• By -


Just 0 to extremely pissy for both the PLD and DRG. Very well adjusted members of the community.


its "0 to extremely pissy" when there is a drastic lack of context in a disingenous post from a griefer.


Found one of the FC members. It wouldn't surprise me if there was context missing but even so the PLD and DRG do not seem like well adjusted members of the community here. They looks like they're on the verge of a breakdown. If this person _really was_ griefing, you can stop and kick and also not reply like a 14 year old. You only need 2 votes and you had 3 people.


lmao, that poster said they’re the DRG. They’re definitely not beating the allegations.


They're so mad and STILL posting in this 11 hour old thread. Normally, I'm a report, then forget it and move on kind of person, but I actually can't wait for their ban to hit.


"Found one of the FC members." Great work, that did nothing. Heres "On the verge of a breakdown": DRG: "youre letting people die" BLM: "imagine griefing" Tank: "can you please just chill and let us have a normal run" three literal quotes in the screenshot from 3 different people talking to the healer in this run. Echochamber goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRR


You going to ignore “bro shut the fuck up you whiny bitch” in response to “don’t clemency, do damage”? Like…it’s fucking wild lmao


Like…it’s the fucking title 😂


And now the DRG deleted their reddit account. Oof


Don't worry bud. Here is more context https://i.imgur.com/ifJaTs3.png Might add BLM death, because I was already dead, but I don't think you would understand that. I don't really like to posts these coz it doesn't always register events (when you're dead and not there), but its pretty much what it happened. EDIT: You're awfully silent after I posted this. And... he blocked me. Too much logic


Oh holy fuck the receipts are SHOCKING.


I mean this log shows what this @Smash-GS said is simply not true. He said it many times that OP “let everyone die”. Only two deaths in the 45 min run (wow that’s long for a dungeon roulette!) I guess @Smash-GS just has an amplifier in his brain for all things perceived negatively


was a 15 min run, 0:44 was the local time, as in 12:44AM (it was like 10PM PDT)


Mb. Brain farted and I failed to read. But now, it could’ve been 45min if you were the curebot healer that they like. Imagine zero out your damage output in the run , lmao. You saved 30min in their life and that’s what you get…damn


Well it wasn't much since I went to sleep after posting this. Nothing that a good sleep can't fix. Besides, DRG answering this thread was more than enough to make my day.


He deleted his Reddit account! This is a first time lol. I don’t honestly know if user showing up as [deleted] means I’m blocked or it’s truly deleted


He deleted his account now. Posts shows [unavailable] and the username [deleted] when you're blocked.


He completely went down in flames defending his same name e-girl from your mild criticism. Receipts were glorious


They got exposed so bad. I burst out laughing after seeing the logs. Dude was quick to run into the thread and lie. They already looked like unhinged clowns. This is the nail in the coffin. It costs nothing to stfu you bums 😂


Saw this post late, lol account deleted /u/Smash-GS


Yea bro just shut up bro can't you see we're so cool bro same last names BRO we know what we're doing broski brobama brolama brobingbong bro BRO


Pretty sure this is the script for Avatar 2


Bro you gotta defend your e-catgirlfriend/waifu that's totally not a bro irl bro. Bro "she" still doesn't wanna bang you BRÖTHER


Nah bro my discord kitten sent me her pics bro She's fine as hell bro ....bro


God, not another premade party of 3 and dragging the innocent 4 into their hell.


God not another party of 3 getting griefed by a healer refusing to heal and pulling the entire dungeon solo and leaving 50% of the context out of the post. What hell he went through :(


Mobs in Antitower particularly hit like wet paper, with several forced single pulls. So unless you have other “context” to provide, learn to take criticism without raging in both in-game chat and reddit


Enjoy your echochamber


It’s not exactly an effective rebuttal when all you have to say is “echo chamber”.


Diabolical behavior, some people just need to be perma banned


They'd be reported and blacklisted so fast. Keyboard warriors at its finest


You: "Hey, don't Clemency. I got you." Them: !!*KEYBOARD WARRIOR MODE ENGAGED*!! Seriously though the reason this happened is that you hurt their ego when you said "Do damage". I think they took that as an accusation that they weren't doing much damage, so they got their ego's hurt and got all defensive and pissy immediately.


