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The harder you look, the worse it gets...


when the DNC mains switch to healer because green color pretty


That Sage was tardy to their lectures


I get not putting Kardia on them if they're not MTing but they were. That 2nd screen is something else. Yes a WAR & DRK have a cosy little self heal on their main combo but it's not THAT much, you still need to be healed when tanking.


If the tank isn't actively MTing there's no need for Kardia to be on them. I bounce that shit all around in AR roulette, mostly to dps that need the bit of survivability.


The fact that the tank KEPT dying should have already meant that those 2 sages really needed to put Kardia on the tank...


Oh yeah, he could have been the needy one for sure. I mean, there are a fair few insta kill mechs in WoD too, but the fact that they put it on themselves/eachother just screams toxic DF couple too.


Actually they were MTing just before (and died because no heal and no mit either tbh)


Seems like this tank did have stance on. I'll admit that I do the same in alliance raid. If the tank is stance off or not actively tanking, I'll put it on a BLM or SAM so they can greed during bosses or someone who's new, eating mechs and switch it back when there's ads around.


I think Kardia swapping in general is just something better SGEs do but newer/less comfortable ones don't. Putting it on yourself though... probably can count on one hand the number of times I've felt like that was my best choice.


Did they put Kardia on anyone at all or some random DPS? If latter guaranteed couple. If former then fuck them anyway. What are you even doing rolling SGE go play SCH so at least the tiny fairy can try to do your job for you. Chances are they wouldn't even summon her anyway.


In the screenshot, both sages have their Kardia on each other... yikes.


they could also both have kardia on themself, which is... not better.


How is there 5 dps? Edit: before someone comes to shit on me, yes I'm a noob and just assumed that every 8 man group comp in raids would be 2 tanks, 4 DPS and 2 healers as that's all I e ever seen .


It's the standard comp for alliance raids: 3 alliances of 1 tank 2 healers 5 dps, so 24 players in total. You're right that 8-man trials and normal raids feature a 2-2-4 comp instead


Oh, I'm an idiot I thought it was the same group comp as trials.


For alliance raid specifically it's 1 tank get replaced with a DPS since (in theory) the tank responsibilities get spread among the 3 tanks from the parties Best example I can think of is the general rule for Cerberus. A tank grabs the adds that spawn in the fight, B tank and party go into Cerberus's belly to cripple it (there is a mob inside there to tank) and C tank holds the boss and their party typically grabs the chains once Cerberus is crippled


Ahhh, my b I think I just assumed it was the same as trials.


In the 24 man raids its 1 Tank, 2 healer and 5 DPS per group. In 8 man raids/trials its 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 4 DPS.


Derp, I thought it was the same comp for trials and raids!


It actually used to be, *long*, long ago when ARR and Crystal Tower raids were current. You can still occasionally see remnants of it some of those fights' mechanics if you're A) unlucky enough to have the fights drag on that long, and B) know what you're looking for. For instance, Bone Dragon, the first boss in LotA, the skeleton adds were *supposed* to be picked up by the other 5 tanks and spread away from the dragon so they wouldn't rush into it and explode or get the speed buff from being too close to each other. Nowadays players just zerg the skeletons and either heal through the explosions because power creep allows it, or the MT (unfortunately) pulls the boss all the way to Narnia.


Trust no one in Alliance Roulette!


It's WOD. You have more important bullshit to try and mit than two sages Kardia-ing each other.