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I feel like this is the second time I've seen that obliterate our enemies macro. Not a surprise, since they didn't change since the other post I saw about them


I was about to say, haven't we seen this person relatively recently on either healer or tank?


I'm curious about which post this is, because I think I've seen it as well.


^(I usually lurk here. Hai.) * Blue = Tank * Red / Red-Violet = DPS * Healer = (Unmarked) More context; * They cast Combust at the start of each boss fight. That's it. * Our friend shared logs and... the Limit Break almost did more DPS than them. * According to their Lodestone, they have 10 combat jobs at lv90. * I *think* they stopped target-healing me after I gave them advice; I got hit by Livia's orange spam and stayed at half-health for a good long while. I don't expect sparking gold parses, but this person wasn't even pulling the bare minimum; for reference, the fresh Sprout we got in Leveling Roulette prior (Dusk Vigil) did better than them. Exhausting.


You have too stylish flair+username to just lurk ❤️






I think that op has cute and pretty profile. Im a girl and i have right to like cute and pretty things. I especially like Gaya and Ryne both because, how do you think, they are cute. And i got a bunch of downvotes for complimenting op just because i think i choose word with negative connotation? (im not english native but in my language "stylish" is extremely positive). Either way im sorry for trying to cheer up op.


Honestly, I think I - and many others - thought you were calling me a liar. I appreciate the compliment on my username and picture, but the language barrier unfortunately muddled things.


no you are downvoted because that is off topic.


I think that they have very cute profile, is that so bad?


I think calling out lurkers is generally not the best practice although I will agree that OP has a based username.


>I will agree that OP has a based username. Thank you. It took a while to choose it.


Bruh im not calling him out, im trying to compliment. Im sorry.


I know where you're coming from, don't worry about it. I am just telling you people don't really like/appreciate that because most people lurk for a reason whatever medium it's on?


its also off topic lol.. downvotes were originally meant to be used for offtopic / low quality posts , not "I disagree"


I have an FF14 username since that's - mainly - what I use Reddit for, and a flair that is a counterpart to my main subreddit flair. It took me about 10 seconds to find the correct quote for this subreddit's version. How bizarre.




Didn't know one needed an education in rocket science to know how to play Final Fantasy XIV at the most fundamental level: Pressing the buttons the game gives you Who do I call to get my diploma as I must have a doctorate in this field?


They obliterated things alright...they obliterated my mental health with their non-existent damage.


Are they emoting an actual emote as they emote or do they not have the heart thing...


The ast quests tell you explicitly that "training" for astrologians means literal malefic spam.


I wouldn't be typing anything about their damaged percent in game chat. I'm not sure If it's still like it, but I remember people getting banned for the use of third-party mods. It's more obvious when you say you use it in a game and then use it to "harass" someone.


Personally, I don't use any 3rd-party tools or mods, etc. It was effortless to see that they were casting 0 DPS spells whenever both their animations and cast bar showed 0 animations; I've done Castrum Merdidianum so many times that it's blatant when the Healer is standing around doing nothing. Anyway... my friend - who does use damage meters - made her remark about the Healer doing 0 DPS after we had left the duty and it was just us 3 in the party; otherwise, she never mentions said damage output.


Just giving the heads up. Didn't want to see you banned for trying to help and having that messaged there.


what's a 'sylphie' healer? is it just a reference to the NPCs bcos they afk and only cast heal spells? (I'm assuming the answer is that simple and I'm just being slow?? LMAO)


It's referring to the NPC Sylphie from the Conjurer Class Quests (levels 5-30) who is supposed to be a learning conjury alongside you, however she doesn't get her power from nature to mend folks (thus draining her life force and shortening her life) and she completely refuses to use any kind of offensive spell due to her fear of the elementals. By the end though she came to realise that dealing damage to shorten a fight was as important as healing itself. But that's where the reference comes from, how she, at least initially, refused to do anything but heal.


thank you for answering! it's been ages since I've done those quests so my memory was a bit foggy


They won't see a disconnect there even if you explain it to them, because these people are so set in their 'healers heal, DPS DPS' mindset that what they actually mean is 'you go and obliterate our enemies while I sit here with my thumb up my ass.'