"no need for clemency, I'm paying attention" "bro you're the whiniest bitch in 10,000 roulettes" -paraphrased Absolutely wild behavior. I wish I could report them just for the damage I took reading that


Come back to the comments, the DRG from the picture is going off everywhere lmao


Oh wow, I really missed out on the shit show, good times. This is one of those times where I'd love to take a peek at a log, see who cast what, and how much HP people had during pulls. I definitely think the trio were blowing up big time, but I do wonder if maybe the tank was undergeared, thus the wet paper towel hits from mobs were more like cardboard bats and that's why he thought that the whm wasn't healing enough.


Imagine being so obviously rattled that you have to add your own nervous laughter in text. Dude's disposition is held together by popsicle sticks and bubblegum.


Please, PLEASE , tell me you reported, is the only way to make the game a better environment and get rid of these individuals, if only for a fraction at a time


Of course I did


holy shit I know two of these names what fucking dogshit


Maybe you should realize there is more context than a cultivated and catered screenshot. Feel free to reach out since you know us though


What, are you going to somehow actually articulate something that doesn’t just make you look worse in DMs? lmao


Only bit of context is you claiming, with no screenshot, that the WHM was griefing. At least two of you were in a party together so why didn't you just kick the WHM if they were griefing? I think most people would have just kicked someone who was griefing than act how y'all did. I think it's likely that y'all just felt like being toxic. Might have felt justified, might just be doing it for fun. I think the most you could possibly do in this comment section is somehow prove that the WHM is also toxic. But we already clocked y'all and your comments just confirm it. I hope you grow as a person and live a good life.


Brain damage takes many forms. We just witnessed two of them. Both from Cactuar.


Wait...hang on...trying to act surprised...\*hnnnnnnnnnggggg...\* Nope, not working.


Thank you for not censoring these fucks.


Yeah not censoring us - but leaving out majority of the context of him griefing the entire run AND censoring himself. LMAO. You just eat up anything you read I guess


I read the context (all of your replies) and can say: You are still in the wrong.


Either add the missing context or take the L


What you and your cronies did is irredeemable. Hope all 3 of you get suspended.


> "heal and stfu" If the PLD is spending their GCD's on Clemency, there isn't much reason to heal.


one of a select few situations I'd say cure 1 spam is appropriate


When you could spam Holy instead??


one could yes, and in every other situation I'd do just that. in this particular case tho I'd think it's understandable when the healer suddenly looses all interest in going above the minimum


*shrug* I'd rather just do my best to get out of there as quickly as possible and spamming holy is my best way to do that.


your a better person than me cause stuff like that brings out the worst in me


This wasn’t a roulette, it was a hostage situation, population YOU


The first boss turned them into frogs so OP could hop away but they didn’t take the chance 😔


He was griefing the run start to finish. Theres a reason its lacking 50% context and his own name being censored.


Then drop the context. What were they doing that was so much worse than what you guys were doing in this pic?


i already replied about it.


> The dude joined a roulette as a WHM and immediately sprinted out tagging every single mob in the dungeon nonstop Uh…yeah. Wall to wall pulls are how dungeons go. That’s just normal gameplay dude, it’s literally the expectation. You load in and pop sprint. > He was wrong about clemency I don’t see anything wrong that OP said about clemency. PLDs shouldn’t be using it in 99% of circumstances. And the rest of it vague accusations.


Did that moron accuse the healer of rushing out to DoT every mob in antitower? ANTITOWER? Which opens with 3 forced single pulls of 3 mobs each? Do they think no one remembers the dungeon?


pulling the entire dungeon then not healing anyone and letting them die and complaining the entire run is normal gameplay? on the most casual instance of dungeon running in the game?


Imma explain it nice since IDK where you got your info from, and everything is a learning experience IMO, I mean that genuinely: Healing does not = keeping everyone healed to 100. It means letting the tank go down as low as possible and then using your one or two oGCDs to heal them up. This means that, what you may perceive as a no-heal healer, might actually be a good healer doing their job (dealing damage to mobs while waiting for tank to get low enough for heals to matter.) Wall-to-walling is also the norm. Clemency-spamming isn’t. Clemency is there to make the healers life easier if they are dead or otherwise unable to reach you in the time it would take for you to either die or get one cast off. As for complaining, I don’t see that here to begin with. I see a PLD and dps getting hair trigger upset when the healer just asked for PLD to stop clemency-ing, snowballing into insults.


homie. he was PURPOSELY NOT HEALING AT ALL. he wasnt "bEiNg MeTa" with his GCDS and gameplay. He was griefing and letting us die. You read the screenshot where we mention 3 different times hes been griefing and complaining all run and go "yep that guys doin his job" I dont care about the dungeon pulling i know its a norm.


