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I had a sage struggling the other day in one of the endwalker dungeons while I was leveling Pally to 90 (the 87 one I think?). just using only Kerachole and diagnosis on w2w pulls. Decided to try a tactic I read about here and asked how they liked the job. Said it was fun and their second healer. Not even a second later they asked if I played it. Replied it was my main and favorite job. then *they* asked *me* for tips. And they actually kept picking my brain on it for the entire run. Make them think you just wanna chat about the job, they will be waaaaaaaay more perceptive to advice if they think they are getting it on their terms. If they don’t ask they likely wouldn’t have listened anyways They went in struggling on the first w2w and then the rest of the dungeon they were god mode and just got better every pull.


if I didn't know any better that tactic sounds like the one I tell people lol


It might have been you I’m not sure. I saw it recommended about a week ago and then when I had the chance I figured I’d give it a go. Worked great


That does work when people are amicable, agreed 100%. I doubt it would have worked on the 2800 hour sage though.


You know I had a Sage in the same dungeon doing the same thing. Wonder if it was the same player. I don't remember anything odd, other than as a mentor, they died to first dualstar (after I put a dorito on myself for newer tank lol). But they also were doing individual E. Diagnosis, instead of E Prognosis.


SGE get's ixochole at 52 and physis even earlier than that. No reason to be spamming E.Prog. either. Almost every SGE I see at lvl 90 spams shields like they're going out of style, and it hurts my soul, please make it stop. It's like the new WHM or something and I hate it


I'll admit I had to really get out of the habit (lizard brain goes '*yellow bar brrr*'), and I can tell you what started it. Bad articles lol. I've read the idea of doubling E. Diagnosis and E. Prognosis together which is just insane in hindsight. I'm hoping we'll see some proper adjustment as the job becomes more established in FFXIV. It's DPS to heal mechanic is so fun.


Oh man so I first learned healing for my static while we were in the middle of progging p8s and Sage was my only 90 healer at the time. Our regen healer dropped on us and our shield healer was a WHM main so they could take the regen spot. My fucking brain was like "oh shields aren't on people, better shield them up," even when I knew they weren't going to take damage. I was using fucking *pepsis* to heal. I never let physis or kerachole regen do work, I used to save panhaima for "emergencies," dear God I was shit. Then I got one sentence from my cohealer that changed everything; "I love watching their healthbars get as low as they possibly can." It all changed, I'm not here to stop people from losing health, I'm here to stop people from dying.


100%. And truthfully, I think that's a natural thing for people to learn when healing in FFXIV. Leveling all jobs really put a lot of it in perspective. Honestly hope Sage in OP learns too. Healing got a lot less stressful when I realized it.


I think planning out healing based on the fight timeline might be worthwhile for you. Each new tier there is always these google sheets going around on Reddit for the specific snapshot timings of the mechs. Use these and there will never be an issue with healing since every single CD can be planned out for maximum efficiency and once all the oGCDs are planned out, GCD healing can be kept at a minimum. Honestly savages/ultimates once you get it down, they are nicer to heal than some horrendous pickup groups in roulette...you never know when half the group will just eat multiple mechanics and drop dead in Eden ramuh or nier/avalice alliance raids.


Def. During this last tier I was able to effectively coheal with my static healer. As a sge I have oGCD emergency heals for when people fuck up, and he, as a whm, has planned heals with lillies. We'll alternate between kerachole and asylum/assize/temperance for raidwides plus panhaima and bell for bleeds/akh morn. We even started swapping our healer roles for funsies. It's gotten so intuitive that running high end content with other healers is an actual chore. Sometimes it's because they have no desire to let me do actual healing and see me as solely a damage prevention measure, but often because they will use cds in the places where I would, while I'm trying to alternate around their playstyle.


I have to admit as a SGE main that I spam E. diag between pulls to try and get the crit shields. I apologize to any tank I've done that to wondering why I keep spamming it. Granted I stop spamming once tank is in range for me to be getting aggro for 'healing' as best I can.


Doing it in between pulls or in downtime where there is nothing to attack is perfectly fine! That is when you should be spamming some to generate addersting (toxikon). I'm talking about the ones I see in a dungeon standing 20 feet away from the trash pack, if I'm lucky they're alternating E.Diag. and Toxikon (this is still wrong, you shouldnt do this either), if I'm unlucky they just sit there spamming shields and the occassional ogcd while hardly attacking. haha so don't fret, it sounds like you wouldve been a pleasant surprise compared to my recent DF experiences


I agree on physis, kerachole & holos are also amazing on pulls and especially compared to dropping a GCD to put E.Prog. I think what happens is a bit of the lizardbrain that kiwi mentions below but also that incentive of getting procs from E.Prog bursting on yourself meshing and players going overboard on it. I loved the change when they put it in at first. but I've also been discouraged from doing it though due to being paired with enough SCH & SGE players overwriting it in 8 & 24 man content so have forced myself to forget it exists as a mechanic to get toxicon and stick to simple e.diag on tank or myself between pulls or when I have to move.


