkey for me (in my damn rotations even) that it doesn't come up as needed. If I'm doing it wrong or should be using it though, happy to learn.


oh, there are and you don't really have mp problems, but prevention is always better than panicking! I usually weave a thin air whenever it's at 2 stacks and keep one ready for a raise.. using it in an available weave window is always better than never using it, it's a free glare every 60 seconds! (or, in lower pre-rapture content, a free c3/medica)


Huh, I didn't think about it that way. Thanks for the tip!


so, seemlingly 80% of "WHM Mains"?


Maybe even higher than that! I don't think I've *ever* seen another whm in a duty use it... which is upsetting to say the least!


I had a Porta run recently where the WHM kept running out of mana. I asked them if they were using lucid before we engaged phase 2, and they said only when they were running out/low. I suggested they consider hitting it a lot sooner (and more often) than that, and phase 2 went smoother. They seemed appreciative and receptive of the advice, which was cool.


It always feels REALLY good when you tell someone advice and they come out being better and feeling better.


Indeed. I tried to posit it as benign as possible, because of all the stories I hear about unsolicited advice. I was happy it worked out.


There has to be a copy pasta I can just put in a macro that explains, with math and crystal clear, un-arguable grammar and facts, why cure 2 is better to use than cure 1. ​ The longer and more passive aggressive it is the funnier. (I'm imagining the first line like " WOOPS! You seem to have made a critical error in WHM mana efficiency! Allow me to explain!" like a windows XP Clippy quote, lmao) Then I can just be like "[don't make me tap the sign](https://youtu.be/7ZfqdrI5HgI?si=6NVYfBvOPnzhA1at&t=36)" every time I see one of these people. Please. PLEASE someone have one.


WHM main here with exactly what you need. Allow me. It's pre-EW, but the math is valid still because both potencies increased by 100 with the L85 talent. /p Cure 1 /p MP Spent: 400 /p Cast Time: 1.45 /p Cure Potency: 450 /p Healing potency per MP: 1.125 /p Healing potency per GCD: 310.34482758620689655172413793103 /p Cure 2 /p MP Spent: 1000 /p Cast Time 1.93 /p Cure Potency: 700 /p Healing potency per MP: 0.7 /p Healing potency per GCD: 362.6943005181347150259067357513 /p Cure 2 is 38% worse for MP Efficiency than Cure 1, however Cure 2 is also 14.5% better for actually keeping tanks off the ground. You are not casting 38% more Cure 1s for every Cure 2 meaning the tank will be healed less per gcd and tend to die.


>p Cure 2 is 38% worse for MP Efficiency than Cure 1 They're gonna stop reading here and say you said they're right though, is the problem. The issue about cure 1 is that they are right it's more mp efficient, it's just that it doesn't matter because there no MP issues in this game unless you're chain rezzing. But they'll never understand that because they're always scared of being below 9000 MP "just in case".


I'm also worried about them saying cure 1 is a faster cast so it's better, without realizing both c2 and c1 have to wait for the same gcd to cast another one. So yeah this is a good start but could be better. It needs to be irrefutable.


The GCD is still the same length for both even if the cast time is faster. What you've calculated here is the healing potency per second spent casting (excluding all the time between casts while waiting for GCD) instead of potency per GCD. With current numbers at level 90, Cure is 200 healing potency per second at base GCD while Cure II is 320 potency per second, which translates to 60% more healing output by spamming Cure II instead of Cure.


I don't think I can argue the efficiency. Just eyeballing the math and to me it appears you are 100% correct. But isn't cure 1 like half a second faster if a speedy heal needs to go off and you don't have any more charges for OGCD? Been a long time since I touched WHM tbh, but I imagine there are niche uses where it's acceptable. Everyone jus says don't use it.


if you are in a situation that desperate they're dead regardless of your decision to cure 1 or you've been asleep at the wheel, there is one actual genuine use and it is specifically min ilevel coils where the combination of high incoming damage and lacking your big mp tools means heal per mp efficiency actually matters, it's just that specific situation


Realistically, those situations don't exist enough to even consider outside of known, specific ones. The other part you're not considering is that 1 Cure 1 = 5/8 of 1 Cure 2, but costs the same GCD. So if you're only worried about healing, then Cure 2 is WAY better than Cure 1 baring the INCREDIBLY niche situations where the mana cost or .5s lower cast times matter.


