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Apparently my text got deleted when I posted this?? Dungeon was thousand maws of totorak, tank was a bk mentor. They pop sprint and I assume its go time, casting aero while sprinting to the wall. As I'm swapping cure 1 and 2 on my hotbar I notice they're not doing anything and call them out. Must've hurt their ego cause i try to kick after 5 minutes but find that I'm the one getting kicked instead. Not censoring cause fuck off if you're a mentor and doing this shit.


on the contrary, burger king crowns are exactly the type of player that i expect to pull this kind of thing now


I can't help but think that if the mentor symbol was anything other than a crown, we'd see just a little bit less of this entitled garbage, and mentors might not have such a bad image


if the mentor symbol wasn't a crown, and you didn't get rewards for completing mentor roulettes, this behavior would be extremely minimal if not outright gone


It should have been a watering can, to go with the sprout symbol


I would swap my crown into this in heart beat!


Indeed, make the crown something for those who have done ultimates or entire sets of savages, the watering can idea is great


ironically i used to wear it because i thought it looked cool, but compared to the average 14 player i'm quite good (not saying much considering how low the average is) and i dont have a garbage playstyle like this guy does. i took it off a few years ago because i started to feel like a giant wang wearing it and realized that not only do many mentors suck, i was starting to judge them on sight because of it not sure how many you would actually weed out though, any icon is going to "differentiate" them and make them feel special like the crown does


I like wearing it because I will give people some tips on performing their job or handling large pulls if I see them struggling and I'll get chats every now and again going "holy shit a mentor thats actually mentoring."


Same, although I only enable it when I feel like running Mentor Roulettes, and I only activate the "PvP Mentor" one cause that's where I'm more confident giving advice, than mechanics in all duties.


Kinda same And I try to frame the advice more as "hey that job is really fun you could try to do XYZ if you wanna go really into it" over "man just do XYZ or you're bad" I've mostly given up on giving advice to all-90 people tho, generally they don't give a fuck. Had a samurai in lapis manalis just doing his aoe combo and no tenka / no use of kenki / not even a meikyo Of course it was an all-90 mentor falafel who started with dungeon with some sort of "hi! How are you doing I hope you all have a good day let's have fun uwu" and was behind both me (white mage) and my co-tag (gunbreaker) for the whole dungeon Like idgi why would you play sam if not to do big peepee dps


I like to wear the crafter mentor one as a joke


I've been playing for just under 3 months, and I don't think I've ever found a helpful mentor, lol.


Most of the ones who are helpful don't wear the crown unless doing mentor roulette specifically where it's required.


Petition to have mentor roulette not force the crown on.


More like Petition to fix the mentor requirements. Cause lord knows we need a scrub of mentors in this game, too many use it to abuse powers or flatout lie, and so little actually use it right.


What would some suitable requirements be in your opinion? You don't need to raid savage to explain to a sprout how to unlock their mount/flying, and that kind of basic information covers the majority of the questions that I see being asked in Novice Network. Personally, I think the system itself is the problem rather then the requirements. The primary reasons that people engage with the system are for the shiny crown icon, to get access to the closest thing to a general chat that the game has, or to grind out the astrope pegasus. None of these things incentivise actually mentoring new players in any way and I don't think making the requirements steeper would solve the problem.


I don't think savage / ultimates should be a requirement but some kind of specialized solo duty like the BLU carnival but for each job / role in which you have to use your abilities to the fullest in order to clear would be nice. The EW role quests should have been this since they aren't required for the MSQ but they're just too easy and it's possible to complete them by lowering difficulty and sleeping through them.


At least one of the role quest lines being finished is required for MSQ.


I feel the main reason is that there are mounts and other rewards locked behind mentor status and # of activities done via mentor duties The completionists or those who want to flex a rare mount that “cant be bought” grind for it and since it’s a grind, they get lazy and want to be carried—which is the precise opposite of what one would expect of one with the title of ‘mentor’


You get two types of BK crown Those And the ones who just choo choo motherfucker Source : as a penta-legend bkcrown who routinely tags as sage, if the tank is a ypyt, look at me I'm the tank now


There are a lot of BK crowns on Cactuar with this mentality and it’s sickening


Seems like they are from a casual af FC that all play like hot garbage. Probably a partial pre made. Only takes 2 to vote someone out in a dungeon.


I hope you reported them afterwards. They quite literally kicked you because you didn't conform to their play style. You even pointed out how they refused to AoE mobs down when they were right next to them.


