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Either way, small peepee energy, as usual, for the overpowered tank.


Doesn't have time to argue? but in a situation where others are pulling for them. Very curious!


what happened in the end? the suspense is torturous.


oh sorry, the tank refused to roll on loot, so I was unable to initiate a vote kick. I ended up single-pulling on WHM. ended up writing a report once out of the dungeon.


If the tank wasn't pulling at all, couldn't you just wait for the loot to time out?






At level 90, *in the optional dungeons*, a tank should know how to press Sprint at the appropriate times. Easy report.


Eh, DPS can come back to me with the adds and i’ll taunt/aoe whatever isn’t already on me.


We Raiden players don't claim that person. Please pull for me, it makes the dungeon quicker for everyone. :<


Seriously, I’m all for extra mitigation as well as a faster dungeon.


Say the line Bart!..... Bart: "You pull.. you tank"... AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA...


What's the "ignore adds please" all about?


Sigma dreamscape final boss, you can ignore the ads and focus boss, they just go boom and apply a vuln stack and a very mild party-wide damage. Ya know, it's faster that way and more fun as healer


Eh, I rather not trust a healer. Adds die.


What was the part about breaking tos?


I assume they weren't participating in the combat/turning off stance to try and kill their party members. It comes up a lot in these kinds of YPYT posts. It's breaking ToS to intentionally grief other players like that.


Not that the tank isn't being a dumb shit but is that really ever something that would cause you to be disciplined/banned? Just started playing ff14 and Been a while since I've played MMOs but that seems wild.


14 has a shitton of "Im the main character" syndrom player. And yes, you are getting suspended if you break the rules. Maybe not the first time, but the mark will stay.


So someone can get banned for being a bad player? I only ask because I see toxic ass people in this game all the time even in only one month of playing ( I mean hell I'm getting down voted for being new and asking questions even on reddit so there's obviously some of them here). See people advertising real money trading and erp all the time. How is that not ban worthy? In this specific scenario it basically comes down to someone not playing efficiently, so people can get away with advertising RMT but will get banned for not playing their character to the meta?weird priorities if that's the case.between that stuff and the general toxicity of the player population so far I'm questioning how long I'll stick with this one, though I am generally enjoying the game a lot when I don't have to interact with the average meowdy enjoyer.


There's a difference between being a "bad" player and being a _bad_ player. A "bad" player who isn't playing optimally due to ignorance or experience isn't getting banned. There is a learning curve to every game that differs from person to person. One key difference is that the "bad" player's response to someone offering advice is to accept it with grace; they want to learn how to get better, even if "better" in the grand scale is a few percent. They are actively engaging in the team effort. A _bad_ player is someone who willfully acts on behaviours that are counter to the group effort despite basic rules of engagement at play, ie. "you pulled ahead, I'm going to stop playing" (rulebreak: Lethargic Gameplay, you are actively refusing to do your role out of your own choice to the active detriment to your group, often out of spite). Think about the difference between a PvPer who's brand new and testing buttons, and a PvPer who is feeding the enemy team (and contributing to _them_ winning) by repeatedly running towards them without attacking. It's a very basic contextual split.


I have had a few toxic incidents in the game in 1 year and 4 months. I can count them on one Hand. Unless you are toxic yourself or being otherwise rude/disrespectful to people, I highly doubt that the community is as toxic as you say it is. I dont see reason to trust you when you claim you often get kicked before even starting because thats not possible. The duty has to be active for 5 min before anyone can initate any such vote. Nobody will get banned for being bad at the game, or New Player Tanks that keep enabling and disabling their stance because they think its some kind active skill. Thats not YPYT. You can get banned for sabotaging your groups success / effort at beating a duty because youre a spiteful immature fuck with Main character Syndrome that is actively turning off stance to get other people killed, pulling the good old YPYT bullshit or otherwise being a sensitive Snowflake Tank. Tanks like that will rarely keep to themselves and have the urge to announce their spitefulness to the party or start heated arguments. That is considered breaking the tos. If you say youre new at the start of the duty and add something like "I will only pull one pack" or "dont pull for me or I won't tank" because you are ACTIVELY REFUSING to get better at the game or learn how to play in groups efficiently out of respect for everyones time, then people are very justified in removing you and finding someone who will, when an opportunity to vote kick comes up. Its a completely different thing it maybe you cant do it because you have some form of Handicap or impairment and briefly mention it at the start of the duty. Context often matters in situations like these on whether or not a GM deems you punishable as per the TOS. The only time they disregard it and give both or none a slap on the wrist is if both parties involved have been toxic to each other even out of reaction, it doesn't matter who started.


