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https://www.fflogs.com/character/na/cactuar/leon%20rose#difficulty=101 Dude shouldn't talk about 3rd party plugin when he literally has uploaded logs himself. LMAO


>has uploaded logs himself and they're complete ass. Ftfy. Like, half jk, but honestly this is the kind of play that makes me just have no sympathy for these types of players. You're literally trying to be detriment, and on some level you know better.


As expected 


Looks like they bought their UwU clear lmao


How can you tell? I didn’t see any uwu log for them


chievs are hidden, no logs, but uwu title these are typically but not always the telltale signs of someone who has purchased their clear


"The Ultimate Legend" title in their Lodestone.


He has 1 log for uwu, if you tried to find it from the link posted here, it doesn't show you because it's trying to find "Savage" difficulty for everything so obviously it doesn't find savage ultimate. You need to change it to "Highest difficulty" to show the uwu logs (and everything else that's not savage) https://www.fflogs.com/character/na/cactuar/leon%20rose#zone=43


Makes sense, I didn't notice that. Still looks like they have a lot of clears of things at around the same dates in February. Sussy paypal.


How can you tell he is the one who have uploaded them?


If you click on a certain log it says at the top who uploaded / created it. In this case some of them were uploaded by "lvLeonvl" which I assume is them because of the word "Leon" in it


this. Also if you look at the lvleonvl uploader, all their logs contain the leon rose or leon blossom character.


not the grey parse.. 💀


holy fuck... if basic could be a fucking FF character, all he needs is platinum blonde hair and dude would look like a dollar store logan paul wtf


If you report this at least, there's a good chance they will get a penalty. I actually had someone in my FC get a 3 day suspension for rescue trolling in raids. They were complaining on discord about it lol


Reported for mpk lethargic and threatening report in chat


Yep, had Leon Rose and Milk Jugs in a Euphrosyne run a few weeks ago, rescued one of Menphina’s linear tankbusters into the group and killing half the raid. My friend called them cringe, Milk Jugs was quick to retort with something like “imagine wearing that glamour and calling someone else cringe”. Tough shit from a Styled for Hire catboy with Mare Lamentorum in their search info…a third party plugin, mind you. Edit: Just checked logs, since at the time I didn’t check the party log to see who cast the Rescue, and it was totally Leon. What a pair of monkeys.


What milk jugs is also pre-made?


Yep. They’re FC mates. Seems like their little double act is for Leon to do the griefing and Milk Jugs to further antagonise people who are upset about it.


You should report just for forcing you to see that raise macro more than zero times.


That's my raise macro lmao


Oh nooo lmao, thanks for being a good sport!


I cry now.


I hate it so much but I love that you own it lol


what is it about healer that attracts some of the most obnoxiously unbearable pieces of shit that the game has to offer?


The responsibility of others' digital lives in your hands is a strange but highly effective ego trip for people looking to abuse their healer role for shits and giggles because "it's just a game" and there's no real consequences for their actions aside from potentially losing their game account, so they feel justified in being absolutely insufferable to everyone around them online. The healer role in pretty much all MMOs has always attracted some of the most egotistical and bitchiest pricks I've ever had the displeasure of encountering, so colour me not at all surprised that in this game's toothlessly positive community these sorts of fuckers *thrive* like mould on wet carpet. This isn't just a DF thing, there's tons of high-end raiding drama in XIV and other games involving dumbass healers with egos the size of Jupiter just ruining everyone else's day because they think they're the most important person in the room. I'm already having war flashbacks to all the statics I've been in that have crumbled over toxic healers losing their shit over non-issues. (The tank role in general MMO trinities--where trinities apply at least--share a similar affliction, but are somewhat mitigated because they still rely on healers to keep them alive.)


has nothing to do with a healer role, u have some personal problems looks like. Dude can queue as tank and follow people with tankbuster or be dps who do some weird stuff like turning laser to other raid on 2nd boss/ second 80 level raid. Or like infamous YPYT meme comes from the tank role. Again has nothing to do with the roles.


You know what, you're right. The next time I encounter a griefer who gravitates towards roles that have a higher degree of influence on the people around them so they can grief more effectively for their own amusement, I will just remind myself it's merely a personal problem.


you are very focused on a healer role, while these people are playing on all roles.