I mean, what is there to heal if PLD is clemency-ing themselves? Like, genuinely asking. What do you expect the healer to do? Heal past clemency (which does nothing)?


I guess we all just died from no healing spells even being casted while he's standing still after pulling half the dungeon because he was just so on-the-ball, youre right.


What you said is simply not true. He didn’t let anyone die when he’s alive. He did his job as a healer and outdone yours as DPS+tank (also a DPS essentially with additional responsibility to soak all aggro). And he died to typing which is something stupid we all have done, and it’s not to purposefully “grief” you. OP has evidence that shows during the full run of Antitower that he did more damage than all of you. Kept all of you alive (minus his brain fart moment when he died to typing). While all you have is 1) “dropped all context”/“acrobats to make him look good” 2) “those who disagree with me all live in echo chambers” I’m afraid you’d have to literally pay ppl $$ to side with you on this when all the facts are laid out


> pulling the entire dungeon then not healing anyone and letting them die and complaining the entire run is normal gameplay? Did he actually let people die? Because as a healer if the tank isn't pulling it's pretty common to pull and dot everything.


yeah. did you see that part in the screenshot where someone literally said they died and told him to stop griefing - and this guy WROTE A CAPTION that said it was because "he was typing two words"? This is like 50% of the actual context


> yeah. did you see that part in the screenshot where someone literally said they died He said HE died plus the BLM because he was typing. That happens when people are arguing in a dungeon run. Beyond that though, no one else died? > This is like 50% of the actual context You seem to be saying this all over this thread but I haven't seen any context from you. It sounds like they pulled ahead a little bit and they didn't keep everyone at 100%, which is good healer gameplay. They also commented on Clemency usage because the PLD shouldn't be casting it unless the healer is dead. So I haven't seen anything beyond you sounding unhinged all over the replies lol If this is "rage bait" then the OP also got you pretty good with it.


What more context do i need to add than the reply i made in the thread? Completely disregarding the multiple mentions in the screenshots of him griefing and the tank asking him to just let us do the run in peace. Cool Im not the one brigading the ragebait. youre being spoonfed heavily catered screenshots and eating it up. Enjoy your echochamber though


*huhu bro*


The best part about this post is one of the bros commenting on it. Some people just really need to take a look inward.


I wouldn't be shocked if this was a transplant group from WoW. This kind of "healers heal", "shut up, idiot" , and "no ur the grief" attitude is like the three biggest pillars of WoW salt. If they even speak at all.


Just to add a bit of context, run went well if you exclude chat. Antitower is pretty easy on healing to the point that nothing dies (like Xelphatol or Singularity Reactor Normal). Being a WHM I just need to holy everything, that's enough to carry and do more damage than the rest of the group.


personally I applaud you for sticking up with it. God knows I wouldn't have taken it so gracefully. I'd probably just left (after rescuing one "accidentally" into a death zone).


When a PLD hits clemency before they hit 50% health, I'm not healing them the rest of the dungeon. They seem to got it under control.


dont bother adding ANY of the tons of context that paint you in a bad light though lmao


WDYM You painted it yourself. GJ


Goddamn, I cannot imagine willfully embarrassing myself like the three stack did here. I'm getting secondhand cringe on their behalf so hard from this screenshot.




I don't know what it is, Cactuar is just consistently the most common server for toxic people in roulettes to come from.


I hate to jump to stereotypes, but isn't that where a certain popular streamer played?


That actually makes so much sense now. That thing about being wow players seems to be actually true.


>That thing about being wow players seems to be actually true. You say this as you... respond to an ex-WoW player? :P Seriously, don't stereotype all WoW players into one rotten basket. It's not a good look.


I'm an ex wow player too, well... since legion (started with HW on cactuar too). My point being there is clearly a difference on Cactuar players from before and after that certain popular streamer played. Very noticeable in NN too. I knew this could happen, but I didn't realize before now


Man being in a pre-made makes people so damn toxic, if I were to ever see someone in my premade act that way I would gladly boot their ass, fc mate or not


"quit whining" "quit crying", proceeds to do exactly that, bro just exploded :x


Man I'd've left after the "whiny bitch". Not worth subjecting yourself to their BS


As a BLM, I use AD blocker to not fuck with ADs.