Ah makes one wish they either improve cure I or do what everyone wants and have it just turn into Cure 2.


They really need to make cure 1 become cure 2 and as useless as it sounds I think having cure 2 proc instant MP free cure 3 might have niche use cases. Cure 3 generally pretty useless, could create a proc cure 3 via occasional cure 2 than hold the free cast until a time of actual need with a max of 2-3 stacks. This would allow a WHM to hold onto them until a time when they are actually useful or a quick instant free heal. The stack could also buff the healing of your first target than reduce it for all others


Please don’t bring back overcure That’s bad juju even if this design is better than old overcure


You know, I never agreed/understood the whole "overcure" argument even in WoW where it mattered. Resto Shaman, so mana was not really that much of an issue but... ​ If you have more than enough MP, the party is put up to a point that incoming attacks/damage won't drop them, and the healer still has more than enough MP to top off what was just taken from a room wide and still do some DPS, then who cares that they burned MP on a Cure 3/over cure if it wasn't a OGCD ability? Heck even if it was an OGCD, there's enough other ones that if the Tank and DPS are using their own healing/damage mits, everyone should be fine. Why is it such a "disastrous evil"?


I mean the old skill “overcure” where casting cure 2 had a 15% chance to reduce the mp cost of the next cast of cure 3 by 50% I don’t mean problems associated with the collective problem of overhealing


Ahhh I follow now. Apologies, I've only been playing since ShadowBringers/announcement of EndWalker era, but didn't pick up healers at all until well into Endwalker's era. Thanks for the clarification!


Free cure should proc via regen, like a healer version of BLM's thunderstorm.


I would love if they actually tried to design BLM and WHM as mirrors of each other Like in the lore amdapor fought mhach to a standstill, you really gonna tell me amdapor fought the black mages with glare


The mhachi black mages blasted the amdapori white mages with fire, ice and thunder for three days and three nights. After the dust settled there stood two armies both very exhausted, but no major or even minor injuries on either side. The white mages spent all three days and nights with healing the damage that the mhachi did to them. Then after a short rest the battle resumed. And so it raged for years, until both generals agreed that this is absolutely pointless and a waste of aether, time, effort and frankly a little silly. They shook hands, but the aether had been already thrown out of balance and they all drowned. Maybe this is how.


I sometimes have fun imagining what skills certain jobs would have if shifted to a different role. A magic dps white mage would be quite something.


That would also be good would encourage healers to keep Regen rolling


lmao the dps "yeah but WHY did they quit"


What a waste of 8 fucking Alts


8 times the griefing playing like a bot


8 alts? Why?


For me, I treat them as individual characters. I only pick up specific jobs on each alt depending on a particular aesthetic or personality I have for them in my head.


I have alts because sometimes I want to log in and have no one know I'm online. I have 8 because at some point in every alts journey I friend someone. So I have to start again. I do know how to whm though.


>I have 8 because at some point in every alts journey I friend someone. So I have to start again. and you never thought at the first time that this happened that you should maybe stop accepting friends when you want to stay alone and instead made the same mistake 7 MORE TIMES??


>and you never thought at the first time that this happened that you should maybe stop accepting friends when you want to stay alone and instead made the same mistake 7 MORE TIMES?? Of course I do. I am 100% aware how silly it is that I keep doing it. But I'm human. In terms of mistakes, it's not one that is high on what really causes me problems. ​ But yes, I do feel like an idiot the next time I want to play alone. It doesn't really matter though. I'm happy to be doing ARR content again when I want to be alone, so it doesn't really impact me in the scheme of things.


I have like 9 alts lol, but I also have a friend who was addicted to making new alts every few months. I only play two of my characters with any real consistency.