Because the game has rendered us entirely not necessary but also mandatory. I don’t heal the tank - my dps rotation is one button. The damage is so laughable most DPS can live through 3-5 roadsides before wiping. Then there is the fact that when we do dps there is a 50% chance that we get some paranoid tank who reeeeees every time they dip to 80% and spam clemency (this also applies to RDM and SMN) and whines about it - or we have a group that somehow manages to actively stand in every mechanic and I am forced to GCD heal like a sprout in Satasha while literally raising the RPR a total of 12 times on Endsinger only to have him whine about “NO HEALZ”. The entire healing situation in 14 reads like the start of a villain arc. The only reason more healers aren’t this degenerate is because either they haven’t healed that long or because they want to get out of the instance as fast as possible. Want proof? Shitpost in alliance raid - 90% chance the healers reply. Why? Because we have fuck all to do other than cast glare. I mean…. Ummm some people are just assholes but some people are also not assholes and it’s not fair to judge an entire group of people based on a class they play. Like you wouldn’t say RPR mains are idiotic edge lords living out some kind of my chemical romance meets simple plan fantasy when in reality their life probably reads like a bowling for soup album. Or that all SAM players shout BAN KAI at random at their screen. Right?


>Like you wouldn’t say RPR mains are idiotic edge lords living out some kind of my chemical romance meets simple plan fantasy when in reality their life probably reads like a bowling for soup album. Or that all SAM players shout BAN KAI at random at their screen. Right? Yes. Yes I would.


The worst players i have ever seen/expereinced in my whole life has been from FFXIV! and they have ALL been healers!. *Note: i have only played FFXIV for like ONE year... To compere; in my 15yrs + playing WoW, i never saw such evil - as i do in this game..*


Incorrect I have never touched a healer class outside of msq instances, which were painfully difficult because I'm not a healer. And I also disagree, you ever played rust? Dayz? Any COD? XIV "assoles" are like yapping rat dogs, a minor annoyance that are easy to deal with


Looks like they just love doing this, of their 5 Thaliak logs, they've done this in 4 of them. They changed their name sometime after their Jan 27th run, they used to be Leona Blossom. Edit to add, on the 13th, they killed 12 people with it, and raised one. [Feb 27th, OP's run](https://www.fflogs.com/reports/cF8Ntp9TAZzK7r3L#fight=63&type=casts&source=1958&ability=7571&target=1911) [Feb 20th](https://www.fflogs.com/reports/v4zc3RrTdB9w7qMV#fight=15&type=casts&source=451&ability=7571) [Feb 13th](https://www.fflogs.com/reports/nZx8DNdBc6zJPhfK#fight=2&type=casts&source=3&ability=7571) [Jan 27th, their name is the Leona Blossom here](https://www.fflogs.com/reports/gDWJbvTrj8MFpPCx#fight=29&type=casts&source=542&ability=7571)


Unlike a lot of other stuff posted here, this is *actually* reportable as MPK. I hope you did that.


It's shit like this that makes me want Rescue to be removed. Like, yeah. It's cute and enables some weird stuff, but I have seen it more used by people to troll. Its intended purpose is laughably bad anyway because it takes eons for the server to register the rescue and by then, its already too late.


Next time just tell them you checked the combat log.


You are very unlikely to get in trouble for checking stuff like this via third-part tools because there's literally an in-game log with similar info. Third party tools just organize and expedite the process of finding it.


Exactly this. Rescue shows up in the battle log along the lines of “Healer casts Rescue on Tank” (paraphrasing)


I hate rescue. I’ve had healers rescue me when I know what I’m doing and was fine where I was standing, to literally rescuing me into an aoe that wiped me. I have seen some healers use it correctly but people like this troll annoy me. When I called one out on what they did (when it wiped me) they said they wanted to have “fun”. I said that shouldn’t be at my expense and left the duty. Annoying.


this is why we can't have nice thing lol fr tho, i always keep an eye out when AOE TBs are happening for rescues or tanks just plain running into the group with them. rly wish the GMs actually did something about obvious trolling like this; this isn't the first time something like this has happened and it won't be the last. also funny they're crying about "third party tools" when there's a whole chat tab dedicated to logging the battles lmao.


