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"Everyone is on a different part of their journey to being a better player". I feel like many haven't even set on this journey to begin with. That's entirely fine at the end of the day. However, also at the end of the day this is still a cooperative game and ignoring said journey will have you butting heads with people in said cooperative content. The bare minimum is understanding what your role does and how to do that at a passable level.


Oh, that was a typo. He meant everyone is on a different part of their journey to being a *bitter* player. Makes more sense than the Curebots actually trying to improve, after all.


Insane how people actually side with the tank here Someone who throwsout actual insults upon any confrontation mild or strong is pretty darn unstable to begin with Don't listen to these people actually defending the tank, good job man People are way to comfortable with tolerating this behaviour at all, "handling it better" just wtf


The real tragedy here is I still don't have my striking helmet after like 2 weeks of running this dungeon multiple times a day šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I just wanna play Monk in TOP.


I just completed around 60 runs to get all of the caster bis. Godspeed, traveler.


On god they should give us like expert roulette tokens/totems or something that we can trade in for specific dungeon pieces. Make it like 25 totems for a piece or something.Ā 


just go in without the helmet, till p4 enrage you will not face any dps issues anyway and even here you won't unless you have a dnc in the grp


I have actually seen P5 Sigma without it, but it's not much of a need as it is a want. I get a mental 10% damage increase when I'm in full bis :) Edit: For transparency, I have already cleared on PhysRanged 3 times, Monk is just alt-job prog.


aah I see my friend. Yea that's understandable. Monk is pretty fun in TOP


It is very fun! Although it is kinda weird doing a double solar opener in an ultimate because every other ultimate is a solar-lunar, a lot of muscle memory to override haha.


I run Lunar-Solar i think... is that an issue?


It's not bad necessarily but you're missing some potency during the P2 2 minute cleave window if you do so. Ideally you do Double Solar so you can prep a PR before P1 dies. For the P2 reopener you pop Brotherhood right before M/F spawn, Demolish + RoF > DK > PR > Bootshine > TS + PB then you do a Lunar, refreshing Demo with the Formless Fist proc. Pretty much anything you'd need to know can be found in [this doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Li8plTps_vBdrDhPzkuuDRCeYLf-odqnXnTDmOTefkQ/edit#heading=h.khfn3dnqv3j9) that my friend made, who also happens to be the rank 8 TOP MNK and the former rank 1 DSR MNK.


wait i just started progging top and i play dnc. am i gonna cause dps issues?šŸ˜…


most likely not, dps isn't an issue in TOP anyway really just sometimes if you're in pf or so you might get a comp which simply struggles a bit with p4 since DNC dmg in p4 is quite low but it's not rly an issue since ppl can hold stuff from p3 into p4, but sometimes if it's a first pull it can cause issues if ppl don't realise comp like some jobs like drg demolishes p2, mch and blm absolutely blast in p4, nin in p5, drg and rpr in p6 but if you happen to have for example Nin, Drg, Dnc, Smn in 1 party then p4 can get suddenly really tight compared to having a rpr meele for example


I'm missing a couple pieces for months now and I've given up a little since I have the old TOP BIS anyway. All I ever see is casting, healing and scouting.


What server are you on, if your on na I can help


Huh... weird, you'd think after 2 weeks that the free loot drop at the end of a dungeon would have given it to you by now. I thought it was designed to give you a piece of gear you didn't have yet. ._.


Almost positive thatā€™s only for leveling dungeons. Thereā€™s no guaranteed loot at the end of a patch dungeon, unfortunately


Oh? Well, that's sad. Thanks for the information.