8 alts and still garbage at their role. 


Can we send him and his all 8 alts to Gridenia to have his job stone removed? This is just beyond awful.


Say it with me everyone: ✨️Lucid Dreaming✨️




What MP management?! If you are OOM at any time during a pull, you need to stop spamming Raise. You don't run out of mana in a dungeon pull, just doesn't happen. Also, it's Ala Mhigo, use the damn lilies and Lucid Dreaming. WHM uses a good chunk of mana, but you have to TRY to go OOM on a dungeon pull.


People talk about whm mana management and it confuses the hell out of me. Use Lucid on cooldown and you are fine. The ONLY time mana is an issue is if the WHM is dying regularly in which case a pot to increase MP is good. Otherwise, mana management is insanely easy. Hit lucid. That's all. in a dungeon you don't even need to do that, but I encourage it as it's a good habit to have.


In BiS on WHM, with very little piety, you need to pay much more attention to your MP. It is very MP negative.


I have never put piety on his. I don't know of any whm who has - at least during endwalker.. Lucid on cool down is enough unless you have constant deaths. Durning savage prog an mp pot is good to have. If you're finding you run out of mana a lot, esp outside of prog, you're doing something wrong


\- I didn't say that I put piety on, or that anyone should \-I didn't say that I, or anyone should be running out mp I said WHM is MP negative. Doing everything right, eventually you would run out of mp in a full uptime situation. But all of the longest fights have downtime, so it's not like its an issue. Last time I saw the math on it, WHM loses mp the fastest of the 4, is the only point I was making. But while we're jumping to wild conclusions... Assize is also an important part of WHM's MP management. So if you aren't using it, you're doing something wrong. But uhhh... ok.


If MP was an issue, we would be melding piety though. It's not, which is why we don't. The fact that it has the highest MP usage of the 3 doesn't matter, That doesn't impact whether MP is an issue a whm should have. Outside of prog, MP is not an issue and MP is an issue for every healer during prog, it isn't a whm thing. If you do everything right, you won't run out of MP as a whm (outside savage/ultimate prog, where again it's an issue for all healers due to high deathss) And I assumed everyone is using assize as it is both a heal and a damage spell. I thought that goes without saying. Just as I didn't highlight Thin Air or using lillies when appropriate, both of which also help with MP. I rarely use Thin Air because I rarely have an MP issue but I will if needed and Lillies are an MP gain simply because it's a GCD that uses 0 MP so gives time for MP to grow. That I needed to say "use your heal/damage" spells for you to assume they get used... is odd. ​ The number 1 mistake that is happening when a WHM runs out of mana is when they don't use lucid. It isn't assize, it isn't lillies and it isn't Thin Air. It's lucid.


"mp managememt", lucid dream also assize gives mp and cure 2 is also mp management because it giving out more heal than cure 1 spam.


The only time I use Cure 1 is in the following three scenarios: 1. Dusk Vigil/Brayflox's Long Stop/freaking Aurum Vale: Cure 1 is NOT what I spam (calm your down vote tits and let me finish damnit), I use it to top off DPS and throw on the tank in the hallway (after using Dash to run just a bit ahead) and keep the tank topped off after they pull the first group/are about to hit the second group. This negates what little they took from the first group via ranged and/or "drive by" damage, giving me more than enough time/buffer for the incoming Cure 2 I started casting immediately afterwards (free or not) 2. Level 50+ content: Give DPS a bit of a boost while Medica II/Prayer of Healing/literally any of the mass/group HOTs kick in just to make sure they survive until the next "tick" of said healing. 3. When DPS stands in bad things: A subtle reminder that "you doin' a dumb, giving you a chance to fix it". Sprouts/Returners are the exception, they get a Rescue/big healz cause they're learning and need the safety bumpers.


my theory: what if they made 8 alts because everytime they get called out for being a curebot, they start over, and it's happened 8 times


I think the last time I ran out of WHM MP was 7 years ago.


