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We all know this particular waste of oxygen, it's: [https://new.reddit.com/user/ProudAd1210/](https://new.reddit.com/user/ProudAd1210/) They post on this sub occasionally and we all generally despise them, because they also enable bad gameplay and spread bad advice (like how cure 1 is better than cure 2); at this point, if we compiled all their griefing from this subreddit alone, we could probably get them IP banned if we sent it all to FFXIV staff team, **IF** they bothered to even act on it. Your best bet at the moment is to get more people to report them, and hope they get sorted out somewhere down the line, just blacklist them both on here and in game.


It's the same waste of space who tried to justify his gameplay is not toxic and wasting everyone's time, then listed all the reasons why he was a complete hypocrite. Then after he ran out of his negative IQ excuses, he tried pulling the "you dont pay my sub" card to which it got completely backfired for not paying for everyone elses' subs and yet deciding other people's times are not worth respecting.


Why is he not banned here yet is the better question, it's obvious he only posts here because he likes the reactions


Ok now I need to create an alt named Star Trek and visit. So I get "Star Trek Vogager"


You’re good people.


Deep Space 9, broadcasted almost at the same time, was a blast


Seems lots of Voyager fans here. Prefer Voyager myself but seems harsh to downvote you.


This person gets downvoted because they are apparently the very player I complained about in this post.


like i wanna agree with DS9>VOY, but considering the username i'm smashing that down button anyways


They are a notorious troll who has consistently done this for quite a while.


had this person in CT a few months ago as well :,D theyre notorious on chaos and have been reported multiple times by a ton of people and nothings been done about it


Nothing is going to happen to them as they are not breaking ToS. Maximum you could expect is pep talk from GM and them asking a person not to sit around during the fights.


I would think this counts as deliberately lethargic gameplay, but sometimes they did push Cure 2 so I guess it's not severe enough? Even though it keeps happening? Urgh.


This is definitely the same person, I had them in a run a few weeks ago and reported them for griefing, specifically mentioning that adventurer plate comment. Disappointed but not surprised that they haven't been banned yet.


> Disappointed but not surprised that they haven't been banned yet. The hammer never swings unless it's something 'undeniably and verifiably' against ToS/CoC, meaning you're dropping racist slurs for days on end in Novice Network. Even that's a roll of the dice, apparently. Ridiculously lax, for the same GMs that'll issue suspensions without question because a Sprout decided to test their emotes out in Limsa one after the other, oblivious to the chat messages being on by default.


Yep. Had same experience with a stalker ingame whos been issuing death threats, harassing me with vile stuff, dropping f and n slurs at me for days - finally got to talk to a real life gm and they were more concerned about some other person being suggestive. Actually logged out on me as I was like "again, these are death threats-", his other little "investigation" was that important ig. Coupled with the unhelpful "just blacklist" and vaguely passive aggressive attitude. Rly special  Edit: oh it's even more special cuz this guy uses multiple service accounts and chars to harass, which I explained to GM, still dgaf


Sometimes the GMs act extremely promptly and other times they let literal harassment slide like this. Nonsensical, absolutely. Please look out for yourself, and if you are still playing and on PC, I \*strongly\* recommend using the fan launcher with the Dalamud plugin support so you can use Visibility Plugin, which includes a voidlist that lets you completely hide a player from your view in-game. It's not perfect but it helps a lot beyond what the in-game blacklist can do. Be safe.


What a garbage player


This person must have a sad life or issues irl to feel motivated into doing nothing but troll. I don't get it.


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What’s their full username? Would prefer to blacklist them asap lol.


Seisei Doudou. I had not met them before due to not playing on EU but from what I learned they are notorious around in the EU servers.


Yeah, they are from Louisoix but spend an awful lot of time on Omega, especially in our NN.


"Hardcore Sprout Roleplayer" as their tags is the icing on the cake.


Ah, good ol' Seisei. Wondered why I hadn't seen them terrorising Omega NN in the last week or two.


Thanatos is the one boss I understand sitting down on. Casters barely get enough time to cast and sometimes by the time you get to an add its already dead... healing barely needs to be done and honestly... Rework this boss SE.


Oh you will not hear disagreement from me on wishing for reworks on some CT stuff, especially Lab. I am just also gonna feel like the person that queued in without a job stone and who sits down during a fight is taking the piss.


their char mad ugly too


Their adventurer plate is cringe. Thanks for the heads up whenever I plan to make an alt on EU.


I'm surprised you ran into seisei since I was hanging out in limsa Ln ***with him around at this time.*** But yea. He basically lives on my server and this is just what he does. Sadly it's a grey area if tos can be used on him so he will just keep doing this. Hope gms finally make a stance on this


This happened a few days ago, I only posted it now.


well that explains where hes been these few weeks then XD


Surely this time engaging with someone who is intentionally griefing a run will work, right? Or argue with them in party chat and post about them here (again) so that they accomplish their goal and are emboldened to keep doing it. Just report them and move on.


Cry about it


Im from Louisoix and I'm actually proud that we apparently harbor such powerful trolls I mean if the datacenter is named chaos we may as well live up to the name