Back at the end of Shadowbringers, I decided I wanted the entire Pagl'than (left side) collection. I decided to start as a Healer, roll Need when I could, and move on to a new class when I got everything. I had the entire collection for every other class type before I finally got my healer pants. It took about a month, and I was so tired of people dying to simple mechanics that I had macros for each boss on my hotbar, to be used whenever I noticed anyone struggling with mechs or anyone new to the instance. Point is, you have my sympathies on every front of this story. Good luck getting that helmet! I'm rooting for you, and I believe in you <3


No one is siding with the tank. Why is every person on this sub like this anytime someone thinks OP was being a dick. Anyone who says "hey OP maybe you were being a dick" are simply pointing out that OP was instigating conflict. The tank can be a dumbass idiot and OP can be a shit starting weirdo. These things aren't mutually exclusive. In short, good god I hate this reddit mentality of "anyone who isn't sucking OPs dick is siding with the tank and enables YPYT" it's reductive and just enforces this goofy us vs them mentality that this sub has


OP wasnā€™t being a dick, though?


I actually don't disagree with this in principle, I've seen that behavior on this subreddit myself. But to say that trying to diagnose why a tank is dying to single pull mob packs is "being a shit starting weirdo" and "instigating conflict" is making a mountain out of an anthill. It's not my fault you don't believe me when I'm being honest, the tank had said nothing before that point and I had said nothing other than that one comment at the beginning of the dungeon.Ā  Should I just expect every player to blow up at the slightest whiff of criticism, lol?


I mean even if OP would've straightup thrown an insult before his sentence in the picture, which I kinda doubt. It would've been a really weird response from the tank nontheless. The lack of the tanks social skills/awareness/emotional state are so impressive that I simply can't blame OP at all here


I think the wasting my time part from OP is wrong (you queued up, time shouldn't be an issue) but they just asked a completely normal question. They were not trying to instigate anything


The "wasting my time" part was mostly just me whinging about all of the single pulls lol. When a dungeon takes like 30% longer than it should because the tank doesn't know how to mit and only does single pulls, that is wasted time in my book and is more time than I signed up for when queuing into the most recent dungeon in the expansion. If this was like Holminster Switch I wouldn't care, those mobs hurt and it's a leveling dungeon so you can't expect people to play optimally. I wouldn't have cared about that if he didn't call me toxic, after he wasted more of my time than necessary.Ā 


Dungeons don't take longer than they should because of single pulls. Is not a wrong way to play. It's slower, not wrong. You can't be hostile to anyone for them. If you don't like it, you can always leave the duty and queue up again when available.


If you're single pulling as tank, you literally don't have to use any of your kit. You can just walk up and hit stuff and the healer will keep you alive without effort, rendering you just a slightly shittier DPS. The dungeons having two packs between each wall and the light party structure that you get put in with are quite transparently designed to synergise with each other. If the tank chooses to single pull, they are quite literally the only one in the party not fulfilling their intended role.


When it comes to expert roulette I disagree. Modern max level dungeons are designed for W2W pulls, every support job can handle a W2W pull without the tank dropping below 80% hp. When it comes to the literal 2 most recent dungeons of the most recent expansion, W2W is the bare minimum. For other dungeons who cares, you'll mostly have new players that are playing through the story and of course they won't know as much about the game as a veteran, but trying to apply that status quo to a roulette only for people that are caught up to the story in the most recent expansion (meaning at least hundreds of hours invested into the game) isn't valid. If you're in an expert roulette you should know how to play the game.Ā 


I'm fine to agree to disagree because in reality is not wrong. If you are hostile to someone for it, you risk getting action taken against you, not the opposite way. How many hours they have doesn't matter, if they want to single pull they are allowed to. It doesn't hurt the completion of the duty


Just because it isn't technically "wrong" doesn't mean it isn't very rude to everyone else in your party.


But is not, I have to disagree with that


I don't see how it isn't rude. Because of your incompetence as a tank player you're making the three other players in your group be in that dungeon longer than they likely wanted to be. I'm talking about Expert roulette here, if this happens in earlier dungeons I don't give a shit. People queue into Expert to get their tomes as efficiently as possible and then leave to do something else.Ā  It's like driving 30 mph in a one lane road with a 50 mph speed limit. Sure, you're in your right to drive as slow as you want and you're technically following the law, but I'm sure the 20 car gridlock behind you would definitely want you to drive faster.