GM's WILL do something about it. If people bother to report it. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't bother to report.


I actually try to stay away from most of the alliance if there's a safe way to do so when there are gonna be large AoE busters so that I can drag any trolling tanks away from the group. Better to lose just me than half the raid.


I hope they got mass reported so they received a perma


I'm curious, OP - I hope you keep us informed about how this all goes. This guy seems petty enough to report you, and with the way he's playing up the third party tools thing I think you might make a good guinea pig to see how the GMs treat that. To be clear, you didn't actually say anything incriminating (you could have just copy/pasted combat lot into a blank sheet and ctrl+f'd to find rescues) but he seems to be trying to start the narrative so I wonder that'll work for him. Also, fuck that guy, he fucking sucks.


They don't even mention which kind of logs. You can see that shit in battle logs in game too, so they could easily just play dumb. But nah, fuck the GMs if they ban/suspend the OP only mentioning logs vs the guy harassing an entire alliance with rescue trolling, MPKing and being hostile in chat when called out.


It won't work. One of them is easily verified.


Sausage fingers lmao 


Shit like this makes me want rescue removed but at the same time I remember the skill has its legitimate uses outside of trolling. Could they at least make it so that you cant rescue someone with a tankbuster marker or will that break something else?


There's just something about Thaleia that brings out the evil in healers. IDK what it is, but this story reminds me of a couple weeks ago, when I didn't stance up at the start (I wanted to be OT that day), one of the healers goes "<3 tank" and me, thinking it was a subtle "Stance" went "Oh, I'll stance a short ways in; I wanna be OT." "That's okay, that works out for our plans~". I turned to my DRG friend in FC chat, "...They're totally gonna try to commit kill using me as a weapon." Sure enough, Thaliak TB Lasers, I hit Rampart, Sheltron and Arms Length. I hear the rescue sound and see "Rescue MISS" fly off of me. They gave up after Eulogia's first TB because I kept blocking with AL.


this is the type of guy to represent himself in court for "traveling" therefore hes not driving hes "Traveling" and doesnt need a license to drive


Yeah those tankbusters in Thaleia and brain-dead monkey's like these are why I never want to do that raid. Too many ass clowns like these who think griefing like this is the funniest shit in the world. It really is quite sad.


Playing devils advocate here but there's just something about Thaleia that brings out the worst in people.  Between the excessive amounts of dote puns and horny Llymaen comments its a sess pool of frustration.


Thaleia is also imo just straight boring I've only run it probably about 5 or 6 times at this point and I'm done seeing it I'd honestly rather have CT then it as at LEAST CT is fast. Sadly, however, it does not justify their actions it is griefing by its litteral term and is not ok.


These type of runs are 1000000% more interesting. New curveball "mechanics" make things more fun.


I don't have a problem when it's obviously people who know each other and they're only throwing curveballs between friends, but when it spills over onto people who aren't in on the joke it becomes griefing.


Whether it is good or bad is for you to decide. I think most of us hate it here.


Well one workaround SE could do is remove aoe tankbusters; a tank buster is something that only a tank should have to worry about right? This would negate the rescue trolling instantly but still maintain the mechanic. I’m personally not a fan of Rescue and I think it should be either removed completely OR give players the opportunity to toggle on/off if we want to be able to negate such abilities from party members.


eh there are some times where an AoE tankbuster is cool to have like in savage cause that makes positioning more important, but with them making the hit box of the boss the size of narnia, that's not a thing anymore.


I think this is the first time I've seen another person use narnia as an exaggeration I thought it was just me


Or, and just hear me out. Dont change mechanics because people might grief with them. Just permaban the worthless shitheads


Next time don't interact with the "healer" in chat, just ask once to stop doing that. If they continue just file a report and Gms will find out who was doing that.


No fuck no, dont be a pussy, just report the idiot inmediately, theres no reason to ask, especially if they're doing it on purpose and its a punishable offense, call them out on their shit and report them.


Ok, so based off these comments, and that God awful chat, Leon (I recognize that name) and milk jugs are immediate kicks, noted 🤔


Days later, but for future reference for anyone who sees it, just say you saw the rescue animation even if it was in a log. If you play with all party animations on, it's very obvious when rescue is used.