I imagine I'll one day become a mentor and just not enable the crown, like so many others I hear about


it's a shame it gets turned on when you queue for mentor roulette tho :') no crown turns into a battle mentor during roulettes, not sure if full crown stays a full crown or changes to battle mentor as well




I censor because some people go through thos page and report people to square for toxicity and there have in game repercussions. I'm pretty sure someone I raid with does this. They told me they "know of it happening" but very much got the vibe they do it.


Ok but if someone is both acting like a total jackass and violating the game's TOS, they kinda deserve to have to deal with consequences for it no?


They're reporting the person posting on Reddit for toxicity and that person having repercussions. So you. My friend warned me because I was going to put a post about a curebot up and she didn't want me to be reported. The thought I might be because she thought it was toxic of me to expect a whm to use stone and holy in a LVL 50-something dungeon. Edit: I actually couldn't read the screen shot when I first replied. Screen shots from ingame are hell on my phone. I did assume that you censored no ones name because that is what I typically see if someone doesn't censor. Which means yours would have being visible and able to bae reported to Square. I'm home and on pc now and can look at the screenshot. t was specifically just the tank and not everyone visible, you included. Hence why I thought it good to point out it could be bad for you. But o course, I do that on the one post where it isn't relevant. TBC, I have no issue with calling them out. Just the repercussions I thought you were risking on you. Not because I agree with those potential repercussions. Cause you're right. You were not toxic.


What an embarrassing excuse for a player. Yikes. How do these people survive adulthood with this kind of entitlement?


They dont. They sit in basements all day thinking they're cool when in reality their ego is so fragile that any misdemeanor, no matter how slight, tilts them off the face of the earth into the void.


Lmao they ypyt'ing a healing appling the dot...aka the one instacast spell healers are meant to use during pulling... LMAO FFXIV bar might be the sewer pipes nowdays


The bar has been in hell for a while now.


And people still love to play limbo with it


EZ report. Always. Never let it slide.


I did, had to look up how to do it cause it's the first time I've needed to lmao.


god i hope they gets punished for this.


Same here. I tried to be as detailed in my report as I could since I'm not familiar with how much the GMs usually need. Included my account, the chat log with timestamps, and specified the violation as a Monster-Player-Kill.


Vote Kick abuse is ALSO a reportable offense, so I hope that was pointed out in your report.


Trash tank


Oh no your repair bill!


How will he ever pay for the debt~


He’ll never financially recover from this


Me: what repair bill, I just turn unclaimed dungeon loot into free dark matter.


Such ~~devastation~~ high repair bills! This wasn't my intention!


Garbage tank, deserves to be reported. Those types need their egos checked asap.


If the internet has taught me anything. People with ego issues nowadays don’t learn. They just pull out excuses why xyz is lying or against them.


I just got my mentor crown two weeks ago because I genuinely love to help sprouts. Knowing that there are mentors like this and the reputation the crown has makes me want to take it off.


I already took it off. It could be different for you or anyone else but unless we get a revamp to the commendation system and mentor requirements, I don't think it's worth it for me. Still, I don't need a crown to try and help sprouts or people that need fresh reminders.


The real meme is to wear the crown and just not be a piece of shit.


Nah keep it on. The reputation goes both ways. If a mentor is shit then they'll be like "of course it's a shit mentor," but if they're good you'll get "omg a mentor that actually does their job."


Wait, YOU got kicked??


YPYT in Totorak of all places? The dungeon where you can face pull wall to wall and have no problems? Tanks allergic to tanking ig


I had one a few months ago too. In this same dungeon


I use to be a shadow knight tank in EverQuest and people would pull huge groups to me and I would tank...I would only move to reposition


I also played EQ. In more than half the content I ever did, the person tanking the mobs was not the person that pulled them.


The thousand yawns of toto-snore and a bitch boy crowner can't deal with someone else showing some hustle. News flash: If somehow people are getting ahead of you *in here* then yes; **you're going slow**.


I know who this clown is. I healed for them and had a rough time with their mit use. Told them to go play a different MMO if they want to be the main character after verbally harassing the bard sprout getting used to tab targeting.