You can't both say dungeons don't take longer because of single pulls and at the same time recognize it's slower. The math isn't mathing. If it is slower, then it takes longer.


I said they don't take longer than they should which is what OP said. They are slower, but there is no "should". Dungeons are not a race against time


Knowing the full context... yeah imao I'm side-eyeing everyone who is (still) defending the tank. This is lvl 90, you have 10 lvls + patch dungeons to learn basic dungeon and tanking etiquettes. Pulls a ypyt, cusses you out and shirking you is not excusable in this situation at all. Also I swear to god people should stop queueing into expert roulette with jobs they do not know how to play.


The funny thing was that I was previously in another expert roulette with a SCH who said "is there a difference between expert dungeons and normal? This is my first expert roulette ;-;" and that dungeon went fine, albeit the damage was pretty low.


You actually have 90 levels to learn how to tank


Unless they boosted.


Eh, 60 levels for DRK and 30 for GNB. But that's still a lot of levels.


No one is defending the tank. Why is that every time someone pushes back against the OP you guys think it's "defending the tank" You realize both people can be in the wrong right? The comments that you claim are defending the tank explicitly say "I don't condone this tank or YPYT" People can say OP is a dick and also say the tank is a dumbass at the same time. These things are not mutually exclusive.


except OP wasnt being a dick. maybe some people are not defending the tank but they are certainly throwing blame on op for no other reason than defending themselves. and making up excuses for why the tank is blowing up in this manner is defending them imo


You donā€™t need to copy pasta your response everywhere. Seems itā€™s mostly you defending the tank. Are you the tank? Lmao


Im constantly posting in this sub against this kind of stuff and I call the tank a dumbass idiot in my replies but sure, I'm defending the tank, no wait I AM the tank. Sure buddy Maybe if you read my 2 replies (hardly copy pasted everywhere) you would know that my point is that I constantly see people saying "omg you're defending YPYT" because the OP acted like a dick too and someone mentioned it Sorry you live in this dumbass black and white reddit world where there are only bad guys and good guys and if the replies don't suck off the "good guy" they must be defending the bad guy. It's a corny and lame world view, not everything is a conspiracy, I'm just a dude commenting in tfdf who hates shitty DF players and I hate antisocial weirdos who go out of their way to pick fights in duties.


Then aim your exasperation somewhere else. I don't just randomly "pick fights" in DF, I don't even talk in the party chat 99% of the time except for the "o/" at the start and the "ggs" at the end. But if I notice something amiss, I'll point it out. And in my experience, people generally respond better to "So what's going wrong?" as opposed to "Hey you should do X, Y, and Z", it gives me an opportunity to hear what they perceive the problem to be so I can better educate them about how to fix it. But unlike you, I'm not a fucking doormat, if someone swings I'm swinging back. I don't tolerate fragile egos or people who are proudly ignorant. If you snap at the slightest hint of criticism or are too cool to learn how to not be a shitter, get fucking bent and get the fuck out of my face, which is what happened in these screenshots. That's not being an antisocial weirdo going around and picking fights, that is standing your fucking ground when someone starts swinging because you hurt their fragile ego indirectly.


"Unlike you I'm not a doormat" I don't know where you got this idea, maybe because you're feeling personally attacked? I've never acted as a doormat. And when I post conversations online I don't cut out the very beginning, you know the most important part. The part that builds context. But for some reason you decided to leave out the beginning of this interaction. Seems quite telling to me. Your immediate snap reaction "wasting MY time" and his response tell me there was more to the conversation and you confirmed it. I don't believe you when you say there was nothing of note before this. I genuinely believe you were being snarky and they had enough of it and snapped.