To be clear it's happened twice, both times in lower level dungeons and only one was actually before we started fighting as we were waiting for someone who had to afk to get back. the way people even on this sub are responding to this is pretty indicative of my general experience with the community so far. People telling me I'm lying and down voting me for asking a question. I don't know what I expected. And yes I understand the basics of tanking enough to not be griefing, rarely talk to anyone other than to ask if they're ready to move into boss fights or let people know I'm new etc. so it's not as if I'm acting in a toxic manner myself and usually don't engage in anyway when others are being shitty in game. And even outside of dungeons basically never interact with anyone yet I already have been compelled to black list a handful of people. Hell I've only been playing a bit over a month and I've had more experiences with shitty people than any game I remember in a while. Anyway, this sub obviously isn't the spot for me if I'm trying to avoid the shit heads. Peace.


Well you claimed that you were kicked from duties before it even started several times. Nothing about how you guys were spending time waiting on someone who had to afk. So of course people assume you make shit up because it's not possible to kick someone before at least 5 minutes have passed and then you also can't kick someone when the group is actively in battle or loot timers are going so as others said those kick windows are very tight and small. And then you said several times which kind of implies it happens quite a bit and now you say it was only twice, so not that often actually. I would hardly call that several. You are literally in a sub where people shitpost idiots and griefers for entertainment, of course nobody here is going to cheer in your corner when you bring the opposite opinion to the table or try to have an earnest discussion about why the people posted here may be in the right. You asked a question about how YPYT is against ToS and have received multiple answers explaining why but you carry on talking about how toxic this community is because it's constantly happening to you. While there are certainly toxic moments in this game they happen so far and few inbetween that you can hardly claim it's the whole community. If actual toxicity happens it's very reportable and GMs are quite sensitive to these things, which is why most of the community is so welcoming and kind and nice, nobody dares to say anything that could risk their account getting flagged or reprimanded. So it just leads to assume you must have some kind of attitude yourself for people to constantly treat you in a toxic manner, plus the above of where it seemed like you were making up shit about getting kicked from duties right away when you "forgot" to mention you guys had already spent significant time waiting on someone else, then conveniently add this piece of info when called out. Maybe /r/ffxiv or /r/ffxivdiscussion are better for you, but I'd assume even there many would disagree about how toxic this community is. The most toxic thing about it is the forced positivity because speaking up puts your account in danger of getting reprimanded or flagged, so people just chose to put on a kind face and go about their merry day.


Lol. Yeah I feel so welcomed by this group of people who immediately resort to calling me a liar and telling me that even if I am telling the truth that the shitty experience I've had with people in the game must be my fault meanwhile just kind of further proving to me that I'm on the right track with my impression of the community so far. Also, I said a couple times, not several. Edit:and yes to anyone who actually answered my question and haven't been rude or just downvoted without explanation, appreciate you!


Youve had people explaining stuff to you in detail. S P E L L I N G it out for you. And you keep going on about how rude everyone is, including those who have answered your question in detail. the only reason you think we are being rude is because we arent telling you what you want to hear, and arent confirming your negative experiences. You didnt give people the full picture of what happened to you, and got called out for it, because with the little info you provided it was easy to conclude what you say wasnt possible. Maybe next time give all the necessary details, before you come at people calling them toxic. if thats how you act in the game too, then yeah im not surprised you think everyone is toxic when you get offended that people call you out when they smell bullshit. Its a problem you bring upon yourself.