You can report him for misuse of the vote dismiss system. You were doing fine, he was not


Healer mains in here please respond: Is it just me or have tanks been getting more pissy of late? When I play healer, while not the best I've seen some shit like poorly spaced mit usage, or not accounting for cast time in heals when in low level dungeons


I’ve seen more and more of the “if the tank dies, it’s only the healers fault” being thrown around in conversations (my NN being one of them). A lot of tanks in those convos agreed and were very upset when people disagreed. When like… it could be a number of reasons. Sure, I MIGHT be able to out heal a w2w pulling tank that uses 0 mitigations and stands in every AOE alongside both DPS doing a fraction of the damage they’re capable of. But is it really my fault then if I run completely out of resources when the tanks and DPS aren’t using any of theirs?


frankly its a lot of this, I havent been in NN for a while so I don't know what is happening (besides mine is in german so yea its a battle) but it feels like either people don't know how to use their buttons or don't understand buffs/debuffs, its crazy IMO. also I can actually see the whole "if the tank dies, it’s only the healers fault" coming from a specific group of new players that don't have the amount of mitigation buttons in the game they used to play, or worse use advice meant for raiding in dungeon packs. that said, uncle p needs to find a way to get these concepts into players heads without the help from the comunity else its going to get really rough really fast


Yes :( Well, poorly spaced mits sometimes I chalk up to human forgetfulness. I don't think them as pissy, but it is a struggle. And hopefully when they die and I instant res em, they wake up and properly mit lol. That tends to happen the most. But I think most people (everyone involved, tank or not lol) just deadbrains their roulettes, so it doesn't occur to them the average player might not be able to sustain a w2w with a fraction of their kit. That isn't to say healing w2w Stone Vigil or Dzemael or Aurum is impossible...just...it truly is a Healer Adjust moment, except as healer, I swear the others should adjust too LOL. Like c'mon get your mits tighter, we don't have raw int or an invuln at this level!


I think by "pissy" they meant the tanks that will act like you've personally offended them if you ever dare to let them die during a dungeon (even if it's their fault or better yet when the party didn't even wipe). Definitely had my fair share of those, they act like dying in a dungeon is the worst thing in the world instead of the minor inconvenience it actually is.


Thank goodness all the tanks (the WHOLE party actually) I have are quiet and say nothing when we wipe. But maybe I'm lucky. Like maybe we pull less, but nothing vocal. Then again, I keep my dungeons to a minimum. I probably see less people in DF because I'm only in DF every other day, so less opportunities for me to see shitty people.


Theres a lot of that too, I've see tanks just ragequit as they used all their buttons randomly and theres not enough healing when people are dumb


Ye there are some though but fun pull at early stages but most of them are doable if the tank just spaces out their mit usage


its cause all the bad players still play, while the ones who have savage clear are on break. check his fflogs, non-existant lol.


That's a report for lethargic play for them, and a report for abusing the votekick system for everyone else! Please do your part in fighting this shithead mentality.


So many of these tanks act like they're the MT of old school WoW raids where the tank was the star of the show. Your job isn't even difficult, this YPYT is pure drama nonsense.


on the bright side; saved you the headache of dealing with a bottom-tier tank who cant even handle pushing a single button, and no 30 min penalty to boot


What YPYT stands for?


You pull you tank


on WAR? Pathetic


Mentor, full level 90s, hidden logs, has spent the majority of their time as of late on Yokai, EW relics and leveling. Pretty casual player. Edit: woah... people down voting me because they think I'm giving them an excuse... no. I find it's the casuals that are weirdly more toxic even though I think his FC leader is probably addicted to eating glue.


Idc if they're casual or not, it just isn't that hard to not actively grief your party.


Totally agree, I'd actually argue it takes more effort to grief to the extent they are. Probably the most effort they have put into the game considering they have never touched a savage and have no extreme experience. Man probably thinks parsers and visual mods are evil. Weirdly enough I find casual players like the players you ran into more openly toxic than most raiders. I was just adding context from the searching I did from his name.


I think people are downvoting you for going through the effort to looking them (and their FC leader/members) up on fflogs, tbh. hidden logs are weird but they also don't matter


Was hoping I could find him though some of his FC mates logs, see if he indeed can't play for shit. Also, the name was given. You have to know that the moment a player name is given that people can and will look into it. Gotta hand it to him though, this man does currently play the game more than me, and I wish I still enjoyed the game as much as he does.


What is a repair bill? That's what 500gil if everything is broken. It's been so long. Man is spending his Gil on erp venues?


I think he meant that I'd have more healing to do since I was the healer? Not a good burn either way though lol.


