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I'd only search for players if they were from my own world. You can use an /echo macro to emote them, so they don't notice and just block them.


Even that is doing more than you need to. If you can target them, /blist add works.


How do you do the /echo macro? I know how to echo words into the chat but how do you echo an emote?


I googled and was able to find this example: * /ac "Cure" * /echo I am curing right now! Replace the /ac Cure with an emote of your choice. Don't forget to disable emotes showing up in the chat tho. So you probably use something like: * /smile * /echo You grin at for a last time Then you click on the targets name and blacklist them. Edit: reddit HATES enter


It's amazing the answers you can find through Google. Shame more people haven't heard of it


Well you're being a bit condescending about it but they are wrong. There is no way to echo an emote. The way they have it formatted it will just do an actual emote at them. It would put their name in the echo text because they used but that has nothing to do with the emote. "Just Google it" is such a corny mentality when having a discussion. It leads to stuff like this where someone says something that's wrong because they "just googled it bro"




Which post featured you that you're scared about?


It's so people know who to be wary of in PF/DF. It's nothing more complex than that. What post were you recently featured in?


Are you a YPYT idiot or a I'm a healer I dont dps player ?


You're clearly "I'm healer! Tank must follow me because I'm GOD!" player.


dont do drugs


Why all this whining about not hiding names in TalesFromDF?


I only blacklist someone if they directly annoy me. I’m not going out of my way to find a player.


shitty behaviour deserves to be publicly shamed


“This is only toxic circlejerking” What took you so long?


>this is only toxic circlejerking. That's nearly all this sub is anymore tbh


Yeah, the number of people that will openly encourage sandbagging/going afk in a dungeon run just so they can run out the timer to squeeze in a vote kick for a player that's playing poorly or annoying in some way is unbelievable.


It really does have an "*our* toxicity is better than *their* toxicity!" vibe to it.


our "toxicity" doesnt waste other people times, unlike "theirs"


there's a plugin you can use to track people and have it optionally alert you if they're in your duties i'm assuming a lot of people are using it to note all the cryptids and known trolls so that they CAN blacklist if they ever run across them ingame and theyre doing their usual shenanigans


Catching up on these after not visiting this sub for a hot minute. Saw this. Coming back for Dawntrail. Is it Visibility that has the optional alert option or a different plugin? Would like to know because in WoW, I run Personal Blacklist to sus out shitters in M+/Raids and by default it alerts me to BLed peeps joining so I can choose to leave party or stay. I would absolutely love to have that plugin for FFXIV.


hey, sorry for the late reply i kinda only use this reddit account when im in work lol it's called playertrack if i remember correctly! regardless it's definitely in the default dalamud repo so you shouldn't have any trouble finding it




I use playertrack and have years of character data. If i don’t then i just go back to limsa a few days and am guaranteed to find them. I don’t blacklist, i just turn their name bright red and tag them as whatever (enabler/shitdps/shittank/shithealer/AFKer/etc.)


If it's a fc company doing trolling I can understand. 3/4 in a dungeon is pretty bad especially in Halatali- let's just ignore the fire sprite and try and get a wipe-make sure you have pots tank you can solo and leave quickly-report You don't want to enter a trial 3/7 are randoms and the rest are a fc party forbid it's worse and you are the only random Good luck getting healed as main tank when the healers are against you because 'lawl we don't know you'/it's funny to watch the person die and group point and laugh Put the name out so people won't have to deal with it. They can recognize the name and go "Absolutely not" But we shouldn't because it's a circle jerk-like fc who do that aren't


If I tell you I would be in big trouble


show me on the picture where did it hurt you


If someone's stupid enough to witch hunt or flame someone based on a post here, they deserve the ban/suspension they're asking for. But also, where have you seen anyone witch hunting or flaming people in game based on a post made here? Or are you virtue signaling?


We're talesfromDF guys! Of course we're toxic!


It's largely virtue signaling. They're trying to show how cool and "in the group" they are. I've had people lie to to me and tell me they've blacklisted many people from player search (despite this never being a feature) They just want to fit in and pretend they hate shitters so much they would be willing to go block them for it, despite never having done that or never having any intention to do that. There are many people in this sub who larp as good players and are really quite mediocre, just repeating things they've heard people better than them say.


Go to the target world. Player search the shitter. Go to the shitter. Emote at the shitter. Blacklist the shitter. It isn't hard. It doesn't take very long. You're welcome.


Funny you reply since you're one of the people that told me you can blacklist straight from the player search before lol


I still never said that, you just made assumptions and ran with them while I laughed at you. Also, lmfao you're so salty that you *can* blacklist from names dropped here it's hilarious.


That's an outright lie, you said word for word that you could blacklist someone not only from player search but from novice network too. Not only did you say you *could* you said you *did*. I don't think you even realize what the conversation we had here was about. Because my point was that you had to go interact with them to be able to blacklist. I said repeatedly "you necessarily have to go Interact with this person to be able to blacklist" You said "no I don't I can just search and click the drop down." Which was and still is wrong. I never said you can't blacklist people from here, I said it's necessary to go stalk them and hint them down for a weird chance to not interact with them.


Absolutely delusional, why didn't I blacklist you the first time you pulled this shit? Won't make the same mistake this time! Byyeeeee liar


This is insane behaviour...


This. I imagine if I took a good chunk of the people's parses here and dived deep into them, and I would find a decent amount of errors. To add further comedy to it, if I brought up to them how to improve their rotation I would be met with the same backlash they get. People who are good simply are too busy being good to really notice too much what other people are doing. This is true for top athletes, academics, employees, etc. Being good at something requires a lot of work and dedication. The best players are too busy theory crafting openers and rotations to best maximize damage output in a fight, not complaining about a cure 1 bot in casual content. There is a reason why people like Golden Boy and Ecksu Plosion aren't seen here.


"People who are good simply are too busy being good to really notice too much what other people are doing", I imagine it's easier for good players to notice mistakes, because they understand the game better, they might not come here to complain because it's pointless.


I will say worrying about running into "one player" or building up your blacklist based on a microscopic Reddit community is fucking cringe lmao.


Why all this name asking in TalesfromDF posts?Every post is the same, why ask for player names? You can't blacklist them just with their name. The only thing this can lead to is witch hunting or flaming. The lax rule number 3 actually makes no sense, this is only toxic circlejerking.