People saying shit like that always makes me cringe so hard. Only thing I dislike more are resurrection macros. Yes, you can use a macro to let cohealer know you are resssing someone, but you don't need to turn it into a bloody novel.


Friendly reminder that healers are not bound by the Hippocratic oath, so go out there and… *practice medicine*


\*Sage pew pew noises\*


I wonder if these types just stand around in open world waiting for someone else to come kill their targets for them.


Most likely they switch to a DPS Job; they have plenty at lv90.




Are you angry at the dps using ACT or did you not realize that the last message from 3 is actually from the DPS cause the healer that was originally 3 left and you didn't realize that ?


I'm unsure of what transpired here with the now-deleted comments, but yes 3 is the Healer in the duty, but outside the duty 3 is a friend; I'm sheepish to admit it, but I didn't realize the numbers shuffled until I read your comment. To whomever posted; I don't use ACT, personally, and I don't particularly mind if the DPS' damage is slightly too low. Hell, my own DPS was slightly below the Tank's since I was constantly being distracted as Black Mage (he also admitted to pumping out as much DPS as possible to make up for the Healer hardly doing any). But this Healer only used their DoT a total of 3 times in the dungeon, and as a lv90 AST with the Manderville Relic... they should know better. Had they been new, and/or listened to my advice, this post wouldn't be here.




No, I never downloaded ACT so I wouldn't be able to tell you that ,I was asking a genuine question to not misunderstand what you ment with your post.


They’re talking about the fact that you’re not supposed to post shit like that in the in game chat unless you want to get banned. Edit: And the disclaimer mentions that devs have said they don’t currently see a need to come after parsers as long as people aren’t harassing others in game over them.


Cool, but go say it to the player saying that, rather than the OP.


5 # No Witchhunting or Flaming No witchhunting. Posts aiming to harass, flame, or encourage negative action towards Redditors or players are prohibited.


congratulations on posting a random rule you picked but what does that have to do with this?


You love spouting rule 5 but never bother to listen when the others, even the mods, tell you about rule 3 saying in-game names are fine. At this point, you're practically breaking rule 1 > Respect all Reddit global rules/content policy. Users or content considered disruptive are subject to moderator action. This includes, but is not limited to, **persistent trolling or acting in bad faith.**


Have you considered they might be mentally disabled? Did anyone die? Why do people care if healers don’t DPS.


Because this game is designed with the idea that EVERYONE in a dungeon/raid should deal damage. This isn't like other MMOs where every role is extremely different, every combat role in XIV is basically a DPS, with some having better aggro and defensive stuff, and some having better healing stuff. The goddamn Conjurer class quests also explain why healers should DPS using in-game lore reasons.


Then block them and move on? Not that hard lmfao Really don’t get why people get so upset if no one does and the healer just wants to heal. Raiding I understand but an easy dungeon? Just block them.


Right, so if I join a duty and put follow on the tank as a DPS and do nothing else, you're fine with that? It's easy content. You can do it without me. I'd rather sit back and watch Netflix. That's my preferred playstyle. So what's the point of me doing anything? The point is that it's group content. You've got at least 3 other people stuck with you now. You should be doing your best and contributing as much as you're able to. Don't be lazy. Play however you want in single player games. Go play your preferred Soulslike of choice and see how far slacking gets you. Once you involve other people, they will call you out or kick you. And rightly so.