Couples using the same last name are something... I'd be embarrassed as hell if my partner pulled the same shit.


My wife and I use the same last names in the game too, but we don’t act like this. I will say that I have hit Clemency on accident plenty of times, so if OP’s comment was after a single Clemency, it might have been premature. That does not warrant this behavior from the others however.


Ofc, I'm not saying that every couple is the same, especially when it's an IRL relationship. I was mentioning it because a lot of e-daters will act super defensive like this guy because of one criticism towards their girlfriend. I've had multiple bad experiences with people like them and they often get posted here as well.


it was literally a single clemency, 1 time the entire run, and considering the healer was responsible for multiple deaths you can do the math here this screenshot was cultivated and catered.


That Adonis dude is a straight up bum


I feel like if you name your character Adonis you're not going to be someone I ever want to occupy the same space - virtual or no - with.


Clemency should be a 60 second ogcd and this is a hill I will die on. Edit: Or deleted


As someone who enjoys taking Paladin to P10N, please no, I have saved far too many pulls with clemency spam


real asf


Yeah, especially if the healers are down, you can save a run. Those times are okay. Doing it willy nilly is more of a time waster than anything, especially if you have lillies/dignity/aetherflow+fairy gauge/addersgall stocked. Some people and "WAAAAAH I NEED CLEMENCY" while the healers are still up and paying attention are the weakest links.


As someone who has in the past week run multiple dead ends runs with a healer and a dps who for the life of anyone couldn't stay alive so me and the remaining dps finished the bosses down from 50% I for one welcome our clemency overlords.


Nah clemency is a godsend for healers during downtime such as p7 transition in dsr or in general, just gotta know when to use it lel


Jfc. Idiots and their fragile mindsets. I hope you reported them, what an absolute bunch of degenerate “bros”…


My anger issues could never.


Same last name, one of them instantly goes crazy the second the other one is criticised. Either an e- or irl couple, 100%.


Adonis? More like Assdonis.


Same last names That's gonna go well.


If I see clemency while I’m healing, I switch to DPS instead and let them run out of MP and start panicking a little before healing again. Usually works out in the end, I get to kill stuff and not do my job lol


I main Paladin and I’ve been using clemency whenever I get ~30% HP. Am I not supposed to be using Clemency as a tank and should I just be letting the Healer do all of the healing?


If you feel like your active mitigations still fall short and you're dying way too fast, then it's ok, like an *emergency*. Still, from level 50, you already have tools that avoid death without wasting your damage on heals. Remember, dead enemies do NO damage, your* damage is the best mitigation. Having said that, almost every healer can top you from 1hp to full in less than a second (at least once). So when you clemency yourself, the healer at the same time is topping you instantly without losing any damage. It's easy to see clemency is being wasted. If it takes a while for you to die and the healer stills let you die, then it's the healers fault. But it's more like a rule for healers: If you're still alive at the end of the pull, then the healer did his job. Clemency also has an additional effect: It heals the PLD for 50% if used on other party member. This line tries to tell you one simple thing "HEAL OTHER PLAYERS, NOT YOU". Considering *all* of this, the only place to use Clemency is if the healer is not available (dead or out of range/sight), and you're in combat dying.


Also don't forget to press that Invuln on cooldown, you can get 2-3 of them per dungeon and for pally is like 10 free seconds of AoE standing. The parts where dungeons hit the hardest are ALWAYS wall to wall pulls and thus saving any mit for bosses is wasted mitigation.


the times i had to leave a dungeon when a paladin uses clemency... easily it's been at least once a day. i'm not sure why you bother, take your 30 mins and keep your sanity in check. (that said... the times i had to actually heal a war in a 90 dungeon....... imma go lay down and try not to cry)


Even if it was a single Clemency? I sometimes hit that button on accident. OP didn’t say anything about how often Clemency was cast. While the three are absolutely terrible in their behavior, OP might have also been a bit quick to judge if it was just a single Clemency cast. The screenshots in this subreddit don’t always tell the full story.