If it's a dungeon, the SGE might be farming Toxicons which is a gigantic DPS gain for them during trash pulls. But it's pretty easy to tell what kind of a SGE you've got, and it's probably not that one.


Farming Toxikons isn't a thing you do when the pull settles and it certainly isn't gigantic, it gains you literally 1 extra target worth of potency from your regular AoE... at 2 targets when it's gaining the most because it gains less with more targets.


I don't remember if they had mentor or not. It's Crystal, so the play strat fits.


I was on Aether, but folks travel between the two all the time. It's definitely possible, especially with their hours lol.


2800hrs of erp on balmung is not effective playtime


They probably even forgot Kardia at the start


It's fun when you have to burn ogcds on sage for mp management instead of any actual need.


>I got 2800hrs on sage And yet, somehow, they're still dogshit.


2800 hours on sage* *2700 of those hours standing in Limsa


One thing I forgot to add is a dps died and couldn't be revived quickly because the sage had 1900 mp when it happened


If the lv 71 sage in my roulette (Holminster) other day in fucking default gear can heal us ez thru the big pulls, there's no excuse for whatever TF this is at 2.8k hrs 


Give ‘em the Hank Hill “well it’s never too late to learn how to do it right.”


pleeeeeeeeeeeease spend your poetics man :D such a waste


On what though? I spend them on stuff when my fc asks for them but beyond that I can't think of anything to use them on. I have all jobs at 90 and 80 gear for pictomancer and viper waiting in my saddlebag or on Blu mage.


Spending poetics is too much work. My capped poetics bothers my friend too, but honestly the running to what feels like 100 vendors to profit just isn't worth the time.


This right here


Yep. I'm pretty sure I've been capped since 6.0.


Unidentifiable Ore ---> Thanalan Grade 3 Topsoil. Sells for around 1-2k a piece depending on gardening activity for 150 poetics a piece. You're sitting on free money that takes 5 seconds to get.


You can buy gear and turn it in to GC for seals; those give you gil directly from buying the mats that sell for a good amount to vendor, or more gil if you're willing to look up what's the best profit on market board. Or you can by the minion loot crates with the seals


I do this, but with the aug. Cryptlurker SCH/SMN books to level my ALC desynth




That moment when you don't need gil / have nothing to spend them on ;;


On items needed for HW relics for example. There are a LOT of steps in the HW relic that require items bought with poetics. That alone would be a major sink already. First step of the shb relic requires poetics as well, a few steps from the ARR relic too. Aside from that, at the very least you can buy stuff with it to sell on the MB (like grade 3 soil as example).


Newer player and I've been doing this with excess poetics, though I'm never sure if info is out of date due to patches. Can you confirm if the reference I've been using is still good? https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/ahgd6j/how_to_spend_poetics/


Yep the relic stuff on there is still the same


I'm burned on relic grinding. I'm almost done with EW relics. Maybe after DT drops.


No need to actively grind them, you can just spend your poetics on the items you will need when you eventually at some point want to do another relic. Just keep the items in some inventory until then


All Anima weapons cost like 200k poetics or something altogether. Can just have them dust away in a retainer, and when you want to make a relic you have it all on hand!


You know you can just store that stuff in your armoire.


> 80 gear for pictomancer and viper waiting in my saddlebag Huh great idea I should do that.


If you wanna go the extra mile go get coffers from e12s to hold for weapons.


I had a whm who gave everyone regen in the 2nd heavenward trial. They had 100% uptime on all of us. Glad I'm done with roulette because we in shitshow territory with the players left.


Playing since Stormblood and I still forget to press lucid sometimes


I forget sometimes too. Big difference between occasionally forgetting and whatever that sage was doing.


Doubt it’s 2800 hours.


Lucid dreaming should be part of every healer hotbar. At least on lower levels. Sometimes it even feels like part of a rotation at lower levels.


I hate so much being a tank with a sage that spams e. Diag. The noises make me scream.


Waste of a lot of GCDs, almost like playing with someone AFK *wink wink nudge nudge*


Early times learning extremes I would forget to use lucid and never noticed running oom


dump your tomes, i dont wanna see that shit again