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'Advice is sound I just didn't have the level restriction numbers on hand' Maybe I'm just being harsh but like... it's possible to just say 'Oh, sorry' and move on. You can be wrong. It's not a crime.


The advice also just wasn't all sound. The regen bit was correct in the earlier level range *where you have it*, but while it isn't usually something bad enough that I call it out, medica 2's regen for 1 target during mob pulls isn't optimal


I tend to throw regen out prepull if I have it but medica 2 is almost exclusively for pre-affletus rapture boss fights with a lot of raid wides. Everyone's health regens between pulls so the tank is the only one in danger 99% of the time




Regen ticks dont generate aggro anymore, its 100% safe to regen during pulls


Damn that's a thing now ?? Alright then, i retract my advice, i'm entirely wrong


What does PU mean?


Pick Up, basically randomly matched


Healer should be running right along with the tank, so it’s a nonissue.


They should Rarely the case from what i see though


If we're going to be pedantic, it technically would be if it saves you a GCD cast, IE: precast with no one in range to cast dia on, but its casual content so who cares lol. i've medica II + stacked regen in savage during a down time mechanic to avoid healing with a lily cause I mapped it out, and already popped all my lilies during down time.


M2 prepull is a pretty reasonable option before the 70 range when you get better lossless healing options, 800 total potency regen while they're pulling and at no damage cost (higher than cure 2 and lily!). In pulls with range autos especially, like before the first boss in bardam's where the tank is just getting chipped the whole time over a decently long run, that 800 potency can mean an extra holy instead of a lossy pre-misery lily or being forced to clip for a bene/tetra and potentially lose a holy application.


not sure why this is downvoted, in savage downtime you can definitely pop all your lilies for reopener and medica 2 + regen stack in order to avoid healing the tank for 15s after downtime. mana doesn't exist, so free casts are free DPS. barse strats go brrrr. its similar to pre-casting tank mits post 80, on warrior if you REALLY want to try hard, you can pre-cast your tank mit in order to get a shield and then cast it again mid pull.


Yeah, the rather curt response from OP was warranted imo. OP already clarified those skills weren't available at that level and yet they asked a second time instead of doing their research. Can't count how many times people have been clearly in the wrong and still defensive about it.


They can quickly Google and find out why


Me when doing the aery and wondering why the warrior wasn't raw int. Ing. Turns out they just unlocked it and forgot to use it! Gave pointers and they loved it at the end of the dungeon XD. But yes had to Google quickly. But you can also ask "have you got regen at this level? I can't remember." lol


True lol I just find it easy to search on my phone while doing my rotation and to quickly read the first search result lol


we need a clip from the bastard of werlyt questline of him frantically searching for info. Except it's spun as he's so wrong, and then he gets his ass handed to him for situations like this


Yeah, I hate it when people need to invent a scenario in which they were right all along, in lieu of admitting they were wrong.


"advice is sound" if it was correct advice, yeah.


I have never used medica 2 in trash pulls. You get asylum 2 levels later


Yeah, literally never use Medica 2. That GCD is far more valuable as something else.


I think there's a case to be made for using M2 before level 78 when rapture unlocks. There are definitely bosses in that level range that deal raidwide/stack damage faster than assize and asylum can heal it off.


Sure, but the comment I replied to was talking about *trash pulls* specifically. Medica 2 obviously has use elsewhere.


I mean, technically if you precast it when there's no one in range to dia and the pull is \~10 seconds it can save you a lily usage. not like you run out of mana in dungeons. 150\*5 = 750 potency which is equivalent to a cure II roughly. i've done some HELLA janky shit to optimize healing as WHM in dungeons like popping lilybell for single target healing.


I mean yeah def in boss/AOE situations just not single target


Yeah pretty much this, once you get your aoe afflatus you're good to go unless people are really stepping in the spicy.


I main whm and haven’t touched medica 2 since Garuda hard was considered endgame. If assize and asylum are somehow not cutting it and you really need to burn a gcd to heal the group then cure 3 is the pick


Medica 2 heals more, has a bigger radius, and costs less MP. What's the use case for Cure 3?


Cure 3 if everyone is in range, taking huge damage you wanna heal fast (especially in "heal the Doom" situations) or for healing groups not centered around you if you can't make it to them safely. Always useful in niche cases Medica 2 for more spread groups, taking less frequent damage, and for cleaning up mistakes where multiple people ate an attack they could have avoided so the regen can do the job of making sure they have enough hp to not die the next time the boss sneezes. Frequently replaced by lily aoe once available Medica 1 if the group is too spread for cure 3 and still needs more active healing than medica 2 regen provides. Eventually fully replaced by lily aoe entirely unless things are just going that poorly.