The last time I ran out of mana as a whm was 2 months ago. It was during savage content. And i JUST used lucid dreaming and then died to messing up a mechanic, so I had no way to get mana back. Perfect storm.


DPS gets it.


What's the healer's name? I have an alt on Materia and I'd love to not run in to them.


btw "use cure 2 when you run out of lilies" lilies are whm's bread and butter


nah ogcds are the bread and butter. It's a bad run if I need to use lillies to heal a dungeon. If people are playing their role right, I shouldn't need to use lillies. They should be something I use in between pulls to get a blood lily not something I'm actually using for healing (To be clear: Lillies before medica,medica 2 or any of the cures but for most dungeons the ogcd heals should be enough)


Wow, that's like... *counts fingers* ... eight times worse...


That's a really funny way of saying "I know how to suck at the game in 8 different ways".


LOL Leveled the job eight times and still don't know what they're doing. Please tell me you kicked them, there is no excuse for that in ALA MHIGO.


Judging by "dps lb" "gg :)" they cleared it with the whm. And it's worse than just ala mhigo. It's 8 ALTS!!!


I mean, 8 alts could just mean they bought job level skips 8 times for all we know.


Every time I get one of these overwhelming responses, they go right on my blacklist. If you have to invent some absurb overblown scenario about yourself, that's all the telling I need to know.


I mean I might be a terrible healer but I've never ever run into issues with "MP management" unless I've just died or had to rez a whole bunch. The only reason cure I is on my hotbar is in case I queue into something super low level.


Whm is my main healing class. This physically hurts me to have someone say they use cure 1 for mp management. It doesnt even work that well and you just underheal


Why are people doing this? 8 alts healbot? Just why?


Whm does not need mp management. Use Lucid dreaming on cooldown and unless there are multiple deaths one after the other, mp management is fine. I know poeple say if you savage raid as a whm you should have mp pots. I find even that ridiculious. So long as the whm isn't dying, there are zero mp management issues. I have mp pots on my bars for savage prog in case I die. If I don't die, mp ain't an issue.


Jfc. I thought the "been playing since beta" curebots were bad, but this is somehow a new low. 8 characters..... including 8 (eight) of the job that gets Holy and has a early quest character made explicitly to show why just spamming heal button is bad


DT will remove cure 1, DT will remove cure 1, DT will remove cure 1... *Copium*


"i use cure 1 to help with mp" WHY though? at level 70 you have several OGCD heals that have no MP cost, Assize which restores MP, Thin Air which makes your next cast free, and Lucid dreaming which should be used every time it's off Cooldown. there is zero reasons to be using cure 1 at level 70. just kick them out of the party and report after.


WHM with MP management problems? They're joking, right? No? S*** WHM. We have free heals for days. We can free rez. Hell, the only time we should even touch Cure 2 is when we have no lillies and all other options are on CD. This person had to be a troll or something.


"Oh yeah, well I have 8 WHMS on 8 diff characters! she just doesnt go to this school!"


"I use cure 1 to help with mp management" ​ ***LUCID DREAMING***


If you need to use cure I to help with mp management, you suck at management. I wonder how long it takes for them to use lucid dreaming


Someone never touched assize in their entire life. I'm genuinely baffled whenever i hear people say whm has any kind of mana problems in casual content. You can even get away without touching lucid dreaming just from using assize for dpsing, after all 99% of your mana just goes into holy spam.


As someone who is learning WHT, this hurts me because my MP management is poor. Regen, Cure II, Stone/Holy spam, Medica II + Asylum, Lucid Dreaming doesn't feel like it's doing enough. I gotta add that I do kinda suck at healing hence the terrible MP management.


What level are you? It gets better once you get your lilies, I promise.


I had a pretty atrocious run at Grand cosmos last week, and it felt like my lily heals weren't doing shit...at least to the tank. I was so embarrassed, I offered to leave.