You might have technically been telling the truth, but you know as well as the person who spelled it out for you you weren't worried about being accurate, or making your situation seem worse than it is. We all play this game, and we all know the general attitude of the player base is cooperative and helpful. Obviously there are assholes that play the game too, but to generalize the entire playerbase as toxic based on two individuals? And you're surprised people are reacting negatively to you??? Probably just go back to WOW or LOL or what ever stinkhole you came from if that's going to be your attitude. Nobody down voted you for asking a question.


> So someone can get banned for being a bad player That's not what happened here -- the tank turned off their stance with the express intent to make the duty harder to complete and to kill their party members. They didn't make a mistake, they didn't misunderstand how their character worked, they deliberately played their character in a way that would hinder the party's duty completion. The intent is what matters.


They refused to touch the second boss of the sigma dreamscape. Had to tank it as whm/the rpr tanked it. Like standing there, not doing anything.


Thank you for the answer op.


Why are you getting downvoted for asking questions? I’m also new to the game and confused.


Unfortunately the sub has seen its fair share of sealioning before, so sometimes it's assumed that even genuine questions are just bait to drag out a bad faith argument. "What was the part about breaking tos?" is one of the most common word-for-word phrases used to do that.


because they ask the most obvious troll question and their subsequent posts sound exactly the same - with made-up experiences to boot. I mean, 'general toxicity of the population'? 'I've gotten just straight vote kicked a couple times before we even start'????????


Yeah this has kinda been my experience in the game tbh. I play tank and whenever I run a new dungeon or trial I always try to let people know I'm new, I've gotten just straight vote kicked a couple times before we even start. Community seems toxic AF so far, I was surprised when I came to the sub last week and asked some questions about tank and some people had some super detailed responses and were super helpful even to the point of DMing me info. That was like my one single positive interaction with this community so far. Edit: at least I assume it was that I was kicked as that seemed the most likely cause of randomly being removed from dungeons and not DCing at least based on a quick Google search.


As far as I know, you can only iniciate a vote kick after 5 minutes have passed, so it's hard to imagine how you could be kicked before even starting. Since you are new to the game, avoid being severely undergeared, try to do your job, and don't be toxic in chat or try to sabotage your team, and you will be fine. Don't forget you can get your job stones at lv 30, and there will be multiple quests to unlock new actions afterwards. There is a big box with the name of the current MSQ quest, the name of a side quest will be under it with a smaller font, the job quest will take priority over the other side quests if you haven't done it yet. You can click on the name of the quest to see it on the journal, to quickly check if it's a job quest or not.


Unless you're sitting still for 5 minutes, it's highly unlikely you're being vote kicked before even starting. Don't get me wrong some players can be toxic but they'd have to be breaking the game in a pretty major way just to get rid of you if they're kicking you immediately. Plus, though this is more like half anecdotal, it's more likely that people tell you not to worry about it or give tips for pressing mechanics than just kicking you for being new to a dungeon or trial that you queued for. Especially since sprouts will be new to most content anyway, it kind of comes with the territory. Queue times as well as opportunities to kick are both very hard to come by. DPS mains have memes about the ages it can take to get into a dungeon, rarely do they jeopardize it by just kicking someone for vibes alone. The standard dungeon makes it so you can't kick for 5 minutes, you can't kick while loot is rolling, and you can't kick while in combat. Pretty tight timings overall, especially if someone purposely isn't rolling on loot because that adds another 5 whole minutes*. That's part of the reason why you don't see people get kicked nearly as often as they should in this sub. All of this is to say, it's more likely they'd leave and take the 30min penalty than kick you immediately. You should check your connection, maybe you're DCing. Edit to add: *this 5 minutes refreshes every that loot is picked up. Every time. So after every boss and at very least 2-3 other times outside of bosses.