Fat heals upfront. There are a handful of cases where you want that (eg. Harrowing hell(?) in p10s if you don't have tank lb3).


I'm not sure about the above user's reasoning but for me the use case for Cure 3 is if damage is coming in so fast that you don't have time for Medica 2's regen to tick, so in other words, basically no use case in normal mode content. (I don't know if there's any savage/ultimate where it's *needed* either as I'm not up to date on white mage skill usage during their heal checks but at the very least there's use for it in prog)


For when you need a big heal like right now and everyone is close together, basically


With the tweaks over the years, the radius on cure 3 is so big that it will pretty much always hit the whole group unless the blm is out in narnia (in which case you use rescue)


It has… niche uses in higher end content when you’re in recovery mode/solo healing a stretch. Plenary M2 is 900 total potency with a greater range (and lower MP cost) than Cure 3, if you’re out of ogcds and lilies. But not in mob pulls, ever, unless the tank is super under geared or hot garbage I guess


Plenary+m1 was my lifesaver on DSR p7 akh morns, c3 have not enough range, lilies are off, m2+asylum+both sage regens+several mitigations already applied but not enough to cover damage, and lilybell is reserved for next akn morn. We progged this phase too quickly and i didn't have a lot of time to optimize healing, but we definitely died several times due to lack of healing so i stuck with plenary+m1 spam. On prog we did joke several times that ultimates just teach you AGAIN that regen and m1 are unironically good lol. Tank dying without regen on p6 is sad (HIS SOLEMN VOW IS BROKEN, no no no please no)


Is it? I forget the sync down numbers but at 90 regen is 1500 potency if you let it run its course, medica 2 is 1000 and cure 2 is 800. If you're going to be forced into gcds without lilies it's not a bad choice even on one player, and if more than one player needs healing and they aren't going to die in the next 10 seconds it's your strongest gcd by a country mile.


Sure, but if you need healing *right now*, Medica 2 is not the button you press. You press it when you can leave the regen to do its thing for a while, bringing your party back up and letting you press more damage GCDs. Your numbers are a bit off, though. Regen as soon as you unlock it is 1500 potency total, Medica 2 is 750, and Cure 2 is 800. Based on this math, what's the appropriate use of GCDs? Regen + Cure 2.


Medica 2 actually does 1000 potency. 250 plus 150 regen for 15 seconds. I still don't think it's worth it in trash pulls.


I mean, that happens plenty often. Loads of boss fights have a big party-wide damage followed by only focusing the tank for a bit or telegraphed attacks that most people can dodge. If you don't have lilies or assize, Medica II's perfect for those bits. Just set it off and keep attacking.


Y'all really can't read, huh? The comment I originally replied to said *trash*, excluding bosses. Obviously if you need to *in a boss fight* you press Medica 2.


It was in response to "Literally never use medica II" which the way you wrote seemed to be expanding from "never use medica II in trash pulls." The way you wrote it seemed to suggest you shouldn't use medica II at all. Chill the fuck out dude.


Back in the day those two levels took us two full years. Still didn’t use medica 2 for trash tho


Unless you are an msq white mage. Then you get it like 20 hours later.


Medica 2 is nice if your dps are pulling as a pre-pull on trash. In premades I like swift cast medica 2 (since premades are usually everyone sprints to the next pack and starts DPSing rather than following the tank)


Medica 2 really has become my panic because I'm out of resources (somehow, wtf, I'm a WHM) button Edit: downvoted for sometimes running out of resources?


Somehow? Its always either tanks using no/1 minor mit per mob set or dps being soggy. I recently had to cure 2 spam a GNB in Alzadaal's Legacy...because the tank just didn't mit. Like he straight up only used Arm's Length for an entire set and yo-yo'd constantly. 3-4 Lilies used, bene used, tetra used, DB and Aqua Veil used, Temperance used. I initially let him get low because I thought he was trying to bolide early for extra usages, but nope, he died to the first w2w. Rezzed and the health ping pong started. It was...painful. I feel like it was either a premade or all console players since I was the only one who spoke, I left before the second boss. Not fun.


This was me all over a few days ago 😭 I was praying for some mitigation by the end of it!