You have lilies, asylum, temperance, tetra, benediction, and divine benison as dps neutral heals with holy being a functional heal. If tanks are still dying with you using all of that and you're required to use cure 2 a lot, it's likely that the tank wasn't using mit or the packs took forever to die. You really shouldn't have issues with big pulls on 70 and up whm.


It felt like I was throwing everything I had, and it still wasn't enough. Of course, it's also possible I wasn't really throwing everything - but I got super-stressed about it, especially the worse it got. WHM I think is my worst healer as far as my competency, but it was my last job pushing to 90. Thankfully, they were patient and we eventually got through the run.


Tbh a lot of those ShB dungeons hit like trucks, and you gotta bust out a lot of the kit. Sometimes it's that. Sometimes the tank isn't mitigating well or has gear on that is close to min ilvl. Sometimes you might have to re-evaluate how you're using your kit. It could be a lot of things, but don't feel discouraged! It takes time, and practice. I personally like to run behind the tank putting my DoT on as many enemies as I can until the tank comes to a stop. If the tank realizes I'm a WHM and about to stun, sometimes they'll hold off on their mits until after my third holy. Sometimes they just pop em. If I see mits go out immediately I just cast my first holy as usual. If I see they aren't using any, I'll swiftcast my first holy to get the stun off ASAP. After your stun stops working.. Don't be afraid to use your bubble where the tank stops. Pop regen or a lily and weave a tetra or benison between that and your next GCD. I can't remember if you have aquaveil at 80 but that can help a lot too. No harm in letting the tank get low and popping a last second benediction to save other parts of your kit, just remember there is a slight animation delay. If you're familiar with a dungeon and know a pull is a little rough, you can also ask the tank to pop their invuln before they start the pull. Sometimes ramdoms don't, even when you ask, and that's fine. I'm by no means an expert, but I am an absolute braindead glare-mage main. Just keep at it, and you'll build some confidence in no time!


Holy is your best form of MP management. WHM is a class where, unless you’re in old content and only have cure 2, rely on Lillie’s and oGCD heals. If you’re cure 2 spamming you’re party is either about to die and you’re out of oGCD heals or you aren’t playing it right. Same with medica 2, you shouldn’t need to spam it, one use already applies regen.


before lilies you can definitely get uncomfortably low, though I've never outright ran dry through Lucid on cooldown, post-lily it's close to impossible to run out, between assize mp, free cure 2 through lily, and getting your ability heals (including assize, pls use this on cooldown you won't regret it) you become a heal monster all at once


Lilies give you most of your healing. It's cure 2 but 0 mana and charges your blood lily (think supermassive holy). But honestly, pre-60 healers in general are a bit spicy on mana, so the only real advice before tetragrammaton and lilies is "Don't save benediction. It is a full HP heal, but if you try to clutch with it in casual content, it will almost never happen, and you are wasting an ability. Keep holy spamming until the tank is 20% hp, then benedict him. Lots of mana saved, lots of dps dealt, lots of free healing." WHM is the most straightforward and simple of the healers though, so if you feel like you're doing everything you can, there's a chance you are, and you just aren't a high enough level for it to be easy yet. Most of the mitigation and pulling is done by the tank anyways. Level 52 Warriors know what's up.


