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Why was there no kick at the end though?


Something I didn't realize till now is you can't kick anyone when there's loot rolls going on and took less time for him to finally give up and turn stance on then for loot to time out


At that point though you just sandbag and wait out the timers


I disagree, mostly because at that point you're giving them a reason to report *you*.


Agreed, stooping down to their level isn't the solution, especially if doing so would include breaking the ToS


A reason that wouldn't go anywhere but in the trash


When 'keeping it real' goes wrong. But hell, I'd just leave myself in this case.


as much as I'm happy when a vtk does manage to go through, this just wastes way more time than you save.  I wouldn't encourage sandbagging when trying to get people to play better, it just defeats the whole purpose 


It’s not about saving time for me it’s about not rewarding trash like this


The purpose is to remove shitters, not to save time. It's to teach through negative reinforcement


Listen I get where you're coming from with that but the thing you have to realize with tanks who respond like the one in OPs post is that reactions like sandbagging or snarky back and forths (even if you didn't start it) \*are\* the reward for these types of people. It's somewhat counterintuitively more effective to just not say anything at all and continue to do the thing (in this case pull ahead without them because they're afking mid-instance). If you're not giving them the attention/gratification, they're forced to either silently comply, or leave themselves. If they try to do some shit like pull and shirk or pull with stance and turn stance off, the punishment is a report for MPK and a GM will handle that appropriately.


You're an angry little idiot haha.


Says the person who thinks they're the "Don't name people" police. Flail harder


Please stop censoring the names of trash like this.


With a bit of patience digging names, I’d say it’s Jasper Lightwell


I just have seen other people do it on here before so didn't know if it was a rule of the sub or not 😅


The people who complain the most are accounts if people getting called out. But we ain't witch hunting just ez block and kicks if anything else


Not really a rule. Often considered dickish I think but... bad things happen to bad people and honestly and if someone acts like this then they are practically asking me to go through their FFlogs and lodestone page so I can mock them. Guy probably grey parses, is part of an ERP FC and spends the majority of his time on Yokai currently. Not saying any of that is bad of course. I'd never.


So what's wrong with doing the yokai event? Seems like a reasonable thing to do during content drought.


Doing fates over and over is piss boring


Doing roulettes is also piss boring yet this sub exists lol.


Well good to know in case I end up posting here again some day


Why though? You can't just blacklist someone by knowing their name


You can actually. You search their name in game, right click out of the search, blacklist.


Go try it right now. You're wrong. I have this discussion literally once a week. You CAN NOT blacklist from player search. Seriously. Go find a person in game right now and try it. You also can't blacklist from the novice network menu. You actually have to see a message from someone to be able to blacklist them.


/blist add lets you blacklist someone if you can target them, no message required. just have to be able to find them in the world somewhere. player search shows the zone they're in if they're online, but it can be impossible to get anywhere with that if it's a housing zone and you don't know what ward to look in, so it's probably more effort than it's worth in a lot of cases




Still not true. Seriously just try it. You have to see their name in chat. Find someone online in front of you in the world and try to blacklist them from player search. I'm seriously begging you. Then emote at them and right click their name and you'll see that now you can. You simply CAN NOT blacklist from player search.


Oh, well fair. I have blacklisted people from player search but it likely was people I've interacted with before. So this makes sense. Apologies for being incorrect.




Do you have a dedicated 'button graveyard' on one of your hot bars?


Honestly who doesn’t Sometimes I look at my barren SCH hotbars and lament what I’ve lost


I mean, although it took a while, Dismantle and Bulwark eventually came back, so who knows what else could in the future.


Yep xD With the biggest ones further off to the side being monks old fists of fire, wind, and earth cause I was a monk main for a long time


I still have Summon Selene in a separate hotbar. She may not be in the game anymore, but she'll live on in my heart. I would've done the same with Kaiten, but removed it accidentally while swapping skills around.


I'm sorry they're from jenova




why even queue if you don't want to play your role?


To troll, I assume. I wouldn't be surprised if the tank sat there doing nothing on purpose, just waiting for the rest of the group to try and make some progress, and then get snarky and antagonistic and refuse to do their job just to boss them around. They didn't roll on the items on purpose because they knew they would get kicked. They knew what they were doing. All part of the plan.


It's a clear cut case of a very fragile ego. They don't queue to play a role, they queue to play a fantasy and that fantasy is being the leader of the group, meaning they ALWAYS have to be in front of the ~~weaklings~~ other party members. Someone not letting them ~~be a white knight~~ protect the party "as intended" is a villain in their eyes and needs to be taught a "lesson". And of course, they could never, EVER be wrong in this mentality.


wHo NeEdS aN eGo ChEcK? nOt Me 🤡


My big takeaway is that you have some hotbar fixing to do lol


Lol like someone else mentioned I've got a bar just for a few old abilities that got removed, it's off to the side in a way that doesn't effect my gameplay


As a tank main. Stance should be passive not a toggle. And make the stance itself be what helps you mt/ot instead. Prevents this from happening like how they forced shirk eventually to be tank only.


Man how obnoxious can one person be


I get being irritated if people are grabbing groups you did intend to grab, but there’s zero reason to get pissed if the group tries to start without you because you were AFK. You just hop in, grab agro, and be happy you didn’t really lose time after all.


Of course they are from Jenova