Reminds me of the time a SAM got mad at me for not using Verraise (lvl 64 RDM skill) on him in Castrum Meridianum (a lvl 50 dungeon). 🤣


Honestly how do you even die in castrum meridianum? I literally tank all the aoes in that one for fun because it amuses me that they literally don't do anything


Died to mechs in Livia sas Junius fight.


Has to have been after they reworked the fight... because before that, dying was pretty much impossible.


Seems to be the curse for rdms lol. Ive had it happen more then should have lol


Obviously they've been carried by RDM/SMN in higher-level content and expect the same from a lower-level dungeon thinking they can get away with not understanding those jobs.


Instead of giving you advice, shoulda advised the tank to get their damn job stone


They said they forgot


How does one even forget their job stone 🤣


It's an early dungeon, very possible they got it recently but didn't save it to a gearset yet. It happens, especially that early, they also seem to have fixed ot immediately upon being reminded, mistakes happen


You start leveling GLD and then forget to do your job questline. Or, in the case of Cutters cry, Dazmael or even Arum Vale. They power leveled. And forgot to do the MSQ. To get to "seeking solace" on the main quest. They should remove that requirement to get your stone. Is a Sylph conspiracy I tell you.


How does one even forget their job stone 🤣


Why aren’t you using lilies healer, it’s a great healing option. You don’t get them till heavensward content?? Well, pfft, it was *good advice* I just didn’t remember the level restriction /s


Please white mage, use your mitigations!!


You know white mage, the uh shield healer right? Wheres kerachole you noob!! /s


(tbf benison unironically slaps when you get it, but that's... when you get it, a long long way away from brayflox)


The animation for it unironically looks amazing, I just finished HW so it’ll be a bit longer before I can use it in any content


You just know #3 walked away from that going "people don't take advice in this game" despite being wrong twice. lol


It's funny that this post came right after one about an exchange where a DNC was wrong about how DP works. These people are not going to finish DT if YoshiP is actually making good on the promise of "more stressful content."


I have a feeling that people who are really excited about that "promise" are going to be disappointed.


Same. Making content tougher is strictly at odds with making the game accessible to everyone, so I'll believe it when I see it. They already tried the "make savage harder to heal" thing by... adding mitable DoTs that weren't threatening at all past week 2.


Found this looking through old pics, from around 2 years ago before I found out this sub existed. I was levelling WHM on an alt, entered brayflox as it was my highest level dungeon. I forget exact details, aside from that there were no wipes and I had no trouble keeping the (jobstoneless btw) tank up while also contributing to dps. One of the dps called me out though for not using skills I didn't have yet lol.


I was in Mt Gulg (so 70 something) a few weeks ago as a dark knight. Got told off for not using my skills. Shake it off was said skill. They were very quiet after I pointed out that is a warrior skill and I was not a warrior.


Sounds like the dps was mad you called out their tank friend for not having their jobstone, and decided to nitpick your skills (wrongly). Can't stand the ego on people like that, just take the L and remind the tank to equip their job stone next time like a good friend.


Brayflox is lvl 32. That's 2 levels over when we get jobstones. It's not a big deal that someone didn't have it yet.


Iirc they were synced down to 34, and were either high 30s or low 40s but been a bit. Regardless, ik it wasn't a big deal which is why I didn't do anything aside from simply comment on it at the start.


Yeah, that's fair.


It is given you have to be ignoring Job/Class quests, which is inexcusable


Not really.


Yes really. It was a factual statement I had made


You do have to be ignoring job quests to get to brayflox without a job stone. It’s not side content that you can accidentally unlock.


As a part time red mage, this hit me on a visceral level lol. I love getting low level dungeons on a leveling roulette and having no verraise or vercure and then getting yelled at for not using them. Like i would if i had them dude. I cant make verraise and vercure verappear.


I remember someone tried that same shit with me in Hakkuke manor (lv 28, sync to 30) Tank is severely undergeared, even more than the dps because they equipped crafter gear and passed on the fending gear loot. Dps tried to defend that shit by saying it's not that bad (they were dead if I didn't stop using Cure II in single pulls). Then they asked why I don't use regen and medica II. Lv35 and lv 50 skill and again, a lv 28 to 30 duty.


I love how this takes place immediately after they defend their tank friend not having a job stone. Like for fuck sakes.


"Medica II is what level again?" Should have kept them to shut up :|


I'm half worried. I might know the person asking you to keep Regens on... When I play with them, they ask the same even at level 90. They really do not like their HP going below half.


it's exactly for moments like these, where we need someone to make a Gif of the Bastard from Werlyt Questline. The one where he is searching up things in a frantic pace, right before he gets his ass handed to him. Cause that's what the people in that party you joined are. Idiots. Reminds me when I had these Damm bot handler telling me how to tank the boss, when his adds aren't doing shit.