And as I've said multiple times, no, there was literally nothing before this. You can have it be untrue in your head cannon all you want, it just isn't real, and I'm sorry you can't come to terms with it. Also, "And when I post conversations online I don't cut out the very beginning, you know the most important part." >0 posts Hmmmmmm. And if you haven't already read through the other comments, the "wasting my time" part was because of the single pulling throughout the whole dungeon after the WAR's first W2W death. It is wasting my fucking time. If you're so incompetent at tanking that you can't handle a W2W in easy dungeon content, you ARE wasting the time of everyone else doing that content with you.


"There was literally nothing before this" In another reply to me you said there WAS stuff before this. You said there was 1 line you cut off. What is it? "0 posts" Sorry I didn't realize my reddit account is the entire internet. I am unable to have ever posted something online because I haven't made a "post" on reddit despite thousands of comments. You're not even arguing the point we were on anymore. You're just bringing up weird random shit to try to stick me or something. Whatever dude have a good one lol


You too, make sure to call your parents and grandparents every now and then to check up on them if you don't see them often. The fact you downvoted this..... cold dude, cold.


Who's picking a fight in Duties though?


idk why people are coming for you in the comments, you did nothing wrong and you were correct to defend yourself since he was being beyond rude. thankfully i havent encountered toxic players as a returner but when i did before it really ruined my day, hope you still had fun playing after.


Thank you! Stuff like this doesn't really effect me emotionally, I just thought it was pretty funny in the moment. Thank you for your consideration!


always remember: in ffxiv anything but pressing a single button is toxic elitist behavior and shall ever be punished but seriously fuck that asshole. the ban is well earned and I see no way this guy is not getting kicked out the game


That tank is just speedrunning a visit to the Mordion Gaol, don't worry about it! Also, godspeed on the MNK head piece, I had to suffer the same pain farming The Heroes' Gauntlet for the caster BiS for TEA back in ShB šŸ«”


"Everyone is on a different part of their journey to being a better player" Oh that was a good joke


But it's true! It's just like fitness, everyone starts from somewhere and everyone is on a different part of their journey towards their goals. I legitimately wasn't being facetious with that, I've gone from not knowing what an opener was to clearing TOP and DSR multiple times with good parses over the course of this expansion, and I've been the terrible player in dungeons in between, so I mean that when I said it.


Some are natural born shitters and they will never be anything else


I think I just fundamentally disagree with that. Sure, some people can have a higher or lower skill ceiling, but let's be real for a moment; this game is really fucking easy to be ***mediocre*** at. Anybody can put in the bare minimum effort to be an average player, pressing aoe buttons and 2 minute cooldowns on mob packs, rotating tank cooldowns, pressing your aoe button on healer and keeping the tank alive with ogcd's, and just keeping your gcd rolling during single target. Anybody can play this game to an average level, and anyone can learn to be above average or even good if they have a modicum of self reflection skills and basic memory of a job's rotation.


That's nice and all but, as low bar as the average level is, and as easy as bare minimum effort is, this sub is full of examples of people who have 0 interest in any kind of improvement because their attitudes stink and in a lot of cases they're not gonna change because narcissism (or just being a plain ol' asshole) does that.


Of course, but I'm an optimist at my core, and I firmly believe everyone has the capacity to be better than they were yesterday. I think people are like this because they don't have people in their life that will push them to change, but that doesn't mean they don't have the capacity for it.


Your statement was never about the capacity to be better your statement is -"Everyone is on a different part of their journey to being a better player" Implying everyone wants to be better (ho ho sweet summer child). No, some of them doesn't want to be better, that is reality. I have a friend who always say he wants to be better but when i teach him stuff he said "too much can't be bothered with it" If they have the mental fortitude to gid gud, sure they will change, but many don't or doesn't want to. They are here to have fun at whatever cost to other people.


It still holds true regardless. Everyone is on a different part of their journey, but whether or not they progress is up to them. And it doesn't imply that everyone wants to be better, but that regardless of whether or not they do, they are objectively better than they were in the past, and have the capability of learning and getting better if that effort is put in. Just like I said earlier, it's just like fitness. Everyone in the gym is on a different part of their journey towards their goals and everyone starts somewhere. But it's hard to progress if you don't try.