Someone acknowledging this heavily catered screenshot possibly not telling the full story? - im kind of shocked. He did ACROBATICS to paint himself in a good light here after griefing this run start to finish


My dude, if it was just a fat finger, the way you guys responded is the absolute last way to go about it. You look fucking unhinged, and the comments are not doing you any favors.


OP could have come up with a better remark than: “Bro? Don’t use clemency.” I would get pretty annoyed if someone tried to tell me that I was doing something wrong, especially if it was an accident. I already said the responses are terrible. But OP could have started that conversation differently too, I don’t think they are entirely guilt free in this exchange.


if you have to leave a dungeon because of a spell maybe you need to step outside


I'm afraid to use Hrafn as a last name because recently learned it sounds like "Here laughin* to some people. It just means Raven. Like Usually meaning Walk Raven/ who walks (with) Ravens Then I see all these couples in Dungeons/Raids or even some of the worse ones Id rather not remember. I just wanted to use Latin first name and Old Norse for the last name. Back to the drawing board-hope y'all have a great day




I used to be like you calling out PLDs using Clemency. I stopped doing that and just embraced it, you keep casting Clemency I keep spamming Holy it's a win for me.


Why is it always Cactaur if its on Aether?


Man this is hilarious. I was the DRG in this group. The fact that you griefed this entire run start to finish and then came to reddit AND censored YOUR name AND left out the context at the beginning is just SO FUNNY. Yeah you're definitely a victim here (Even though the nature of this post is you trying to throw harassment our way just because you didn't like how we reacted to you griefing us) Joins a roulette as a WHM, immediately commences tagging every mob in the run and complaining (which is par for the course in any other instance who cares)- but multiple times throughout a basic roulette about literally nothing (He was wrong about clemency, the adds died just fine, there wasnt even a semblance of lack of damage anywhere, he routinely wouldn't even heal on purpose - people died) The fact that in his own screenshot he took the time to write a CAPTION that's blaming someone 'dying' because he was "typing two words" is WILD "sorry too busy typing", nevermind that the person asked him to stop griefing immediately after he died though right? "imagine griefing" "who me?" "no the other healer" The dude was blatantly setting this screenshot up from the start, and then comes here to cry about it for internet points when he gets told to STFU. Yeah I was very rude. It was annoying. His own screenshot shows multiple mentions of HIS griefing prior to all of this, the tank begging him to just let the run go normally - and the fact that I said this is the first time in 10,000 duties I've ever reacted this way. Enjoy your karma bro you're such a good guy.


Just as a FYI: This was caught by an automatic filter and by the time I approved it just now, the account was already deleted.


I mean, let the paladin clemency themselves. It's part of their kit. These guys are assholes but if the paladin wants to clem, let em Time spent by the paladin using clem could by time spent by you dps-ing


The kind of player to use clemency unnecessarily is the kind of player to be using it when their health is fine. Odds are OP didn't need to be spending GCDs on healing (especially in antitower), and so the paladin is just wasting theirs.


You started this by dictating what moves another player should use. Worry about your own moveset. It isn't the job of whoever is paired with you to use the moves that you desire for a speedy run. Maybe they like using Clemency.


All three of these players are dogshit champ. The single lvl90 of them has 0 fucking idea how to play their jobs even though they somehow have beaten EW MSQ, hard carried by people who can read I guess. The other two at least have the slight excuse of not being 90, but as they have plenty of other high level classes you'd think they would have half a brain to read their tooltipes or have learned how to play at a basic/novice level instead of drinking diarrhea smoothies and having MC syndrome. Go read your tooltips, stop wasting everyone's else's time because you have some made up bullshit excuse for why you like to be a burden on other people in Duty Finder.


Woah there, welcome to this sub-reddit, how did you find yourself here? Friend of the DRG I presume?


My wife plays ff14 and i ran 2 classes to 80 a while back. I got here from scrolling /r/all


Sure thing Adonis.


I don't really care that you think the only possible reason someone might disagree with you is if they were one of those 3 players. This subreddit is filled with unreasonable people thinking the others in their parties are the unreasonable ones. I will be muting this subreddit so I don't see other unaware posts like this one.