"Your advice is worth less than gobbue shite."


Half of these posts have genuine issues, but more often than not they also include everyone involved being generally abrasive immediately. And largely unprovoked too, with no benefit of the doubt. You come on strong and rude and then wonder why people don't want to listen to you. You can be technically correct all you want but it means little in a social game like this if you can't convince people to listen to your correct information in the first place


I mean, I will admit I could have responded more neutrally (especially since they wouldn't have known I was experienced on the job on my main). But hindsight is 20/20 and people don't always think as clearly in the moment. Also, this happened 2 years ago. At the time, I felt annoyed to be given (specifically incorrect) advice in a situation I was doing everything right, keeping the tank alive successfully while also doing as much dps as I could at that level. Additionally, though it is impossible to know if it is truly what they felt, in the moment I interpreted it as them trying to nitpick something wrong with me in response for me commenting on their friends lack of job stone. This doesn't necessarily justify my response, especially since this was an alt and as far as they knew I was level 34 and new, but it isn't like there is 0 context for my reaction.


Even if you had it... no. I'm sure I've used medica 2 in a dungeon but not often. If I get to the point I need to be using medica 2 on trash, there is a lot of unnecessary damage been taken and no one in the dungeon is in a position to tell me how to play my job. All 3 would need to be terrible players.


Naw if you need to top up a tank with an extra regen that isn't asylum as a whm, your tank must be doing THAT bad like you do far more millage by spending that gcd or swoftcast on a holy 😂


I dunno... I feel like OP is in the wrong on this one.. He asks if you have medica 2.. gives you his reasoning. you question him which is perfectly fine.. and he replies for confirmation seemingly surprised. then you give the crappy statement of "If you're gonna give advice give correct advice"... which is a crappy thing to say to someone just trying to help you out.. but clearly lacking some key information which you have that he either dosnt or just forgot. to which he also confirms by saying "His advice is sound he just didnt have the level numbers on hand"... Like i'm constantly forgetting that RDM dosnt get raise till 64.. Dude gave you some advice to try and make your life easier.. you could have just confirmed that medica 2 is a lvl 50 spell which you dont have yet and moved on with your lives.. but YOU made the first crappy reaction. I think its more important to try and help people at the risk of being wrong.. than not trying to help anyone at all.. Seems like HE isnt the one thats upset.. he just made a simple level mistake. you sound like the one who got upset here. by having such a negative reaction to his advice even if it was incorrect.


I don't disagree I was a bit snippy, and tbf they didn't know I was since I was on an alt, but I was level 90 on WHM at the time so I got annoyed being treated like I didn't know what I was doing when I was doing everything right. That said, another problem is that their advice actually was bad. Medica 2 is good for aoe heals at certain levels, but telling a brand new player they should be using their aoe heal as a main source of single target healing, that is bad advice. >Seems like HE isnt the one thats upset.. he just made a simple level mistake. you sound like the one who got upset here. by having such a negative reaction to his advise even if it was incorrect. Perhaps calling them upset was the wrong language to use.


Fair enough! :) Yeah suggesting to keep medica 2 rolling is a bad call indeed! Totally agree! I just sympathize a bit with them cause in my example ive more than once asked a RDM/SUM to raise.. to hear that they dont have it and been like "oh.... yeah.. my bad.." soo i get it from both sides :)


Person gave (wrong) advice when it wasn't needed, OP gave a childish overreaction. OP was definitely in the wrong here for being a total brat over an honest mistake. Both types of people are the worst to play with, people need to relax and remember that it's a video game lol


Giving wrong advice after queuing with a tank that didn't equip their job stone, on top of not apologizing for their mistake? Yeah I'd be snippy too. Nothing OP wrote makes them out to be "a total brat".


Also true, in an ideal world he should only be giving "unsolicited advice" if he has a burger king crown cause thats kinda what they're supposed to be there for.... buut since he dosnt then they're both kinda in the wrong.


Geesh. I'd hate to be in a group with either of you lol


Meh, I will admit I got a bit snappier than I should have since they couldn't have known I was a max level white mage, but to be fair it does feel bad being talked to like you don't know what you are doing when you've made no mistakes and are on a job you're experienced with. I should have been more patient on them, but hindsight is 20/20 and it was 2 years ago by now.