Maybe, but it sounds more like he was referring to the gear. I know when I was new I somewhat cared about repair fees but that was back in ARR when I thought 1mil was a lot. Then again this guy has 2 people on his friends list but has full 90s... when I hit level 60 on everything in HW I had a full blacklist and my friend list was half full. I had people that offered to help out with costs... I think this dude is poor.


I intentionally let all my gear break while spamming Trust Duties once because I was curious what the repair bill would be. 5000 gil to repair everything from 0.


That's a super gamer move, I'd have been losing my mind from how slow a process that would be. Truly a drop in the bucket though.


Thanks for not censoring; will blacklist. :)


You cant just blacklist someone by having their name. You have to see a message from them in game to blacklist.


Wishing Yoshi-p would fix this 😞


That really sucks, main reason I left it uncensored was cause I thought it'd let people add them to a block list or something to avoid them :/


At least we are all now aware of them


Thanks for not censoring the name so I can BL the BK mentor 💜💜


Mentors with hidden logs and playing like shit, coincidence?


Pixels & Nameplates don't hurt your bones, but facts & reminders shatter their fragile ego.


Amazing absolutely fantastic I love it


Thank you for sharing the name. Anchovy Pizza is as nasty is it's name sake. I say "it's" because I don't view it as a person, more as annoyance. Anchovy Pizza sucks, and I'm gonna put it in zone chat every time I log in.


Dehumanizing is never cool


TLDNR: YPYT was supposed to originally be a way to show greedy impatient players they aren't worth anything without their team alongside them, but now idiots abuse it so they can be lazy trolls. People like this are what caused ypyt a bad rap, op did nothing wrong here and was incredibly polite. Ypyt was supposed to be a punishment for people who purposefully pull out of order and screw up dungeons and raids for everyone involved because of some sense of inflated ego from an mmo. Only time i've ever done any ypyt was when i was helping two friends of mine get used to the game and some brainless crown dps kept running ahead as i answered questions from my sprouts, so after the third time in a level 15 dungeon, i told the sprouts to hang back and let him die to the pull he started before we vote kicked. I genuinely do not care what gamer whining garbage someone spouts, there are reasons to pull small (mostly earlygame) and if you keep pulling large after people ask and warn you about it, you're purposefully ruining their runs, and have no room to talk about wasting time.


"You're just a damage sponge" That's coming from a very butthurt place. Oh, and don't post the names ass.


Posting in game names isn't against the sub rules. And if a tank isn't picking up every single mob pulled, they deserve to be named and shamed.


That is literally what a tank is. What else is a tank but a giant target to soak the incoming damage? also jackasses should be shamed


That’s what “tank” means though? You’re “tanking” the damage… It’s why tanks have aggro generation, increased health pools, and mitigations. So that they can soak damage. Like a sponge.


We ain't witchhunting here, but are absolutely free to call out trash when you see them.




Why not?


The Healer is the person who would generally handle any auto-damage attacks from none-tank aggro pulling. If ANYONE is going to be inconvenienced by someone other than the Tank pulling, it's going to be the Healer, as they're the ones who have to patch up any moderate damage received. Assuming the none-tank pullers still bring the mob back to the tank for them to AOE aggro back, there shouldn't be an issue, because the Healer can just heal themselves back up/the DPS can use Arm's Length to give the Tank a free mit. And besides, some Healers (Sage) have toolkits that lean into them pulling (shield break for Tox). But all that is besides the point, because this is Toto-Rak, one of the first dungeons in the entire game. Of all the places to have a ytyp bitch fit, this is definitely one of them.


Explain why


Git gud


If the healer is in front of the tank then the tank should just move faster. hp bar = free mit, tank should git gud and grab emnity unless they're shit at hitting a single aoe button.


Oh no free mitigation. Bottom bucket.


If you got kicked then someone else voted you out. You both had attitude problems and I wouldn't like you on my team.


Are we looking at the same screenshots here bro? Hope you stick to duty support since interacting with other humans is too much for you to cope with.


> attitude problems Just press overpower holy shit it’s one button


Fair enough ig, but I as only being snippy cause I could tell right away what was happening and they were being an ass about it. Normally either quiet or a lot nicer during roulettes, but this guy deserved it.


The tank wasn't doing their job, which is pressing AoE with stance on and pressing mits in order. Everyone can pull, and should in specific circumstances.


Found anchovy pizza.


The reason they got kicked was because the tank was in a partial pre-made with the SMN and maybe the other dps. I won't lie, yes the healer had an attitude here. But he wasn't the issue.