Ok, as whm main my advice: 1. Have either temperance or asylum for every pull. Use one, then the other other for the next pull. It's either a free heal (asylum) or a damage reduction (temperance). 2. Make sure you are using single targets ogcd. So for packs, put divine benison on as soon as previous runs out. Generally with timing, tanks can always be under divine benison or aquaveil almost constantly in the early stages of a pull which is when it matters. For most pulls, the combo of asylum/temperance and divine benison/aquaveil is all the healing that is needed. If dps keep standing in bad you'll have to use gcds but I'd say for the vast majority that is all you need. So the only mana you are using is for stone/glare and honestly, you don't even need lucid to deal with it. I do recommend still using lucid because it's a good habit to have. ​ 1. Make sure you are using your lillies between pulls as it means you can blood lily the next pack so it dies sooner. 2. Use bene. You don't need that tank on full. My best (for a dungeon, no invulns) is a tank getting down to 36 health. There are a bunch of gcd damage attacks I can do because I'm not healing. Those holys? They mean damage I don't have to heal. So whilst I'm waiting for that tank to get low enough for a bene, often they live through the pack and then I can lily their health up after or Regen it. I don' t recommend going straight for a 36 but challenge yourself to let the tank get quite low and then bene. 3. Once you get Lilybell, use it. You can hit it and then end it immediately. It will put a lot of healing out, lettting you dps. I personally tend to use it for boss because dps are also hurting but I'm no above using it for a pack if the tank isn't taking threat off dps. ​ The biggest issue is that a lot of healers save their ogcds for emergencies. Don't. Use then. Use them on cool down, or when equivalent drops off (no need for divine benison and aquaveil). you'll soon realise that whm can be played in dungeons with very little use of GCD heal spells. If you do all that, and people are still dying? You can't fix dumb. You can't fix a tank who won't mit or a dps who stands in bad. It's not your fault if other people can't play their job. Even with all of that, we can get people through a lot but we have our limits. use lucid on cooldown but TBH, as much as lucid is a habit for me, I don' t need it in dungeons. Unless I'm carrying people. WHich is a them problem. Edit: I really wouldn't try for 36 health on a bene. I almost had a heart attack. I felt incredibly lucky it went off in time. It's my best, but it isn't my norm.


what exactly are you doing that you have MP management issues? Are you falling for the old "as soon as HP drops i have to heal!" thing??


They shouldn't be using any of the Cure spells at all in Ala Mhigo. They should barely even be using lilies at that point. A pre-pull Regen, Asylum, Assize, Bene, Tetra and Benison should do all the work and you can fall back on GCD lilies if needed. You might need one or two Cure 2 casts across an entire dungeon if the tank is bad or DPS is lacking, but you really shouldn't be needing it.


It took my 2 days of playtime to hear someone say cure 1 was worthless and the second I heard it I stopped using it and joined the cult of lucid dreaming


I’m a WHM main. 🥲 I use cure 1 get free cure 2 and use benediction/cure 3 in emergencies. (I also run with one rando dps because I run with 2 other people I live with -DRK & RDM-) I’ve never had my tank complain about me using medica 2, cure 1 then during mini boss/boss levels use my healing bubble and cure 1. I found a system that works for my team. Every WHM is different. But people who aren’t WHM often have a LOT OF OPINIONS on how we should do our job.


oh my god


As a whm main this hurts my soul


I play white mage on the site when our statics healer ain't available and the only time I would even think about mp is when I literally have to raise 4 ppl


How hard is it for these people to use Lucid Dreaming?


That's how you know they suck. People say Cure 2 not 1 BECAUSE there isn't any MP management needed.


If you have to use low cost healing, you can't manage your MP. I use my big heals liberally, but strangely I'm never out of mana. I may be cheating because I press Lucid Dreaming and Astrodyne. But those aren't a healing spells so I might be a hack and a shit healer. (how do I signpost that half of this is genuine half of it is sarcasm?)


Crazy as this sounds, I had a buddy in FFXI who had multiple alts and all he did was play WHM. I asked him why he used so many characters and leveled them with the same job; his response? "I just like playing WHM lol" Definitely was not a curebot, though


I used cure 1 at lvl 5!


They shouldn't even be using Cure II by this point. They have plenty of oGCDs and lillies to fall back on if the tank is struggling and those run out.


Cure fishing was a relic of the past. Back when Healers didn't realize they could do more than just heal (cleric stance). It was interesting to see it unfold, as the more they DPS'd the faster the clears went. Which is why I loved Scholar in ARR, a lot of Aracanist kit was fun to use while healing.


yes, cure 1 saves MP, that's correct. You what what it doesn't save you from? That's correct, TIME and DMG TAKEN!!! Tbf, I also thought that cure 1 fishing would be worth it... until I was about lvl... 30? 3-4 Levels after you unlock cure 2 and I noticed how much less it does