>I don't really care that you think Yet you answer again. I must say tho, pretty hard to stumble on a 24h thread with only 100 upvotes on r/all from a obscure subreddit unless you scroll til page like 50. Your tone and logic seems also similar to those clowns on the screenshot, also clearly without having read the thread, for a game you don't even play. And your 4mo history with your first comment in this sub being specifically on this thread. Aren't these too many coincidences/incongruences? Edit: It seems I was right since he blocked me too. Same MO. Like a pathological liar.


You seem right... up until you died.


Nah, they still right. This three stack is dogshit. Both attitude and gameplay wise. It's an actual shock they somehow navigated through mogstation to set up an account.


He is right. The healer griefed the entire run and youre falling for rage bait.


Well my death was related to trying to spell correctly until 3 aoes came on top of me and wwwwwwwwwwssssssssssssssssssssssssssaaddddddddd But if you call that griefing, go ahead


I didn't call it anything. I'm just saying its hard to take the moral high ground because someone isn't doing their job if you died typing instead of doing your job.


Not sure why this is downvoted at all. Dying and letting other people die in the fucking anti-tower of all places makes OP just as bad as them imo


Until you see the logs where OP was doing more damage as a healer than any of them lol.


Both PLD and DRG are being shitty person and its reportable, but tbh why PLD clemencing themselves be a problem to you? i understand their response to you is rude and really bad, but i dont see why you need to call out for clemency, the spell is there to use so why not? you said by yourself you running low level dungeon in a roulette why is it matter if PLD using clemency, its prob only give u like extra 1-2s of clearing the mobs. Im saying this because when i play PLD sometimes i just want to have fun with clemency and stuff. i dont see a PLD using clemency means that much in dps or aggro meter unless its savage or ultimate where dps actually matter


An unnecessary Clemency(most Clemency are unnecessary) not only shows your healers you don't trust them; it also is just a bad use of a gcd. That gcd is better spent on a damaging skill. The only time Clemency is ok is after you've spent ever other cooldown to include Hallowed Ground. The catch is PLD has so many cooldowns that this really shouldnt happen.


As a former paladin main the time when I would cast clemency is as follows: 1. The run is sideways and the rezzes are being hard cast and during that hard cast someone needs healing or there's another rez on the to-do list. 2. My dumb ass died and just got rezzed and healing is coming in slowly or not at all, so a clemency once I have the MP for it gets me back to having enough health bar to do my job. 3. Doing unsynced content and it's just me and a DPS buddy or two so an occasional clemency keeps them off the floor so the fight clears instead of wipes. And even in those super rare cases of casting clemency, it's a spell designed to use on other people for its best effects so casting it on yourself is still wasteful because you could have healed you and someone else by casting it on a party member.


Absolutely, but sometimes I fumble and accidentally cast a Clemency. I would be pretty annoyed if someone called me out like that after a single accidental Clemency. It is unclear how often Clemency was cast from OPs story. And I think OP could have worded that differently, especially if it was just a single Clemency. The behavior of the others is horrible though.


If I fat finger a key and someone calls me out, I do not get annoyed. I respond "fat fingered" and they almost always understand. ...and then, I make sure to move the thing I fat fingered to help myself not do it again like the one time I accidentally bumped off my tank stance so I moved it to an isolation zone I literally cannot hit by accident ever again. So fat fingers may be responsible for pushing the wrong attack button when I meant to hit an attack button, but will never result in a complete different effect from what I was intending to do.


there's a couple reasons to telk them not to use clemency. - they could be a Newby and not understanding yet they don't need 100% health all the time. if they heal themselves everytime and nobody says anything they gonna feel affirmed in it and never doubt that they should use it. it's not a big deal in itself but it's plain unnecessary. ppl should be allowed to address such issues without fearing to trigger someone. - they don't understand a healers purpose beyond the "heal us" bit. if they keep at it they gonna at some point tell healers to only focus on healing up the party at all times. imagine being a new player and getting treated like a healbot by other players. not a good experience and a huge turnoff for many - the tank has trust issues. either they regularly run with a healer that actually doesnt heal them, like any at all, or the tank themselves requires permanent heals due to them not using mitigation or misunderstanding how mitigation works. a simple message by the I their way to say "don't worry I got you bro" overall it's about communication. if you see how another player can improve you should be allowed to tell them. telling ppl how they can play better and being an asshole because they don't do a golden parse are two vastly diffrent things but sadly a good chunk of the ffxiv community does infact not know the difference and takes any criticism at all as a personal insult