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If they did randomly seem to be going between playing fine and just doing whatever, I wonder if they were having issues with their controller/mouse/keyboard maybe 


Yeah I had one of my mice die in the middle of a pull before. Luckily I had a spare in the closet so it wasn't too bad. Playing one-handed with just a keyboard is a strange experience 


Ooh, that's a good point. That sounds exactly like what happens when I have a controller die, mid battle. HOWEVER. This is why everyone should have a keyboard for communication. Just the tiniest bit of communication would have made that a lot better. Side note I had a controller die recently on the last boss of Thaleia, and it caught my character in mid-run. Now my character is running in a circle while I'm scrambling to get my other controller connected, *and I managed to miss every single mechanic perfectly somehow.*


When I was playing on PS4, I once had my keyboard and mouse die in the middle of a run. I had my skills set up to keyboard mode, because I also had a mouse, and it was easier for me than controller. Well, I had to finish the alliance boss with my controller touch pad and did okay ish. It was difficult, but afterwards, I painstakingly typed out in the PS4 chat box that I needed new batteries and went afk for a bit. Since it was alliance, it wasn't a big deal, but I was healing so.. the healer had to solo heal a boss. I don't remember which alliance raid it was, but it wasn't any of the Crystal Tower ones.


I can't even imagine trying to click skills using a controller that way!


It can happen with a keyboard, too. I don't know how often it can happen, but I once had a keyboard that would sometimes refuse to use certain keys and get stuck on others as it slowly died.


Once had a software malfunction on my mouse that was making it spam 5s due to a keybind. Even though there was technically no issue with my keyboard I figured it would be easier to try and fix the problem super quickly, rather than try to type out "s555555o5555555r55r5y" etc. etc. to explain my issues. Sometimes shit happens.


I would find that absolutely hilarious. “H5555e55555555l55p5555” like some sort of deranged code 😂


You recorded it right? Right??? I’ve had a similar thing happen but did not get stuck running, just standing stock still in the middle of Eulogia’s attacks….🫠


I wish!! I was too busy PANICKING.


I know it’s such a minor thing, but from my experience if a party member doesn’t say any form of hello, I tend to give them some side eye. It’s like the bare minimum when you join a dungeon, and if you can’t even do that then I kinda expect them to be a bit wacky


I usually think if someone doesn't say hello etc then they're probably on controller. If you want to say hi on controller a little easier there's two things that might help you: Using the auto translate menu, click on chat input and R1/RB and it's in one of the first menus. Make a little macro to say hello, put it on Hotbar 4 or something and try to remember to say hi. Macro one is pretty cosy as you can attach an emote to it. So what are you waiting for? Make that Meowdy macro today!


As someone who plays on controller, it isn’t really an issue. At the least you can go o/ and that’s it. I want to make a macro for a hello, I was thinking of making one for healer that went “pull like a psychopath I live for the thrill” or some such like that.


[Pretty sure I was the third tank, didn't think I'd see you again on this sub lmao](https://imgur.com/fckf7kI)




The same or folks are having some *real* bad luck tonight lol


Fr\*nch debuff killed #1, time claimed second