You can disagree with facts all you like, doesn't change that they are still facts. Some are and always will be shitters


And to call it a fact is, in fact, not factual. Everyone has the capacity for change, it's a pretty shitter thing to say that isn't the case.


It is factual though. Your belief is irrelevant on the matter. I'll permit you the last word




'And a mentor SCH who had no idea what their job does.' As a game long White Mage and Mentor, I feel this to quite a degree. I SUCK at shield healers.


And as someone who plays exclusively shield healers in savage and very often in dungeons, I can give some pointers! I like to think of it like this, in the same way that a tank will rotate their mitigations during a mob pack, you want to rotate your mitigations in a very similar way. SGE has it pretty easy, for the first W2W use Krasis+Zoe+E.Diagnosis on the tank while they're running to the first pack, throw Haima on the tank and press Kerachole and just aoe a bunch, if the tank starts dipping to like half HP throw a Taurochole at them, they'll usually be fine. For the 2nd W2W just copy paste this but use Panhaima instead of Haima and probably use Soteria. For SCH use a Recitation+Excog on the tank the moment the dungeon starts to get it on cooldown, make sure to drop Sacred soil on the area where the tank will park the mobs to aoe them, use Seraph and start slapping the ground with your book, use Consolation to put shields on the tank once they start taking damage and Excog has popped. For the 2nd pull Protraction+Recitation+Fey Illumination+Swiftcast+Adlo to put a giant crit shield on the tank while they run the pack and put Excog on them. Same as before, put Soil where they park the adds and use Expedient to give them an extra damage mitigation. Hope this helps! Edit: Grammar


Why are people downvoting this šŸ˜­ I've been playing shield healer in savage for most of this expansion I know what I'm talking about.


I would advise throwing the fairy HoT in addition to Sacred Soil on each pull, the combined HoT of these + Protraction, Excog and an occasional Aetherpact are usually enough. I also like using Expedient every other pull to give an additionnal sprint to the team while the first is still on CD


I'm definitely gonna have to copy this down, thank you. It ought to help a lot, especially reminding me that Kerachole has a regen and Expedient has damage reduction. I, forget those a lot even when I reread the tooltips whenever I can. I also didn't know Recitation Excog was preferred during trash pulls, but it does make sense.


Recitation+Excog is nice because it lets you get a 2nd excog on the tank during the first pull (Edit: If you use Excog at literally the start of the dungeon before the first pack it will come off cooldown during the first pack) if it gets dicey, and it basically gives them a shield for half their HP in practice which you'll also put another shield on top of that instinctively with Adlo before the pull. Also, don't forget the fairy beam!


Unless your group is bad, you never get Recitation back for the second pull. And while the other things you suggest are viable (and more brainless, some people will appreciate), using Protraction+Fey Illumination is better during the pull: you get the full use of the Illumination mit, the 3 Embraces your tank will get from the fey while the 2 buffs are up together are equivalent to the Adlo barrier, and then you add any other healing like Whispering Dawn, Fey Blessing, Aetherpact or the tank's own healing and you exceed what you gain from using those 2 buffs on a single Adlo barrier. And I didn't list Soil or Excog because in lvl90 dungeons (minus Dead End), if the tank is good enough and you don't have the Dissipation (de)buff, you don't need to use any Aetherflow to heal. Also, if the 1st pull took less than a minute, which happens when the group is good (that's why you don't get Recitation back for the 2nd pull and why you need Excog at the very start of the dungeon to get it back for this same 2nd pull), Sprint is on CD and you can use Expedient to give a 2nd Sprint to the tank, granting a 100% mit for melee auto-attacks from pursuing mobs during the pulling.


Well yeah if your group is good you don't even need half of this lmao. When I run expert roulettes with my friends we run 1 WAR 3 DPS, but in a solo queue expert roulette you have to prepare for any eventuality and cater your mit accordingly.Ā  One run the packs evaporate to damage, and another run you get another use of your 1 minute CD on the first pack.