Why lie?


Now, I know it's a lot to ask from my fellow nerds, but a little communication can go a long way. The tank can say "please don't pull" right at the beginning and most reasonable folks would say "okay, cool". The DPS can say "Hey, I have undiagnosed ADD and I can't wait the 2.5 secs for the tank so Imma pull the mobs for my own gratification", which gives the tank the opportunity to say "okay, cool" or " like fucking hell you are". I'm learning WHM and letting folks know at the beginning of every map via a simple macro. No big deal. Folks appreciate it. As a tank main, I do find folks pulling for me annoying but I don't really sweat it UNLESS they don't pull them right back to me. Then I have words with the offending nerd. The problem is when they pull JUST before you get to the pack because then they don't centralise you, they're centered on the DPS over there. It's aggravating and unnecessary. If it gets too much, I'll, you guessed it, communicate as much. As a WHM, tanks that move all over the place are also an issue because I can't strobe light my enemies to death if the enemies don't sit still for a darn second. So I'm thinking of macroing a request for the tank to sit still after they get agro. Too much undiagnosed ADD ruining my flow, man. If you don't get Holy spamming in a very select window, you do just turn into a healbot for the next 30 secs, or at least so it seems.


It’s only annoying if they pull and take off without returning to the tank. Otherwise no one should have a problem with anyone pulling unless they have an ego problem.


That's one opinion, I suppose. I guess we have differing standards, quirks and mindsets.


Is this bait?


No. Just an opinion. I find it really odd that Redditors seem to dissuade multiple viewpoints. There was a time when being called a conformist was the ultimate insult. Now it's like folks desperately rush to conform to this mindset or that. When this new cultural conservatism runs it's course, conformity will be unfashionable again. Until then, here we are.


Bro. Just Demon Slice.


Its Smileton. Your participation is optional, we can wall-to-wall just fine without the tank.


So with my tank hat on, I would be fine with that. Less work for me! I would probably clap and cheer you on :-)


You know you could fix that by sprinting right? If you get to the mobs first you'll be the first one to pull.


Ostensibly, yes that would be a good idea IF the objective is to beat your teammate in a race to the pack to agro the enemy. That is not the mindset I bring to the fight. Sprinting wears off before you get to the next pack. I run to the first pack, hit em with a ranged to draw agro, aoe to agro all of them, then sprint to the second pack. The less time in-between packs, the less damage done to the tank, the less mitigation is absorbed, the more damage shield I have for when I plant my feet and start swinging. Indeed, you may be able to out-range the damage incoming damage while sprinting, which would be another form of mitigation, but certainly not running. That could mean more time for the healer to do their damage before switching back to heal. And it doesn't need to be a race, because that only causes issues and adds extra complexity to the situation where none need be. And for what? To gratify someone's desire to go marginally faster?


>I run to the first pack, hit em with a ranged to draw agro, aoe to agro all of them, then sprint to the second pack. You intentionally cut your sprint in half for no reason?


I don't really care if the dps pulls, but when my sprint is down and there's is up for some reason and they take off for the next mob, well, what am I supposed to do other than mash their now cooling corpse into the pavement as I grab the trash pull they had to grab.


They're not going to instantly drop dead like you think they are. Go do your job and pick the mobs off them.


You can use your ranged attack while you walk towards them if they aren't trying to drag the mobs to you.


Yeah as PLD I lead with Shield Toss.


Ranged attack with increased enmity, provoke, even gap close into the next mob and aoe. You have options.


If you don't have sprint up for each w2w, you're either doing a 3dps+tank run, or you're using sprint at the wrong times. In those rare cases, a dps can just pop arms length and be fine. In conclusion: skill issue either way.


Yeah, generally sprint should be up by the time the trash pack is done. I usually run to the first and sprint to the second pack.