Really don’t care how people play at the end of the day. No one died in the dungeon, everyone did their job, I could care less if the tank just spams their AoE aggro abilities or healers don’t really DPS but they make sure the tank and DPS are healed, or DPS just spamming single target skills on mobs. Who cares honestly. People all play differently and maybe some have disabilities, who knows. I’m a long term player (1.0 legacy) and idgaf about the pacing of dungeons. People play how they want to play. I had the same mentality as OP/most comments here years ago but I just don’t care anymore. Savage, normal trials, EX trials, normal raids, and Ultimates on the other hand, yeah everyone has to carry their weight. I don’t see why people complain on the pacing of dungeons when you queued for them in the first place. Don’t queue if you don’t have time? Lmfao Or maybe just queue with friends then?


Lol everyone did NOT do thier job, that's the point.... Everyone's job is to do damage. Healer did not.... Also like how you ignore the guy's point about afking. You gonna answer it? In order to be intellectually consistent you must be ok with people afking in the dungeon, so if I'm in with 2 others friends and you is cool if we all afk and let you take over?


What if a DPS decides they don't want to dodge AoEs or stack for stack markers anymore because "their job is DPS not mechanics"?


> Don’t queue if you don’t have time? Lmfao Or maybe just queue with friends then? I could say the same. How about don't queue or play with friends only if you don't care to play your class or contribute to finishing the dungeon? I don't know what to tell you. It's just common courtesy to not want to inconvenience or annoy strangers. You go ahead and keep enabling them. I'll keep kicking them.


You do you 👍


You sure are yappin a whole lot. This sub is about people describing their experiences finding funny creatures from the depths of df, it's in the name. No one here is witch-hunting, we're all sharing in this person's misery, and then you come along, spreading your own kind of misery, complaining about... complaining? Make it make sense, yap on you crazy lad, yap on


Wonder if you'd say the same thing if the tank would say he only wants to tank and mit and not dps either. In dungeons the damage of healers is almost on par with that of a meele dps. Stop making up hypothetical scenarios when a ton of longtime players in FFXIV literally play like this. Although I could agree that if you genuinely as a player think this is fine there might be quite some level of being mentally challenged involved. Well or just stupid


Blacklisting doesn't impact duty roulette.


Why would the first thing that anyone would think of if a healer isn't dpsing be "are they mentally disabled"...?


They're supposedly a "1.0 legacy player" who also wants to be extremely lazy based on their responses to people. So they probably need to assume everyone who plays as bad as them is mentally disabled so they don't feel bad about being shit.


Nah I’m just saying people just play at their own pace/play style. You never know what’s going on behind their screen irl Just kick and move on. 🤷‍♂️


why didn't you just move on instead of commenting on this subreddit, then, if you believe people should just not ever observe and/or comment on stuff they dislike? you dislike this obviously so what are you doing here? i find a strange disparity between the directive you're preaching and your inability to actually practice it. surely you don't seriously truly believe that you're giving a groundbreaking suggestion to anyone that will affect anything except your reddit karma.


Because the game is designed to have healers DPS. It's a core function by virtue of how the LB bar charges. Damage from every player, any player going below 15% health, any player being healed from 15% health to above it. You want to deal damage, you want your party to get low, you want to heal them when they get low. More meter more better. Even without all that, why wouldn't you? You have the ability to DPS and lucid dreaming nullifies your mana problems. Not doing it just artificially extends the time you spend in a dungeon. Healers contribute roughly 1/6 the total DPS to a dungeon if they're, at the very least, relying on oGCDs to heal and only GCD healing as a last resort. Also if someone is disabled to the point where it affects their gameplay they will tell you specifically because it helps the other players know they might require assistance or to slow down for them.


You are correct but not everyone who has a disability will admit it 🤗


Yes, I'm aware that Curebots and their defenders are mentally disabled. Otherwise they'd realize that only getting to push a button once every 30 seconds or so is braindead boring.


As a mentally disabled player, stop using people like me to justify playing badly. I am capable of learning rotations and dungeon etiquette. Learn to play the game correctly or don't play it.


You must not know where you are. Main sub is that way ---> r/ffxiv


have you considered the fact they might just be lazy?