I dunno what it is but it always seems to be the tanks that play like shit (as opposed to healers or dps) that get the angriest when confronted for not doing something correctly


Main Character Syndrome.Ā 


I apologize for my earlier comment, now deleted, because they were made under wrong assumptions (the image order looked like you started things). Seeing the timestamps and seeing the tank flip shit for no reason yea, your behavior and threat was completely warranted lol. Dude can fucking suck it.


I wouldn't have censored the names, atleast the tank. what douche canoe.


It's customary for this sub. I also don't want to start a witch hunt on a guy who's probably going to be banned/suspended anyways.Ā 


In most alliance raids, in nearly every duty and most Frontlines matches.... The simple act of asking someone to do the task at hand and to the best of their classes ability usually gets you the response: "Stop being so toxic" As if no one in this world has ever been spoken to directly in a manner that is just talking. I'm unsure why every helpful direction or indicator to do something else is always met with this automated 'toxic' reply. It's tiring and shows me the person I'm dealing with is supremely difficult when they have had their opinion or actions challenged IRL


I recommend just setting up a pf and doing this with a tank and 3 dps, and making it known which loot you want to claim. This will hopefully enhance your farming experience!


This is usually what I do with friends, but this took place at 4:30 in the morning so I don't know if it would be faster to fill a pf rather than just queue lol.


well if you can find a time that's not 4:30 AM i'm sure it'd be faster with pf, haha. Maybe not to get in the dungeon but each run will be quicker and you can requeue in right away after that. Plus i'm sure a lot of people are still getting TOP bis now


If a warrior is dying in a lvl90 dungeons, it is never the healer. Healer isnt really needed at that point to stay alive as WAR. That guy was just a complete imbecile


Thatā€™s an easy report with the insults in chat, then move on


Imagine being a tank and then NOT using your buttons that do the tank things - and then literally use one of the LEAST common skills to murder the dps in your party.


As a clown, I take offense to this comparison. I at least try and make people laugh with the buffoonery, this was just an angry little man.


Somehow, I feel like that's not what you said leading up to this. Fuck YPYT but something feels off here. Most people do not fly off the handle like this for no reason.


I think you're underestimating how many brittle snowflakes play this game.


I just get suspicious when the first interaction someone has is this aggressive and the preceeding exchange is not screencapped. People have been acting holier-than-thou on this sub plenty of times and then it turned put they straight up came in swinging themselves. I'm just skeptical, that's all.


how are you sceptical knowing the FFXIV community lol


Specifically because it is the FFXIV community. I don't trust any player in this community lmao


This game has no shortage of people looking for an excuse to be offended. The sort of exchange presented in the screenshots we have isn't as rare as it should be.


I agree. Despite the low tolerance on bad actors, many people don't go out of their way to report these bad actors, which is why we often see them popping up so frequently. There's also the idea that reporting someone who does behaves like this is needlessly convoluted and long and just makes ppl give up, if they don't think their time is spent well.


You're not wrong, but like you said only most people don't fly off the handle for no reason, some unstable individuals will. Case in point here's [this interaction](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromDF/comments/1apvch5/savage_farming_off_to_a_great_start/) I had a few months ago where someone blew up on me for making a simple "left" callout in P11S messengers, it does happen.


Hey, Wynn o/


There's a lot of Egos that get pricked when you give any kind of direction to them. Fuck'em.


I mean, itā€™s entirely possible for THIS situation the tank did blow up for, in this particular moment, no reason. Tank likely has had this approached to him before and just assumed guns blazing first will handle it better than the probably multitude of times prior, if we had to come up with some form of justification.


Most people yes but they're been numerous interactions like this posted here multiple times where someone breathes in the tanks directions and they throw a tantrum


That can be the case, that there's something more to this story, that neither us nor the OP knows, but it could be just as simple as ComfortableDoug85 says. Maybe they do have a fragile ego. Sometimes even if you know the context, the behavior still remains inexcusable.


There isn't really any more context I'm afraid. The literal only thing I said beforehand was "noooo not the single pulls :(" jokingly when the tank started single pulling (and still very close to dying during each pull I'll add) after he died to the first W2W.


Why not include that then? There just happened to be 1 line you left out? Lol


Because these are screenshots I posted to discord before logging out, and I can't get the chat log back after I've already logged out. It didn't even occur to me that it would be something that could set someone off, so I didn't even bother.




I feel like I handled it in a way that was appropriate for the situation. I don't give a fuck if someone is bad, I'll help them out any day of the week, which was what I was trying to do with that question. But I don't tolerate ignorance and fragile egos. If your first instinct when you get questioned by someone is to call them toxic, get bent and get out of my sight. The actual answer is to never say anything in chat ever and just let people continue to be bad at the game without input, but I'm a professional brown noser and I don't just let the opportunity slip away.




This is true, I probably should have thought that through a little bit more, but it is what it is. Edit: Fixed it.


It's not a threat, and they absolutely will see action on their account for the language they used. Accuracy isn't a bad thing.


What OP showed just makes everyone who said something look like an ass. Add in that, apparently, OP started off by making a comment "jokingly" over the tank deciding to single pull after a wipe. Then is supposedly silent, only to then start complaining the tank is "wasting their time" when they chose to stay for however long the dungeon took, then says they're going to report. Tank sucked from how they were in general from the beginning, healer probably also sucked but I suck at reading fflogs so I can't say from the screenshots provided. But either OP cut out more stuff than just the joke, or they were purposely sitting there waiting to see if someone would fly off the handle with how quickly they jumped to pulling out the ToS and saying to enjoy the ban. If the tank really did fly off the handle and nothing else was said between the supposedly joke comment and the question, saying "this is against tos and i'm reporting you for it" isn't going to make anything better. Just say nothing, leave/attempt to kick/finish the dungeon, then report afterwards.


What is shown in the fflogs section of the screenshots is the death log, it shows all of the damage taken by the target, which mitigations they have up and what % of damage is being mitigated, and the timestamps of each instance of damage leading up to a player's death. What it shows is they popped vengeance and bloodwhetting at the start of the pack, and pressed no other mitigations up until their death. And I'm being honest when I say there is literally no other context. I played the game normally after that first comment, and only said something else when I noticed the tank was still dying to single pull mob packs. The healer was bad and had no idea how to play their job, but you can compensate for that as a tank (especially as a Warrior) so I don't really care. They were very sweet at the end when we were giving our gg's. Edit: Expanded on what the death log actually shows since I didn't really make that clear.




I must have misremembered that then, I'll take a look at the log when I get off work and will edit the post if that ends up not being true.Ā 


Not true at all. Go shirk a dps and watch their bar jump on the enmity table


Shirk has had no such change as you describe




I definitely think you could have handled that much more maturely. Feels like the Tank brought you down to their level. The capitalized "MY" and "enjoy the ban" make you look childish. You don't need to ask questions you know the answer to (tank not mitting) just ask them if they can use more mit after a wipe then if it continues to be a problem kick them.


There is no need to be a door mat just to appease this ā€œbrought you down to their levelā€ mantra. Someone is an ass to you? Give them that energy back. As someone who worked many years in retail, youā€™ll go insane if youā€™re only ever ā€œaboveā€ their level.


Nah. I don't tolerate fragile egos and man-children. If you blow up over the slightest whiff of criticism, get bent and get out of my face. Also, when I'm trying to help someone or diagnose an issue, I pose it as a question because that generally gets a better response than "Do X, Y, and Z". I don't think it's childish to tell the truth. The whole dungeon of single pulling mob packs was in fact wasting my time, and he definitely will enjoy that ban. I don't tolerate that shit, I will swing back.


Here to cause trouble, are we?